Hello my writers. As I type this, it's 3:40 a.m. on the 29th here on the east coast. It's crunch time, down to the wire, sweet-Sisters-I'm-never-going-to-finish-in-time end of the run. For the Aussies and Asian folks giving this a go, it's even closer. However, I want you all to remember something: RELAX. Trust me on this. You can trust Baz Luhrman on the sunscreen.
It's been a long, tiring trot. Some writers have hit 500 words and ran face-first into writer's block. Some hit 50 K somewhere around week two. Some are desperately trying to figure out how to wrap up that one plot thread from back in chapter nine that never got resolved, word count or not. This happens. Relax.
I want to make something abundantly clear to each and every one of you. Whether you wrote nothing at all, or we have the next FO:E on our hooves, I'm proud of you. You looked at this event and went "Huh. Yeah sure, why not?" and decided to try. As a NaNo veteran, I could not be prouder. Thank you for even taking the time to try.
So, now that that's out of the way, down to the final little mini-FAQ:
Q. So... what now?
A. Now, when midnight hits local time on September 30th... lemme repeat that in all caps... AT MIDNIGHT LOCAL TIME ON THE 30TH, THAT MEANS AT 12:00 A.M. OCTOBER 1ST, YOU STOP WRITING, GET YOUR WORD COUNT, AND SEND EVERYTHING YOU’VE WRITTEN AND THE WORD COUNT ATTACHED, WHETHER CHAPTERED OR IN ONE DOC, TO eqnapowrimo@gmail.com! Also, please, include your name, pen name or otherwise.
Q. Do I get anything for winning?
A. At this time, other than one haybale of a sense of accomplishment? no. I hope to change that eventually.
Q. Will this be happening again?
A. Considering the turnout for this alone? I plan to, with better organization next year.
Q. Any particular format when we send it in?
A. I'd like the format to be as follows:
Subject line should be your fic title. In the body of the e-mail should be your author name and word count. Attached to the e-mail needs to be your current work as of when you stopped writing. That's it.
Finally, to Seth, Cereal, Phoe, Tek and all the other EqD pre-readers... Thanks for putting up with this nonsense from my silly flank.
- Siraj/Noble Cause
Princess Luna declares.
ReplyDeleteIf only I hadn't gone on holidays ;_;
ReplyDeleteWell, you can't get everything! I better keep writing and relying on the awesome guys and Ponychan <3
This has been, admittedly, a difficult task for me thus far. I'm more of a quality-over-quantity sort of writer, and my forte is flashfics and short stories; as such, it's been quite a challenge to keep my story afloat. These little pep talks, though, have been keeping me encouraged (and somewhat sleep deprived) throughout! It's been a hell of a ride so far, and there's still a little over 24 hours to go.
ReplyDeleteMy one's not really novel material and already got posted on EqD, so I'm not going to enter it. But, good luck to everypony who is participating.
ReplyDeleteAlas, my poor creative side - I knew it, Horatio.
ReplyDeleteI'll be falling short, but I hope to clear the halfway mark. It all really comes down to Friday; depending on how well my muse decides to cooperate, I could end up anywhere from 20-30k+.
ReplyDeleteWherever I end up though, this has been a fun motivator. Thanks you Siraj and anypony else who is helping to put this on.
As someone who's currently preparing and psyching up for NaNoWriMo, I'm a little downtrodden that I somehow completely missed this. Oh well, next year!
ReplyDeleteI must say I absolutely love how things like this. It's honestly great to see more art- and writing-based events popping up.
What do you mean by "official" word count?
ReplyDeleteI've only got that one thing that Word and Docs give me, but I don't know how to take that separately.
I broke the 50k mark on Saturday, now I'm just trying to finish the story! I think I can do it, though I'm hating the ending, now. Ah, well, I can fix that during revisions, right?
ReplyDeleteKeep it up, everyone!
I'm very close to the end, and I plan on writing nonstop once I'm done with my classes today, and all day tomorrow, to make sure my story is complete when I send it in.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little less than 30k behind.
ReplyDeleteChallenge Accepted.
I didn't hear about this till middle of the month, and thought it happened /LAST/ month.
ReplyDeleteSo kinda annoyed.
I think Noble Cause is a girl, Seth. I could be wrong, though.
ReplyDeletequick question: Is there any specific format you want us to submit it in? Google Docs? An attached file in the email? Would it be alright to just inculde a link to it on FF.net in the email?
ReplyDeleteI did it, and I can't wait to mail it in once I've edited for mistakes a couple more times. This was so much fun, and thanks for hosting it!
ReplyDeleteBeat you...I'm 34K under!
Let's see at my current rate of 500/ hour that means I need to fit 68 hours of solid writing into the next 31...no don't see a problem with that.
At 75k words, this is the biggest writing project I've completed. now to proof read and copy edit. Huzzah!
ReplyDeleteI got to 27K and pretty much broke when Season 2, Ep 1 came out. I'll write some more, and I've been posting to FIMFiction, but it's looking unlikely I'll complete.
ReplyDeleteI started out weak and didn't write for two weeks, so I only have ~3000 words, but I'm hoping I can get that up to at least 5-10k by the deadline.
ReplyDeleteWhew, that was an experience! I clocked in at about 31k (and this was only my Part 1 of a multipart, woohoo!). Just need to do a bit more proofing, submit, and then curl up in the corner and have a nervous breakdown over how good my fic is/isn't, a la RBD in "Sonic Rainboom" :3
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm just going to submit now.
ReplyDeleteI hit the mark, but I'm not sure about it yet. I worry that my lack of proofing will be my downfall.
Well, after scrapping the entire story twice and starting over, I've got a grand total of just over three thousand words compiled into the first chapter of what I hope will be a long and exciting fic. Not the ten thousand I was looking for, but I'm (mostly) satisfied with what I have. Submitted.
ReplyDeleteAgh, what? It's already NaPoWriMo? It's already OVER? School, WHY DO YOU MAKE ME SO UNORGANIZED. THAT ISN'T THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO WORK.
ReplyDeleteWhelp, sent both off. Hope they show em. ^^
ReplyDeleteI'm a little concerned the email address (eqnapowrimo) might not be working, because I haven't received any response back. I guess I'll just sit back and see what happens.
ReplyDeleteWell, see if you got mine cause I just sent it out.
ReplyDelete@ponydoraprancypants I want to second this. I've sent two, and didn't see any sort of acknowledgement or reply. I'll fire things off into the void of course, but...
ReplyDeleteAnd... mine is sent as well.
ReplyDeleteAlmost got finished! Broke 61,000 words, but ran out of time, even as I was compressing the final scenes to stuff it in before midnight. I'll probably finish it tomorrow, then work on revising it As written, this is already nearly three times longer than the longest thing I've ever previously written.
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting this together, Siraj! It's been loads of fun! I'm eager to see what others have come up with.
Well, I can't complain. I ended up just shy of 27k words. I think what kept me from reaching a larger number was that I was caring too much about what I was writing; stopping every other sentence to come up with just the right word kept me from building up a full head of writing steam.
ReplyDeleteBut that's okay. This was a story I was planning on writing anyway, the timing of the event just happened to work out perfectly for me. Where others may have had trouble figuring out what to write in a general sense, my obstacles were in the details. Next time I do this, if I don't have anything concrete that I'm working on at the time, I'll try writing something a bit more silly that I won't care about as much, so that I can just keep on churning out words even if they aren't the perfect fit for the situation in story.
Thanks again to Siraj for putting in the time for hosting this event, and to Seth and the other blog ponies for letting us use this site as a place for us to use as a home base, so to speak. Also, congratulations to everyone who broke the 50k mark! Well done! Hopefully next time, I'll have put up a larger number to match yours =)
Ended up about 6,000 words short of the mark. I've only told a third of the story, though- I have myself a nice little project in the coming months. Thanks, Siraj.
ReplyDeleteThanks for running this is was rather fun.
ReplyDeleteAh it is finally over and sent it seems. My my from the huge lack of ideas over the first few days, to the periods of lethargy when I got no work done, cumulating with the crunchiest no time for even a modicum of editing crunch time, at the moment I don't really want to think about that terrible rough draft of a fic again. It would also be nice if my fingers worked again.
All in all I will reiterate it has been fun thanks for running it.