• Music: Next Saturday / L'esprit de générosité

    Octavia VS Scratch time.  

    1.) Chain Algorithm - Next Saturday
    2.) L'esprit de générosité - An ode to rarity

    20 kommentaari:

    1. more music? does this fandom never not produce music?

    2. this #2 is REALLY good. or maybe I'm just an utter sucker for piano music.

    3. @wackyteen I would be sad if this fandom WASN'T producing music. To all the musicians and remixers out there, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! We all appreciate you. :D

    4. Ich höre gerne zur Ponymusik

    5. @LcplBronyUSMC oh, I'd be sad too.

      <.< Soon my downloaded songs from fandom will exceed that of Season 1.

    6. Anyone notice the notice on #2 to NOT send it to EqD? :P Wonder if that's just an old annotation.

      Beautiful nonetheless!

    7. I liked #1, energetic and fun to listen to.

      #2 *sigh* It seems some people just have problems with reading annotations and obeying the wishes of the creators of these songs, that is unless he did send it in and decided to keep the annotations.
      ANYWAYS, #2 is very nice, I personally love the piano, though I'd never have the coordination necessary to play it. The only thing that I feel could have improved this one is if it had some orchestral instruments in it.

    8. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    9. @Jelfes

      There is this pic, but I don't think there's a PMV yet.


    10. @RainbowYoshi Thanks! But I already found the link to it here, that's why I removed that comment. I just couldn't find it right away due to my massive amount of favorited PMVs.

    11. xD I'm curious to see who sent that in. Oh well! I'm glad people are enjoying it though

    12. @RainbowYoshi

      Actually the pic is based on Katy Perry's song "Last Friday Night". And abunch of people already made PMVs for it.

    13. I can't choose between which one I like more! They're both so amazing! :D

    14. @wackyteen

      I'm also a sucker for piano music. It's pretty good

    15. wow, seth can't read what basch posted in his video XD

    16. I like both, but I think #2 needs more then just the piano

    17. Another ChainAlgo song. Sumbitch can't do ANYTHING wrong, can he?
