I really hope they have plans in the works for a full hour and a half long pony movie. Can you imagine the epicness? Discord shows that the mane 6 are fully capable of being thrown into a longer style adventure.
Have some art...with lots of Discord thrown in. It seems you all waited a day.
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You guys really will ship anything.
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Poor Trixie.. Shes so last season.
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The ultimate pair?
Source 14
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Source 32 saetia
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No wonder she wears all that makeup
Source 36
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Source 43
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
122 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaPretty big drawfriend today. All the more opportunity to fill my pony folder!
VastaKustuta#8, Seth, I am disappoint.
VastaKustutaSheesh, lots of real good stuff, again.
VastaKustuta#27 is extra nice...
Epic Win on #13
VastaKustutaSo much season 2.
VastaKustutaVery nice
VastaKustutaFive bits says that'll be an OTP by next month. Thanks, JJ.
Is it just me, or does Johnjoseco have a monopoly on drawfriend? Lol
VastaKustutaAwesome as always.
VastaKustuta#37 is totally awesome.
VastaKustuta34-Discord is too cute.
VastaKustutaThis Discorderiffic drawfriend is pretty great.
5-Love Lyra's teaparty! It's too cute.
11-Awr I still love you Trixie.
I think I am dead. Thank you #41
VastaKustutawth is with celestia plus wall really guys
VastaKustuta#4: INB4 Destiny.
VastaKustutaJohn Joseco is freaking out about season 2
VastaKustutaSomething tells me that Rarity's Rock and Alibi Applejack are on their way to becoming pony memes.
VastaKustutaGood to see ol' fashion Flutterage back, though!
#8... They were asking for it.
VastaKustutaHaha, #8 is hilarious.
VastaKustutaOther than that this Drawfriend is full of awesome Discord art. My favorite still has to be Poor Yorick's, although #27 is seriously badass. Another great Draw Friend, and I can assume we'll still be seeing a ton of Discord and Liar-Jack
Extensive Drawfriend today. Sweet.
VastaKustutaReally like #15, awesome style.
RarityxBoulder shipping is now canon.
VastaKustutaI may be wrong, but wasn't #43 in the last drawfriend?
VastaKustuta#30: Bullcrapplejack?
VastaKustutaIs it strange that when I watched the episode, my thoughts were pretty much the same as #8?
VastaKustuta#18 made me sad
VastaKustutaDiscord is in one episode and he has generated so much art already, I think he is going to eclipse Luna/Nightmare Moon and Trixie Villain art within a week.
VastaKustutaGabe Newell and Discord would have been better. Just saying.
VastaKustutaOkay is it just me, or is Rarity loving a rock going to be a thing from now on? haha
VastaKustutaLuna SPAAAAACE
VastaKustutaalso Season 2 Episode 1 is TOP FAVORITED ON YOUTUBE
Someone needs to send #13 to Valve.
VastaKustutaEpic feature length pony movie?
#8 was inevitable.
VastaKustutaFeel all the fresh content goodness!
VastaKustutaOh, hell, wait till the shipfreaks get ahold of #4.
VastaKustuta8 gave me such a good laugh
VastaKustuta11: Discord got Trixie, boastful to humble
VastaKustuta25: Segways are fun, Lyra
30: Oh that's a polygraph
#1: Cute idea and nicely drawn, but I don't see the connection to any "Return of the Jedi" poster that I can recall...
VastaKustuta#5: Lyra, Lyra, Lyra...
#7: I'm seeing a lot of puppeteer Discord pictures, but the cane really adds something to this one.
#8: Um, yeah. Amusing joke, but shouldn't it be behind a link?
#17: Which one's Lucy, and which one's Ethel? (And will anyone here get that reference?)
#19: *snrk* *giggle* BWAHAHAHA! Talk about incriminating photos...
#21: I love gentle, caring, meek Fluttershy to pieces, but I have to admit Flutterb!tch is very amusing.
#25: Lyra, Lyra, Lyra...
#26: I think this is the third time this week Briskby's been the artist of my favorite pic of the day. This is a completely preposterous idea, and yet she pulls it off and makes it look awesome.
#34: Aww, Discord was so cute as a young draconequus!
#38: Mares! In! SPAAAAACE! Uber-cute LuLu is always welcome.
#39: Took long enough for someone to draw what Pinkie Pie was doing during that first commercial break...
#41: Dang, that's cute; I can totally imagine each of the main 6 being like this as fillies.
#43: Am I the only one who finds the TwiDash speculation ridiculous? (Not to mention somewhat disrespectful, given what Lauren Faust has said about Rainbow Dash?)
While Discord is an awesome villain, and I really hope he stays around in some fashion for the rest of the season, I have to imagine that his greatest contribution to the show and fandom will just be giving the artists SOMETHING new to draw.
VastaKustutaWow. Really nice Drawfriend today. Really long one, too.
VastaKustutaAnd 41 gave me all sorts of diabetes.
VastaKustutaRe #8: We were all thinking that when we watched it. Don't deny it, everypony. You know you were. Especially you, Brian.*
*(I realize most of the EqD readers are not named Brian. However, if you are named Brian and were thinking naughty things about Celestia's horn, boy I bet you're freaked out, eh?
Man with #4, I knew that was gonna become a "thing". When I watched with my brother the only thing we could think was "Wow, that was... suggestive."
VastaKustutaBleh, my comment got nommed out of existence. Ah well. Lots of Discord, Master of Puppets pics I see.
VastaKustuta#4 Rarity and her boulder are basically a new meme now comparable to Rarity and her dumb rock. Except with maybe more romanticism this time around. :P
#25 Lyra on her Segway drinking Starbucks... or whatever the pony equivalent is. lol Lyra, you're so random!
Welp, I think we overdid it on the new episode just a bit.
VastaKustutaSo, things I've learned from this drawfriend are:
VastaKustutaRarity/Rock is OTP
Celestia/Door is OTP
VastaKustutaYeah, I think it's pretty well established that Discord is the true trolling master of Equestria...
VastaKustutaThat's why I've started copying my comments before posting. All hail ctl-A ctl-C!
(If you're using Firefox, you can also install an addon called Lazarus; there might be something equivalent for other browsers as well.)
#8: lmfao cmon I know I wasnt the only one who laughed out.said something when they saw this on the show...SOMEONE GET TO WORK ON CELESTIA/HOLE SHIP!
VastaKustuta#18: holy crap this is amazing :0
So within one day of the actual episode's airing enough fan art has been draw of Discord to show he really can look like a freaky, intimidating villain. I love this fandom.
VastaKustutalol @ #8
VastaKustuta#35: Rarity still looks great.
#42 is quite lovely
So much season 2 stuff already!
some of the best drawfriends so far! :D
VastaKustuta#4 Dan is such a ladiesrock
VastaKustutaWe need more visual metaphors for things being controlled. 'CAUSE THERE'S A LOT OF PUPPET STRINGS HERE AND ITS FREAKING ME OUT A LITTLE BIT.
VastaKustutaDon't be mad Fluttershy.
VastaKustutaIt's that humongous boulder again
VastaKustuta#4 Dan gets so much love.
VastaKustuta#35 BOO! Don't make fun of my Rarity!
#8 - Yeah, if this didn't pop into your head when you first saw that, you must be asexual.
VastaKustuta#17 - Try not to fall down, Twi.
#21 - FLUTTERBITCH, FUCK YEAH! Slasher Pinkie is sooo Season 1, now I want grimdark fics with Fluttershy on her Femme Fatale shit.
#24 - Clearly Discord can suck his own dick. Pfft, like you wouldn't.
#26 - Trixie and Twilight were the best of friends until Luna tragically drowned onstage....(LOOK AT ME, I'M MAKING A PRESTIGE JOKE)
VastaKustutaOh gosh, I love that movie
VastaKustutaI'm wondering something. I've been seeing this character with the green glasses pop up occasionally on different sites. Is this a reference to a fanfic/fanwork I'm not familiar with, or just some joke I completely missed?
VastaKustutaI can totally see this happening while Twilight rallies her friends this week...
I'm surprised nopony's mentioned how boss Luna with her Elements of Revolution (#16) looks.
VastaKustuta...And now I have an idea for a TOTALLY unprecedented, un-foreshadowed direction that the show could take Luna's character, but it's so very very unlikely: make her a "Prince" . She hasn't showed up because she's been busy running all over Equestria and the surrounding areas righting wrongs and rescuing imperilled people. (I'm a bit of a "Revolutionary Girl Utena" fan, y'see.) Only problem is, Celestia has referred to Luna as "Princess", and I can't imagine her not humouring Luna if she preferred being called "Prince". But still, the phrase "Revolutionary Pony Luna" has lodged itself in my brain and won't come loose.
#5 - Gentle-lyra
VastaKustutaConfound this John Joseco, he drives me to his art.
VastaKustuta@P. Pony Ponyson Alibijack! Much better than what I previously called her, Applelie.
By Celestia's Beard these are awesome! I love the one with pinkie and the swizzle straw, and the one with Discord and Celestia staring each other down
VastaKustuta@mycutiemarkisagun: "#8 - Yeah, if this didn't pop into your head when you first saw that, you must be asexual."
VastaKustutaActually, it didn't, though the second time I saw it I figured someone would go down this road.
I guess I'm just weird in that I don't automatically think of sexual undertones when watching a kid's show. Or don't particularly look forward to charming, innocent characters being portrayed as mass murderers. Meh, I think I live with the burden of being odd in that way.
#39, darn, I was going to do that too. lol
VastaKustuta#41, at least it's named appropriately. Pinkie in the cookie jar, that face xD
VastaKustutaIt's apparently the personal OC pony of the artist, MadMax. (Also, she doesn't seem pleased that it's been posted here..?)
Oh god #16
VastaKustutaMy Little Pony
Independence is Strength
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta#8 my exact toughts after watching that scene
VastaKustutaThat 27th one is kind of intense.
VastaKustutaI think what people fail to realise about the scene from #8 is that before Celestia poons the lock she has a massive wingboner, afterwhich her wings are relaxed again.
VastaKustuta#8 - Yeah, sad to say but that's the first thought that popped into my head. At least I'm not even close to being the only one to think that.
VastaKustuta#41 - I lost it at Pinkie Pie peeking out from inside the cookie jar doing her FOREVER stare.
When i saw #34 I tough: Chupacabra!
VastaKustuta4. Honestly.
VastaKustuta15. Shows just how itimadating Discord could be with a little more detail.
17. Awww, Twilight looks so happy.
19. Mawhawhaw.
20. Want some. Get some.
29. Master of pupets.
37. Kind of reminds me of the Grinch.
#16, I always wanted to fanonize the assertive version of the "Elements of Harmony." Elements of Liberty?
VastaKustutaI just realized that in number 4 the rock is blushing.
VastaKustutaSPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!! Luna, yo are the best at space.
VastaKustutaThere was too much win here, I was going to actually point out all the ones I liked and why but there's simply too many!
VastaKustuta*Sense's shipfic about Rarity and the rock.*
VastaKustutaMan, only one episode of the new season and all these awesome meme's are spreading like wildfire.
#34 I want that as a plushie.
VastaKustuta#8 Fandom i am dissapoint.
VastaKustuta#4 is win. Rarity's destiny IS truly a rock
VastaKustuta@Anon Pony With A Name
VastaKustutaBest. Ship. Ever. Its my OTP
#11 Makes me sad :(
VastaKustutaAll my hugs Trixie
You deserve them.
So many good peaces here today in this Drawfriend. Discord looks scary as shit in #14.
VastaKustuta18 and 20 are the best. 34 reminds me of Deathwing from WoW: Cataclysm.
VastaKustutaI really love all this new Discord art! So many epic pieces already, after just one day. Best. Fandom. Ever.
VastaKustuta4) The rock is blushing too!?
VastaKustuta5) British. Awesome. The End.
11)Seems like she's under Discord's spell as well with the grayer palette.
13)...Is that Gabe Newell?
Season 2 Episode 1 has just moved up to second on YouTube favorites.
VastaKustuta8) Celestia/Door - totally my new OTP.
VastaKustutaOh, darling, I think you nailed it with that one. XD Bullcrapplejack it shall be for me, from now on! *lol*
And a lot of nice stuff this evening! Let's see~
#1 I like this a lot. I always enjoy these sorts of dynamic, movie poster-esque group shots. Nicely done!
#3 Another nice group shot. Rather standard composition but I like everypony's stances and expressions here, definitely.
#4 The rock... is blushing...
#5 For the most part, I've never quite understood the community's apparent fascination with so many of the background ponies (not that I dislike them mind you), but I must say Lyra does have some definite appeal for me. I think it's just her wacky posturing and expressions that do it. Anyway, I think this piece is terrifically cute and funny. ^^
#14 Frightening! Though very nicely painted, obviously! Kudos, artist.
#15 I like this interpretation! Discord really does have the most fascinating character design, I must say.
#17 I really love how Berry Punch is portrayed as perpetually drunk within this fandom. And yes, I must admit that makes me like her that much more as a background pony, too.
#18 As much as it pains me to see poor Pinkie Pie sad, this is really a beautiful piece of art. Love the delicate linework, and her expression is so perfectly morose. Sad yes, but gorgeous.
#19 Something tells me darling Applejack is not enjoying that very much. I love the wonderfully discordant dynamic of these two together, haha...
#24 Oh, I really love this artist's style! It almost reminds me of a picture-book illustration (which is a good thing, or at least I meant it that way). Discord almost looks cute here, if he wasn't so... err, not cute as a character. =P
#25 I laughed out loud. Oh yes that is SO how we do things here in southern California, haha! Lyra on a Segway (with Starbucks to boot)made my evening.
#36 Hm I like this style quite a lot, too! Simple but very expressive!
#41 So adorable. The look on Pinkie's face is my favorite part.
#43 I don't think I shall ever get tired of Applejack's dodgy face, I really don't.
#37 -- Am I the only one reminded of Smaug the Golden from the Rankin/Bass animated version of "The Hobbit" when I look at this?
VastaKustuta#4 "GENTLY, PLEASE!"
VastaKustuta#30 Now I have no doubt that Jackie is the elemnt of Honesty. She's a terrible liar :X
VastaKustutaWell now that you mention it...
I love seeing these different interpretations of Discord, they're all blowing me away. He's such an awesome character, far moreso than I ever expected.
VastaKustutaNow that's just unfair.
I also look forward to charming, innocent characters being portrayed as mass murder victims. See? There are nuances to my unquenchable Grimdark thirst for pony blood.
And dude....you know that Unicorn horns are an obviously phallic symbol, right? Hell, the whole fucking original mythos surrounding unicorns was sexualized as hell. Leonardo Da Vinci once wrote that the way to capture a unicorn was to drag a pretty virgin out into the woods and use her as bait. Its the same with Mermaids, you know. (Sailors wanted pussy so bad, they started imagining that manatees were half-babe or something. Granted, meeting a woman with a lower fish half doesn't exactly solve your original problem....but hey, they were horny and riddled with scurvy, cut them some slack)
Can you believe that accoording to MetaCritic, that's Chris Nolan's worst movie. Further proof that WE DO NOT DESERVE CHRISTOPHER NOLAN.
Okay, I say this all the time, but 41 gave me some sort of super diabetes, also my heart hurts, these ponies make me feel so many feelings!
VastaKustutaIn a totally manly way of course. *insert applejack's epic poker face here*
VastaKustuta@Discord So much you!
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaloving all the S2 goodness, great set!!
VastaKustuta#18 - I love Anime Pinkanema, it tugs at my heart strings
VastaKustuta#21 - that little D-bag Angel Bunny meets FlutterJerk (not what I call her really, but I like to keep it clean in case kids are around)
#22 - I don't know whose charater this is supposed to be, but I need her to clean my place
I expect Discord won't disappear completely, instead of turning him back to stone they find something nicer like strip away his powers but let him have his freedom and whatnot.
VastaKustuta@Navy Pheonix
VastaKustutaDiscord will remind Twilight that "the test never ends"....
#8: Celestia x Vault Hole ship fic reveals how the spell was temporarily weakened when Celly was "going faster" in the magic key hole.
VastaKustutaIn all seriousness, I personally believe that the Vault spell could have held. With Discord's powers, the SECOND the vault was opened, they had already lost the elements. He could have been lying in wait and flashed the elements out from within the chest and into his possession before Celestia ever had the chance to levitate the chest out of the vault.
#29: I wanna just reach through the 4th wall and give poor Twilight a hug to let her know everything will be OK. Curse that DIscord! Pinkie is possessed by Discord's spell and can't break the 4th wall for me now! NOOOOOOOOO!!!
38 & 42... There is CLEARLY no communication between the two sisters. If only Celly knew Luna was having a BALL!!! In SPAAAAAACE!!! I do like these ultra detailed ponies though!
Also, inb4 Twilight is caught with her horn stuck in the door's magic keyhole when she tries to experiment with it and finds herself now locked by and entrapment security spell.
VastaKustutaYou just made my night!
Also, yay!
Got my mother started on FiM today!
16 - Curses!
VastaKustutaI totally had an idea for a fanfic introducing 6 elements aside from the elements of harmony...
Although, mine were the elements of Peace, meant to mirror the inner harmony needed to balance outward harmony that is the Elements of Harmony...
I'm sure the information about the phallic implications of the unicorn's horn is filed away somewhere in the back of my brain; it's just not something I've ever had cause to think about, so it just stays filed away.
My comment was largely meant as a joke, but judging from the other comments in this thread, apparently I am virtually alone in not immediately picturing #8 when that scene played in the episode. But, like I said, I'm OK with being odd in that way.
41 makes me D'aw.
VastaKustuta#8 okay i cringed as hard as i would cringe for a drawfriend
VastaKustuta#13 okay i cringed harder
I love it when artists ship characters with random inanimate objects. RarityxDan and CelestiaxDoor are particularly funny.
VastaKustuta#8 made me laugh my ass off. I totally saw it coming. The image flashed through my mind when that scene came up in the show, to boot.
VastaKustutaRarity x Rock was also expected in a way.
#1 and #26 for the win cause I always thought Twilight Sparkle should be Mandrake if they remake Defenders of the Earth with ponies.
VastaKustutaSweet, more Discord!!
VastaKustutaWhoa, I can't believe I just said that.....
#13 I tried not to lmao as it's 11:00 p.m.
VastaKustutaI barely succeeded.
Not one bit of love for Vinyl on here? Son I am so damned disappoint.
VastaKustutaAll of the absolutely badass Discord pics are astounding though, someone please release the artist responsible for #14
#2: Aww...
VastaKustuta#4: I think Rarity needs to check herself into a mental hospital.
#6: Ah, the Glowing Eyes Of Doom. Classic. I wonder who is about to get their tail fried?
#8: More evidence in favour of the position that shippers belong in the mental hospital.
#13: Gabe Newell and Princess Celestia? With that alliance of professional trolling, we're doomed.
#16: [puts on "For The New Lunar Republic"]
#20: Celestia vs Discord. Now this is a fight I'd like to see!
#28: I guess ponies have Talk Like A Pirate Day, too.
#35: Wow. Rarity looks pretty damn good without her makeup.
Lol'd hard at #8!