• Comics: After the Hurricane/Back to the Past


    Today's a comics extravaganza, because I've got a bunch of them, and Seth is either too busy or too lazy to schedule the day. And since he never checks these things, I can say this kind of thing about him in public without fear of repercussion. It's like a game! =D

    Speaking of not having a transition, have some comics. Above, Fluttershy is adorable. Below, Twilight messes up a spell. I'd say something about that being a pony trope, but really there aren't enough instances of the mane cast turning into fillies, so hey!


    26 kommentaari:

    1. those were good. Although, proper Rainbow in the first would've been nice.

    2. Speed is not equal to filly, Twi, must you always flub your spells. You're the Element of Magic, for Luna's sake

    3. so that's the Age reversing spell she mentioned long time ago...

    4. I just hope Twilight performs some spells properly in Season 2, or else all these comics and fanfics will end up being canon :\ Still, I like the idea of a plot where the mane six regress back to being fillies. Thankfully, written by Amy Keating Rogers.

    5. the heck? did they just become fillies?

    6. Also, 38,000,000 views! Let's get 40M before season 2

    7. Congrats Equestria Daily on hitting the 38M :-)

    8. I think the first one is a repost.

    9. That first one should have a double rainbow. Or has the internet already forgotten about double rainbow guy?

    10. That second one is just begging for a sequel.

    11. I think I like where the second one is going.

      Bow-chicka bow-wow

    12. Apparently, Twilight made her and Dash so fast they pulled a Superman and went back in time? Curious.

      Also, Solar-Slash always has cute ponies, and this Fluttershy is no exception. D'awww!

    13. First one is dawwwwwwww
      also failed rainbow :D

      The second needs a sequel.

    14. I would guffaw if he just happened to look at this one.

      Well, maybe not guffaw, but I'd certainly garner amusement from it.

    15. I want to see an episode like comic two.

    16. I can't tell if comic two is trying to be ironic or if it's being straight...

      If it's trying to be ironic then I guess it's pretty clever, but if it's playing it straight then it demonstrates pretty much everything wrong with the "Twilight messes up a spell" trope.

    17. Saw the first before it popped up here, Fluttershy is far far far too cute in it. Beyond safe cute/happy levels.

      Didn't quite get no2 but it was good, i wonder how they would cope with it.

    18. @Mike
      Speaking of double rainbow guy...


    19. A speed spell messed up turns into an age reduction spell? That doesn't make much sense to me, but I guess that's why they call it "magic" and not "science."

    20. I saw that Fluttershy comic the other day. It's just oozing adorable. I love storms though, so I wouldn't mind keeping Fluttershy company during storms. :)

      And oi, Twi! She seems to be messing up so many spells lately! But at least this screw up is cute. :>

    21. @Ford

      Except in Equestria, Magic IS a science.

      It is observed, controlled, tested, has its effects studied, organized, and then harnessed and taught for the betterment of society.

      Twilight, first and foremost, is a scientist.

    22. Why do I now foresee that somepony will make a fic out of the second comic if it hasn't been done already?

    23. Judging from the title and first panel of the second comic, I assumed Rainbow Dash had gone so fast she had time travelled into the past. I was disappointed.

    24. Based on the title of the second comic, I'd have to say that Twilight's spell sped her and Dash up to 88 miles an hour.

    25. Fluttershy, being adorable, as always.
