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Picture Completely Unrelated But Awesome |
More spoilers after the break
Unofficial coloring page!
His voice actor has been confirmed to be John de Lancie, best known for his portrayal of Q in the Star Trek series' The Next Generation and Voyager.
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Picture Completely Unrelated But Awesome |
581 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaNice to see the Seth-Caliber journalism back again.
Also, Avoiding this at all costs.
VastaKustutaSpoilers? Fuck that! I'm saving the epicness for the entire episode!
VastaKustutaspoilers shmoilers, I don't care!
VastaKustutaHolyshit. Okay, I really want to watch that now. Discord is such a troll XD Also, is it me, or does he sound like Jim Cummings?
VastaKustutaDiscord, y u so troll XD
VastaKustutaDiscord is awesome.
VastaKustutaI need a cigarette.
VastaKustutawait wait wait, is this legit? Is it an actual clip?
VastaKustutaI don't want to stumble into this.
VastaKustutaTotally legit.
And that one fic is coming true!!!
Arrrrgggh, my curiosity wants to watch this, but my thinking side wants to wait for Saturday.
VastaKustutaWHAT DO I DO hnnnnnng
o m f g if this is legit im sooooo looking foward to saturday
VastaKustutai just watched it and i won't spoil anything
wasn't expecting that
Discord seems to be the MLP version of I.M. Mean...! O.o
VastaKustutaMy mouth stayed open the whole time. Actually, it still is. This is so awesome.
VastaKustutaDamn it! I want to see it so badly! But I want don't want it to be spoiled >.< I feel like Barney in 'How I met your mother' in the episode where they missed the superbowl! DAMN IT! Stop teasing me Seth! ARRRGH!
VastaKustutaMust... Resist!
Fuck it, I wouldn't be able to make it for 5-4 days anyway ¬.¬
That wasn't what I was expecting...
VastaKustutaStill fits though.
Mmmmm, not what I expected... but I will not judge Discord until I watch the entire episode U__U
VastaKustutaSeriously? That's Discord? I mean, I get it...but I guess it's better to be let down a little now, then let down a LOT on saturday
VastaKustutaDiscord is exactly as i expected...nuff said =D
VastaKustutaDiscord looks like a gang-bang of everything but a kitchen sink.
VastaKustutaLooks like the thing about the labyrinth was true.
VastaKustutaSo... So is the rest of that leak.
Discord seems like an Evilly Affable type of character. And he has a goat's head? Yep, just how I imagined.
Discord...didn't expect him to be quite like that.
VastaKustuta1. Finally we get a real villian!! No offense to Nightmare Moon but Discord looks pretty formidable. A "magnificent bastard" type if you will.
VastaKustuta2. Discord wasn't at all what I expected which is a good thing. Also he sounds like Q from Star Trek TNG.
oh god, he is PERFECT for that character from what I see
(I'm such a star trek dork, this is making too happy)
VastaKustutaSaturday cannot come soon enough.
I saw too much, turn off internet now.
VastaKustutaI was a bit disapointed when discord wasn't all "shadows and lightning-bolts" evil looking.
VastaKustutaAnd then I remembered that this is a kid's comedy show.
And everything was good.
BRB, forgetting every fanfic ever.
So conflicted... To watch or not to watch?
VastaKustutaI can NOT wait any longer! Discord's voice is VERY familiar but I can't put my finger on it...
VastaKustutaNew Troll: Discord.
VastaKustutaI'd suggest you all just watch it. Don't torture yourself.
VastaKustutaThis is me three weeks ago to a friend of mine: "I'm thinking Discord would be most interesting if he was the playful/laughing/entertaining kind of villain instead of dark and broody like Nightmare Moon."
VastaKustutaThis is me today: "HA. TOTALLY CALLED IT."
Best. Villain. Ever.
Whoa. I think Trollestia will have to start looking for a new job.
VastaKustuta*Before watching clip*
VastaKustuta"Faust isn't really in charge anymore, I'm starting to worry..."
*After watching clip*
"There's nothing to be worried about."
@Kim Fluttershy Dykas
VastaKustutaAgreed, spoilers suck. Must watch entire episode from beginning to end, not from middle to beginning to end.
Everyone who was expecting Discord to be a totally evil looking badass monster will be disappointed, but at the end of the day it's still a kids show. I had zero expectations so I knew I wasn't going to be disappointed. Fuck this is going to be a long week...
VastaKustutawow... Discord is a villian? lol... I totally didn't see this in his personality if he was suppose to be a bad guy...
VastaKustutaInfact, I hope if this is how he normally acts he appears more after episode 2 because I already like him lol.
That HAS to be John De Lancie! And Discord behaves exactly like Q. As a Star Trek fan this is SO AWESOME!
VastaKustutaTim Curry would have been perfect as the voice of Discord.
VastaKustutaHype +9000
OMFG WANT! But wow Discord looks way different than I imagined.
VastaKustutaAlso Discord's voice actor is the same as Norm the Genie from Fairly Odd Parents?
I'm not sure how I feel about this Discord feels like a troll and not really very evil. I mean he seems more trickster than like Darkness incarte (think the lingering nightmare or Past Sins).
VastaKustutaI'm not sure how I feel about this.
Also they are The Elments of Hamrony what the hell do they need to find them for?
Wasn't there a fanart of discord that was extremely similar to this discord?
VastaKustutaAlso, totally not what I expected, but I never cared for Discord, I'm only worried what they will do with Luna :'(
Interesting... but I need more. I need to know more about Mr. Discord before his appearance can settle with me.
VastaKustutaNow I wonder if that's part 1 or 2...
Discord, the spirit of Chaos really lives up to his name. o.O
VastaKustutaHis laugh is so fuckable. Honestly.
VastaKustutaShould we laugh or scream at him?
VastaKustutaHow can I still have respect for something so weird looking?
Why do I want to see MORE!?
Why are my questions so easy to answer!?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI'm glad they didn't make Discord the typical megaevil guy, but a bit goofy as it seems here.
VastaKustutaIs... is Discord voiced by James Woods?
Please remove the picture aswell from the frontpage :(
VastaKustutaI agree a pretty big let down I was expecting something like darkness incarnate or something very easily seen as evil. But all we have so fair is a prankster who happens to have some powers.
Also they should have gotten Mark Hamel as he is the best cartoon villain voice actor ever!
o-omg - so awesome!
VastaKustutaI think i'm going to be sad when Discord loses tbh, watching it again, I really like this guy.
VastaKustutaHaha Pinkie Pie and Applejack don't lose anything. Cuz they're just regular earth ponies and have no special powers.
VastaKustutaI cannot believe they got Q to do this voice. Literally, this is the Pony version of Q. This is so great that I feel the need to explode.
VastaKustutaHe reminds me a lot of hades, except he's not as hot though :)
VastaKustutaI'd say the ball's in Pinkie's court actually. She still has her Rule of Funny powers.
I guess I have to watch this now... *sigh* no matter how much I don't want to watch it I find it impossible to resist a spoiler, I hate my myself for having such a week will.
VastaKustuta... wat
VastaKustutaLol he's The Joker. That's awesome.
VastaKustutaWow Discord does really look like Discord but in completely different way I thought. Which is for the better I think.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaEveryone, honestly, this is 100% John De Lancie/Q.
VastaKustutaNo speculation possible. (I have listened to this voice for ages in the form of many different things, I would recognize this from anyway.)
Waited until now might as well save it for later. SEASON 2 Y U NO COME FASTER??
VastaKustutaFor those curious btw, this is what the clip spoils:
VastaKustutaDiscords Appearance and Powers.
General obstacle the ponies must overcome to resolve the conflict of the first episode, but none of the details.
And the comment below the video slightly spoils who discord is and how he got there, but it's pretty basic (if you haven't figured it out based on his name.)
VastaKustutaPersonally, I wasn't going to be too picky about Discord's appearance. I'm more excited that a Season Two with more Luna and Derpy is less than a week away.
CALENDAR, Y U NO Sep. 17th?
I wanted to not have this spoiled for me, so I decided not to watch it, but would you know it, he appeared on Ponibooru shortly. Thanks a lot whoever did that.
VastaKustutaWow. This is actually more what I wanted to happen than what I expected would happen! THIS IS GREAT!!!
VastaKustutaOh my god, Discord IS a chimaera! He wasn't as scary as I thought he would be, and a bit different personality wise, but my goodness he rocks. So camp! Such a troll! It's gonna be an awesome episode, I love the whole evil-but-goofy thing he's got going on there. And the mane 6 are on top form as ever XD
Trickster villians FTW!
VastaKustutaSeriously, glad he isn't another "Dark and scary" guy; a Mxyzptl-style guy is just what we need!
VastaKustutaYeah, I already want him to be a regular character lol. He seems so random and goofy.
Also note, he didn't do anything to pinkie. He's screwed for underestimating her and her 'magic/abilities'!
At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to spoil it for myself. Then I was like "Don't care. Must see." So worth it!! Can't wait for season 2. Discord is so awesome. XD
VastaKustutaSo tempted to click.
VastaKustutaMust resist temptation.
Must save the epicness for Sep. 17.
Must. Resist.
I can't resist.
Help me resist.
Please, this resistance is killing me.
Please please please! X_X
Well of course he shouldn't look like evil incarnated. He is not evil incarnated, he is chaos incarnated. Chaos isn't necesary evil, I mean look at Pinkie Pie.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaWow. I'm seriously impressed. Roll on season two ...
VastaKustutaYup -- "Holy carp, Discord is Q!"
It's actually not that bad.
It also spoils a major twist that hurts the pony's ability to overcome the obstacle. This is the...
VastaKustutaRED FLAG
You all must be warned about.
I like him, really. he seems like he's chaotic enough without being LOLSORANDOM
VastaKustutaand at he same time
fangs, claws, YELLOW AND RED EYES
he's gonna get angry at some point. and when he does, it's gonna be terrifying.
Well, he's smarter than nightmare moon, that's for sure. Doubt NMM ever thought about somehow disabling their magic or wings.
VastaKustutaNot even the MLP team can resist messing with Rainbow Dash's wings. I'll be a little more understanding the next time a fanfic opens with her in traction...
VastaKustutaDiscord must be made the official Troll face of ponydom!
VastaKustutaAlso note his wings disappear between scenes.
Godlike powers is fun!
Since everypony is spoiling the fuck out of the video, here I go with my impressions.
VastaKustuta- Lauren Faust might be gone, but this proves the show is awesome not only thanks to her. This show will keep kicking flank for another 26 episodes.
- I sense this is written by Amy Keating Rogers. I might be proved wrong, but the elements of torture/slapstick thrown in there are pretty personal of her writing (Briddle Gossip, Best Night Ever...).
- Discord is DA BOSS. I am serious. I might be dissapointed if they defeat him in the second episode. He's already a villain you love to hate.
- Dashie without wings, then Discord nudges Applejack about "No cheating". That's a great refference.
- It's only one minute and ten seconds, and yet I watched it five times. I can't wait for Saturday. Those streams better work!
Holy crap, it's JOHN DE LANCIE! Q is in Equestria! I have never been more excited for a television show in my entire life.
VastaKustutaThe Joker, erm...Equestrified.
VastaKustuta"Want to see a magic trick? I'm going to make these wings and horns...disappear."
And no magic.
VastaKustuta*snort snort*
Discord vs Trollestia!
VastaKustutaPlace your bets, everypony and let's see who can out-troll who!
I have a sneaky suspision that Pinkie and AJ are going to take charge of this episode with the other four being taken out of commision.
VastaKustutaARGH, I want to see what Discord looks like, but I want to be surprised!
Maybe make a discord Drawfriend on Saturday and dilute all those pics into that one.
Another comment.
VastaKustutaScrew John de Lancie, Mark Hamill should have totally done his voice.
...That's Discord? What a disappointment... Nightmare Moon was a much better villain than him...
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie says "You shall not pass!"
VastaKustutaJust as I hoped! :D
VastaKustutaI love seemingly crazy/happy antagonists!
It's nothing serious as NMM but still as evil.
Ha Discord is a bigger troll than Trollestia!
VastaKustutaOh my god, you guys are right, that is totally John de Lancie.
VastaKustutawow Discord is a totally Hades-like. I love it!
VastaKustutaI'll be honest, didn't see that one coming. not dissapointed though, definatly chaotic. I guess my hopes on a supreme dark ruler wielding a massive battleaxe where kind of...unpossible...but I'm okay with this
VastaKustutaSo messing around with the Enterprise-D wasn't enough for Q, he was to torment Equestria? My body will seriously never be ready for this, BRING ON THE NEW EPISODES
VastaKustutadiscord is ugly as fuq.
VastaKustutaother than that, ahhh I cannot waaaiiiitttt
@DJ VS-3
VastaKustutaI could see, and hope to see that, honestly.
Actually I think crazy happy antagonists are far better than just evil, because a crazy antagonist usually is more unpredictable and while you start to feel safe with them, bam they do something worse.
I'm so glad I clicked the spoiler.
VastaKustutaThe second I heard his voice I got the derpiest grin.
I'm so pleased and excited I shed a tear of hilarity and joy!
The only thing that would make Discord more awesome at this point is if he was voiced by John de Lancie.
VastaKustutaJohn De Lancie anypony??? if so SO MUCH EPIC WIN
VastaKustutaOh god, John de Lancie is perfect for this! I nearly freaked out when Discord opened his mouth because I was afraid he wouldn't be sinister enough. But with them casting Q it's going to be the marriage of TNG/MLP the world has been waiting for. Can we get Patrick Stewart too?
VastaKustutaI'm betting one of the reasons he's so amiable is because at the end they will probably become friends with him. Since the show is about friendship, and thats what happened with Luna.
VastaKustutaAnyone else wonder why there looking for the elements of harmony? I though all the ponies WERE the elements?
VastaKustutaI'm going to resist the temptation, or die trying.
VastaKustutaI wholeheartedly agree with you on that one, mate. I'm really not looking forward to this new series now.
updated John de Lancie's Wikipedia page.
VastaKustutaI still can't get over this: DISCORD IS THE PONY Q!
VastaKustutaBY CELESTIA'S BEARD! I had NO hopes or expectations for Discord and I'm SOOOO glad I didn't. Even if I did, it wouldn't matter because THAT guy if fucking cool.
VastaKustutaAnypony who may be dissapointed, come on folks cheer up its ONE clip. Discord be trolling and laughing, but thats because HE has the uperhoof. Just wait until the girls start really messing with him, I'm sure we will see his dark side.
To be entirely honest, I was hoping for a chaotic, criminally insane alicorn. It hurts me a bit on the inside seeing him NOT like I wanted, but I avoided actually watching the spoilers.
VastaKustuta... I must make a PMV w/ Discord replacing Q in "Q-Who"
VastaKustutaQ got bored with Picard so he turned himself into a cartoon and entered Equestria.
VastaKustutahe reminds me of a mix between Tirek and the average person Dr. Seuss. Interesting is all I can say about this.
VastaKustuta"Your horn, My horn. AHHHHH DX"
VastaKustutaFor some reason i hope he snaps ad the end O_o
VastaKustutaI knew people would respond like this, and you wanna know how I knew?
People had their expectations unreasonably high. It's like that episode The Best Night Ever.
VastaKustutaOh man. He is going to be a hilarious jackass type villain.
VastaKustutaand also Data...
VastaKustutaNo he is definitely not a chimera. He has some elements of a chimera but a chimera has two heads a lion and a goat one.
It's Q....Q is in Equestria...This is just....This is just the greatest thing.... THANK YOU JASON THEISSSEN!! :D
VastaKustuta@The Gneech
I think Discord is a pretty cool guy, he trolls ponies and doesn't afraid of anything.
VastaKustutabut seriously this Discord is better than what I expected, more of a lovable prankster rather than the reincarnation of evil and darkness.
I gotta wonder, is this a dream scene of sorts, or it is (their) reality? Because if it's the latter, Discord's one powerful mofo.
VastaKustutaI see Discord reads fanfiction
VastaKustutai also get that sinking feeling that the post leak on /co/ a few months back is spot-on.
VastaKustutaYeah, finally I get what "The Trickster" looks like. I've been wondering since the season started in production. >.>
VastaKustutaNow, I eagerly wait for the whole thing to be shown.
Discord is AWESOME <(^3^)>
VastaKustutaDear lord. To anyone who is prepared to declare the new season a failure after a clip less than two minutes long, no offense, but please get over yourselves. Personally, I love what we have seen of Discord so far. When I realized it was John 'Motherfraking' De Lancie providing his voice, lets just say I had my own 'OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH' moment.
VastaKustutaAnd to those who worry the character may be too goofy, I would expect he will have his more dramatic moments. Chaotic characters like this usually do. That being said, even if he doesn't, who cares? Its MLP:FiM. Honestly, what were you expecting? Something out of a Grimmdark fic? Respectfully, get real. Anyways, back to willing Saturday to get here faster. HHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! I. Think. It. Starting. To. Work. HHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH
Discord is a pleasant surprise, he's way better than I expected.
VastaKustutaI can foresee Pinkie Pie/Discord ships now.
VastaKustutaI get the feeling that Discord is doing what he is in this not so much for being evil, but for shits and giggles, and could not care what happens as long as he gets said shits and giggles.
VastaKustutaDisTroll is AWESOME!
VastaKustutaMe no can watch on mobile waaaaaaa
VastaKustutaTo hell with that, I'm waiting!
VastaKustuta@50 seconds in...
VastaKustutaI now ship DiscordxTwilight.
I really hope Discord acts a lot like Him from the Powerpuff Girls. Trolling happily 1 second then instantly evil
VastaKustutaI think you've been reading too many grimdark fics if you wanted Discord to be some sort of omnicidal maniac.
VastaKustutaHis appearance makes sense. Discord, chaos, nothing fits. I like the thought behind that design choice. Very clever, and different from a typical evil shadow villain you would associate with "discord", to be sure.
VastaKustutaEveryone on Discord: Needs to be about 20% eviler.
VastaKustutai wanna be surprised on saturday
CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
VastaKustutaDiscord is boss!!!! <3
This was originally made for season 1, so Lauren still was the head if this episode. Just saying so people stop saying she had no part in this episode.
VastaKustutaAlright, I'm calling it now. At the end of the two-parter, Discord and the Ponies will put aside their differences to take care of the true enemy... MAGNETO.
VastaKustutaDISCORD IS AWESOME! And The little freakout between Twiligh and Rarity... HURBAGHDIABETES!
VastaKustutaThis isnt what you expected guys?
VastaKustutaDiscord's main hobby is sowing mischief and chaos, so he's basically a troll and this personality suits him perfectly, I LOVE IT.
I'm ... suprised ...
VastaKustutaI liked Discord, actually. He reminds me from Q in a way since he's so over the top and seems like he causes mayhem just for the fun of it.
VastaKustutaYeah I cloud resist clicking that link for about 10 seconds.
VastaKustutaI have to say that while I like the Discord being completely chaotic villain I hope they don't over use it or it could get old quite fast.
I resisted the temptation to click the link for all of two minutes. I'm usually a pro at avoiding spoilers too...
VastaKustutaBlatantly calling out earth ponies on being unspecial. Not cool man. Not cool.
VastaKustutaMAGNETO = Discord? WIN!
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie + Master Spark = Pinkie Spark?
VastaKustutaThis is highly relevant to my interests.
So we now have three trolls in equestria.
VastaKustutaExactly! I wish they lost their tails or something. Applejack needs that for roping. :p
I think Trollestia has competition...also I LOVE his voice!!!!!
VastaKustutaDang, that was FAST.
Why can I not watch the video? D:
VastaKustutanot what I expected discord to be I thought discord would be a black alicorn with a voice and personally like him from powerpuff girls
but he is a chimera who is seemingly more chaotic troll pest than evil..
I don't know what you ponies are talking about. This Discord is AWESOME!
VastaKustutaDiscord looks AWFUL! Majorly disappointed!
VastaKustutaThat's why I hope personally that they lead the charge. Earth ponies don't have any inherent advantages, but they can probably function better that their non-powered friends at this point. Plus, they have that inherent magic Lauren said they have.
Everything else looks great though.
VastaKustutaOk; I distinctly remember that leak, but can't find it anywhere. Anyone willing to help a brony find further spoilers?
I think im gonna enjoy Discord :3
VastaKustutaHe reminds me of the Cheshire Cat
VastaKustutaI agree! Um..now though that people are here who don't want to hear spoilers..I kind of feel like I shouldn't comment on the video. So I won't, I'm a good pony.
The epicness of this made my Internet freeze. Why I felt Discord was acting like the Joker is beyond me, but I just made that connection.
VastaKustutaOh like hell could I ever resist that! Besides, it's only two minutes, not the whole episode (though if it were, instawatch!)
Ok, Discord was not what I expected, but I love it! He's like some kind of trickster god!
And it's a good thing he's not all darkness and lightning, he'd basically be another NMM.
Oh my I can hardly contain my excitement!
OK, time to get in my cryo-freezer. 5 days is far too long.
VastaKustutafrom an earlier Eqd post:
I just finished watching it and now I can't wait to watch the new season, I NEED PONIES NOW!!!!
VastaKustutaOh, forgot to mention, what happens to Dash?
VastaKustutaAs a Star Trek fan, I am now doubly excited about watching this show I shouldn't be watching.
VastaKustutaInitial reaction: scared
VastaKustutaAfter the video (and the laughter subsides): ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!
Okay, expectations were a little high with that highly armored death pony, but this is going to be amazing.
I thought rule #1 of the game was: Everyone plays the game.
VastaKustuta@FlutterfanIt CHOATIC evil for a reason, THEIR IS NONE!
VastaKustutaOh no, the snake has come offering the apple of spoilers. I shall not be swayed by you, Temptation!
VastaKustuta>waiting until Saturday
VastaKustutaI am happy that particular drawing found its way here.
All my Q as and with pony art makes sense now.
Ahahaha that's amazing. Discord looks positively ridiculous and his voice actor is amazing. TRICKSTER GOD! Haters gonna hate, bronies, now I want Season 2 even more. I need context for this scene.
VastaKustutaAlso: Dash lost her wings? It's like they're really reading our fanfictions.
VastaKustuta>but it's really just a rock
Dumb rock!
Wait, is Discord voiced by Q? Cos if he is, ALL OF MY FUCKING MONEY, JUST TAKE IT
VastaKustutaA little less menacing than any of us anticipated, but from what I could gather from how he turned every other pony into Earth-types, looks are deceiving.
VastaKustutaI'll take it.