I'm trying to resist looking at the Discord spoiler at all costs. Tell me, is the resistance worth it? Or am I better off relieving my anxiousness and seeing dat spoiler?
@Cereal Velocity Someone else who was unsure about spoiling themselves at first was like "Don't care. Must see." and said it was totally worth it. Now I'm less sure than I was this morning, AAAAAGH!! *runs away*
I seriously hope the other episodes are a lot better than the first two, because I can already tell that the Discord episodes will be a bunch of disappointments...
@NDupree93 Oh boy. *gulp* This is gonna be hard. Going 4 days resisting clicking that link. I might just fail and click it anyways. If I do, you have the right to throw rocks at me over the internet.
ummm the umbrella saddle makes sense but a plain old slicker...no no no rarity just wouldnt put up with that it would have to have some "style" to it not some walmart bargain bin unit
Hmmm I just noticed something her "dress" looks more like an unfinished dress then a finished one. If thats true then what made rarity wear an unfinished dress.
Rarity: Well I can see this is creating all a bother AJ: MAH CROPS! Rarity: Why do you even grow corn? AJ: Ah like popcorn! Just not so much at once...
If I'm honest with myself, there's a constant struggle for the biggest spot in my heart between Pinkie and Rarity. I'll defer judgement on who wins this round until I see both of their solutions.
Simple plebeians! Just figuring out now who the best pony is? For shame!
And do those doubting the Master's choice in raingear, let this be known: yes, the jacket and hat are very simple to look at, but it serves as a contrast to the MAGNIFICENT umbrella that she is wearing as well! Really now, this news page could learn a thing or two about fashion.
Yeah, seems poor Rarity was trumped heavily by Discord. :P
And com'on, Seth. Silly? Just look at that stylish saddle and umbrella! There could be a hurricane and Rarity would still be looking as fabulous as ever.
"Worry not, dear Twilight! Detective Rarity is on the case! I'll solve the mystery of 'who put chocolate in the clouds' in two shakes of my fabulous tail!"
And I fail to see how Rarity looks ridiculous. Really anyone who takes any pride in their appearance should have the good sense to protect themselves from the elements, and especially considering how much time it takes to get oneself into such a fabulous state to begin with! Tsk.
And yes, for the record Rarity has always been best pony.
Once again proof that Rarity is Best Pony. She is the only one to truly come prepared for a chocolate rain storm. And to those who question her outfit, It is a raincoat and hat. I give the animators credit for detailing the stitching holding the sections together like you can see on a real raincoat. Also how did the corn turn into popcorn? Was that your doing Twilight with that giant beam in the last pic? @Mike You know I was doing very good about avoiding it. Hadn't the slightest desire to see it and then you had to go and post that.
Seeing the stitches on lacquer raincoats/cloths are pretty common, which is the fashionistas choice of rain get-up. And purple lacquer clothes is sexy! And eeyup, Rarity clearly shaping up to capture my heart as the best pony for season 2 as well. :3
87 kommentaari:
Rarity is the best pony and here is the proof. She looks simply adorable!
VastaKustutaoh fireant, why you still awake?
VastaKustutaShe looks like she's wearing an unfinished outfit >_>
VastaKustutaArgg just start the shooow
VastaKustutaRarity is best pony!
VastaKustutaEven in chocolate rain Rarity needs to look fabulous.
VastaKustutaJustice never sleeps ◕ ___ ◕
I knew there was a reason I liked this pony.
VastaKustutaRarity: The only pony smart enough to have an umbrella.
VastaKustutaStylish even under adverse conditions. That's Rarity.
VastaKustutaI'm trying to resist looking at the Discord spoiler at all costs. Tell me, is the resistance worth it? Or am I better off relieving my anxiousness and seeing dat spoiler?
VastaKustuta@Blittle McNilsen
VastaKustutaI'm staying as far away from it as possible.
some stay dry while others feel the pain.
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity Im with you there. I'm staying away from it as though it were the plague.
VastaKustuta@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaSomeone else who was unsure about spoiling themselves at first was like "Don't care. Must see." and said it was totally worth it. Now I'm less sure than I was this morning, AAAAAGH!! *runs away*
Applejack: So...that's a maybe?
Gotta love Rarity's saddle umbrellas. Whoever invented those is a genius.
VastaKustutaso, it's already official that I'll love the season premiere, if for no other reason than that I already love Rarity's get-up in that picture.
VastaKustuta@Blittle McNilsen
VastaKustutaThere might be trailer for the series soon anyway that shows it. That or you can wait 6 days. You've waited this long.
So... only Pinkie Pie left of the Main cast to see in the Chocolate Rain. I assume she's tomorrow.
VastaKustutaI love her outfit... her hat reminds me of that iconic Sherlock Holmes hat.
VastaKustuta"Oh -darling-, Sherlock Holmes is always in style when it's raining! I simply cannot imagine why they didn't include it in the last movie..."
@Blittle McNilsen
VastaKustutaC'mon man! Stick it out! I'm here with you, in the non-spoiled camaraderie!
It's not Discord doing it, it's MAGNETO!!
VastaKustutaOh man, you guys were right, Rarity really is best pony.
VastaKustutaI seriously hope the other episodes are a lot better than the first two, because I can already tell that the Discord episodes will be a bunch of disappointments...
VastaKustutaSuppose i'm lucky that i've never given two craps about spoilers tbh.
VastaKustutaRarity's outfit there just allayed pretty much all my fears about the new season.
VastaKustutaI am now the self proclaimed best at resisting the temptation to look at spoilers.
VastaKustutaI haven't looked at spoilers for anything since 2008.
Oh no, all the corn's been popped!
VastaKustutaLoving that raincoat, darling.
VastaKustutaOh boy. *gulp* This is gonna be hard. Going 4 days resisting clicking that link. I might just fail and click it anyways. If I do, you have the right to throw rocks at me over the internet.
ummm the umbrella saddle makes sense but a plain old slicker...no no no rarity just wouldnt put up with that it would have to have some "style" to it not some walmart bargain bin unit
VastaKustuta@Blittle McNilsen I HAD to watch it, but that's because I might not have internet by saturday T-T
VastaKustutaevery time i see one of these i get a big grin on my face that i am unable to control. my family is looking at me strangely now.
VastaKustuta"Twilight! It's raining."
VastaKustuta"No. Really?"
Are they surrounded by popcorn?
VastaKustutaHer hat is awesome.
VastaKustutaThey actually positioned her umbrella correctly this time around, thats awesome :)
VastaKustutaRarity you are just TOO fabulous. I'm glad to see a happy screenshot though, even if it is raining. =D
VastaKustutaHmmm I just noticed something her "dress" looks more like an unfinished dress then a finished one. If thats true then what made rarity wear an unfinished dress.
VastaKustuta@GummyTis a raincoat
VastaKustutaRarity: Well I can see this is creating all a bother
VastaKustutaAJ: MAH CROPS!
Rarity: Why do you even grow corn?
AJ: Ah like popcorn! Just not so much at once...
VastaKustutaI think it's simply she's wearing a rain coat/slicker, and the lines are the stitching on it.
Not chocolate rain
Rarity looks cuter than usual there.
VastaKustutaRarity Pony is best Pony.
VastaKustutaDiscord's second challenge: Find a way to stop the chocolate rain before it transmogrifies every non-sentient thing in Equestria!
VastaKustutaCheck please!
@Blittle McNilsen
VastaKustutaIf you happen to be a star trek TNG fan, then WATCH IT RIGHT NOW. Otherwise, you could probably resist for a couple days.
@Cereal Velocity
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta@Tears of a Valedictorian
VastaKustuta@Michael Browen
Rock ewith Salt: Check carefully the image and you'll see why it can't be as you say :P
VastaKustutaI don't know if someone mentioned it, but this whole chocolate rain looks like some dragon with diarrhea problems (ewww...).
VastaKustutaOh Rarity! You so Rarity! <3
VastaKustutaThat is a nice umbrella.
VastaKustutaHi! Also, it isn't corn anymore. It's popcorn.
No. It's not popcorn. It's oatmeal.
VastaKustutaUm. . . lumpy oatmeal.
VastaKustutaFluttershy's always been my favourite, but there's been this voice in the back of my head going "You... you know Rarity's the best pony, right?"
And here it is. Look at that picture. She. rules. so. hard.
If I'm honest with myself, there's a constant struggle for the biggest spot in my heart between Pinkie and Rarity. I'll defer judgement on who wins this round until I see both of their solutions.
VastaKustutaThis reminds me.
VastaKustutaI demand Carmen Sandiego Pony.
VastaKustutaIt's popcorn all right. Popcorn and chocolate sauce. Ungh.
@David Johnston
VastaKustutaI think you misspelled "yum" at the end there.
That's Rarity, always thinking form and function.
VastaKustutaHmm, there was a case in Missouri long ago when it got so hot that the corn popped in the ear.
Seriously, Déjà vu again, Rarity is the only pony with sense to use an umbrella.
VastaKustutaRarity, "Twilight, it's raining."
Simple plebeians! Just figuring out now who the best pony is? For shame!
VastaKustutaAnd do those doubting the Master's choice in raingear, let this be known: yes, the jacket and hat are very simple to look at, but it serves as a contrast to the MAGNIFICENT umbrella that she is wearing as well! Really now, this news page could learn a thing or two about fashion.
Is that... is that POPCORN!?
Awww c'mon! she doesn't look rediculous! That raincoat and umbrella are win! :D You're just jealous she has so much style! Mmm hmm!
VastaKustutaI cant believe that the wait is coming to an end! This is beginning of a whole new era, era of ponies. All shall love them and despair!
VastaKustutaYeah, seems poor Rarity was trumped heavily by Discord. :P
VastaKustutaAnd com'on, Seth. Silly? Just look at that stylish saddle and umbrella! There could be a hurricane and Rarity would still be looking as fabulous as ever.
Went on My Little Brony and I saw an image of Discord, unintentional self spoiling FTL!
VastaKustutaHa, Dash got owned at 0:14.
VastaKustutahmmm "dirty" magic?....i refuse to even peek at the teaser info
VastaKustutaIs that POPCORN in the corners?
VastaKustutaSherlock's hat, although never officially named of style, is commonly depicted as a 'deerstalker'.
Seems rather fitting of a detective, actually,
But that's actually not what she's wearing. It actually looks more akin to an Australasian safari hat. Or a British constable's hat.
"Worry not, dear Twilight! Detective Rarity is on the case! I'll solve the mystery of 'who put chocolate in the clouds' in two shakes of my fabulous tail!"
You have to love her collection of hats. First we had that Camo sun hat and now this. Why can't that be a meme?
VastaKustutaMcnilsen: its not worth it wait for ep1 season 2 comes out.
VastaKustutaRarity, Darling, you look simply marvelous!
VastaKustutaThat made me smile dear. ^^
And I fail to see how Rarity looks ridiculous. Really anyone who takes any pride in their appearance should have the good sense to protect themselves from the elements, and especially considering how much time it takes to get oneself into such a fabulous state to begin with! Tsk.
And yes, for the record Rarity has always been best pony.
Once again proof that Rarity is Best Pony. She is the only one to truly come prepared for a chocolate rain storm. And to those who question her outfit, It is a raincoat and hat. I give the animators credit for detailing the stitching holding the sections together like you can see on a real raincoat.
VastaKustutaAlso how did the corn turn into popcorn? Was that your doing Twilight with that giant beam in the last pic?
@Mike You know I was doing very good about avoiding it. Hadn't the slightest desire to see it and then you had to go and post that.
So, Rarity stays dry and Twilight feels the pain?
VastaKustutaEnough with the spoilers! Argh!
VastaKustutaRarity confirmed for still being best pony in season 2.
VastaKustutaIt's official. Rarity is the best pony. She will solve the mystery of the chocolate rain.
VastaKustutaOh' Rarity ever so fashionable.
VastaKustutaLooks like seth finally has a pic to go with that Sherlock Rarity fic in the archives.
Ah Rarity with her eccentric choice of fashion ;)
VastaKustutaSeeing the stitches on lacquer raincoats/cloths are pretty common, which is the fashionistas choice of rain get-up. And purple lacquer clothes is sexy! And eeyup, Rarity clearly shaping up to capture my heart as the best pony for season 2 as well. :3
VastaKustutaAt least somepony was ready for the chocolate rain.