• Music: Three More BGM Tracks

    They really need to release a compilation of these.. I'm hoping the first FiM CD at least has a few.

    1.) BGM - A Feeble Performance
    2.) BGM: The Best Gala Ever (Friendship Report BGM)
    3.) BGM: This Isn't What I Wished For


    1. the music compliments the scenes entirely.

    2. Oh wow, I was listening to those three earlier before this blog post showed up. And yes, more BGM has arrived!

    3. It seems that the only episode of season 2 that we've seen now, has started a background music trend.

    4. The second one reminded me of Hobbiton. It was quite good.

    5. did not hearing the end credits theme after #2 leave anyone else feeling cut off?

    6. William Anderson is an awesome composer! Especially love #2 here.

    7. Oh hey, my Feeble Performance music rip landed here! Along with my partner's. =3

      I've got another rip coming shortly - it's six and a half minutes of Will Anderson music - and I have to say, it's my absolute favorite music rip that I've done to date. It should be up around Saturday if things go as planned... give or take a couple of days.

    8. The "This Isn't What I Wished For" bgm always reminds me of Being John Malkovich.

    9. Thanks for posting these Seth! And great job on the Feeble Performance rip, Senn!

      Senn555 is the master at getting just about a clean a rip as possible without an official soundtrack - he does a lot more than just stripping the channels from the 5.1 mix - there's a lot of removing sound effects and the like which can be pretty time consuming! Thanks buddy, we all appreciate it!

    10. Rainbow Dash is best background music.

    11. You can still hear the voices in the 2nd one. They're quiet, but they're still there.

    12. @InfinityDash
      Thank *you* for being an awesome collaborator to work with. I couldn't ask for anyone better~

      As for stripping away SFX... that I do. Yes.

    13. @Tyroq
      Yeah, sorry about that - they're heavily embedded in the audio track and I couldn't completely remove them :(

    14. #3 sounds a lot like the Party of One music doesn't it? I'm thinking particularly of OrchestralDesign's rescoring of it.

    15. Hmm backround music, oh well i'll try it out...wow all were GREAT!

    16. I'm so glad we're able to do this and showcase the awesome work William Anderson does. It really does get lost in the shuffle when you're watching an episode - I'm sure subconsciously it's doing exactly what it's supposed to, but I still enjoy being able to truly appreciate it without distraction.
