• My Little Uno

    We sure do ponify the hell out of everything.  I don't think any form of media is safe. 

    Someone named Evan Holloway has created a remake of the classic Uno game, with some ponification to make it a bit more interesting.  Check out his primary page for all cards and information, along with new additional rules to mix things up a bit. 

    18 kommentaari:

    1. My two favorite things combined! the most simple card game to exist along with my little equines, woohoo!

    2. There has been a ponified Monopoly right?

      If not I already have my idea for all of the spaces.

    3. Yay more pony card games!

      Btw, I think purple #2 picture needs to be checked

    4. @Madadude

      Unfortunately yes, there has been one.

      ...Of course, there was also a pony Uno that's already come out before this one, so don't let that stop you!

    5. Yay, Uno. One of my all time favorite card games.

    6. Why is that unfortunate? The more ponified games the better.

    7. No Draw 2's, Wild Draw 4's or reverses? This isn't the Uno I once knew and loved. X3

    8. Pon-opoly? lol

      I say make a Pony Chess

    9. @Madadude

      Well, unfortunate for someone who wanted to be the first is what I meant.

    10. Why hasn't regular 52 card deck been ponified? I want to play in style!

    11. What's stopping Hasbro from making an official pony monopoly game?

    12. How about an Applejack Buckaroo? Or Pony Clue? Pony Guess Who? Pony Mousetrap?

    13. @GabuEx Yeah, I made those ones you're talking about. These new ones are very lovely, though!

    14. Anypony else notice there was only one red 4 card?

    15. >I don't think any form of media is safe.

      -Are you suuuuure ?

      I don't see any mime-ponies am I ? ;)

      ... GO !
