Twilight's response was so in character, as was Dash's, and Pinkie's, um, and AJ's... as well as Rarity's... and Fluttershy's, I'm glad she didn't respond, I don't think I could have handled an answer to that question from her. I will just say that this whole comic was in character. Though I don't want to know what pony was asking them that.
HAHA! Love that comic! I've had it favorited on DA for awhile. Makes me chuckle every time...Though Spike, that's just disgusting...You should be ashamed.
@Jelfes I'm gonna guess Pinkie Pie. The fact that she answered the question disproves nothing. I've seen her in two places at once, two places at once I tell ya!!!
hahaha ahh Twilight would I expect anything less than such a logical explanation from u? And AJ couldn't get any more simple and straight forward, loved that part too.
I imagine most people read this comic with an expression akin to the one Trixie's wearing in the current banner, even though what Twilight Sparkle says is correct. And Fluttershy's response, despite being utterly predictable, is absolutely adorable.
Here you go, though it is easy to find if you go to the artists main page
I suppose I should have seen this coming eventually, given the overwhelmingly male demographic of this fandom... silly me. Well suffice to say that I am with Rarity on this one, anyway!
Our toilet is just right next to our shower so I don't see the point of peeing in the shower. Plus it would stink up the place if you don't wash the walls and floor thoroughly after you've done it so why do it there in the first place?
On a related note, just out of curiosity, what do pony toilets look like and how do they even work or use it?
67 kommentaari:
Well who doesn't?
VastaKustutaThe fluttershy one was adorable
VastaKustutaI'm guessing that was a Yes from Rarity.
VastaKustutaRemind me to figure out where you guys live, so I can STAY THE HELL AWAY.
VastaKustutaOr at very least avoid using your showers.
AWWW YEAAAAH, you're using my vector in the header :D
VastaKustutaLol @ hypocrite Twilight
VastaKustutaTwilight's response was so in character, as was Dash's, and Pinkie's, um, and AJ's... as well as Rarity's... and Fluttershy's, I'm glad she didn't respond, I don't think I could have handled an answer to that question from her. I will just say that this whole comic was in character. Though I don't want to know what pony was asking them that.
VastaKustutaFluttershy is so...shy
VastaKustutaindeed how fluttershy just went down in shame , its so cute
VastaKustutaFunny. And I don't pee in the shower, because it never crossed my mind actually.
HAHA! Love that comic! I've had it favorited on DA for awhile. Makes me chuckle every time...Though Spike, that's just disgusting...You should be ashamed.
VastaKustuta@Pedro B.
VastaKustutaI believe Spike meant doing something else in the shower... I'll let your dirty mind fill in the blank.
Why was this made and why do I love it?
VastaKustutaSaw this a while ago. I like how everyone's response matches their character so well
VastaKustutaI'm gonna guess Pinkie Pie. The fact that she answered the question disproves nothing. I've seen her in two places at once, two places at once I tell ya!!!
no answer: 2
Extreme adorableness: 1
So that means Pinkie pees while taking a bath?
VastaKustutauhm, maybe that's why she's nicknamed kinkie pie? uhm, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry!
This whole comic made me forget why I came online today.
VastaKustutahahaha ahh Twilight would I expect anything less than such a logical explanation from u? And AJ couldn't get any more simple and straight forward, loved that part too.
VastaKustutararity should have slapped the asker...but otherwise it seemed spot on
VastaKustutaat the same time her alligator is in there doing it to...NO ME GUSTA.
So these urine jokes can fly, but not mine.
VastaKustutaUhuh, yeah... That's fair.
It's funnier on Ponibooru, because we let our dirty minds assume something other than peeing in the shower...
VastaKustutaWhoops, I posted that last comment on the wrong image...
VastaKustutaRarity is above dignifying that with a response...
VastaKustutai dont see why not
VastaKustutaThere's also one about their more intimate activities each one has in their private time.
VastaKustutaI imagine most people read this comic with an expression akin to the one Trixie's wearing in the current banner, even though what Twilight Sparkle says is correct. And Fluttershy's response, despite being utterly predictable, is absolutely adorable.
VastaKustutaSaw this on Ponychan. I ROFLAMFAO-ed
VastaKustutaI don't, other people may need to use that shower.
VastaKustutaI saw this a while ago on funnyjunk, it was hilarious.
VastaKustuta@OminousBrony please?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThe hell is this?
VastaKustutaNot a big shocker, horses usually just take a piss any ol place.
VastaKustutaSo do I, for that matter.
Ewww. I'm with Rarity on this one... ;-;
VastaKustuta...What. The. ...Funyuns.
VastaKustutaOh well, I guess I have to read it. *rolls eyes*
@Vanishing Don't say that... and don't call them horses either. It's, repulsive?
VastaKustutaMy guesses before I read it:
VastaKustutaApplejack: yes, she wouldn't care
Rainbow Dash: probably
Twilight: maybe
Fluttershy: no
Pinkie Pie: definitely
Rarity: Will say she doesn't, but I bet she does
How close was I?
@banannagram I agree too? lol Well he's certainly not talking about our lovable little marshmallows, that's for sure.
VastaKustutaHow they are supposed to do it if they lack certain body parts?
VastaKustutaI thought that they don't have to, since magic handles everything.
LOL beyond wow.
VastaKustuta"It's all pipes ain't it?"
I was just thinking about where the ponies went to the bathroom when I saw this...
VastaKustutaPinkie Is myyy kind of filly ;)
Well, I have been fully educated today!
VastaKustutaIt's a cartoon. They don't have to explain--*shot*
Why the horse-face, Fluttershy?
VastaKustutaHere you go, though it is easy to find if you go to the artists main page
I suppose I should have seen this coming eventually, given the overwhelmingly male demographic of this fandom... silly me. Well suffice to say that I am with Rarity on this one, anyway!
VastaKustutaSpike poops in the shower. Teehee.
VastaKustutaOur toilet is just right next to our shower so I don't see the point of peeing in the shower. Plus it would stink up the place if you don't wash the walls and floor thoroughly after you've done it so why do it there in the first place?
VastaKustutaOn a related note, just out of curiosity, what do pony toilets look like and how do they even work or use it?
lmao, that was pretty good....albeit a bit awkward.
VastaKustutaI usually do that BEFORE getting in the shower.
Fluttershy being adorable as always
My Little Xixi no Banho?
VastaKustutaPinkie doesn't have shower !?
VastaKustutaOh Spike.
VastaKustutaI can't be the only one wondering where Rainbow Dash's showers drain off to since she lives in a cloud and what happens when she pees!
VastaKustutaWhere do you think the yellow band of the rainbows come from?
thought it was funny you know you do it to
VastaKustutaO and does anyone know how ro get a profile pic to show for live jornal only got it to have a username
VastaKustutaI wonder what Lauren Faust thought about this comic.
VastaKustutaEwwwww, gross!
Yeah, I've done it.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaCelestia's response:
...Do you like bananas?
Wait I dont have a shower lol I bursted out laughing
VastaKustutaPONY TIME!!!!