• Comic: The Future Soon

    This comic is actually based off of this Jonathan Coulton song, do you might want to reference that for some background. All 8 pages are below!

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    25 kommentaari:

    1. 8 pages? must have been missed for a while lol...

    2. I admire the people who allow themselves to create not show replicating ponies and post them for others to see, I created my first a long time ago, haven't tried again since because my morale was lowered so much...

    3. I love how Tom Servo is in the peanut gallery on page 3

    4. That was incredible, really good comic to go whit the song.

    5. Also, I second this:

      Creativity need not be constrained to canon, as long as it is manifested with at least some modicum of skill, as in this comic, which I find quite evocative.

    6. That was pretty good, I didn't understand it until i saw it was based on the Jonathan Coulton song.

    7. Future... made of... virtual insanity...

      For useless... twisting... of our new technology.

    8. Aww Yeah, (Colt)on is awesome and so is this comic.

    9. The comic is way more grimdark than the song...

      I love this!

    10. I remember this exact plot from a WoW machinima thingy.

      I like it.

    11. I remember seeing it on ponibooru long time ago

    12. This was quite entertaining :D

      and reminded me of My Special Cyber Pony from Deadly Space Action #108

    13. EPIC especially when listening to it while reading it.

    14. One of my favorite songs and one of my favorite shows in the same comic? Awesome.

    15. That's the first time I've heard the song, and I love it. The comic's really good too, though the ending was a bit more disturbing than I was expecting. Still, always good to see Snails get some attention.

    16. Brony Mike has an autographed JoCo pony. I saw him get it signed, and I so jelly.

    17. I immediately thought of JoCo when I read the title.

      I guess Jonathan Coulton is something else a majority of the bronies like?

    18. part 7 and 8:
      I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going...

    19. this is the return of the space.... pony

    20. I was listening to this song when I found this comic :D!

    21. That was awesome. Reading it along with the song, they just went to well together.
