• Music : Solitary Sonata / Luna's Nightmare / Everfree Compromise

    Music time! Sad stuff, Electronic Stuff, and Octavia Vs Scratch Stuff. 

    1.) PiercingSight - Solitary Sonata (Tiara)
    2.) Luna's Nightmare
    3.) Everfree Compromise

    22 kommentaari:

    1. Yes, I love Octavia v Scratch stuffs!

    2. PiercingSight's video has an accompanying poem in the description on the youtube page. it's a good read.

    3. I liked the poem to the first...and it's nice to see someone be a bit nice to Diamond Tiara.

    4. I love #1, it reminds me so much of, "A Waltz For Trixie," these sad songs are always really well done.

      The beginning of #2 sounded like something from a Zelda game to me. The end was nice. I rate this one an astounding, OKAY!

      It's funny that #3 had no cello playing in it(in before someone cares that I said cello and not double bass(get over it, cello sounds nicer)) I really liked this one, the gentle, soothing music that's made by you bronies is always amazing.

    5. #3

      Sounds like smooth jazz.

      I can dig it.

    6. i think this music fits better for the third video, you know octavia vs dj p0n3/scratch/vinyl


    7. Pogosama here, artist behind #3. Thanks for all the love, it really keeps me motivated to get better and pump out some more tunes. To be honest, the vs thing was sort of a realization rather then a basis for creation. I figured Octavia would enjoy the more classical elements while Vinyl would dig that beat. It's their favorite music in one. :D

    8. Great stuff all around. #2 is outstanding!

    9. The first was downright beautiful! I hope the studio does more than just school bully for her character.

      The second was kinda cool.

      The third was tight.

    10. Good stuff. I've really been enjoying the recent songs from PiercingSight, and the Everfree Compromise is just smashing.

    11. First song is so nice and gentle. Plus, I absolutely love the tranquil sound of rain.

      Second song was alright. Had a kinda cool beat I thought.

      I'm kinda torn on the third. I kinda liked it, but at the same time, it almost felt like I was listening to the Weather Channel. lol But not a bad piece at all.

    12. #1: Short, simple, and beautiful. And the poem along with it is pretty good.

      #2: Sounds like something I'd hear while playing Super Meat Boy. Pretty fun.

      #3: OH, SHIT. This is my jam for the rest of the week.

    13. #1 reminded me of the song "Once Upon a December" from Anastasia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs2VL_HYG9Y&feature=related for instrumental comparison.

      Very good stuff, all of it today. Bronies ftw. ^_^

    14. Aw, Poor Diamond Tiara.
      I shouldn't feel sad, cause it's her, but...

    15. @Tyroq

      Yeah, you're right! It's kinda the same atmosphere. Though, it's not plagiarism nor anything. I hope this guy's going to make more songs like that.

    16. @Soggy_Doggy Yep, that was my reaction too.

      She's such a jerk, and yet... :c
