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Gleeeeeee! |
The compilation features plenty of activities and images, a few of which are of actual people you might recognize, or at least remember from back when those got leaked. Season Two is almost here, everypony! Perhaps you could occupy yourself with this until the magic hour is upon us...
Brony Coloring Book: Volume 2 (Warning: There is a Discord page)
29 kommentaari:
Time to get drawing!
VastaKustuta74 pages of things to colour? hmm. I think I prefer just doing sketches. But puzzles seem good, would probably be a lot more interested if I weren't ill right now.
VastaKustutaYay more nonograms. :D
VastaKustutaThose are the characters in the balloon, right? When did they get leaked?
VastaKustutaThat's my very carefully done artist's interpretation of the characters in the balloon. Pretty accurate, I think, although the one on the right might look more like "Al Capony." It's been confirmed that Cherry is the one on the left, and the one on the right is either Snappy Scoop [a paparazzi from Green Is Your Color] or a nearly identical character.
VastaKustutaThere's a Sethisto page.
VastaKustuta... There's a Sethisto page.
You can colour Sethisto.
Also, Discord's in there, for those of you still avoiding spoilers like the plague.
VastaKustutaMe: aww sweet another colouring book, well I'll just-*sees the warning*
@Miyajima As soon as I've seen the new episode, Seth, I'm making ya green.
VastaKustutaGuys, just don't print pages 14 and 75, and you'll be Discord free til it airs.
VastaKustutaYou'd be more disappointed in me if I HADN'T put Discord in there!
Er, pages 14 and 74 I mean.
VastaKustutaTime to make my printer cry more then normal!
VastaKustuta*is wishing he had a working printer*
Another coloring book. Fun stuff.
VastaKustutaJust had a look through this, the effort that must have gone into it is astonishing. Flutterscotch is my favourite.
VastaKustutaOne of the chicken in Fluttershy's pen should be named Shaun. Just because.
VastaKustutaNonogram puzzle is best puzzle
VastaKustuta"Warning: there is a discord page."
VastaKustutaThanks for the warning! I've been trying to stay away from season 2 spoilers as much as possible, and I appreciate it when I am warned of such things, just like mylittlebrony FAILED TO DO! And now I know what Discord looks like in that scene and I cannot unsee it!
Once again, thank you for your consideration. :)
As soon as I can get ahold of a printer and a suitable set of colored pencils, I'll print both of these coloring books out.
VastaKustutaI really, really want to color these, dammit.
Gotta love the Celestia page. I bet this the only coloring book in the world that has so much use of the 'F' word.
VastaKustutaLOL all the way.
I love these books, but I just wish Big Mac got his own page... and more Zecora~~~ >w<
VastaKustutaTime to color~! 8D
Big Mac essentially got a page to himself in the first book. Here, he also gets two nonograms!
VastaKustutaI'm doing the nonograms myself right now. Challenging! I should have put a few more easier ones in.
I have never done a nonogram before in my life.
VastaKustutaStarted on last page, the 50x50 Discord page...
mah branes hert /)9ɛ6(\
I got the bigger stuff... but MAN, do those smaller numbers hurt my neurons!
Yay! I can see a mouth and nose and a snaggle tooth! I have the bottom 22 rows and the left 11 columns fully solved. The rest... will probably make my head explode... twice!
VastaKustutasweet cock and hella shy YESSSSSSSS
VastaKustutawoo hoo
i rock
Completed the 50x50 nonogram puzzle of Discord...
Well, my very first one, and it's the most complex one of the coloring book! Guess it's all down hill from here!
I'm impressed Rich!
VastaKustutai really liked much of this but I had a bit of a problem with all the swearing on the Celestia page, I'm usually good with a bit of colourful language but this seemed a tale excessive to me... I know its an adult themed book (and I adore being Cheerillee-rolled) but just wondering Celestia's page seemed a bit out of character with the rest of the book?
VastaKustutai have my childrend goods My Little Pony. By http://www.spumabali.com/