This was going to be Discord edition, but I saw all the spoiler rage on ponibooru and though better of it. It's going to be really difficult to keep a lid on his design for the next few days!
Have some Luna instead.
Source 1
Source 2 Lulubelle
Source 4
Source 5
Source 6
Source 7
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
Source 17
Source 18
Source 19
I actually laughed when I heard the main character of an FF game was going to be named Lightning.
Source 20
Source 21
Source 22
Source 23
Source 24
Source 25 (Click for full)
Source 26
Source 27
Source 28
Source 29
Source 30 Sip I.A.
Source 31 skipsy
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115 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaepic stuff!
VastaKustutaDANG IT!!!!! but still good art!
VastaKustutaThank god you had a brain and didn't make this a shitty Discord edition, Seth, the last thing we need is more people going apeshit over that braindead looking... THING!
VastaKustutaWe need to execute a formal boycott on discord art and stuff until the season actually starts, I don't want to miss anything, but I don't want to see any spoilers either!
VastaKustutaSeth, when season 2 starts, can you make one of the drawfiends entirely about Discord?
VastaKustutaOnly if you want to, of course. It's your blog.
VastaKustutaOf course! Chimeras are awesome
VastaKustutaI kinda like his design. He's an amalgamation of different creatures. It's a unique look.
VastaKustutaThank you for not showing Discord.
And for what sounds like attempts to not show him till Saturday.
#2 is that a balefire phoenix with Velvet Remedy?
VastaKustuta@Latias4EverDude, it was a 60 second clip and he's being voiced by John de Lancie.
VastaKustutaThat and he's more successful as a villain than Nightmare Moon was in a full episode.
Seriously, just wait and see people.
Luna! @ 6 and 7 lol
VastaKustutalooks good though over all, great stuff happening!
poor velvet
VastaKustuta#7: But now I'm starting to get angry, SO I PULL OUT MY GUN!
VastaKustutaI can't believe John Joseco puts such a small amount of time into those wakeup images and they still come out so fantastic.
Horay for Seth not showing discord!
VastaKustutaI'm sure I'm not the only the only one who really appreciates this so thank you very much!
I'm avoiding most websites that are likely to spoil this and it's good to know that can trust Equestria Daily to be spoiler free!
I doubt many will get #29, but it's awesome none the less. :D
VastaKustuta@Pierre Chanliau
VastaKustutaI don't know WHO THE FUCK John de Lancie is, I saw people saying he was on Star Trek, and guess what, I. NEVER. WATCHED. STAR TREK!
Seth, seriously, DO NOT MAKE A WHOLE DRAWFRIEND OF THAT BRAINDEAD PILE OF VOMIT, PLEASE! You'll be ruining Equestria Daily completely!
VastaKustutaTwilight as Lucca makes a great deal of sense, actually...
But, Applejack as Robo? Seriously?
#21 is so d'aawww worthy
VastaKustuta21is cute :3
VastaKustuta15 and 18- Dawwwwwwwwww!
VastaKustutaI had to shudder at 26...
VastaKustuta#7 was cute but number #12 was just awesome!
#28..... Love it. Never get enough Who.
VastaKustuta20 is my favorite. It's lovely. I like the b&w but I'd be interested to see the purple.
VastaKustutaAlso, 21 is cute and 22 is quite enticing.
Thanks for making not making this a Discord edition! I really don't wan't it to be spoiled before I get to watch the episode.
VastaKustutaI love how every drawfriend has at least one image that's just a clean version of a Rule 34 pic.
VastaKustutaI also love how I'm 99% sure Seth has no idea of this fact.
24 was just... Ahhh... AWESOME!
VastaKustutaand Robo Applejack is best applejack
VastaKustutaJohn de Lancie is best known for his roll as the all powerful, and mischevious, Q on Star Trek The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Voyager. He also wrote and recorded several books for the series.
Ha! Luna, you don't have to come out of the closet. We already know.
VastaKustutaI always find drawings of Velvet Remedy to be misproportioned...
Sweetie Belle can look awesome and air-headed at the same time. How cute!
No one answered me before, so who's the recolored, pegasus Pinky?
I read up to Seth's post, and now I know Discord is a chimera! Ugh, thanks for trying Seth. Now I can't read ANY comments until season 2, god I'm scared to watch the Brony Show today. If they mention Discord once I'm logging off and banning the internet.
VastaKustutaThen go play some TF2.
#13 I wish I could get a cutie mark that easily...
VastaKustutaPeople just like pairing her with them fancy mathematics!
@P. Pony Ponyson That's Surprise, Faust's concept art version of Pinkie
VastaKustutaDude! John de Lancie is voicing Discord! That's awesome! This makes me think he's not a conquer Equestria villain like NMM was but a more chaotic, cause destruction, misery, and mayhem for fun villain. I'm envisioning something akin to the Joker.
VastaKustutaIt's the Moon Festival tonight. ~yay!
VastaKustuta#9, why was that story a one-shot? Twas so enchanting with so much potential. (gives The Stare at Jetfire.)
Probably a good choice to not do a Discord edition yet.
VastaKustutaThis drawfriend was epic (especially Velvet Remedy and Pyrelight).
VastaKustutaBut to echo others, please don't post spoilers. well, its your blog so you can but I'd just have to live in a cave until saturday afternoon and hope I can find a stream without getting hit by spoilers (sucks being in the EU sometimes).
Also, I want Sazh as a pony now :)
VastaKustutaD'aww #21
VastaKustutaHooray, Moon Festival! Let's go celebrate with Moon Cakes and Luna.
VastaKustuta#25, good God that's beautiful.
#21, Poor Scootaloo. She knew it couldn't last forever.
VastaKustuta@PPonyPonyson: Surprise, upon whom Pinkie Pie is somewhat based.
VastaKustutaThank you for not posting spoilers. 8^) If you do eventually post spoilers, please tuck them discretely under a link (or "break").
VastaKustutaRecycleTiger has unleashed so much Luna dawwness. I love it.
VastaKustuta#13: Music solves everything, and Applebloom just proved it. Plus such an awesome cutie mark.
#25: This reminds me of that FlutterFire story Buttersc0tchSundae made. I should read it again.
VastaKustutaCall me crazy, but I think EQD can survive having a Discord edition of Drawfriend. I'd even go so far as to say there's a good chance you could survive it too.
#22. Octavia and Spitfire are my favorite background ponies, but that, just, what is this I don't even....
VastaKustuta@Shingo I don't want to make moon cakes, can't I run to the store and buy moon pies?
VastaKustutaWhat ZAq said. I had a two minute debate myself before I decided I wanted to wait until Saturday to finally see Discord. So for the love of all that is good and Pony, please wait before publicly displaying Discord. Thanks!
#19 and #24 really should be right next to each other in the lineup.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaits going to be so hard browsing ponibooru these last remaining days
VastaKustutaDinky and Derpy at 3. The cute is so powerful.
VastaKustutaSmart man, Seth, Smart man.
VastaKustutaAlso, SO MUCH LUNA!!
#21 Dashie went pop.
VastaKustutaDat Lightning pony.
VastaKustutaOh god slenderman is now a pony!
3 belongs to lunarapologist.
It was colored and lined elsewhere though.
#1: Be sure to click on the source link on this one, folks; the artist posted a really nice bit of background information for this image.
VastaKustuta#3: Why am I compelled to save every image I find of Derpy/Ditzy and Dinky?
#8: I'd love to have the story behind this image, but I'll take any drawing of Twist that I can get.
#23: I suppose it's appropriate that my favorite Octavia drawings are the restrained, understated ones.
#25: There's been a lot of great pony art lately, but this one blows everything else out of the water. Fluttershy is predictably great, but Spitfire is stunning.
#28: I can't take Doctor Whoof seriously, but that's a pretty funny image.
#29: But the fact that Trixie's there makes the title of the book (and movie) a lie!
#30: Really nicely done.
VastaKustutaThis site does not revolve around you and your *opinions*. So stop being overly dramatic and chill out.
VastaKustuta404: Sense not found
#1 and #15 made me cry.
VastaKustuta#21 almost took tears from me.
Inafter people complaining about Discord is one way or another. ;)
VastaKustuta#7 Looks like Luna's trapped in the closest... and on one has any answers... so I pull out my socks! Someone tell me why Luna in the closet or else I'm gonna sock someone! <3
#8 Hmm, seeing the two next to each other like that, I'm starting to see a little bit of a resemblance. They could be sisters!
#9 Whoa, Rarity. Dem eyes.
#13 iBloom. I wonder if she'll get her own line of iPods...
#20 Love the style done here.
#21 Aww, poor little Scoots. Next time she'll know to use waterproof paints. :)
#22 OH MY! Something is on fire aright. Miss Spitfire, gracious! Get composure of yourself!
#25 That's certainly a very lovely piece. The style is interesting too.
#28 Love Dr Whoofs expression here. He's simply going "wtf?" at Dash.
#31 I love lasers! <3
#12 Surprise is the greatest G4 pony that never was.
VastaKustutaYay, I should keep submitting stuff! Perhaps I'll dust off my old DA account and put some on there. :D
VastaKustuta#29 Major lulz
VastaKustutaNeeds moar Seafoam and Sparkler
VastaKustuta"I actually laughed when I heard the main character of an FF game was going to be named Lightning. "
VastaKustutaI actually didn't believe it at first.
#12 is amazing. I love how cute Gummy is with his little hat and alligator blanket all curled up next to Pinkie xD
VastaKustuta#24 is instant win
VastaKustutaThe Chrono Trigger one is so much... fucking... WIN.
VastaKustutaSaw a slightly altered version of #22 on Paheal.
VastaKustutawhat is happening to scootaloo in #21 o_o?
VastaKustutaSorry dude, Drawfriend Stuff: Discord edition is already in draft!
If you ask me, the clip was more of a sneak peek than a spoiler, all it does is show that discord is a way cooler villain than NMM, with maybe a master of games twist? And if you're not too mad and want to ask me again, I'm pretty damn excited about discord and I think I'm gonna love this season. :D
VastaKustutaMy guess is that she painted herself up to look like Rainbow Dash, but got wet somehow so it's now all washing off. (Alternate theories welcome!)
Source 3 is my unfinished lineart, though it looks like someone colored it.
VastaKustutaOriginal link here: http://lunarapologist.deviantart.com/art/Naptime-256792827
@P. Pony Ponyson that would be Faust's original concept for pinky. eventually they made her not a pegasus for, well, I can't remember why they clipped her wings. but I do know that fluttershy was arbitrarily bumped to be a pegasus to have 2 of each
VastaKustuta#7 not Luna. Is Nightmare Moon.
VastaKustutaNotice mane and tail. Black coat. Dragon eyes.
@Lunar Apologist
VastaKustutaThanks for the link; let us know when you finish it!
#22 made me lol, Spitfire and Octavia are both SO AWESOME /)^3^(\.
VastaKustutaAs for #28, I've certainly had enough Dr. Whoof, it's really getting quite old for me.
#18, Dinky in muffin basket? Dawwwww
VastaKustutaHe's kinda been a pony for a while now...
Regardless, #26 is still awesome.
I love lightning so YAY!
VastaKustutaOh look velvet and pyrelight made it into a drawfriend! I am now happy whilst I get used to the actual discord design.
VastaKustutawelp... now I know discord is a chimera... didn't wanna know that.
seth, one must practice a certain level of tact when trying to not give away spoilers...
Just use Spoiler Links, you know, like the Saucy links. That way you can hide ALL the awesome stuff. If people peek, it's their own derpy headed faults for not keeping out.
VastaKustuta24: Pony Trigger!!! yay! I level 99ed Chrono Trigger, like a BAWS
1, 6, 7, 15: So much Luna today! I still just want her in mah house!!!
VastaKustuta... I'm not sure if I love you, but I tolerate your opinion.
#9 would go great with that fanfic, 'Nightmare State of Mind', especially to illustrate the scene where Rarity temporarily banishes the Nightmare and speaks with Twilight.
VastaKustutaEveryone calling discord a chimera is wrong. He isn't, for sure. One thing I will say is, he is AWESOME.
VastaKustutaAlso, #22 could have done better to be behind a saucy link... Not that I don't like it, but others are more sensitive to that sort of thing. (I actually really like it)
VastaKustutaI actually laughed when you said AN FF game, but then I re-enunciated and felt stupid.
But more on topic, I loved this drawfriend, mostly because of #12, because, I realized that if Surprise was supposed to be Pinkie with wings, the whole of Equestria would be kinda screwed if she ever met with Pinkie.
What's #14 off? Looks familiar..
VastaKustuta#12 3... 2... 1... SURPRISE~!
VastaKustutaGet it? Surprise! XD
"I actually laughed when I heard the main character of an FF game was going to be named Lightning."
VastaKustutaWhy.....because of the spell? It's become tradition that the main character's name be related to the sky.
Source 9 - virenth.deviantart.com
VastaKustutaI'm one of those people. Not that I'm sensitive to it, I just don't care to see it.
aaaaand now my two favorite BG ponies have been shipped, and it cannot be unseen. Goddamnit.
#2 - Beautiful Velvet & Pyrelight!
VastaKustuta#10 - that reminds me, I need to check Pinkamena Diane Pie's tumblr.......*checks*.......SQUEE! She stuffed Fluttershy! Only the head tho. :(
The source link for fifteen is wrong. As usual, great edition of drawfriend.
VastaKustuta@Wolfe KuPo
VastaKustutaYay! More Zebra!
#7 so cute! well say hi to RBD for me then! :P
VastaKustutaI'm loving #6 and #21 both are super cute xD
VastaKustutachrono trigger ponies were pretty sick. wanted frog tho :(
VastaKustuta#19- I know her cutie mark could be the Pulse l'Cie brand, but I'm having far too much fun imagining it being her hoof punching a snowflake two to three times. Maybe she was working on a Magian trial in the game...
VastaKustuta#24- I dunno. I feel Applejack would make a better Ayla than Robo, but then I'm not sure who to make Robo. Spike? Possible combo here:
Crono - Rainbow Dash
Marle - Rarity
Lucca - Twilight Sparkle
Ayla - Applejack
Robo- Pinkie Pie
Frog- Fluttershy
Magus- Luna
Yes, that seems to fit there. Also: needs moar Square Enix ponies. Xenogears. Vagrant Story. Parasite Eve. Star Ocean. Infinite Undiscovery. Last Remnant. DOOO EEETTT!!!
Also: Needz moar Sazh pony!
VastaKustutaSeth, #15's link misdirects to #1's DevArt site. Just thought you should know.
VastaKustutaCheck the source link for #14; it's one of a series of pics the artist has done spoofing album covers.
#9 source: http://virenth.deviantart.com/art/Possessed-Rarity-256198854
VastaKustutaThank you sooo much for not posting discord pictures :)
VastaKustutaSO MUCH (but can never get enough of) PONIES!!!!!
VastaKustuta#1:) MOONPIES! I declare it so!
VastaKustuta#3.) Why you no exist?!?! Had to follow @Lunar Apolgist's link to see the sketch version to get the D'AAWWW!!!
#7.) Ah, but WHICH closet? Could it be that she secretly wishes to be a STALLION?!
#8.) *GASP!!!* Madmax, why? You said what we had was special! Oh...sister? Yeah, uh...never mind!
#9.) ...I am intrigued...
#12.) Frame 2 - Crashing symbols don't wake Pinkie. Frame 3 - A "second" Pinkie drops from the ceiling with her 1-pony-band and startles Surprise, who jumps up... Frame 4 - ...and falls on "Pinkie" in the bed, which turns out to be a life-sized Pinkie plushie. Frame 5 - Their combined giggling wakes up the whole town.
#13.) iPony, Buck Different
#21.) Adorable follow-up to 'Scoots paints herself like Dash' series.
#22.) "THERE ARE CHILDREN WATCHING!?" "You can't use that excuse in our bedroom, dear..."
#28.) So...epic!
#29.) Awesome shoutout? Awesome shoutout!
discord is a chimera? that does not look like one it looks something more akin to a creature made up of random pieces than a chimera.
VastaKustutaBeautiful Velvet Remedy pic, but shouldn't Pyrelight have some golden color on her?
VastaKustuta18 is.