I haven't had a chance to use this image in ages.
I don't even like hip-hop (my library is filled with progressive rock and metal, for Celestia's sake) and I love the second one. That's how good it is.
1.) Impressions of Celestia Origins
2.) Pony Swag Megamix
3.) Test Pony
72 kommentaari:
isnt the 1st one in the remix war? havent checked tbh
VastaKustutaAll the Makkon.
VastaKustutaIt's... it's beautiful.
Yeps. Pony Swag Megamix is here. Or rather it was here yesterday.
VastaKustutaI find myself listening to far more music than usual thanks to ponies and I don't dislike it in the slightest.
VastaKustuta>progressive rock and metal
VastaKustutaA cereal after my own heart!
Still awesome though. Of course, its a Makkon song, so that goes without saying
VastaKustutaAlso, I love how the Arnold bit is the part that got selected for the preview.
VastaKustutaArgh, I'm not listening to a 17-minute hip-hop at midnight on a weekday, even if it is ponies!
VastaKustutaThe other two definitely in the remix war; heard them earlier.
I need the MP3 for that megamix
VastaKustutaListening to so much music right now, and downloading almost all of them!
VastaKustutaMakkon does just the BEST, doesn't he?! Huge kudos.
VastaKustutaLulzy is awesome. Over 17 minutes of AWESOME!
VastaKustutaMakkon is amazing at capturing theme in music. I enjoyed both his songs. Well done.
VastaKustuta#3 sounds like the menu screen for Dragonball Z Budakai 2... how do I still remember that?!
VastaKustutaMy mind is blown.
Finally hit EQD! hooray! Megamix steals the show here. So much fun gettin in the mix with everyone!
VastaKustutaNumber 1 was truly fantastic. Bravo!
VastaKustuta#1 Get pretty epic after the 2:30 mark.
VastaKustuta#2 needs it's own post in my opinion.
VastaKustutaI still have work to do!
Ponies?! Y U NO let me stay focused!
Number 2 is awesome :D Although I'm in it so I might be a bit bias... :P
VastaKustutaHey, not like you said it's only beautiful at your part! That entire thing was just bad ass, and I personally feel lucky to have been a part of it too.
The Brony Syndicate, aw yeah.
Ooh, which progressive rock, Cereal? I'm a huge fan of Yes, Gentle Giant, Thinking Plague, King Crimson, etc.
VastaKustutaJust for the record, when your rhyme hit I started cheering in my computer chair. Sick flow mang.
the megamix is megaAwesome this truly is teh best fanbase evar
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
Both of you were fly as fuck on that track. Seriously. It was an honor getting to rap with you guys.
>my library is filled with progressive rock and metal, for Celestia's sake
VastaKustutaAh, you're a man after my own heart, Cereal.
And so are you! :D
Castle here, it was an honor to be on the same track as Belle, Mic, Pogo and Cooldog! The rest too of course but they're the only ones I've seen comment here. xD
VastaKustuta1 is good
VastaKustuta3 is AMAZING
VastaKustutaDude. You flow was so sporadic and kinda bitchin' because of that. Loved your collaborative effort. Good on you!
VastaKustutaYou guys were AWESOME, it was a pleasure having you all on the track!!! :D
...Can't say the same about having to do post production on every single verse though :P
@I Bring Da LULZ
VastaKustutaThe love is there man, you really brought the whole thing home. So much good came out of it too! Look at all the love man, talk about living the creed. Hit me up for w/e comes next! Let's rock this fandom syndicate style.
@Mic The MicrophoneThanks man, it's an honor considering it was one of my first attempts, haha. Yours were just amazing, especially the second one. It pretty much describes my thought process about getting involved in this but now I'm damn glad I did.
VastaKustutaIll second that there pogo. I'm in for collab all day!
@I Bring Da LULZ It was a pleasure to BE on the track. Also like Pogo said, let me know when you guys plan on doing something like this again.
VastaKustutaTo Castle and every other Pony, I'm already organizing another Syndicate Collab. Hit me up on MSN or Skype and I'll give you the details. Anyone can get in on this, but I will cap out so we don't have like... 30 people on this track. XD
VastaKustutaMSN: [email protected]
Skype: Mic_The_Microphone
VastaKustutaThat second verse actually has a lot of personal meaning behind it... It's a long story, but also beside the point. It was great getting to work with you, and I hope you'll be willing to jump on this next collab effort I'm personally planning!
I'm thoroughly embarrassed now... I wish I had a chance to re-do this. Aww well, Being on EQD is awesome, and I couldn't be happier.
VastaKustutaOh Castle! Nice work on the track. Despite how much of a mouthful that was, you really delivered that verse cleanly.
VastaKustutaDon't be dude. Your shit wasn't half bad! Not only that, you got top tier on the track! I was actually quite jelly. :I
@Mic The MicrophoneWill do, my Skype is aeon_castle. Looks like I'll finally have a use for it now. xD Also, thanks Kryptage! In all honestly I wasn't too happy with the second verse, I kinda flubbed it but ah well.
VastaKustutaHOLY CRAP the second one was amazing. I think my favorites were TheSweetesBelle, Swagberg and...
VastaKustutaArnold Scharzneggar?
I'm probably gonna watch it again
Yeah the other videos were good
Really like that first song. Starts out slow and mellow. Then they mix in some more dramatic and rich sounds. Well done.
VastaKustutaWow... that Pony Swah Megamix... it's beautiful! That was really something, dang. And keep in mind, I am not a rap fan either myself. But these pony raps are too fun to listen to. This is a really epic pony rap mix. Prison's rap... oi. Of course, Prison. lol That was bad. But in the awesome way!
Third is pretty cool. Fun and energetic beat. Love it.
@Mic The Microphone
VastaKustutaHeh, ya'll might as well do a whole EP or somethin.
I make beats btw.
And I've been told I'm quite good at it.
@Mic The Microphone
VastaKustutaI know it wasn't bad, but I see a bunch othings I could have done better. You are right though, I can't complain about the placement. At least I had so many great people making the song better. Just being in a piece of work with some of you is great.
VastaKustutaWelcome to showbiz! It happens to me constantly. Don't worry about it! Jump on the next track and keep pushing yourself!
@Mic The Microphone
VastaKustutaI'll definitely be in the community after this... I just can't wait to see my friend's face when he hears me, his dream is to get something onto EQD.
VastaKustutaYea i hear ya. I had to do like 4 final recordings before i was satisfied with mine. Flow is not easy haha.
VastaKustutaAmen to this right here. x_x
VastaKustutaFilled with the sickest rhymes this fandom has shouted out.
>my library is filled with progressive rock and metal, for Celestia's sake
VastaKustutaMan after my own heart. #1 and #2 are damned amazing, though.
@The Brony Syndicate, because I can't be arsed to click reply on all these comments just to grab the reply codes!
VastaKustutaThis thing was far too much fun! Beats were beat, rhymes were rhymed and Lulz were had. Best way to do it.
Also, @mycutiemarkisagun FUCKING NOW.
Theres a lot more good fan verses for pony swag than I realized, also some expectantly bad ones.
VastaKustutaPony Swag Megamix!!
VastaKustutaHad SUCH an awesome time doing Pony Swag! It also allowed me to work with I Bring Da Lulz, which was really great! Thanks for the experience! (Plus, I'm now officially on Equestria Daily so I can cross that off the Bucket List, lol)
VastaKustuta#2 was Impressive.
VastaKustutaOMG. #2
Coolness level of the ENTIRE fanbase +20%
Pony Swag Megamix was best pony in THIS show. Damn the talent just kept coming, and then Mic The Microphone blows it up at the end making me feel like the manliest mutha fucker ready to jump up, rip my shirt open to expose a butch plume of rainbow-colored chest hair and charge into the the streets screaming TASTE THE PONY RAINBOW!!!!
VastaKustutaI'm just kidding. I haven't dyed my hairy manliness in homage to any magical pastel girly pony... in particular....
......um, yet.
#1 is epic beyond belief
VastaKustuta@Vermillion Twilight
VastaKustutaI will pay you in Pony Raps to do this on video camera and post it on youtube.
Huge props to all my peeps on the Syndicate. It's been a blast learning to rap, and hell if I haven't gotten a lot better since that little verse in there.
VastaKustutaKeep me posted if there's going to be another round on this, I'd love to drop something with more meaning .
@Mic The Microphone
VastaKustutaCharge him 16 bars per second; this man pumps out lyrics way too easily, way too fast ;)
VastaKustutaTwo Makkon songs and a Ponyswag megamix. My body was not ready. This is just way too awesome.
Favourite set of music so far.
VastaKustuta#1 is just phenomenal . I just love this type of music. Reminds me of Two Steps from Hell.
#2 is... there are no words. The collborative effort of so many people to produce something that epic. I'm speechless. Rap isn't something I listen to often, but that... I was singing along to the beat. Just... damn spectacular. You guys are amazing.
#3, while not as good at #1 was still pretty damn fun to listen to.
Best set of songs ever.
Where did that picture for the third one come from?
VastaKustutaRainyMood+#1 is too awesome for words.
VastaKustutaPrison, bro, you fucking killed it.
I guess I'll comment in numerical order, since my brain couldn't stand putting 1 after 2. That said, Cereal definitely put these in the wrong order, so it's his fault.
VastaKustuta#1 was really cool; I was beginning to zone out to another ambient track when suddenly it made me sit up straight and pay attention.
#2 should have had its own post. And a banner for the top of the site to announce it. This song is why I love this fandom: talented strangers working together on something that inspires them to produce amazing results and become friends.
Brony Syndicate, do more things. Mic, keep going and know that we're all here for you. Lulzy, Ahnold, keep making cool videos and songs. And everypony keep being awesome.
Haven't listened to #3 yet, but I will in a bit.
VastaKustutaMakkon himself drew it! Not only is the man a very talented musician, but he's an awesome artist to boot! :D
Now we all thank General mumble for making Makkon mainstream