• Egophiliac 2012 Calendar Download

    The Extremely talented Egophiliac over on Deviant Art has released her full 2012 FiM Calendar in PDF form for those not lucky enough to attend Bronycon and pick one up for yourselves.   This thing is absolutely amazing in quality, so I would highly suggest picking one up.  They sold out pretty much instantly,  aside from one that broke 100 dollars in auction at the end of the convention.  Find it here!

    18 kommentaari:

    1. If you read the first few words without realising that "egophiliac" is the name, it sounds like "Trixie over on Deviant Art has released..."

    2. @Inconspicularity Trixie has a Deviant Art??? Whatever does she post?

    3. Oh man, I wish I had a decent enough printer to print this out.

    4. And don't worry everybody.
      These files aren't missing any days like the physical ones from BroNYcon xD

    5. Weeks starting from Sunday...
      What is this heresy!?

    6. I saw this before it was on Equestria Daily

      Seriously though,this is really good. :3

    7. Sucks to hear about the physical ones at BroNYCon having some date issues. But at least she apologized about the error. But still, awesome pony calender. If I were at BroNYCon, I probably would have bought one. Maybe I'll take this to get myself a printed one though.

    8. This is 12-month, the Bronycon calendar was 14-month. So it's not the "full version".

    9. I have a 16 month one that i bought in a store! WOOOOOO!
      check it: http://tumblr.com/xjj4ugh4uo

    10. I had the fluttershy entry of the calendar as my wallpaper when I took my laptop in to be prepared. Just chatting to the apple store guy about music, all of a sudden a picture of a smiling yellow pony in a summer hat pops up my computer.

    11. There's mistakes in the physical one? Good thing I noticed this post, or I'd probably get to those months on the calendar and be really really confused haha.
      I'm so glad that I walked over to her table to pick up one of these before the con officially started haha. It's so nice~

    12. by the time I got there I could only put my name for the drawing to get one. Sadly I didn't get picked. Oh well, I got some really amazing sketches and things from her and I am pleased enough about that.

    13. This person has officially won the internet for the duration of 2012

    14. First, we had to wait several months for season 2.
      Now, we need to wait two weeks for episode 3.
      And now you're telling me we have to wait 'till 2012 to actually use this awesome calendar?
      Confound those ponies... They drive me to wait!
