The googly eyes are just a front for her secret double life as an agent of the Lunar Replublic
Or something.
Have some art.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Source 4
Source 5
I decided it was too saucy, but I'm also too lazy to re-number everything.
Source 6
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9 snus-kun
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
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132 kommentaari:
Dat post image is epic
VastaKustutaHey, where's Derpy?
VastaKustutaOh, there you are.
Loving s7 and s13 is oh so filly-foolery cutetastic!
VastaKustutaAlso im damn curious as to what source5 is now
Oh #5, we never knew you, but still miss you.
VastaKustutaI knew what this was from "She's a semi-erratic."
VastaKustutabecause the first line to Perry's is "He's a semi-aquatic"
They both have derp eys.
VastaKustutaI must know of what number 5 portrayed!
VastaKustutaAww yeah! Mewball got his Octavia posted! :D
VastaKustutaWoo go Mewball!
Dash has Vegeta Hair
VastaKustutaI agree with Slagathor.
VastaKustutaI don't know why but 19 just makes me go "Daww" when I see it.
VastaKustuta#1 Someone needs to make a comic series about this.
VastaKustuta#7 Aw, come on! All I did was accidentally hit the button. It's not MY fault there just happened to be an apple sitting there!
Also, Starfox 64 came out for the 3DS a week ago, so I'm kinda surprised that there aren't a whole lot of "Trixi-doss"es or anything like that.
But hooves would look funny. Wait, Discord has hands..., desktop Luna, your distracting me while I'm trying to type. I need to compliment all these wonderful artists for their, stop moving icons around! NO WAIT, THAT'S THE RECYCLE BIN, DON'T PUT WINDOWS IN THERE. NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *fatal error*
VastaKustutaI demand #5 source!
VastaKustutaNumber 5 TOO saucy? You are warning us... but meh.
haha #11. She can't escape from the horror
VastaKustutaWish I could have seen what 5 portrayed. Now my interested is piqued. However, out of what I can see I like 19 the best. It's cute.
VastaKustutaI require a 26-episode TV series, comic book, and video game about Agent D IMMEDIATELY.
VastaKustutaOh darn, and here was me wanting to do something EXACTLY like #1. XD
VastaKustutaOh well.
white is every color combined, so it would only be fitting for rainbow dash's coat to be white, but it looks too epic for a regular pegasus, now if rd was a princess...
VastaKustuta#19 is cute.....
VastaKustutaSeth...Y U NO PUT SOURCE FOR #5?
VastaKustuta5... To saucy??? I hate you Seth... REALLY?? Y U GOTTA DO THIS TO US????????? I wanna see it!!!!!!!!
VastaKustutanice, can we hav an outside link for numbah 5?
VastaKustuta#1 is that kind of brilliance that makes you embarrassed you never thought of it first, because it's such a shockingly perfect connection.
VastaKustuta*slow stomp*
1. *Derpy walks in*
VastaKustutaDoofenshmirtz: A cross eyed pegasus?
*puts on hat*
Doofenshmirtz: *gasp* DERPY the cross eyed pegasus?!
XD Phineas and Ferb FTW
Did Derpy just punch out Cthulhu?
VastaKustutaNumber 11: Lily Blossom dreamed Hasbro made a figure of her...and they did!
VastaKustutaNumber 15: If Don Bluth drew Discord...
Number 16: Pinkie WINS!
Number 18: Foolish Maretals...
Number 23: She's 20% cooler when she's OVER 9000!
VastaKustutaWhite is every color combined... Huh, forgot about that. Interesting tidbit there. =)
VastaKustutanow i really badly need to know what 5 was
Too saucy? Is it 34?
VastaKustutacmon seth give us a link to #5
VastaKustuta#3: Baww...
VastaKustuta#11 I can hear her screaming... "The horror! The Horror"
VastaKustuta#5 should have been titled "Lost in the Sauce" :P
VastaKustuta#23 Since when could Dash go super-saiyan? o.O;;
#5 was the best image in the drawfriend.
VastaKustutaJust kidding, I didn't see it either.
#5: As long as it wasn't rule 34/anthro I want to see it.
VastaKustuta#1) She's a semi-erratic pegasus pony of action!
VastaKustuta(derp-a-derp-a derp derp derp-a-derp-a derp derp)
She's a feathered little flathoof who'll never flinch from a fray-ay-ay
She's got derpy eyes and a flank
full of bubbles and she will thank
anypony who comes and brings her those muffins!
Derpy: They really are the best!
She's Derpy! Derpy the Pegasus!
Derpy! Agent D!
I'm surprised there isn't more crossover stuff between FiM and Phineas & Ferb. The two shows share a common trait of being incredibly good and fun shows that entertain people well outside their intended audience.
Too saucy? No such thing!
VastaKustuta7. Don't say that, Scootaloo, I have taken a solemn vow to messily end anyone who tries to make me pay off my murderfines!
VastaKustutaWell not exactly. It's different between Additive and Subtractive colors. You see, Additive allows white to be created when all colors are mixed (for example, how tvs and monitors work with red green and blue) and Subtractive forces black to be created when all colors are mixed (like when drawing something. If you draw over the same spot with every color available to you, besides grays or black/white, the spot you drew over will turn black)
Curse you, Derpy the Pegasus!!!!!
VastaKustutaThat would be a great crossover. Someone get on that.
Too Saucy? For even Seth? Holy crap what WAS that image!? I wanna see now! Come on Seth show me show
VastaKustutaDesktop Twilight just gave me an awfully dirty glare as she walked by this text box. Sorry are best Pony! Keeping me company while I write my backlog of unfinished FD Reports...You are so awesome *hugs* Also Spike is here too, he is cute....
Anyways! Good drawfriend, art is awesome. Number 19 is my favorite, not sure if Rarity is about to give Applejack a sponge bath, Or she is helping her after she hurt herself...I like the first one....TWILIGHT STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!
Seth, you will win 1000 Internets if you give us a link to #5
VastaKustutaI told you all Dizty was secretly an undercover agent, but did anypony believe me? NooooOOOOOooo...
VastaKustutaMore good art. (My drive is filling up with Luna! There's going to be a huge pile more when this new season moves along.) I really like 2, 6, 18, 22.
VastaKustuta-Moonlight Ballad, Bard of Equestria
I've got 5 bits saying that there never was a saucy #5. Seth is messing with us, I tells ya!
VastaKustutaI disagree with the idea that if don bluth did discord he'd look like that i say he would be more like the alligator from all dogs go to heaven in style
#1 Heh, though that does sound like it might be intriguing, I still prefer her as our derpy-eyed mailmare. :)
VastaKustuta#5 Wow! That is really something alright! Never thought I would see that drawn. ;)
#7 Dat criminal scum. Those heads just look so goofy on human bodies. Especially Sweetie Belles for some reason.
#8 Anyone else notice I seem to be blushing an awful lot lately? Maybe I should see nurse pony. Cute piece though. :)
#10 Heh, I see Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny came to others' minds too when they saw the title. Trixie seems to have gotten so much more powerful though since her appearance in Boast Busters. I wonder what a match between her and Twi would be like if they were both almost equally matched in magical talent.
#11 The horror! I don't know exactly what is so horrifying, all I know is that whatever it is... the horror, the horror! Though I'd wager on the cause being made to wake up early. That's my usual response to having to wake up real early too.
#12 Aww, AJ being too darn adorable. <3
#13 Do I want to know what lead up to this? Or what happened the night before? The answer is obviously... "go on..."
#17 Renaissance artist Rarity. Painting pictures of yellow marshmallow angels. :)
#19 Aww, cute. I know, it's pretty much implied shipping, of course. But I like to think of it as simply cute. lol
#20 Real bass and awesome pic of RD here. She's got those little feet wing things too. lol They probably have a name, I'm sure.
And the usual cool Discord pics we've been seeing lately and will continue to see a steady flow of for a little while still. :P
<-- crying a little for the lost #5
VastaKustuta#7 is just awesome and #11 makes me laugh every time I see it :)
Rainbow Dash has now ascended to super pony.
VastaKustutaExactly, we must see it now!
Silly Seth. You could have just put #23 in #5's place, and no one would have been the wiser. You do this just to toy with us, don't you?
VastaKustutaglad there was no five…whatever it was
VastaKustuta#20 Woo! yeah! Now that is awesome. And to think it was a doodle by the artist.
My other faves are #6 and #22
Hmmm, this set seems a little lacking. Usually when I see a drawfriend there are at least 4 or 5 pictures I MUST have, and the only one that really jumped out at me was the opener.
VastaKustuta#5 has no sauce
VastaKustutaThis was one of the more 'WTF' Drawfriends.
VastaKustutaI only feel capable of saying that I think Scootaloo as a knight and Applebloom as an archer are spot on regarding their personalities.
Too saucy? Confound it Seth, why must you do this to us? Now I want to know what it was.
VastaKustutaAlso, #11 is awesome.
#1 Derpy now has the best fanon.
VastaKustuta*looks at #1* OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! Ultimate crossover art. (Phineas and Ferb, based on Agent P/Perry the Platypus, sheesh seth)
VastaKustutaI was JUST thinking of one of Perry the Platypus's every catchy tunes THEN I open this drawfriend up. Coincidence?
VastaKustutaSilly mods, you can't have sauce if you have no pasta!
VastaKustutaHad to think about it for a few seconds before getting numbah 1 xD
VastaKustutaOh, you air are epic, I managed to sing that to my self with the tune form the show and it work perfectly. It was awesome
I'm getting far too much glee out of this image
I'm surprised nopony checked the page source.
Dat #5.
VastaKustutaThe styles are even similar (ish)
Dooby, dooby, dooba!
VastaKustutaI love the agent D, but too much shipping in Tjis one, IMO. At least Seth cut out 5, whatever it was. Ponies are for cute, not for sex, dammit!
VastaKustutaI cannot get away from pony ever, I want to watch brentalfloos, see pony comments, I want to see chuggaaconroy, I see a pony video, then I go to the runaway guys, MORE PONY COMMENTS! Can't I just get 1 day, just one (probably not, ponies are just that awesome)
VastaKustutaSay has anyone seen Derpy?
VastaKustutathat #5 ain't that saucy. Not as nearly as saucy as that TwiDash from the other day.
VastaKustutaAlthough, my opinion of sauciness has been impaired by years of 34.
@Backround Pony 723
VastaKustutaLOL, I make a clean version of my clop pic and it's still too saucy for EqD.
I want to see #5!! The more sauce the better!
VastaKustutaAw, somebody beat me to it making a "Cutie Mark Crusader Crusaders pic..."
Shipping Discord with Pinkie.. actually makes sense. O.o
VastaKustutaOooOOooo Drawfriend~
VastaKustuta#3 Oh love the style, such a cute picture!
#12 D'aww such a sweet Applejack, and in such a lovely graphic style! I like this very much. ^.^
#15 Frightening, but fascinating interpretation. I would so faint if I saw this Discord coming for me though... @_@
#16 Absolutely love it, almost too cute for words (and yes I am interpreting this in an entirely non-shipping context). Pinkie is adorable. I love the coloring style and subdued palette, too.
#19 Oh curse this, my Achilles heel, it tugs at my heartstrings so! Silly adorable Rarijack. What is that little thing anyway, a sea sponge?
#22 Oh I really am loving the background here, especially; wonderful attention to detail.
You'll all have to pardon my brevity for once; I'm a bit burned out this evening.
Sauciness makes me fall over in laughter at how absurd it can be at times.
VastaKustutaPure hilarity.
VastaKustutaActually, that's an Ursa that Agent D is clobbering. (I think an Ursa Minor, but someone might want to double-check that...)
@DJLowrider - Great lyrics!
VastaKustutaI made the mistake of checking on the missing #5, since one comment said it wasn't as saucy as a recent pic. That was a mistake. Don't check the URL if you have the slightest aversion to r34, as it's obviously a censored version of a porn pic.
1 & 11 are funny, 13 & 20 are great examples of applying different art styles to our favorite ponies, and 16, 17, 19, and 22 are all cute (especially 19; I can see that happening at the end of 'Applebuck Season'). Still, by far my favorites this go-round are the epic Luna in #2 and the even more epic Philomena-Fluttershy in #6.
Ah, Derpy the Pegasus! How unexpected, and by that I mean COMPLETLEY EXPECTED! Behold my creation, the SAUCINATOR! You see, Derpy the Pegasus, my childhood in Gimmelschtump was made slightly better by beef stroganoff, but my mother would always give my brother all m- Hey! What are you doing!? You made the Sausinator fire on image 5!
VastaKustutaOdd, where have I seen %5 before? dA maybe? Hm...
VastaKustuta@Phil Srobeighn
VastaKustutaIf I could "fb like" that comment...
Can someone say what's in #5? I'm sure everyone wants to know.
VastaKustutaBackground Pony has already posted this link, but I will do so again since not everyone checks the comments.
In my opinion... pretty saucy.
17. Yay! Another pony wearing a beret.
VastaKustutaPretty saucy?
.Are we talking about pasta?
How is a picture TOO SAUCY? Did Seth spill sauce over the pic?
(jk, i know what does that mean.)
VastaKustutaHot sauce......tabasco.
VastaKustutaI have to say, Seth made the right call.
That was FAR too saucy. If it's not allowed on Ponychan then it probably won't fly with EqD.
Anyways, #15, #16, #18 WOOT! I love me some awesome alt Discord art.
#5-- i get it...nightmare MOON :D
Dash did it! Finally, super sayain 5!!! Gosh, I thought I'd never see the day...
VastaKustutaSeth has been "touched" by Discord. He did 5 JUST so see the chaos ensue. What does a faded Sethisto look like anyway... A grey box?
VastaKustuta#10, lol, something once again implying Trixie has any magical talent.
VastaKustutaI like this banner for ED, because it's like everypony is standing away Trixie because they know she's going to cause some other epic disaster and they are laughing at her.
VastaKustuta#5---Yeah that's Wagner level sauce right there.
VastaKustutaRegardless awesome amounts of Drawfriend today.
Though #23 has me confused about the white/super-sayian Dash. That's not the 1st time I've one like that, is it a ref to a story or comic?
VastaKustutaSearch "Super Klonoa" on Google and hit the deviantART link. All will be explained... ;)
Ditzy Doo being awesome, Cutie Mark Crusaders, morning Lily (probably just woke up from a nightmare. The horror!), and some Rarijack.
VastaKustutaToday is a good day.
Seth, you're such a tease!
VastaKustuta~Dr. Heinz Hoofenshmirtz
Haha, wow, I'm all for saucy pics Seth but DAYUM, you would be cutting a fine line if you posted that, was most likely for the best you didn't.
VastaKustutaHah, it's kinda funny how that, in my opinion, the saucy pic is the best one of the Drawfriend. Other than that though I like the Discord ones.
Man it was short today :\
I really liked #21. It made me smile. Happy Luna is the best Luna!
VastaKustuta#15- notice my self, LIKE A BOSS.
VastaKustutaRainbow Dash has reached Super Saiyan limits, I see. Must have been because she was jealous of Pinkie reaching it before her.
VastaKustutaProps to the bronies who dug #5 sauce out of the page code. And props to Seth for not posting it; I'd say it's a bit over the line.
VastaKustutaThe CMC were then brutally murdered because ~tgm.
VastaKustutaDude, there were like two pictures that were shipping.
#11 I love the fresh smell of horror in the morning :3
VastaKustuta#16 Confound my love for Chaosshipping!
Princess Celestia: "Agent D: we've just received word that Doctor Discordshmertz has bought five tonnes of hot chocolate and a tanker fleet of milk trucks; we need you to find out what he's doing and put a stop to it!!"
VastaKustutaHILDA! Ve vill be interrogatink der pony! Bring zer bucket of soapy frogs und ze cucumber mit der tabasco sauce.
VastaKustuta#2 like it, Luna is always awesome
VastaKustuta# 12 cute AJ is always cute tho :D
#19 not my fav paring for AJ but i like this pic xD
17 Let the rarishy shipping commence.
VastaKustutaSilly pony! she screams HORROR in the beautiful early morning....
VastaKustutaHow cute
VastaKustutaAnd that's counting #19 as a Rarijack shipping pic, when I think it could just as easily be looked at as Rarity helping a good friend.
I'm not a fan of shipping either, but if this Drawfriend has too much shipping for you...
Super Saiyan Rainbow Dash. Cool.
VastaKustutaI think that's enough of Discord he'll be gone soon on episode2, too bad lol
VastaKustuta#1 "...and the colts swoon whenever they hear her sayyyy... "muffins!""
VastaKustuta#11 How horrifying!
#13 I thought we were over the "Dash is lesbian" thing. Guess not.
#22 Beautifully done, I love the colours- all gentle and subtle.
Oookay, clicked te clink ypu bronies found for source five (curiositu is gunna kill me soon, if you no longer see me in your "show" you know why), and......
VastaKustutaOh god the horror.
Good call, Sethisto...... VERY good call......
On the other hoof, anypony know a good way to completely erase your mind temporarily? JUST to get rid of that image??
By the way..... All you bronies and your silly shippings of me. You make me LAUGH!
@Rainbow Dash
VastaKustutaHey, I at least tried to warn you...
"All you bronies and your silly shippings of me. You make me LAUGH!"
Yes, it is all quite silly, isn't it? ...Though I strongly suspect there is a spark between you and Spitfire, amirite?
(OK, yes, I'm kidding! Can you take that little black thundercloud away from me now?)
VastaKustutalol Epic Win
VastaKustutaThank you XD.
LOL No saucy to go with muh spaghetti, sorry Thats bad I know, but I am eating spaghetti LOL
VastaKustutaO.O of all things tho, I could actually see Rarity as a wonderful painter... Can't say why though
Yeah, #5 was over the line. I like sauce, but geez...
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta*Facepalms at having to be told to check page source to find #5*
VastaKustutaAltho, I would not hove expected to find a link in the page source when the page itself has no representation of that link. I think Seth either gave us an easter egg to find or just used the wrong (or glitchy) Blogger delete function.
I think it's not too saucy. We've seen censored nudity porn on this site before (look at the Fluttershy maid pic), the only difference really is a more suggestive pose and the censorship just being to make it like the show where the genitals are missing. It's borderline, but maybe an inconsistent policy is good to prevent too many saucy drawfriends in a row.
Personally, I think Seth should separate out saucy material into its own section. It avoids most arguments over whether something is over the line (when in doubt, put in saucy section is a lot easier than when in doubt, remove or hide in source), while also letting those who actually want that stuff be able to find it easier. Having a separate site entirely (Equestria After Dark), which is no longer updated and has all the clopfics in comments, is just silly.
#5 too saucy? I highly doubt that. Have you seen Kloudmutt's Luna pics?
VastaKustuta#7: Whoever came up with this pun should be banished to the Moon!
VastaKustuta#17: Considering Rarity is written as an artist, I can see her doing this for a living in an alternate universe.
#20: I'm going to guess this is an immortal Rainbow Dash at age 2000.
#23: Rainbow Dash's mother?
Yes. That is all I can say.