• Music: Giggle at the Ghosties (daks Remix) / Vinyl Scratch VS. The World / Pinkamena Theme

    I need more music pony images for these! Get on it artists!

    1.) Giggle at the Ghosties (daks Remix)
    2.) Vinyl Scratch VS. The World
    3.) Pinkamena Guitar Theme

    23 kommentaari:

    1. Howry sheit, Pinkamena theme, this is gonna be scary

    2. Didn't really care for the last one. Wasn't the best done, but then again I'm still fawning over Something Broke.

    3. Sugar and Whiskey... That sounds painful. I can feel my liver failing already.

    4. #1 was a bit too drawn out, I couldn't really tell what remix it was till more than a minute in. Like #2 it sort of reminds me of some really old racing games I had(a bit odd since it's supposed to be scott pilgram vs the world) Without the occasional "KO" in the background I would have said it was part of a racing game, still good though. #3 is very fitting, but I didn't find it very dark, the beginning was in the right dark zone but it lost it a little at 0:55 and lost it even more at 1:39, IMO of course...

    5. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    6. 1st one was ok, 2nd one was meh, and the third one was awesome.

    7. @DJnickbeta Agreed, I doubt there will be a song of equal status as Something Broke, it was just so well done with lots of different music styles.

    8. @jelfes That is to say, a song about Pinkamena

    9. is the sugar label written upside down or is that just the bottom of the bag?

    10. I felt the first one could have had a little variation or been shorter.
      Second was awesome and the third could have been better.

    11. Might be just the Spanish guitar, but that riff at 1:39 reminds me of something, but I just can't place it. Zeppelin?

    12. Gotta say, I like #3 a lot more than "Something Broke". For one, I like that it's instrumental, since the spoken word in "Something Broke" always felt weird to me. I also like the guitar work, the beginning reminds me a bit of the guitar in "Such Small Hands" by La Dispute.

      Though by the end it did start sounding more like the climactic score of a shoot-out western film. I was very disappointed not to hear spurs in the background.

    13. The first one was good but the vocals needed to come in sooner or perhaps a shorter song. Still great though!

    14. The image is more fun if you know Pinkies Gala Dream song-thing, from The Ticket Master, in sweden. When they translated every goodie intro Sugar; Sugar cubes, Sugar canes, Sugar ice-cream, Sponge-Cake (called Sugar in Swedish), and a soft drink called Sockerdricka (Sugar drink).
      It's just that Sponge-Cake doesn't fit and Sugar ice-cream sounds ridiculous...
      (the song in Swedish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFnyAmbb7Io)

    15. Whoa. Who sent my song here? I wasn't planning on putting up Vinyl xD

    16. I fear I've been far too spoiled by TarbyRocks and his Pinkamena music to like any other media of Cupcakes enough.

    17. Pinkamina's reminds me of 28 Days Later.

    18. They were all alright. But none of therm really struck me as anything special.

    19. Just my thought, but I think Paradise Circus by Massive Attack would be the most fitting theme for Pinkamina Diane Pie.
