• Episode Gap Clarification

    I have been getting a whole bunch of email about this, so It's time to clear it up.

    The other day a post went up letting everyone know that the discord series (episodes one and two) would have a gap after them before Episode three airs.

    A lot of people seem to have misread it, so here is a clarification!

    Episode 1
    Episode 2
    Episode 3

    In other words, we won't see episode three the following week.  The discord series is repeating during it's time slot instead.  Return of harmony part two WILL be airing on Saturday the 24th. 

    Hopefully that explains it better.  Now back to pony.

    82 kommentaari:

    1. Is it normal for something like this to happen? O_o I was kinda surprised by the amount of adverts there are on American TV, so... maybe this is something else that just.... happens?

    2. Any idea as to how long said gap will be?

    3. So that would be like the following?

      24th = episode 2
      1st week after 24th = episode 1
      2st week after 24th = episode 2
      3st week after 24th = episode 3

    4. Is there any clue as to when Episode 3 will air?

    5. As long as they don't postpone it too much, my doctor prescribed me at least one new episode of ponies a month!

    6. @Xeross

      We don't know for sure yet. Stay posted; somebody will find out eventually.

    7. HOW LONG A GAP?!?!?
      are we talking weeks here?or a month? and oh god after that... I will never have enough pony to tide me over.

      Season 2 hasn't even aired yet and already I hope it gets renewed for season 3

    8. I've heard march D:
      But I doubt (hope) that it will be that long
      Back to reading fanfics I guess

    9. Marty Mcfly:"hey, return to harmony, I saw this one"

      apple bloom:"how did you see it, it ust aired today"

      Marty: "I saw it on a reruuuuuuuun."

      AB:"whats a rerun?"

      doctor whooves: my time machines cooler

      me: mindblown

    10. @Max Firestorm
      It's fairly normal, really. In order to regain some of the interest that might have faded, a series will broadcast a handful or even just a pair of new episodes, then start advertising when the rest is coming for the official fall season.

    11. At least the gap is only one week long, lucky for me, since I will be going to Columbus that Saturday, so I won't miss anything at all because there will be no episode that Saturday!

    12. @Xeross Two weeks?

      So we get to hear the new thing and see the new animation and stuff in THREE AND A HALF WEEKS?


    13. Whew. Though I'd have to check myself into a mental hospital.

    14. as long as i can see the final episode of discord next episode I am good.

    15. no..ponies?
      Time to art!

    16. Gotta admit, I was really worried about how long that gap would be, however, I'm glad the gap isn't in between part one and part two.. I think I'd explode. Then explode again.

    17. @Papapoof
      Can you do that? Can you explode TWICE?

    18. Gah, I was hoping this was going to clear up how long the gap was going to be. Because, you know, I could read the last post properly. Everyone flood Jayson's twitter to ask what is the planned date for Episode 3.

    19. ...I was waiting for this.

      There was so much misunderstanding in that post, that night.

    20. @NDupree93 Is it also normal for the same episode to be replayed right after it's aired? I noticed that on Saturday too and was... Well, more than surprised to be honest. This is what I get for being British, I guess XD

    21. This is not how the BBC would do such a thing! Damned Americans, can't you do anything r-



      Well, titballs.

    22. No. It's not. Well, it is but usually not RIGHT away usually it's a couple hours or days later in case people missed the first showing. Showing it literally twice in a row makes NO SENSE.

    23. *puts down pitchfork and torch*

      Oh, is that all? Thought I was going to have to form an angry mob.

    24. @Killsteal_Wolf: IIRC Jayson has said he doesn't get any advance info about airings. He finds out when we do.

    25. It's too bad that there's a break, but I'm glad they aired these two episodes beforehand. This way we'll have some new content to discuss while waiting for the rest of the season.

    26. Ah well the inrush of PMV's YTMP's soundtracks and other youtube and EQD goodness after the next episode should hold me over for the 2 weeks util Ep3. Especially if Discord does another dance scene, man I love that fad :D

    27. @zero 1343
      Slander and lies, no sane company would delay the remainder of a show's season after premiering the first two episodes for six or so months. It's just utterly illogical.

    28. THAT needed to be clarified? jeez. What else then? Why not reveal to the apparently oblivious audience that the cartoon show in question is called "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" - as seen on... the planet Earth!

    29. To celebrate the gap, here's a hit from the Gap Band!:

    30. Oh, I didn't even realize people were misunderstand the gap topic. lol Yeah, the Discord two-parter will be be aired right away. Just a little break until the third episode. It'll give you time to build more suspense. Yeah, that works. :)

    31. I would say, in my opinion, that the 3rd episode will probably air 4 to 6 weeks after the 2nd episode. THIS IS JUST A GUESS. Anyways, no matter how long the wait is, I still got GOW 3.

    32. When you think about it, all of us discussing the gap is only driving the hype for season 2 even higher.

      Man there marketing team is good. They know exactly what they are doing.

    33. The first Season debuted in mid October right? That would be the time to expect the rest of the season 3 episodes to start premiering on a regular basis. It makes the most sense IMO.

      Everyone survived(for the most part) with 4 months of no new episodes. I think everyone could...no should be able to handle a few weeks.

    34. For the record, the longest gap so far has been 3 weeks from Call of the Cutie (January 7th) to Fall Weather Friends (January 28th), discluding the obvious Season 1-2 gap.

      3 Weeks are possible if they are going to repeat the Discord episodes on the 1st and 8th. I will only be annoyed if the series hasn't restarted by the 15th of October and we still have no news as to when it will restart.

    35. As disappointed as I am the pony will stop flowing (for now), I suppose I can deal with it.

      Also, Rocktavia is best.

    36. It's not so much that the episode is delayed... it's more along the lines that the first 2 episodes we're aired early.

      My guess is that episode 3 will air either the 15th or 22nd of October.

    37. Oh man, I wonder if the 3rd episode would air on my birthday? (October 22, Saturday) That would be a great birthday present!

    38. I know networks want to save episodes for sweeps and stuff but I've never seen a gap in ep2-3 for any other show.

      As much goodwill the Hub deserves for Equestria Girls and all that they don't know how to cater to their fans.

      I mean even their target demo (little girls) don't like this. What logical explanation is there for this?

    39. Confound these ponies! They drive me to wait patiently!

      Seriously, I don't care. I'm a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The gaps there were for that series between seasons, and even parts of seasons, were ridiculous. However long we actually have to wait for FiM S2 proper to get started will be nothing in comparison.

    40. The gap should go on. It's better that way...

    41. Well I still think my "Bronies should resort to terrorism in order to get rid of the episode gap" idea is pretty solid.

    42. Could someone explain something to me? I've lived in the US my whole life, and I hear a lot of people complaining about how many commercials there are. I feel like Hub has about the same amount as any channel. What's television like in other countries?

    43. @Pat1711 I'm not certain that I want to wait until my birthday (also Oct 22) for that episode. My wife and I are hooked on the show...and there would probably be another episode airing then anyway.

    44. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    45. I reckon the reason is because the season started off a little too early, and they need the break to allow the production staff to finish off some more episodes without having as much of a clock to race against.

      Break shouldn't be too long, but I doubt it was done for no reason.

    46. All you bronies amd your panicing..... Episode three'll be out soon, don't panic, no mobs (seriosly, mobs? You bronies are oatmeal"), and no mental break downs. You'll get yoyr Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie and me in due time.

    47. @sygmus

      Well for Comparison, UK first has the primary Channel BBC that has NO Comercials at all. Then it's secondary channels normally have one every 12 minutes or so in comparison to the 8 America has. Also, no advert happens during the title sequence and the shows proper start.

    48. I'm still excited, seeing as how the 24th is my birthday. Best. Present. Ever.

    49. @Max Firestorm
      It's pretty normal for that to happen when it's a new episode. They'll do a repeat for anybody who missed/came in late on the first showing. They'll also often do reruns of the episode a lot for people who didn't see it the day it came out.

    50. This isn't unheard of, I don't expect the gap to be longer than a week or two.

    51. on a completely different note, I think "Rocktavia" has a new fan. See you guys front row.

    52. @Cassie, you're right. BBC would air 6 episodes and call it a season...I'll take my 26 even if I have to wait.

    53. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    54. @Sketchonion
      What this person said. They didn't delay the rest of the season, they were kind enough to give us Discord early.

      I mean did anyone really think season 2 proper would have started in early September? :O

    55. For all the people upset with the gap between episodes 2 and 3. Initially season 2 was hinted that it was going to start later in the year so actually it seams like the first two episode were bumped up a little to give us some new content. So be grateful we have these two new episodes now. Also remember that Sibsy said they were still in the middle of making season two.

      Also I had to do this:

      1.Return of Harmony



    56. I'm predicting October 15th at the latest. In fact, I didn't expect to see any episodes airing until then. :)

      Two things: Like season 1, season 2 will be in production while it is airing. There is no reason to finish all the episodes before one starts airing the finished ones.

      Also, there were several breaks during season 1. No reason was given, though I suspect this is completely normal.

    57. Whew! I can deal with a gap before episode 3 better than a gap with a cliff-hanger. :)

    58. @Killsteal_Wolf

      Yeah, same here. Vaguely disappointed now. Ah well.

      And am the only one getting sick of people saying 'Oh just think of it as a sneak preview of season 2 - be thankful you got the episodes early'? That's not what bothers me at all - I wasn't complaining when I thought we'd be waiting potentially until December because I wasn't expecting any new pony and I was fine with waiting patiently. It's just quite annoying to have a new season announced, be given one double episode, then have a pause of unspecified length - that's why I'm disappointed, not because of having to wait. I, for one, would just rather not have new episodes until the season is ready or have them announce 'Season 2 preview on 17th September' instead of 'Season 2 starts on 17th September!', just getting all our hopes up. Plus if you really want to play the 'you should be grateful for early episodes' game, one could point out that these are actually very late S1 episodes, in terms of production.

      But I wouldn't worry too much - if the season were so unfinished as to be airing in March, I don't think they'd have announced The Return of Harmony as the start of season 2.

      Aaaaand wall of text over. I'm not nearly as upset as this makes me look and waiting a bit isn't the end of the world - I guess I just felt like clarifying the position of myself (and many others) on the assumption that early content is always a good thing.

    59. @King Lee

      Oh and just gonna anticipate the one or two people who are gonna whine at me for being a 'butthurt entitled fanboy' as I've seen happen whenever anyone says what they'd rather had happened (apologies to the rest of you who are cool with people expressing opinions that aren't the same as yours): nowhere am I explicitly or implicitly saying anything about what the creators might 'owe' us or what we're entitled to (I'm obviously entitled to absolutely nothing). In fact the only thing I imply about them is that they had a fairly good idea that these delays would be coming when they announced the season (not too unreasonable an assumption). All I'm saying is what I would rather have happened, and if there's anything I want anyone to take away from this, it's 'Please stop trying to comfort or rebutt (I don't really know which it is any more) us by reminding us that these episodes came early as if it's some sort of massive treat when the only reason any of us are upset is *because* we had our expectations changed by them, and none of us would have minded waiting until the new season. Saying that just makes it more irritating.

    60. That makes so much sense. I feel blonde. I was all sad and my bronie brother was like "WHAT!!!! NOOOOO!!!" and we basiclly cried ourselves to sleep.

    61. Those "gaps" don't happen a lot on FOX's Animation Domination schedule. (mostly during Xmas break and the Super Bowl)

      I became a Brony in July this year, and yet, a big gap between new MLP episodes makes 20% more impatient than on Animation Domination...

    62. Hmmm then Directv needs to fix their guide, I have gone up a month and it only shows all of the re-runs. I don't see a new ep after this weeks new ep. I can't check right yet, my box is due for replacement, it died sometime in the last few days.

    63. Theory: E2 is going to have SUCH A MASSIVE TWIST that the entire world is going to need that time to collectively haul their collective jaw back up off the floor and get it re-attached.

    64. Personally I would have rather waited a few weeks and have no gap. But the Hub seemed to want to pull out all the stops to get those gameshows some advertising.

    65. What? A gap between episodes?

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    66. For everyone wondering how long the gap is: WE HAVE NO IDEA. I will keep a diligent watch on the horizon for episode three, so when something pops up we'll know.

    67. @mycutiemarkisagun But we currently are still rated as better than terrorism. Resulting to that would only lower our current social standing!

      ...Now, where is The Hub's address?

    68. What was so hard to understand anyways?

    69. Considering the fact that these two episodes were designed to be put at the end of Season 1, a break seems understandable. They'd have had these ready to go for months, while the third episode is bundled up with the others.

    70. @James Corck
      Remember that even with a 99% chance of understanding, there's always 10 or so people for every thousand who didn't.
      So unless it's absolutely clear, expect misunderstanding. It's the way it works with big numbers.

    71. Just imagine the mass trolling if Return of Harmony turns out to be a 3 part episode.

    72. @sygmus

      Two extremes to answer your question:

      In the UK the BBC can't show any adverts at all. The daily average on ITV1, Ch.4 and Ch.5 mustn't exceed 12 mins per hour. There's also a limit on the number of promos for shows: two mins per hour. It's also illegal for Ch.4 to show adverts during its morning educational kid shows.

      Spain is at the other end of the scale and makes the US look like the UK. Not only does it have loads of adverts but the number and length isn't standardised. So you could be watching something like The Simpsons, they'd show you 5 mins then go to a 30 sec advert break. They'd then wait maybe 3 mins and go to a 10 minute advert break. It's so bad they've had to put a countdown in the corner of the screen so viewers know what the hay is going on.



    74. That guitar rather suits Octavia. No wonder you called her "Rocktavia".

      Her and Rainbow Dash could start a band. :3
