Just...just watch this. If you don't have a nostalgic attack, rewind time, be born earlier, and enjoy.
Embed after the break! (Also, I have no realistic idea why I'm being allowed to post this.)
Ah...Good times. Back when me and my friends were obsessed with Dragonball Z, I learned what anime was, and of course watching him die to that goop thing on the ship.
You guys know that there's a small movement to bring back Toonami in some form on the internet, right? No?
Here, take a look: http://www.neotoonami.com/forums/index.php
These guys are the farthest along of anyone I've seen in such an endeavor. Their new TOM designs and animations rock. And they're really rebuilding it from the ground up, with content decisions and scheduling and everything else involved. You don't have to participate in the forums, but its at least worth bookmarking.
As for the vid and the pic... WIN, SO MUCH WIN, in this brony's opinion. Mad props to the brony that made this.
Wow, I didn't expect my video to be put up on ED so quickly. I was working on variations on the intro and then submit all of them when I was done. No biggie.
Also, the pleasant nostalgia in these comments makes me a happy pony.
@@AltercationAdmiralCubie Tekaramity pops in and out every so often...he's a bit of a drifter, like Jingle from Hamtaro (which this Toonami spot was originally used for).
Note to anybody who wishes MLP:FiM was around back in the day: Lauren Faust was busy working on PPG and being married to/learning from Craig McCracken. Come to think about it, how many shows in The Hub's lineup first aired on Cartoon Network back in the day? Well maybe Batman and such were on Kids WB first, but still.
Anyway, watching that thing was pretty cool; even if I don't know much about Toonami. It seemed a lot better than recent things in today's TV world. Man, a lot of comments were posted for the last 45 minutes of it's posting. A lot of people definitely remembered this.
Protip: Don't use Blogger's built in embed thingy. Go directly to the video on YouTube and grab the new iframe-based embed. That way those of us on mobile devices that can only run Flash at 1FPS get the new HTML5 player instead :)
Sethisto always posts the iframe version, so ask him if you need help!
Toonami and adult swim made Cartoon network and they know it, adult swim has fallen only thing i even watch it for now is Full Metal Alchemist on Saturdays.
I remember all the way back in the day when Moltar was hosting. Robotech, DragonBall Z, Johnny Quest, Gundam Wing, G-Gundam, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo!...Those shows were bitch'n! =3
Wow, that really was one of the few times I've had nostalgia. I had completely forgotten about that guy(in the space suit or whatever it is) till watching this video, whoever made it, thank you.
Nostalgia'd so badly, I wish FiM had been around back then. AND on Toonami...it's all replaced with reality. What are you doing on there, reality? You don't belong there, you're not even a cartoon! Silly reality, go back to MTV and public broadcasts...
Wow, so much nostalgia. Man, I loved Toonami when I was a kid. I remember jumping onto the couch to catch it on TV was the first thing I did every day when I got back from school. It had such great shows and it always had the best promos. See ya starside, Tom!
Adding ponies to it just makes it all the more awesome!
I never really got to know the mascot guy, I didn't (and still don't) have cable. I watched all my toonami online on the website. Ah, those were the days. I cried when I went to watch my favorite shows and found that the site had been taken down. :'(
I think this is like the third time I've seen Tekeramity post. I forgot he was here since it's only Seth, Cereal, and Phoe on the Q&Neigh. I think he tries to only post when there's something really neat, and if I recall correctly, he's 3 for 3 in my book.
That's the really bizarre kind of nostalgia right there, where I totally forgot a thing existed and then all the good times slam into me like a halfbrick to the head.
Oh man, tear-jerking nostalgic wave inbound. I watched Toonami religiously.Used to watch it with my Dad and brother. Every day at first, then on the midnight run, then the Fridays only, then the Saturdays only. I loved every second.
My soul has forever ingrained into it a glowing shard of tooonami. Although it's dimmed to a low shimmer of incomplete and blurred memory, still it refuses to sink into the dark and unrecognizable void that holds my forgotten. I shall hold it with all strength until my mind can once more physically grasp it in the present. Upon that day, I will no longer need to hold it against the gravity of lost memories, as the shard will have transmogrified into a body that can sustain itself within me.
Now, if we can only get Peter Cullen to narrate an awesome Pony commercial ala this Hamtaro one he did for Toonami http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UiR5UrkwGY
As each day progresses, the 90's become just one more full rotation of the Earth farther away, a melancholy twenty-five thousand miles more distant from me. I not only miss Toonami (but my God do I miss Toonami), but also Kids WB. And Fox Kids. Even the Nicktoons lineup was rock solid back then with Rocko's Modern Life, Angry Beavers and Hey Arnold!.
If there's one thing MLP:FiM brings to me, it's hope. Hope that it brings enough attention to The Hub, and that The Hub can bring even more original programming into their lineup that further pushes the envelope of animated entertainment like Toonami, Nick, Fox, and the WB did over a decade ago...
I never had Cartoon Network as a kid (and still don't, stupid poverty) but I remember the few times I could watch it, I would never change the channel. Though I think we may have had a different version to what the Americans had.
Toonami was on while I was in late middle school and high school. By then I was more likely to be watching Quantum Leap after school and Star Trek Voyager (and towards the end of my stay, Star Trek Enterprise) with my mom in the evenings.
Childhood? I was watching DBZ on toonami in my 20's. What brings back memories of my childhood is watching the 13 english dubbed episodes of Dragon Warrior (originally called Dragon Quest: Legend of the hero Abel in Japan). Now I feel the need to do a pony crossover... maybe it will work and satisfy my need to go beyond level 13. Yes! this is good!
uhm, all you young whippersnappers. childhood. bah. i was, uhm, graduating highschool and getting ready for the endless and pointless toil and drudgery that is life when Toonami was airing. at least, that was when i was watching it.
The best part is, Toonami might have actually aired this show. If they were willing to take Powerpuff Girls and Hamtaro, FiM wouldn't have been much of a stretch.
@Fractured Heck yes I do! Just like how I remember Space Ghost Coast to Coast was the greatest thing EVER!
OH GOD I thought about how awesome Toonami+Ponies would be! Definitely two fated souls separated by the decades.
I think the last time I watched was around the time they showed Blue Submarine No.9 and Gundam Wing, but I remember Big-O, Tenchi, Outlaw Star, Sailor Moon... hell, even old-school ThunderCats! What made it all stand out was the attitude in which they were presented; even the intro to something like Hamtaro (which is the part of TOMs dialog used in this video) was delivered as if it were the most bad ass thing ever.
I have to say that i feel that that was real almost. I probably would have loved to have seen that when i was 10 years old back then. A lot of nostalgia ill tell yah. But who knows depedning on how long MLP Lasts...maybe one day well see something of this calibur come about.
Ponies are pretty badass so theyd fit right in in my book.
165 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaahh, Toonami. Brings back my child hood. Too bad there weren't ponies back then.
VastaKustutaDude... my childhood.
VastaKustutaAnypony else know that feel?
Ummm, Hi Tekaramity
VastaKustutaOhmigosh. YES. Why wasn't FiM created when Toonami still existed?
VastaKustutaNostalgiad so hard I need to buy a new closet. So awesome it hurts.
VastaKustutaAhhhh! This uses the audio for the Hamtaro one! :D
VastaKustutaGood times...
VastaKustutaNice, toonami was so awesome back in the day
VastaKustutaSo we meet again, Tek...
VastaKustuta@xXFAT PIGXx
VastaKustutaDeep anger and resentment.
With everything.
Imma go kill some ghouls...
Never was a huge fan of Toonami, but this was awesome regardless.
VastaKustutaOh my word...if only the 90's were actually smart enough to have made that happen.
VastaKustutaToonami, that brings me back...
VastaKustuta*remembers all the epic times and awesome shows*
*remembers that it was cancelled*
*remembers Tom's final message*
Using another show's description for MLP? Genius! Too bad FiM wasnt included
VastaKustuta@Streek471 Oh so I'm not crazy if I don't recognizing this name.
VastaKustutaAnyway. Hello Tekaramity!!
When cartoon network actually played good stuff, this show would have only added to the epicness that was Toonami
VastaKustuta*Has a sudden urge to watch Reboot*
VastaKustutaI want Toonami back! :)
VastaKustutaOHMYGOSH YES<333 I remember Toonami~
VastaKustutaThis is awesome haha! Great job to the creator!
Why did they ever get rid of toonami? it used to be so awesome.
VastaKustutaWe need to time travel and bring these ponies to toonami.
Oh the nostalgia. I still remember the first tom, that short funny little robot.
VastaKustutaI miss toonami so much...
VastaKustutaWelp, looks like I have to get the doctor and make a paradox...
VastaKustutaA...AAA.... AAAAAAAAAUGH....
*weeps uncontrollably*
VastaKustutaI miss Toonami so much, it's when all the good anime and cartoons came on, back then..
OH MY GOSH, it's Tekaramity!
Oh God, now I want old Toonami back. ;_;
I'm not gonna... I'm not gon-
VastaKustuta*crys manly tears*
Sniff... miss ya Tom. You made my childhood awesome.
*manly tears*
VastaKustutaToonami...good times
VastaKustutaYep. I remember.
VastaKustuta*get home from school*
VastaKustuta*sit through Reboot at 4:00 to get to DBZ at 4:30*
*all's right in the world*
Damn. So long ago when real cartoons existed. Why can't we go back in time. Now we really need Dr. Whoof.
VastaKustutaAh, the glory days. Only found memories now.
VastaKustutaHot tears of joy are pouring down my face right now from the nostalgia. Now back to the reality that I have my first classes of the year tomorrow.
VastaKustutaThat is one of the greatest things that I have ever seen in my life.
VastaKustutaI'm calling it now: new blogpony.
VastaKustutaAnd... wow. I feel really... melancholic.
@Jebediah Oldenheimer
VastaKustutaI know, man.
Even if I stop crying on the outside, I shall never stop crying on the inside.
Toonami WAS my childhood, damn it.
Jesus Christ! SO! MUCH! NOSTALGIA!
VastaKustutaThose are some of my greatest and most painful memories. Excuse me, I need to go cry manly tears for a while.
Tekaramity == Nostalgia blog pony
VastaKustutaWhy must everything good come to an end? *sob* I miss Toonami.
VastaKustutaOh wow, that does inject me with a little bit of the ol' nostalgia. That was awesome and you're darn right they're cute. :>
VastaKustutaI remember that intro for Hamtaro.
VastaKustutaGod I miss Toonami. But no, they had to replace it with Miguzi and then replace that with crappy live action ripoffs of mythbusters and other shows.
Hai... Tekeramity? I'm AdmiralCubie, nice to meet you!
VastaKustutaNostalgia coma, here I come.
VastaKustutaThe golden days.
>Listening to Cascade, the song used during Tom's final message
VastaKustuta>Still weeping
Oh Toonami, those were the days.
VastaKustutaAhhh yes, cartoon network before it sucked eggs. At least it's getting better. Can't say the same thing for Adult Swim though.
VastaKustutaAh...Good times. Back when me and my friends were obsessed with Dragonball Z, I learned what anime was, and of course watching him die to that goop thing on the ship.
VastaKustutaTwo words: "Easy Muffin"
VastaKustuta+1 internet if you get the reference and the pun.
Now those were good times haha r.i.p. toonami
VastaKustuta(Just cries)
VastaKustutaOh there were... there were
Thanks Tek, that takes me back... that was awesome
VastaKustutaI can't even remember what I'm watching on TV now... But I remember this as the hamtaro promo. Priorities!
VastaKustutaYou magnificent bastard.
VastaKustutaI miss Toonami so much
VastaKustuta;-; brb imma go cry myself into a corner. Nostalgia so hard.
VastaKustutaI only watched Toonami for the Code Lyoko.
VastaKustutaYou guys know that there's a small movement to bring back Toonami in some form on the internet, right? No?
VastaKustutaHere, take a look: http://www.neotoonami.com/forums/index.php
These guys are the farthest along of anyone I've seen in such an endeavor. Their new TOM designs and animations rock. And they're really rebuilding it from the ground up, with content decisions and scheduling and everything else involved. You don't have to participate in the forums, but its at least worth bookmarking.
As for the vid and the pic... WIN, SO MUCH WIN, in this brony's opinion. Mad props to the brony that made this.
Born earlier? Honestly, I think this was just slightly after my time.
VastaKustuta29 years old here.
Am I the only one that knows that Tekaramity isnt a new blog pony?
VastaKustutaHa ha... wow Tek. That's quite the gem. I do feel nostalgic indeed.
VastaKustutaOriginal Creator here.
VastaKustutaWow, I didn't expect my video to be put up on ED so quickly. I was working on variations on the intro and then submit all of them when I was done. No biggie.
Also, the pleasant nostalgia in these comments makes me a happy pony.
VastaKustutaAnd for a little peek at what NeoToonami is all about, check THAT out, too.
I would say the narrator's voice is a bit hard on the ears, but TOM's voice is near spot-on.
I totally forgot of this segment. Toonami. Good times.
VastaKustutaI think I sprained my nostalgia muscle.
VastaKustutaMemory flood
VastaKustutaTekaramity pops in and out every so often...he's a bit of a drifter, like Jingle from Hamtaro (which this Toonami spot was originally used for).
Note to anybody who wishes MLP:FiM was around back in the day: Lauren Faust was busy working on PPG and being married to/learning from Craig McCracken.
Come to think about it, how many shows in The Hub's lineup first aired on Cartoon Network back in the day? Well maybe Batman and such were on Kids WB first, but still.
Manly. Tears. Never forget.
VastaKustutaThis was the Toonami into for Hamtaro! Oh my Celestia I'm stroking out from nostalgia!
VastaKustuta@Daniel the Brony (Una nobis custodit! Towards a darker future.)
VastaKustutaTekaramity prefers to work behind the scenes of the website; but he'll pop up now and then. You're not alone dude, I'm sure some of us stick around the website to know what's going on.
Anyway, watching that thing was pretty cool; even if I don't know much about Toonami. It seemed a lot better than recent things in today's TV world. Man, a lot of comments were posted for the last 45 minutes of it's posting. A lot of people definitely remembered this.
Ah, Toonami, where it began all those years ago.
VastaKustutaThis got my inner child exited in remembering how awesome DBZ was back then.
Then my rational piped up at how I reread the dragonball manga a year ago, and it was just a soap opera with giant monkeys.
Then rational locked up inner child back in his cage until the next time he needs to come out.
Estimating 11 days before that happens again.
Toonami... Such great stuff back then... (sigh)
VastaKustutaomg awesome. loved toonami ssoo much. Miss watching dragon ball z :(
VastaKustutaI have only one thing to say about this: Fuck yes.
VastaKustutaMy...My... *sobs* My Childhood!
VastaKustutaProtip: Don't use Blogger's built in embed thingy. Go directly to the video on YouTube and grab the new iframe-based embed. That way those of us on mobile devices that can only run Flash at 1FPS get the new HTML5 player instead :)
VastaKustutaSethisto always posts the iframe version, so ask him if you need help!
Aww toonami, gracing me with dbz since before I could spell kamehameha.
VastaKustutaI just shed manly, nostalgic tears. This thing basically was my childhood. Rest in Peace, TOM.
Dear Cartoon Network,
VastaKustutaStop giving us this lousy garbage called Realty shows and go back to what you do best...TOONAMI!
I miss TOonami....
VastaKustutaDoes anypony remember the Toonami before Tom? When it was Moltar or whatever his name was from Space Ghost?
VastaKustutaToonami and adult swim made Cartoon network and they know it, adult swim has fallen only thing i even watch it for now is Full Metal Alchemist on Saturdays.
VastaKustutaWoah! It's a Tekaramity sighting! That's really rare!
VastaKustutaAdult Swim isn't bad, but they just don't have the sheer repertoire of Toonami.
VastaKustuta@Jebediah Oldenheimer
VastaKustutaWEll toonami is comming back, google Neo Toonami
I wub it.
VastaKustuta@Silver Aura
VastaKustutaAlready did. And I must say, I'm quite impressed with what they're doing.
Wow, it's like my first childhood got up one night, really hungry, and accidentally ate my second childhood by mistake.
VastaKustutaChildhoodception, if that makes any sense.
That... This... That... Damn.
VastaKustutaI remember all the way back in the day when Moltar was hosting. Robotech, DragonBall Z, Johnny Quest, Gundam Wing, G-Gundam, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo!...Those shows were bitch'n! =3
VastaKustutaTekaramity: "I may not post often, but when I do, I post Awesome."
VastaKustuta@WollffeeyThat can be done easily enough. The entire series was released on DVD just this year.
VastaKustutaSo much nostalgia. This is good work here. Toonami 2000-2004.5 was really the best part of my childhood.
VastaKustuta"The world will not be destroyed. It will merely... change..."
VastaKustutaMad Rhetoric
To really get your nostalgia engines running, if they weren't allready.
Long Live Tom. Long Live Sarah and the Absolution. Long Live Toonami.
This is pretty good. Seeing this reminds me of the days when I would watch Dragonball,Hamtaro, and Sailor Moon in the afternoon.
VastaKustutaI miss tonami so much :/
VastaKustutaI’m not having a nostalgia attack because I was born earlier. Much, much earlier. Early 1960s earlier. Dear God I feel old.
VastaKustutaToonami, how I miss thee.
VastaKustutaChildhood calls people, gonna pop in the DBZ.
VastaKustutaOh yes!! Moltar was off the chain and that's back in the day when they just started to show anime on normal TV instead of on SciFi at 1 am.
I always liked the intro Moltar did for Sailor Moon: "This one's goin' out ta all the laydees."
Damn, I feel old!
VastaKustutaWow, that really was one of the few times I've had nostalgia. I had completely forgotten about that guy(in the space suit or whatever it is) till watching this video, whoever made it, thank you.
VastaKustutaMan dem memories :,(
VastaKustutaNostalgia'd so badly, I wish FiM had been around back then. AND on Toonami...it's all replaced with reality. What are you doing on there, reality? You don't belong there, you're not even a cartoon! Silly reality, go back to MTV and public broadcasts...
VastaKustutaThis is the greatest thing ever.
VastaKustutaMy childhood did not include cable or satellite
VastaKustutaPowerful stuff. I miss you Tom and all that you stood for. From your video game reviews to your sick commercial breaks
VastaKustutaDamn. Toonami got me through middle and high school. Shit was the most epic thing on tv back in the day.
VastaKustutaI'm still gold, Tom. I'm still gold.
Well... I think I just died inside... I can't even cry it's so nostalgic...
VastaKustutaIf only...
Ah, the good old days.
VastaKustutaNot everybody had cable, bro.
VastaKustutaLooks cool though.
Also, there was Pinkie. Pinkie makes shit awesome.
Wow, so much nostalgia. Man, I loved Toonami when I was a kid. I remember jumping onto the couch to catch it on TV was the first thing I did every day when I got back from school. It had such great shows and it always had the best promos. See ya starside, Tom!
VastaKustutaAdding ponies to it just makes it all the more awesome!
VastaKustutaNo, actually, I'm pretty sure Tek's been a blog pony since before Cereal, he just disappears off the face of the Earth for weeks/months at a time.
I never really got to know the mascot guy, I didn't (and still don't) have cable. I watched all my toonami online on the website. Ah, those were the days. I cried when I went to watch my favorite shows and found that the site had been taken down. :'(
VastaKustutaI think this is like the third time I've seen Tekeramity post. I forgot he was here since it's only Seth, Cereal, and Phoe on the Q&Neigh. I think he tries to only post when there's something really neat, and if I recall correctly, he's 3 for 3 in my book.
VastaKustutaThat's the really bizarre kind of nostalgia right there, where I totally forgot a thing existed and then all the good times slam into me like a halfbrick to the head.
THANK YOU PONIES! My childhood has been revived!
VastaKustutaThat was pretty great :)
VastaKustutaO god, all those afternoons sitting in front of the tv with my older brother and sister, they are all coming back to me
VastaKustutasweet filly celestia.
VastaKustutaMy entire childhood of eagerly awaiting Friday's marathons then Saturday's toonami with my anime fix. memories....memories.....
Oh man, tear-jerking nostalgic wave inbound. I watched Toonami religiously.Used to watch it with my Dad and brother. Every day at first, then on the midnight run, then the Fridays only, then the Saturdays only. I loved every second.
VastaKustutaI remember this. Good times.
VastaKustutaMan, that story arc was so engaging.
I must admit that it freaked me out quite a bit when they killed the first Tom.
Fatbelly tom was the best host evha <3
VastaKustutaMy soul has forever ingrained into it a glowing shard of tooonami. Although it's dimmed to a low shimmer of incomplete and blurred memory, still it refuses to sink into the dark and unrecognizable void that holds my forgotten. I shall hold it with all strength until my mind can once more physically grasp it in the present. Upon that day, I will no longer need to hold it against the gravity of lost memories, as the shard will have transmogrified into a body that can sustain itself within me.
VastaKustutaToonami WAS my childhood.
VastaKustutaNow, if we can only get Peter Cullen to narrate an awesome Pony commercial ala this Hamtaro one he did for Toonami
Damn, I just nostalgiad all over my keyboard. What a mess.
VastaKustutaand a many manly tears were shed that day
VastaKustutaAs each day progresses, the 90's become just one more full rotation of the Earth farther away, a melancholy twenty-five thousand miles more distant from me. I not only miss Toonami (but my God do I miss Toonami), but also Kids WB. And Fox Kids. Even the Nicktoons lineup was rock solid back then with Rocko's Modern Life, Angry Beavers and Hey Arnold!.
VastaKustutaIf there's one thing MLP:FiM brings to me, it's hope. Hope that it brings enough attention to The Hub, and that The Hub can bring even more original programming into their lineup that further pushes the envelope of animated entertainment like Toonami, Nick, Fox, and the WB did over a decade ago...
VastaKustutaHeck, 41 here and I loved Toonami, it made watching TV fun... then it died *cries*
The CG is ok, little primitive, but it works. I'm going to have to keep an eye on this one!
I want my Toonami back dammit.
VastaKustutaThat, and Steven Blum recording a line saying Toonami just got 20% Cooler.
VastaKustutaNo promo can top this.
I only remember toonami being something I looked up at like it was for older kids but I used to LOVE Samurai Jack!!
VastaKustutaI never had Cartoon Network as a kid (and still don't, stupid poverty) but I remember the few times I could watch it, I would never change the channel. Though I think we may have had a different version to what the Americans had.
VastaKustutaToonami was on while I was in late middle school and high school. By then I was more likely to be watching Quantum Leap after school and Star Trek Voyager (and towards the end of my stay, Star Trek Enterprise) with my mom in the evenings.
VastaKustutaThis just made my day!
VastaKustutaDoes anybrony else remember Toonami Lockdown? It was one of my favorite Cartoon Network games alongside the Beach Resort adventure game.
VastaKustutaChildhood? I was watching DBZ on toonami in my 20's. What brings back memories of my childhood is watching the 13 english dubbed episodes of Dragon Warrior (originally called Dragon Quest: Legend of the hero Abel in Japan). Now I feel the need to do a pony crossover... maybe it will work and satisfy my need to go beyond level 13. Yes! this is good!
VastaKustutauhm, all you young whippersnappers. childhood. bah. i was, uhm, graduating highschool and getting ready for the endless and pointless toil and drudgery that is life when Toonami was airing. at least, that was when i was watching it.
VastaKustuta*cries tears of nostalgia* Oh. God. Yes.
VastaKustutaOh my God, I forgot all about Toonami. So much nostalgia...
VastaKustutaThe best part is, Toonami might have actually aired this show. If they were willing to take Powerpuff Girls and Hamtaro, FiM wouldn't have been much of a stretch.
Heck yes I do! Just like how I remember Space Ghost Coast to Coast was the greatest thing EVER!
Well, they are kinda cute.
VastaKustutaI didn't have a nostalgia attack because I was born too early for Toonami.
VastaKustutaOh well.
Wow, I feel really old right now. What was this, late 90's?
VastaKustutaI would have more nostalgia if it wasn't the later Toonami,when it was already falling apart.
VastaKustutaThe older style of animation was better, in my opinion
Oh geez. I just was just nostalgia'd all the way back to 1999.
VastaKustutaThe memories they burn!
VastaKustutaI fangasmed. Hard.
VastaKustutaOH GOD I thought about how awesome Toonami+Ponies would be! Definitely two fated souls separated by the decades.
VastaKustutaI think the last time I watched was around the time they showed Blue Submarine No.9 and Gundam Wing, but I remember Big-O, Tenchi, Outlaw Star, Sailor Moon... hell, even old-school ThunderCats! What made it all stand out was the attitude in which they were presented; even the intro to something like Hamtaro (which is the part of TOMs dialog used in this video) was delivered as if it were the most bad ass thing ever.
haha i totally remember this! :)
VastaKustutaAh nostalgia...
VastaKustutaFinally! Almost all my friends thing most AS stuff is great, I think most of it is trash these days.
I have to say that i feel that that was real almost. I probably would have loved to have seen that when i was 10 years old back then. A lot of nostalgia ill tell yah. But who knows depedning on how long MLP Lasts...maybe one day well see something of this calibur come about.
VastaKustutaPonies are pretty badass so theyd fit right in in my book.