Oh god what the eff Discord edition.
I couldn't resist putting that picture in. Not sorry at all.
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Kinda saucy!
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114 kommentaari:
Ah, number 1, not sure if want!
VastaKustutaGod damn it, Cereal.
VastaKustutanumber 5 and 16! Damn this community moves fast. Love it.
VastaKustutathat last one isn't saucy...
VastaKustuta#22 Derpy versus Screwball. Someone make a fanfic!
VastaKustuta...yeah, the edition name is basically exactly what I said when I saw that first image. XD
VastaKustutaoh god @ Female discord ( #1 )
VastaKustutaI think we need a name for that pony sceen in #22 ( not derpy )... lol
#16 & # 22
VastaKustutaMan, art happens fast in this community...
By Celestia's mane what is Fiddlesticks doing there on #10 ?
VastaKustutaI'll totally be your puppet... I enjoy a little discord here and there. <3
VastaKustutaDamn rule 63.
VastaKustuta...that female Discord is far cuter than she has a right to be....
VastaKustutaThat... Looks like it's going to turn violent.
And #30. I.. don't hate this..
#11 Yes. Yes. Yes. Bleach. Yes. Yes. Soi Fon. Yes. Yes. Ponies. Yes.
VastaKustuta#16 looks like spike has some explaining to do.
VastaKustutaSo, is Rainbow Spike gonna be a thing now, or what? Because I would be totally on board with that. Also, anything with both Vinyl Scratch and Octavia in it is automatically awesome.
VastaKustuta#27, I'm scared to say no to those bedroom eyes, I don't want to upset anything with a horn that razor sharp
VastaKustuta#18 and #19 are epic.
VastaKustutaAlso, Screwball might be to cutest pony ever.
I'm hoping that the Star Wars shoutout might be enough to pull in my anti-brony friends...
#9 Scootaloo as Wesley Crusher?! PRICELESS! XD
VastaKustuta#3 Now there's a magic show I wouldn't mind seeing.
VastaKustutaI about died laughing at #28
#26 is what happens when all of the win in the world is distilled into one image.
VastaKustuta#13, giant Derpy, oh god wat
VastaKustuta#1: Da.... heck? No. I refuse. Go away.
VastaKustuta#5 & 16: Spike is now Rainbow Dash. New Meme FTW.
#9: Scootaloo is... Wesley Crusher I presume? and who's Dash supposed to be, Worf? Pic needs soem DisQord.
#18: And thus Trixie becomes several times more awesome. :3
#21: Twi's horn is kinda big...
#22: Potential rival Ditzy? I doubt it.
#29: you do NOT take my book!
#19: Those sparks . . . yep. Season 2 better show more Vinyl Scratch.
VastaKustutaSo, what I learned from tonight's Drawfriend is that Discord and Trixie need their own Spinoff SitCom series.
VastaKustutaTwilight Data: And there was a rather peculiar limerick being sent from someone in the shuttle craft bay. I don't quite understand it. 'There was a young filly from Venus. Who's cutie mark was a-'
Pinkie Picard: Captain to security come in!
Twilight Data: Did I say something wrong?
Scootawhorf: I don't understand their humor either.
28: Pimp-shy, she just needs a cane.
VastaKustuta21: Show us, on this anatomically correct doll, where he touched you... and did that make you feel uncomfortable?
18: Discorded Trixie would be humble.
7: No! Only Lyra can sit like that.
I really like number 18. I can easily picture it in my head, and for some reason I just imagine them saying these things straight will little emotion or inflection
VastaKustuta*Mental note: Repay Fluttershy ASAP!*
VastaKustuta#9 - *SQUEE*
VastaKustuta#11 - *SQUEE*
#28 - Flutterbitch is real. Flutterbitch wouldn't give fuck if you're pregnant, give her the baby rings and the #1 MOM pendant. (w00t, rip Biggie Smalls)
VastaKustutaScootaloo doesn't deserve that.
#7: Invisible roller-coaster!
VastaKustuta#9: 'Do not read this warning' made me lol
#19: Epic DJ-P0n3 is epic.
#28: At least she hasn't gone full blown Stewie to get her money back.
The Trixie and Discord one was awesome.
VastaKustutaAlso, female Discord makes me shudder.
And Rainbow Spike is hilarious.
And I was surprised (and happy) there wasn't anything saucy in here. Thank God.
Awesome art is awesome.
VastaKustutaDoesn't deserve what? To wear that uniform?
At first picture:
VastaKustutaThat's...I'm...not quite sure how to react to that.
VastaKustutaDoesn't deserve to have to be connected to that fuckwhistle Wesley.
Also, Celestia looks badass in #24. There needs to be an episode where she showcases her true power and kicks something outta Ponyville. Maybe a Ursa Major? Hmmm...
VastaKustutaAlso, I think I retract my previous statement about no sauce. #21 just looks... odd.
Yeah... odd.
*squee* Sui Feng ^^
VastaKustutaThe Great and Powerful Luna looks like a mix of Bambi, a Sword and the Stone, and Fox and the Hound. I don't know why...I can just see it...and it's freaky.
VastaKustutaTrixie...apprentice? Yeeees...I can see the potential future fanfiction/episodes.
Princess Rapitrestia is actually pretty bad-ass.
And pimp Flutterbitch.
I love this Season...
@TenchiFreak5. Thanks, couldn't resist making the Hans Solo/AJ crossover after today's episode.
VastaKustutaOh, and I finally made it on drawfriend! W00t
@mycutiemarkisagun Doesn't deserve what, being compared to Wesley? The comparison has already long since been made and to top that off, I didn't make the picture. :P
VastaKustutaI am, however, quite fond of the CMC and their antics.
VastaKustutaNow I has a sad because I appear to have messed up the joke.
#22: I like the new background pony, but do y'all think her eyes are always like that? Also, is Screwball going to stick around as her name, or will she get lucky and acquire a real name? (I've seen Topsy Turvy elsewhere, which is a little more MLP-like, at least.)
VastaKustuta#28 is apparently Part 2. Here's Part 1: http://pixelkitties.deviantart.com/art/Flutter-Jerk-258922997
VastaKustuta#1: Oh. My. Stars. That's just... Words fail me.
VastaKustuta#4: Very elegant.
#9: All sorts of funny little details; be sure to check out the little red label near Derpy.
#12: I wish.
#13: Is that an official poster for BroNYcon? If so, I heartily approve!
#19: My favorite of the day; dramatic lighting + dynamic pose + DJ P0n-3 in her element = win.
#24 & #25: Some more impressive stylization; wonderful use of color in both drawings.
#28: More proof that Flutterjerk is the funniest Discorded pony.
Balding Picard Pinkie makes me very happy.
VastaKustuta#10: if they put ponies in LoL, I'd definitely start playing again!
VastaKustuta#9 Why is Pinkie a Red Shirt?
VastaKustutaFor your Star Trek spoof above and beyond the call of duty, I award you a virtual muffin!
Epic PON-3 is my new background.
VastaKustuta#9 #27 #28 are all my favorites today!
VastaKustutaOh, and #30 really isn't all that saucy, though I imagine Phoe likes it.
VastaKustutais that complete 1st season thing legit? (#12)
VastaKustutaOf course it isn't
#1: Oh boy...
VastaKustuta#5 and #16: Poor Spike. :(
#17: Very nice rendition. :D
#21: I honestly wouldn't have minded seeing a scene like this, but I guess it's a little too hands-on rough for Discord's taste (not to mention too much for the show's target demographic).
Stupid Sexy Discord.
VastaKustutaSauce for #6 is Milkweed on FurAffinity
VastaKustuta@Cassius because in TNG Command Staff wear red
VastaKustutaNice subtle Doctor Who reference in 9 (The Star Trek one.)
VastaKustuta#9 - excellent! unbelievable! incredible use of shading!
VastaKustuta#5 & #16 - "Spike you're the new Rainbow Dash!" "But what if the real Rainbow Dash finds out?"
#22 - Aw, Derpey Hooves made a new friend!
#5 and #16
VastaKustutaWell I saw that coming
Stupid sexy Twilight... As always.
VastaKustuta#1 Oh Gawd. Rule# 63, Oh you
VastaKustuta#4 NMM, why you so beautiful!? It's confusing me
#5 and #16 I was waiting for something like these to show up xD But Spike looks more like Yoshi being all blue and such
#7 lol brilliant
22)Oh shoot! Derpy has competition!
VastaKustuta29)And that's why that very book is the model replacement for the intelligence in TF2. It's that important and everyone wants to take it!
#28 takes the cake.
VastaKustuta#10: AAAAAAAAAAH!!! I've been waiting for something like this for such a long time!!!
VastaKustutaI wanna know what the story to #6 is...Did Tom leave her for that nice girl from Igneappolis?
VastaKustuta#9 is spectacular!
VastaKustuta#9 All you need now is Discord in a Q outfit.
VastaKustuta#20 It's about to get rowdy up in here.
VastaKustutaPinkie Pie with the Bald of Picard? What.
VastaKustutaHilarious TNG parody, though.
#11 I have no idea what's going on here, or why, but I know I want to see more of it.
VastaKustuta#18 Good dialog. I lol'ed.
18: tell that bitch like it is discord.
VastaKustutaGotta love the Flutterbitch/Flutterjerk one. Also, am I the only one concerned that Ponychan hasn't surfaced for a few days?
VastaKustutaI say we call Screwball Daffy, after Daffy Duck from the 'Duck Amuck' Loony Tunes cartoon where that same cutie mark was on the tail flag of Daffy's altered body.
VastaKustutaMy favorite is Rainbow Spike, gotta love them
VastaKustutayes, yes it is
Oh dear god. Forst picture is too saucy. CENCOR!
VastaKustutaCaution: don't read this warning!
VastaKustutaCaptain, there are Klingons on your flank!
This Drawfriend just put me on the LOLlercoaster.
#1 ...wut? Overall though, pretty good drawfriend.
VastaKustutaOoh yes, I'm liking Daffy for her.
It's my book, and I'm going to read it!
VastaKustuta@korby maybe we can do the same thing as we did with Derpy. Have her real name be Daffy, while her other name is Screwball, since I pretty sure people have already gotten use to the name Screwball.
VastaKustutaI Love, ScrewBall ;D
VastaKustuta#19 made me shout in manly approval. DJ P0N-3 is the most epic background character ever.
VastaKustuta#9 Is amazing but it requires more Discord in a Q outfit holding some roses or something.
VastaKustuta#10 Pink pony is best jungler!
#19 Badass redefined.
#28 made me laugh so hard. As well as "spike is rainbow dash" pictures. That's going to get old fast though so don't overuse that gag, artists ^_^
VastaKustutaLol #9 is awesome! We need more star trek ponies
VastaKustutaThere's some more pony stuff over at #10. I really like his art style. Also I'm most definitely not a regular over at that site.
VastaKustuta#18 - Lordy, did I laugh...
VastaKustuta#22 - Between this one and Tom the Boulder, I think we need two more canon characters...
#19 Here... By Celestias twirly beard, my stuff in drawfriend? Didn't expect =D.
VastaKustutaI colored #26, it can be found here http://fav.me/d4avokh
VastaKustutaGuys, no more Flutterbitch, please, I don't know if my mind can stand any more...
VastaKustutaAlso, my reaction to #1 was ...tee!
#9 To not only do this, but think of making Scootaloo Wesley Crusher and Rainbow Dash Worf is pure brilliance.
VastaKustuta@Twilight Sparkle
VastaKustutaI just want to take a peek!
6. Someone make a fic for this.
VastaKustuta21. How dare that bastard lay his damned dirty hands on her...
VastaKustutaoh #12, when will you exist?
VastaKustutaMisscord (female Discord) has his (her?) fang on the wrong side. Was that intentional?
VastaKustuta#14 awww cute
VastaKustuta#18 LOL that was priceless
#29 Y'know I think she wants that book all for herself
#30 Saucy enough I guess <3 AJ
#16 Spike for best Rainbow Dash.
VastaKustuta#28 Dat Flutterbeyatch B3
#29 MY BOOK!
VastaKustutaHee hee! I know! Two fandoms in one! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!
#28 is the funniest thing I've seen on this site. Even discorded Fluttershy is the best pony.
VastaKustutaUmm... Why would you ever say no...
@Josh Spicer
Careful there Josh Spicer, that almost read in my head as Rapelestia... Rapidash-Celestia is cool idea, until all the Molestia fanon comes back to bite that name in the horse's a... tail...
And speaking of tail... Epic, but it looks like she's pissing rainbows... Tails don't come from THAT part of a horse! /)O_O(\
"Your stupid"
VastaKustuta"Your a Pony"
Trixie had no comeback after that statement :P
Also, HONESTLY you guys have a rather skewed sense of what is and what ISN'T saucy :P
Also Spike looks like a Yoshi in that pick, if somehow all the yoshi's combined into a rainbow Yoshi xD Dash is not amused at your trying to be her lol
Flutterpimp is brutal...
And WHY hasn't anyone made any Karate Kid Rarity spoof yet? really guys come on!
VastaKustutaWhat the hay is that there for?! You need to censor that, seriously.
#9 Should be #7
VastaKustutaFlip them so Derpy can make sense!
*readies free reference cookie*
3, 17, and 24.
VastaKustutaI love Celestia's color and detail.
Also, I was curious.. Why not put the Artist's name with the artwork? Like is done with the fanfics?
i havent seen anyone ask this yet, so ill do it: in 23, why is fluttershy crying? thats no good. pic is awesome, very well drawn, but it makes me kinda sad.
VastaKustutaEeek, female Discord! Dat's...intrestin'. ^^'
VastaKustutaI'm lovin' him with Trixie (and the realistic one!! Oooooh!!), and the Vinyl/Octavia one. XD And lol, Spike Dash! Those are funneh.
Speaking of...Rarity makes quite the lovely bride. :3 7 makes me laff. Pony Trek wins a lot. I'd attend Bronycon and give someone my money for the first season DVD set if possible.
#15 be uber-cute. 19 & 20 are filled with awesome. #21 confuses me; #22 (Screwball) is hysterical. #23-29 contain also all manner of brilliance, cuteness, beauty, elegance, and epic sweetness. Flutterbiatch is particularly delightful. Messeth not with her, Twi. She knock you out.
@Motor_Mane posted on my birthday