• Fighting is Magic Livestream in 30 Minutes!

    The livestream event for Mane6 starts in 30 minutes! (7:00 PM CDT).  The channel will most likely fill up pretty quick, but I'm sure recordings will pop up after.  You can find it here!  Pre-showing is currently going on now.

    99 kommentaari:

    1. Someone set a recording please. Far too late for me to watch it being here in the UK.

    2. Sethisto, you fool!

      You've doomed us all D=

    3. @Mane6 DevTeam

      That's my bad. >.>
      I sent him the link and info after all... ^.^;

    4. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    5. @Mane6 DevTeam Lol... I don't think so...

      Anyway, Imma record it. You guys okay with this?

    6. Frick yes! I hope they show more than Twilight this time, I really wanna see how Pinkie or Dash play. Even if it is just Twilight and AJ it's still gonna be amazing!


    8. Suddenly, Bronies. Hundreds of them.

    9. @Mane6 DevTeam

      Err, was I not supposed to post this one? I thought you guys sent it a while back!

    10. And then Seth broke everything forever.

    11. I've been patiently waiting for the last two hours. :D

    12. @Sethisto

      We're just kidding. Thanks for the plug :)

    13. @Sethisto

      I'm quite positive he was being sarcastic...

      Even if the stream chat is close to a meltdown, indeed.

    14. And then Seth was forever banished to the moon.

    15. Nearly 1,200 now. And does the music remind anyone else of Radical Dreamers?

    16. Oh dear. We're getting overloaded.

    17. Aww, I'm going to have to catch it later.

    18. Update: Apparently, over 1300 people in one chat room makes things scroll far too fast.

    19. I'm glad Anukan made the chat mods only, it was getting really messy

    20. Don't be sorry, Anakun
      but you can direct the bronies on a specific subject or ask them questions however you like.
      Such as, who's the best pony?

    21. Chat has been disabled. Direct all chat spam to here! /)^ɛ^(\

    22. Well, here's hoping the new footage proves me wrong about this game.

      It looks/sounds too BlazBlue-esque for my tastes.

    23. Ponies kicking the crap out of each other? You so silly! 8^D Kick-boxing ponies is not my scene, but I think I'm going to enjoy watching the women-entitlement league piss and moan some more about neckbeard bronys taking over _their_ ponies, getting all the attention and doing _awful_ things to toys that are off-limits for boys.

    24. @Guywithpasta: Unlike you, my body will never be ready.

    25. I was just about to go to bed. It's 2 AM here, and then this comes up on my last EQD refresh. Oh well, it's going to be a day full of tiredness tomorrow :)

    26. The number of watchers is getting dangerously close to 2000...

    27. 2037 viewers! Does that reflect how many people are on EqD at this time of day/night at any give 20 minute period? Cool.

    28. 2646 viewers! But I can't bear to watch. 8^( Poor Twilight Sparkle.

    29. Any idea what the story is in this game? Call me a pansy but there's just something about the ponies beating the living crap out of each other that rubs me the wrong way, unless there's a really good reason for it.

      If it's just "a fighting tournament has come to Ponyville" like in that one fanfic or something akin to that then somehow I don't believe I'll partake...

    30. Man, this stream is totally screwed... I meant to get on two hours ago but fell asleep...

      Their server is going to crash.

      Someone please tape it so I can watch it later...

    31. Suddenly rarity.

      Suddenly no rarity.

      Come on guys, just ONE little bonus?

    32. This game looks amazing. DAMN this fanbase is something else.

    33. Over 3000 viewers. People must feel proud.

      On the other hand, the chat bar scrolls a little bit TOO fast.

    34. They accidentally showed off a second of Rarity, and it was glorious!

    35. Uh, question. They've gone over 3000 viewers.

      The free limit is 50 viewers.
      For $350 a month you get 3000 viewer hours, and additional viewer hours are $0.27 per hour.

      Just how much is it gonna cost these guys?

    36. This is a fantastic piece of work, especially noting the limited manpower and 0 budget this team has to work on. And they are releasing this for free?! That's insulting, I simply must pay something for something of this quality, I'd feel like some kind of dirty pirate if I didn't.

      Hey game companies, pick these guys up. I can't see how they wouldn't be credits to team whatever studio they end up in.

    37. oh wow almost 2900 now. I can't see! Move over move over!

    38. Someone from Hasbro needs to see this beautiful piece of work!

    39. @Dr. Henry Killinger

      Agreed. Maybe people get the chance to donate via paypal to give these guys a little back.

      The game already looks incredibly nice, even if it's obviously in a very early stage of development. Oh well... When it's done, once again.

    40. "Dear Princess Celestia,
      Today I learned that part of friendship is kicking ass. Whether it's kicking the asses of your closest friends, or letting them kick your ass, a good ass-kicking can do a pony a world of good! It may sound strange to think that beating the holy crap out of somepony can be an act of friendship, but now I know that in the end it can be the purest expression of friendship there is. Perhaps you could visit Ponyville sometime and I could kick your ass! I'll bet I could take you, you wrinkled old maniac. Ha ha. See what I mean? The point is, if friends are true, then that friendship will remain even after the ass has been kicked.

      Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle"

    41. I was showing my husband a Twilight vs Twilight match, and he coined the phrase "horndouken". :D

    42. Well, that was a lot of fun.

      Rarity sneaking in proves she's the Spy of the group XD That was a very fun demo. I can't wait to see how the rest of the cast performs.

    43. I'm guessing that the final boss battle will be against one of the following:

      1) Trollestia

      2) Lauren Faust turned to evil and/or possessed by the evil of Nightmare Moon

      3) A Hasbro executive who wants to cancel the show

    44. @Dr. Henry Killinger

      I believe it would be illegal for them to accept money for the game, for the same reason the makers of mods in video games can't accept money.

    45. Pure awesome. Any lingering doubts I may have had about this game reaching completion just got sent to the moon via Celestia's giant cannon.

      And 3k+ viewers? WOW! Good to know there will be a large player base out there when the game finally goeslive =)

    46. Wow... those numbers fell like pies! From 3000 to 800 and counting down... Good game though! Keep up the good work!

    47. That book lazer was beautiful, and the way Twi covers her eyes right before the lazer fires? So adorable!

    48. My favorite thing about this game so far is that Twilight reads her book when she crouches.

    49. While the few short seconds of the inadvertent Rarity leakage was especially divine, all-in-all that was a highly gratifying stream. I am just so impressed with the character animations in particular, and I know it's going to get even better as the team refines things more. So exciting! Even if I'm left feeling like like a child who thinks Christmas can't possibly get here soon enough... ;P

    50. @frith
      What the hell are you on about? Where have you seen "the women-entitlement league" piss and moan about neckbeard bronys?

    51. @Amity Panic

      Hold on, I'll go find it. It's a laugh riot if you don't let it get under your skin. 8^)

    52. The question begs to be asked now: How long before someone crosses over MLP:FiM with Fight Club? D:

    53. @sleepingcobrox

      I absolutely AGREE! THe game is not even polished yet, they kept saying they had no special effects working and it still looked epic.

      I really love how Twi handled. She may be my fighter LOL I like the distancing aspect she has. Really fun way to fight if you can understand the move-set. I actually did not expect too much, but I was BLOWN AWAY! I sat there the whole time with a Pinkie Pie smile on my face. I was laughing and booing the whole time! Tho the boos were only when Twi lost LMPAO. I was just amazed at how far this is coming. And the slip with Rarity was sweet. LOL Yeah we all know he did that on purpose *wink wink, nudge nudge*

      Over all I was going to explode into confetti. My dad was like WTF are smiling about. I showed him and he was like, uhh OK Fighting ponies... I said yeah Its from the My Little Pony Universe too. He was like that little girly show that used to come on around when you were first born... I was like Pretty much. He grimaced, when did you start watching that show. I showed him the clip (angry ponies). He actually laughed. I said Aint so girly now huh. He was like whatever LOL.

      CANT WAIT FOR GAME!!!! THANK YOU FOR MAKING IT MANE6! The best of the best of the fandom... right there!


    54. @Amity Panic

      OK, here's the source. http://sf-drama.livejournal.com/3275916.html (use script blockers or turn off javascript, LiveJournal is lousy with adverts).
      Short summary: guy with opinions tries to prompt discussion in a MLP community on Livejournal. In his latest attempt he rambles on about fanfiction and says something to the effect that he doesn't like lesbian relationships, or reading lesbian fanfiction. I could care less so I didn't pay attention but it pushed somepeople's buttons, so *shitstorm*. Guy deletes his post in a panic and writes a "sorry about that, my bad" post which had interesting levels of venom in the replys. In the replys is the link to Drama Central (above), and general pissing and moaning about entitlement, bronies, neckbeards and furries.
      It's not the first time I see people claiming that a show about girl's toys belongs to girls/women and that men should either butt out or let the women run the fandom, and how unfair it is that bronys, AKA guys, are getting so much attention. That is just silly. The storylines in MLP:FIM are pretty much gender neutral, just like I wish the real world would be. Women who would keep men from admiring and celebrating fictional fillies/mares are not helping.

    55. Can't wait till the next vid. Hope some stages come too.

    56. I lost it with how freaked out they got about the rarity slip ahahha.

    57. @frith


      My comment I made on there this morning. I tried to be a "positive spokesman", so to speak, for male fans. ...as you can see it didn't go over very well. :/ To keep things short and to avoid flaring up any more drama, I'll just say that I wish I'd never opened my mouth. Granted, things could have gone a lot worse, but still.

      I really don't wanna spark anything else up in case someone from there is reading these comments, so I'll just let my comment over there speak for itself.

    58. @private-enemy
      "Male privilege". 9_9 Male privilege does not extend to enjoying girls toys. Girls who play with Transformers, GI Joes and Cars merchandise are "tomboys". Boys who play with dolls and My Little Ponies are rejects. This entitlement game only goes toward reinforcing the status quo where girls watch MLP:FIM and boys beat each other over the heads with clubs. You have no hope in swaying the people in that Drama community. They're merely looking for a scapegoat in the inequality of opportunity between the sexes situation and unfortunately they think they've found it in bronys. It's territorial pissing for the sake of territorial pissing. They totally fail to see the MLP:FIM is the antithesis of gender identity determinism.

    59. @frith
      (This will be long, but I have been drinking. tl;dr gendered social structure justifies stern responses to "polite/well-meaning" brony comments")

      You're right that boys' shows socialize boys, and tell them how they "should" grow up and be men, just as much as girls' shows socialize girls. And I think you're absolutely right to point out that this is a big problem.

      I also love MLP:FiM to death, and think that it reveals some enormous potential in men - that we don't all want to grow up to be furious and competitive and violent, and that there's room for change in what men are today. (What else accounts for how well Bronies seem to propagate? I guess quality of writing/art/animation, as well as the community, but I do think that many bronies are rebelling against notions of gender they've been brought up with). So I think there's definitely positive contributions that bronies, as an idea, make to reducing gendered inequality - since I think conceptions of masculinity badly need to be changed for men to stop propagating violence against women.

      However, I think when feminist community responses to "reasonable" comments, like private-enemy's, seem belligerent, I think it's because of the other side of "bronydom" that men don't really see because of our position in the gendered social structure. As Lauren Faust has noted, MLP:FiM does something super feminist: it presents multiple compelling ways to be a girl, ones that aren't limited to "being pretty" or "loving everyone" or "being the best friend." In this way, MLP:FiM gives young girls something they badly need, and have nowhere else in cartoons. So it's making a huge contribution to women as well - and that, arguably, was its intention.

      Of course, very few media outlets cover this side of the story - it's all bronies, all the time. The feminist potential/benefit to girls gets completely left out of Wired articles, Salon.com, Jezebel, whatever, and the sense (I imagine) that many women fans of MLP is that the one time a show finally supports diversity of women's identity, potential for empowerment, and freedom of self-definition, it gets turned into something that's about men.

      So why can't we all just get along? Why can't bronies admit that MLP:FiM fills a need for girls that's nearly impossible to find elsewhere on network TV? Why can't female fans of FiM admit that bronies may be responding not out of a masculine need to command, control, and dominate all the media they consume, but rather that they reflect a conscious/unconscious need for change in the ideology of masculinity?

      I think gendered social structure provides us with the answer. Men's dominance in media - to say nothing of work, government, higher education, religion - means that nearly every portrayal of men in television is as figures of power, whereas every portrayal of women is figures of weakness (often sexualized weakness at that). Men therefore have less at stake when they confront stereotypes of gender - if they leave gender intact, men will remain conceived of as powerful/dominant/strong/logical, which is fine for them, while women will remain powerless/submissive/weak/irrational, which continues to position them as subordinate in most important ways in our society. So women have more at stake in changing gender.

      Secondly, I think that male dominance of "internet culture" has lead to very few safe spaces for women - nearly every game chat, news site, "internet content hub" (ie 4chan or reddit) is rife with misogynist language, rape jokes, and other things that make women feel unsafe and men feel dominant. So the penetration of male fans - even well-meaning ones - into a previously female space (that now has been redefined to be empowering) - looks and feels like an attack, because there are so few safe spaces for women online. (EqD, for example, is a very safe space for most straight men, although gay men, lesbians, trans individuals and others who identify as queer may not feel the same way.)

      This is getting way too long. But a quick tl;dr would be: women have more at stake in maintaining safe/empowering spaces, which they have few of on the internet in the first place. MLP:FiM represents both.

    61. @frith ITT situation blown out of proportion and generalizations abound.

    62. @frith

      Oh wow...
      I personally hate any sort of drama like that.

      In my opinion, if your natural rights are not being infringed upon and you are a minority but you disagree with something then just DEAL WITH IT.
      This is the internet and nopony own the entire fandom so that makes it, automatically, in favor of the majority.
      If something appears in the fandom that I don't like do I whine and say that you are oppressing me? No. I respect the majority and realize that if I want things my way then I need to do it myself and if someone does do something for me because I ask then it is because they are a nice person.

      This goes for everypony.

      Some people just have entitlement issues I guess...

    63. Thanks everypony for the comments, even if they're not directed at me. John's in particular really made me pause for thought. I honestly figured when I made my original comment on there, it would probably be responded to the way that it did, I just hoped that it wouldn't. I at least feel a little better about it now though.

    64. is there anyway to watch it again my mate missed it and wants to see it

    65. @frith
      If that dude was trying to prompt discussion, he did an extremely poor job of it. What were they supposed to discuss? That he likes some fanfics but not all of them, that he isn't a fan of Pinkie Pie, or that he's disgusted by lesbian shipping? His post belonged on his personal journal and not posted to a shared community space.

      Who was saying that men shouldn't be a part of the fandom or that women should be in charge of it? If anybody actually said that I must have missed it.

      I did see people talking about how unfair it is that the media coverage of MLP:FiM focuses on "Oh look, men like My Little Pony!" instead of the fact that it shows young girls that there multiple ways to be a woman and that's a good thing, something other shows for young girls don't do.
      It's a perfectly valid complaint.

    66. The show is a good thing. We can all agree on that right? Whether it is empowering young females with a healthy message of diversity or liberating adult males to embrace their softer side.

    67. @Amity Panic those women were saying men shouldn't even be in the fandom because they take away the media from the girls. I say screw that! MLP is fricken awesome. SEASON 2!!

    68. @Flutterguy
      Nobody is saying that!
      If they are, provide a link to back up your accusations.

      All I see are people who are tired of other people making a big deal out of the fact that men like MLP. That's it. That is not saying that men can't be fans.

    69. @John

      John, my friend, you are in desperate need of the red pill. I'm going to go ahead and give you a sample pack.

      The Facts

      Domestic Violence

      Descent into Madness

      The red pill is bitter, and not everyone can handle it. If the above turned you off, I have one that I think you'll like.

      Zeta Masculinity

    70. Was the stream archived? I was at work.

    71. @John

      Well, as a egalitarian feminist, I think FIM MLP is one of the best things to have happened to cartoons recently. In a way, though, it is somewhat sad how media commentary on MLP obsesses over the male fans. The very obsession itself shows the societal expectation that males shouldn't watch a "girl's" show. It's a shame. Guys should be able to watch whatever they wish and not be demeaned for it.

      And @ CutieMarkCrusadersGlueHuffers--have you actually paid any attention to any recent feminist blogs? Feministing.com and others have been pointing out prejudice and stereotyping against men for years. Feminists know very well that men get raped and want to end it, and fight for men's paternity rights. I'm not sure why so many of these pro-men groups seem to completely ignore that. I'd have a lot more respect for some of these Men's rights groups if so many of their members didn't seem to wish for a regression to Judeo-Christian patriarchal status quo.Why must the quest for human rights for all be treated as a zero-sum game for any gender? Equal rights for all and an abolishment of gender roles would work great for everyone.

    72. Dang! I was asleep during it.

      I hope someone recorded it.

    73. for those that missed it...like me....

      they DID record it and its posted!!!!!...you wont see the chat feed tho....


    74. The sound for when you get hit sounds so... squishy...

    75. @Cutie Mark Crusaders Glue Huffers! Yay!

      Men's activist groups are right to point out the enormous silence surrounding sexual violence against men. The idea that feminists (who, first of all, are not a monolithic group, and support an enormous diversity of political and social positions) want to willfully create this silence is a strawman. Every feminist I know personally wants to reduce violence against women and men through activism and education. I'm part of a feminist sexual assault prevention group on my campus and all of our programs provide gender-neutral education and advice on intimate partner violence and stalking.

      Men's rights activist groups raise important issues that aren't talked about in the mainstream conversations around sexual abuse and violence, but I think they're guilty of presenting some important omissions as a comprehensive feminist political/social conspiracy to destroy and subdue men, which isn't true. (And I have a hard time buying into the "Voice for Men"'s articles when their activist page links to stories about "Child abusing bitches," and that "Zeta Men" article looks like it's just reinscribing hegemonic masculinity through some slightly revamped language.)

    76. @vampireseal

      Agree on all counts. Men's right's groups point to some key issues, but they're almost universally guilty of ignoring what contemporary feminists actually say and think in favor of some inane strawman. And yeah, I think MLP:FiM can change the world too :)

    77. I come for the pony fighting updates, I stay for the genuinely pretty Interesting feminism discussion.

      Too much to say on this to type out on an iPhone, but I can see why some feminists would feel aggrieved at how only the male mlp fandom is being reported on, but that's as much about the media as it is about anything else.

      Men liking a show that's seen as the encapsulation of everything that is stereotypically frilly and twee is such a man bites dog story that it's always going to dominate stories about mlp fandom.

      Hopefully, if the momentum behind the show continues into season 2, we'll see some more discussion of this stuff on slate and Jezebel. Interesting stuff though, you guys,really enjoyed all your posts on this.

    78. @Amity Panic
      I waded back in to the Drama post and fished out this thread for you: http://sf-drama.livejournal.com/3275916.html?thread=617299596#t617299596 The gist of the arguments is that men are ignoring existing MLP culture venues run by women and are making their own in order to avoid associating with women. So the posters in the thread fragment in the above link are claiming men are taking over a fandom that doesn't belong to them.

      That dude should have been ignored and yes, his ramblings should have been limited to his own journal. I ignored him so thoroughly I still can't remember what gibberish he was spouting exactly, and I probably skimmed it at least three times. I'm much more interested in how Women's Lib has devolved into a call to Ghetto-izing women-empowerment. Like that would work.

      The media are sensationalist idiots. They want a freak show. They completely miss the point that _everyone_ loves the mane six regardless of gender and that's how the world _should_ work. Friendship is magic for _everyone_. The goal is anyone can be like one of the mane six and be cherished for who they are without gender limitations. It's total integration, equal rights, liberation, the whole shebop we've been fighting for since before I attended Women's Lib meetings with my mother before I could walk.

    79. @vampireseal

      Eloquently stated. 8^) You give new hope.
