Kind of OOC for Trixie though.
Have some news!
Paper Pony Pencil Cup
A magazine called "Pink" recently showed off FiM, and included this paper pony pencil holder thingy. Pretty random! It does look more like a tissue box to me though.
Thanks to Philip for the heads up.
Brony Meetup Pages
Southern Californa Facebook Page
Vancouver Meetup (Meting at the Mall instead of for a pic nic!)
Left 4 Dead Brony Steam Group
Pony Magic the Gathering Cards
I guess Armored Warhorse is a pretty badass card for all this effort?
Ponyhammer Stuff!
Apparently Warhammer people just love painting stuff. Have some recolored marines and ships below!
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Guy With the Glasses Answered a Pony Question
I literally got 50 emails about this, so apparently you all really love this guy or something. Doug Walker on "That Guy With the Glasses" answered a pony question at 4:10 in this recent video. Madness I say!
Abridged Series Seeks Voice Talent
For those interested in voicing:
-Pinkie Pie
A new abridged series is looking for assistance. Hit up the ponychan thread if you are interested in helping out.
Rainbow Dash Cake
Season Two Newspaper Comic
Crazy ponies
Jayson Thiessen Visiting AOD In February
Jayson will be attending the Animation on Display Japanese animation celebration in San Francisco. Apparently he is hosting panels and signing autographs for everyone.
This one is pretty far in the future (Feb 18-19) , so I'll toss a real post up when its sooner.
Nan Desu Kon Brony Meetup Writeup
These crazy bronies recently met up at Nan Desu Kon. For those that love reading about other people having fun, check out the writeup below!
Nan Desu Kan Writeup
Ponychan IRC Applet
The guys over at have opened up a new applet to join in. Check it out here!
Second Light and Dark RPG Livestream
Another stream is planned for the LaD RPG on Saturday at 9:00 PM PST. You can find it here!
Pony Count Down Contest
A contest over at has started up to design custom backgrounds for the website. Winners will be able to showcase their work. Check out the detailed information if you have artistic talent and want to participate.
Ebay/Merch Stuff
Scratch Plushie
Pony Hair Pieces
Equestria Daily News
Fic report for Thursday, September 15, 2011
- Fics received today: 17
- Fics that received Feedback today: 23
- Fics still awaiting feedback: 11
- Fics approved: 6
- Total new fics scheduled for posting: 6
- Total fic updates scheduled for posting: 10
- Fics sent back for revision and/or proofreading: 14
81 kommentaari:
Second! wait... AAAWWW FU-
It should be the Nightly Round Up Seth, not a Comic ;3
VastaKustutaSilly filly this isn't a comic
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaUm, Seth? Aside from the newspaper strip I see no comic here... ^^;
VastaKustutaAlso. TIME Y U NO MOVE FASTER?
VastaKustutaSeth, you done derped on the title.
VastaKustutaAlso, tomorrow is Season 2 premiere, Nightly Round Up #2 (we get nightly round up at around 6PM usually and premiere at 11PM) and I get to play games all day with my friends.
That WH40K Stormraven is just beautiful.
VastaKustutaHey, isn't that something? The 100th Nightly Roundup will be the night before season 2 airs...
VastaKustutaSomehow that just feels... right :)
Darn, I hope I'll be able to watch it from somewhere. Crappy net..
VastaKustutaI wonder if there'll be any on Youtube?? That's my only source.
Party like it's Nightly 99!
VastaKustutaI have to say I love those Magic the Gathering cards. I have yet to make a goddamn deck based on ponies! If only I had moneys DX
VastaKustuta"celebration in San Francisto"
VastaKustutaOh Seth, you so silly!
So Seth, why isn't the Lauren Interview still at the top of the page like you said it would be?
VastaKustutaStickys end at 12
It's official, we've claimed Doug Walker my friends... soon the rest of TGWTG will follow his example... one... by one... I now for some reason want Chester A. Bum to say "OH MY GOD THIS IS THE GREATEST SHOW I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!"... and now I want to make a Bum Review of MLP:FIM... brb, I have work to do.
VastaKustutaThis is Peanut Crunch, the brony behind The So Cal Brony Bulletin Board. Our goal is to promote and document all meetups in the Southern California area, as well as showcase the creative achievements of our community via our wall.
VastaKustutaThanks so much for the shoutout! Be sure to visit our Facebook (So Cal Brony Bulletin Board) and Twitter (SoCalBronyBB) pages.
For the emperor! For the PONIES!!
VastaKustutaSPHEZ MAREENZ!!!
Dash cake=yummy WIN
VastaKustutaand that comic gave me a good laugh -yay- Fluttershy <33
Painter of the Stormraven and the Termies here!
VastaKustutaFor anyone curious, the stormraven took about 7 hours to fully complete, and the squad took about 25 hours I think....
Also there are is some mighty painstaking freehand in the gallery ;)
SO HAPPY. I love the blatant NCS reference there.
VastaKustuta@Dusty the Royal Janitor It's a conspiracy!
VastaKustutaI'm the guy who sent in the Pony Pencil Cup and I feel strangely proud to be in the Nightly Roundup. Maybe it is because this was something I had to find or make myself, or maybe it is because I got into the one that relates to my birthday (09/09/90). Anyway, I'm just happy to be in it. Thanks Seth.
VastaKustutaSo the 100th Nightly Roundup is magically right before season 2 premiers XD
VastaKustutaAWSOME CAKE :D
VastaKustutaOK, that got a chuckle from me. :)
That cake is freaking legit. My birthday's in less than a month, that's what I want. That, and a couple shirts from
VastaKustutaFinally Doug has joined the herd :)
VastaKustutaSoon all celebities will become Bronies
Aren't there enough MLP abridged series already?
VastaKustutaI think CiS is already more than enough, course it's made by the guys who make Sonic F and like most actually good abridgers they've been slow as of late....
Speaking of cakes, I'm pretty sure The Cakes have never ever, EVERRR had a Nightly Roundup.
VastaKustutaAren't there enough MLP abridged series already?
VastaKustutaI think CiS is already more than enough, course it's made by the guys who make Sonic F and like most actually good abridgers they've been slow as of late....
VastaKustutaPardon, J'ai oublié l'accent grave.
VastaKustutaSilly Seth, Ponyhammer is a game about fighting strategically with figureines you've painted!
VastaKustutaAlso, TO THE STORM RAVEN!
Squad broken? *Image of Fluttershy* INTO THE BREACH!
Yay! Seth put my custom Space Marine chapters in the nightly roundup! Best day ever! Though why he chose the Scootachickens as the thumbnail is beyond me...
VastaKustutaIn other news, I today acquired pony! #sohappy
That ponyhammer is awesome.
VastaKustutaI really like the freehand banners in the gallery of the grey knights.
I've actually started painting a Space Marine army with lots of pony references. Each sergeant has a shoulderpad with a cutie mark and their squad transport inside is decorated with their patron pony. I actually finished a mini painting of Rarity 2 by 1.5cm to go in a rhino yesterday.
I also have a captain (with megnetized arms yay) is painted completely like princess Celestia with a rainbow cloak.
The rest of the army will be gritty and realistic which will be a pretty stange contrast.
I might just have to start following TGWTG again now.
VastaKustuta...even if his answer was wrong; everyone knows Rainbow Dash is the best pony.
It's a fact, the internet told me so.
VastaKustutaOP for the abridged series here.
Yes, I know there are a bazillion other Abridged Series out there, but we've been working on this for a while and we think it should at least be given a chance
VastaKustutaThey are amazing! The freehand on the cutie mark on the wing highly impresses me.
Those WH40k Pony paint schemes are amazing. Fantastic work greendino, Pouncival.
VastaKustutaToo bad there have only been Space Marine editions so far. I'd love to see some Chaos re-paints...
"Chaos Space Bronies! Eternally eager for love!"
"From the Eye of Friendship, we come to tolerate!"
Silly Seth, Warhammer figurines come unpainted. You have to assemble and paint them yourself. There are no recolors here.
And tommorow it'll be 100 Nighty Round ups,Who would of Guessed! :P
VastaKustutaSo tonight, the night before Season 2, is Nightly Roundup #100?
VastaKustutaWhat are the odds?
Seth, I was at work when the Lauren interview went up, and by the time I got home, it was no longer at the top of the page. From what I could gather from the comments, while the interview was at the top, there was also a specific site banner for the interview; anyway that those of us who missed it could get a link to see it, please?
VastaKustuta"Apparently Warhammer people just love painting stuff."
VastaKustuta@Seth - Warhammer is A LOT about painting stuff :D And those miniatures are Grey Knights, not Space Marines btw :P
Hey Fritz, funny you should mention that. Since the Nightly Roundup was posted, I've already gotten a couple requests for some more Chapters and Chaos alternatives, like a Chaos version of Pinkie (i.e. Pinkamena's Fallen). I'll whip up a few more when I get home and post them to my DA.
VastaKustutaI must watch it, must convince my Externship to allow my to be one hour late DX
VastaKustutaOtherwise I can't see it until 7pm est....T.T
Doug Walker is officially now 20% cooler.....
VastaKustutaThanks for the heads-up! Chaos Pinkamena just cannot fail :D
Let's get this straight, Seth.
VastaKustutaJust so you know, Doug Walker happens to have a HUGE control over internet culture opinion on shows, games, and movies.
Him being a brony, or dropping any brony related references, is a HUGE leap in our subculture status.
Apparently, ask and I shall receive.
VastaKustutaMany thanks for reposting the banner!
Doug made a reference to Look Before You Sleep. It's kind of hard not to assume he's watched the show. If he was a brony, that would be the awesomest thing ever!
VastaKustutaIf I could, I would hug EVERYPONY.
VastaKustutaIt's awesome to see my pony cards in a nightly roundup. :D
VastaKustutaFor anybody wondering, the person who altered them was rk post, the artist of armored warhorse. He did the mane six, Celestia, and Luna for me, as well as a sweet Celestia playmat for one of my friends.
VastaKustutaRides a little high on the flank, don't you think?
If I had that cake on my birthday, my life would feel more complete.
VastaKustutaHuzzah! My write-up makes the same Nightly Roundup as TGWTG admitting to watching ponies? I'm ok with this.
VastaKustutaThat cake looks awesome, ans I should totally convince my roommate to start painting his Warhammer figures that way. hehehehe
One more thing. He's not just on "That Guy with the Glasses." He IS That Guy with the Glasses.
VastaKustuta20% moar dakka in 10 seconds flat.
VastaKustutaThat Guy with the Glasses could be a Brony? This will help in strides in turning my friend into a Brony. First Screwattack, now TGWTG. This HAS to convince him that guys can enjoy this show.
VastaKustutaDoug Walker could be a brony.
VastaKustutaSeason four starts in less than a day.
It's the flippin' weekend.
Pretty safe to say it's gonna be a good day.
I wanna hug Trixie now /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaYaaay for 40k ponies! I've dabbled in such things but never to that extent. Those termiantors look great, could use some more fine detail work though. My favorite is that Storm Raven. I did that on a much smaller scale with my landspeeder. Great job!
VastaKustutaand thats why Doug Walker is on top of
VastaKustutaHe's awesome
Nostalgia critic all the way
Soon all of TGWTG will be bronified!
VastaKustutaWow, that newspaper comic went from subtle to blunt...
VastaKustutaI'm also surprised at the amount of FiM cakes we're getting. :0
I'm the one who asked Ask That Guy the pony question.
VastaKustutaI feel special.
Since someone mentioned the Cutie mark on the Stormraven: Those things took FOREVER to get right. Ugh.
VastaKustuta@Chaoslord Yeah super fine detail work is not my favorite, and I was trying to keep the colors matching the color schemes of the mane six as best I could. (which meant giving up a lot of the finer details)
VastaKustutaMy life is complete
I'm reading ponies instead of succeeding academically!
VastaKustutaDoug Walker wasn't the first to do anything pony related on TGWTG. CR! was. It's still awesome that Doug did it on one of his shows... now let's see if he sneaks in a pony joke in an NC episode.
VastaKustuta40k ponies, that guy with the glasses, tomorrow 100 nightcap, and season 2 quite a night a must say.
VastaKustutaSweet, the NDK writeup got posted <3
VastaKustutaGrey knight elements of harmony?!
VastaKustutaSweet Emperor, Discord doesn't stand a chance.
Seth knows something!!! NR#100 right before season 2!!! :D
VastaKustutaI've been waiting for season 2,
VastaKustutaand its tomorrow,