It's a pretty intriguing concept - the dialogue needs a proofreader. Saw a your where there should be a you're, and saw "fouls" instead of "fools" (foals?) in page 5.
Also saw a don't missing the apostrophe.
It looks great, is highly legible, and is easy to follow, but if you would run your scripts by somebody it would raise the comic to an even higher quality than what it has already attained.
These seem quite elaborately drawn for comics. Nice. I love when Rarity comments on the goggles. And when AJ almost looses her hat. And "Actually it's Golden Pie." <3
And holy crap! Rarity the hero to the freaken rescue here!
Rarity's self-sacrifice in the name of getting her friend back is awesome. If the writing stays this good through the rest of it, this comic's going to want to want to whip out once in awhile to remind myself of how awesome it was.
.. The artist's comments on page six... about how Golden Pie's cutie mark looks like gay Sauron. I can't stop laughing..!
But, yes, that aside a very touching bit of dialogue there, as well as a fascinating comic shaping up by the looks of things. The art style is unconventional yet interesting (right now, for instance, I cannot stop staring at the detailed fluting on Rarity's horn), and I am interested in seeing how the story progresses. Many thanks for finding/sharing!
I am quite fine, Twilight. There is nothing wrong.
Everypony else is getting knocked away from the blast wall, but Dash is crawling towards it.
And it's Twilight's balloon, not Pinkie's. And everypony's eyes tend to look the same, with the exception of Rarity's looking like she's stressed and wearing makeup still.
So that's what she meant by balloon. I thought it was a reference to Pinkie's cutie mark. Now that I think about it I've seen others make this mistake as well. I guess it's because Pinkie uses it in Fall Weather Friends.
It's hilarious how "Golden Pie", in spite of her dislike of being among Pinkie's over alter-egos, used party-favours and custard (items commonly found in ACME's Comedy Department) to create a bomb.
This has got to be finished! Rarity's badass line in the last page is hilariously perfect. I really want to see what the other alter-egos are, and which pony deals with which.
Top Hat Pinkie - Represents Pinkie's eccentric side, acting quite sensible or more fancy-sounding, at least for a split second. Mohawk Pinkie - Represents her crazed, party-hard-indulging side that has a mind working much like New York City. Crazy-ass stuff that could be from anywhere rapidly coming up. Some of it just drifting through, and some intending to stay for a while. Quiet/Master-Mind Pinkie - represent's Pinkie's very, very unseen side of anger or evil. Suppressed by the other sides, yet somewhat suppresses them at the same time. They keep her from making Pinkie into a killer, and she keeps them from making her into a total Schizo-crazed, party-throwing one-pony-train to self destruction. Without these, all that would exist is just Pinkamena, the angsty-emotionless shell of a pony.
82 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaYeah, I think Or something fits it best
VastaKustutawhat the fuck....
VastaKustutaI'm not sure what to make of this, yet I still want more...
VastaKustutaRarity's got some freaky eyes there. Still a nice comic.
VastaKustutaI mean, I like something, a lot, but it is certainly something
VastaKustutaRemake all the dresses.
VastaKustutaAWESOME!!! Ok now that there is a comic!
VastaKustuta10/10 Would read again.
VastaKustutaMoar moar! It's hilarious! More crazy Pinkies!
VastaKustutaMy my my... psyche clones. This'll be interesting.
VastaKustutaRarity... I like you even more from this lol. You made me laugh pretty hard with that out burst lol!
VastaKustutaHo-o-oly crap... I love this thing... on many levels.
VastaKustutaIt makes sense, but at the same time, it doesn't... it's something, alright.
VastaKustutaHow is this not a fanfic? It's so awesome!
VastaKustutahuh, looks interesting
VastaKustutareally nicely drawn too
VastaKustutaConcept is....interesting.
VastaKustutaD'awww at Rarity loving Pinkie more.
This is really awesome!
VastaKustuta#6 was actually heart warming. *sniffle*
VastaKustutaThis is pure, unfiltered awesome.
It's a pretty intriguing concept - the dialogue needs a proofreader. Saw a your where there should be a you're, and saw "fouls" instead of "fools" (foals?) in page 5.
VastaKustutaAlso saw a don't missing the apostrophe.
It looks great, is highly legible, and is easy to follow, but if you would run your scripts by somebody it would raise the comic to an even higher quality than what it has already attained.
What the fuck am I reading?
VastaKustutaAnd why is it so awesome?
VastaKustutaThis is great. MOAR PLZ.
VastaKustutaI nearly died from laughter because of the pun Golden Pie. My body was not ready.
VastaKustutaAnd then Rarity turned into Rambo, and it was glorious.
VastaKustutaWhat just happened?
GoldenPie made me grin like a lunatic.
VastaKustutaI eagerly await more.
My body is ready for more! =O
VastaKustutaI laughed until I cried. Then I laughed some more.
VastaKustutaIt's definitely something, but I really like something.
VastaKustutaTotally. There should be a scene in one of the episodes with that exchange.
that was bucking amazing
VastaKustutathe expressions... are priceless.
I need more.
These seem quite elaborately drawn for comics. Nice. I love when Rarity comments on the goggles. And when AJ almost looses her hat. And "Actually it's Golden Pie." <3
VastaKustutaAnd holy crap! Rarity the hero to the freaken rescue here!
Rarity's self-sacrifice in the name of getting her friend back is awesome. If the writing stays this good through the rest of it, this comic's going to want to want to whip out once in awhile to remind myself of how awesome it was.
VastaKustutaDAT ART STYLE.
VastaKustutaI don't know why but it's very reminiscent of something... must be the anime-ish look to it.
Regardless, so awesome! /)^3^(\
I never thought manly Rarity would be so...glorious.
VastaKustuta@Crimson Valor Agreed
VastaKustuta.. The artist's comments on page six... about how Golden Pie's cutie mark looks like gay Sauron. I can't stop laughing..!
VastaKustutaBut, yes, that aside a very touching bit of dialogue there, as well as a fascinating comic shaping up by the looks of things. The art style is unconventional yet interesting (right now, for instance, I cannot stop staring at the detailed fluting on Rarity's horn), and I am interested in seeing how the story progresses. Many thanks for finding/sharing!
Rarity = best pony. Always said that.
VastaKustuta....i need more
VastaKustuta...what is this. but i still seem to like it
VastaKustutaI was messaging the artist a few days ago, said the Fluttershy part is the next :P
VastaKustutaAh Rarity, every time my belief in you wavers, you show me the way. Always the best pony. Always.
VastaKustutaThis is amazing.
VastaKustutaAlso, custard:
Actually i wrote a fan fic very similar to this
Check out Cupcakes For Pinkie Pie
That art is damn good.
VastaKustutaComic two, panel two. Best face ever. And it will haunt my dreams D:
VastaKustutaDamn, that seventh page!
VastaKustutaGOLDEN PIE. Ohohohohohohohohohhohoh, ouch.
VastaKustutaThis is fantastic though.
I am quite fine, Twilight. There is nothing wrong.
VastaKustutaEverypony else is getting knocked away from the blast wall, but Dash is crawling towards it.
And it's Twilight's balloon, not Pinkie's.
And everypony's eyes tend to look the same, with the exception of Rarity's looking like she's stressed and wearing makeup still.
VastaKustutaI LOVE THIS! All of Pinkie's personalities! Brilliant!
VastaKustutaSounds like something I'd hear in Gurren Laggan. Which is awesome. FUCK YEA Rarity!
This insanity pleases me.
VastaKustutaInsane... and brilliant! :D
VastaKustutaLooks like they're floating in the Greedy in that pic.
VastaKustutaBrilliant. Can't wait for the rest.
VastaKustutaPg.7 - I AM RARITY, HEAR ME ROAR.
VastaKustutaThis is the most over-the-toply ridiculous thing I've seen in quite a while.
VastaKustutaI approve, though I wonder exactly how they're going to top "Golden Pie"...
@Pinkie Pie
VastaKustutaSo that's what she meant by balloon. I thought it was a reference to Pinkie's cutie mark.
Now that I think about it I've seen others make this mistake as well. I guess it's because Pinkie uses it in Fall Weather Friends.
@Cedric Bale
@Cedric Bale
VastaKustutaThis is insane, TWICE AS FABULOUS!
VastaKustutaThe goggles do nothing! Also, Twilight is cute with hers.
VastaKustutaGolden Pie *wa-wa-wa* She's the mare with the Midas Touch!
VastaKustutaRarity you have show me how fabulous you are once again.
VastaKustutaum... heh, whew... wow
VastaKustutaPost the next part already author, but make it TWICE AS FABULOUS!
VastaKustutaIt's hilarious how "Golden Pie", in spite of her dislike of being among Pinkie's over alter-egos, used party-favours and custard (items commonly found in ACME's Comedy Department) to create a bomb.
VastaKustutaThis has got to be finished! Rarity's badass line in the last page is hilariously perfect. I really want to see what the other alter-egos are, and which pony deals with which.
Author, oh author! If you're reading this, I beg you:
VastaKustutaFinish this comic, and do it well - you're on the verge of creating a new meme (and a most fabulous one at that!).
@DJ Kat
VastaKustutaLIES! Of course it's my balloon! Who else knows how to fly without wings?
I demand more of this comic, plot and artstyle.
VastaKustutaTop Hat Pinkie - Represents Pinkie's eccentric side, acting quite sensible or more fancy-sounding, at least for a split second.
VastaKustutaMohawk Pinkie - Represents her crazed, party-hard-indulging side that has a mind working much like New York City. Crazy-ass stuff that could be from anywhere rapidly coming up. Some of it just drifting through, and some intending to stay for a while.
Quiet/Master-Mind Pinkie - represent's Pinkie's very, very unseen side of anger or evil. Suppressed by the other sides, yet somewhat suppresses them at the same time. They keep her from making Pinkie into a killer, and she keeps them from making her into a total Schizo-crazed, party-throwing one-pony-train to self destruction.
Without these, all that would exist is just Pinkamena, the angsty-emotionless shell of a pony.
VastaKustutaYou left-out the depressed me. There are four personalities that came out of me.
Also, Top-Hat Pinkie is totally my ability to do anything. She's a magician. And she knows kung-hoof.
That... was EPIC.
VastaKustutaRarity for life also.
Pinky Stravo Blofled had Sauron gay brother in her ass... sweet.
Did one of Pinkie's personalities look like a zebra? A zebra of the "evil enchantress" variety?