#1: MIND = BLOWN #2: If someone says to touch him in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, THAT'S NO GOOD. (Yah, i know ya'll know what i did there)
@T-God Dear diary: Today I spent a good 15 seconds zooming in on, and then studying the nether regions of a horse to see if T-God was correct in his accusations. Thanks a lot T-God.
I've since come to realize, after MLP, that I've eaten grass and paper. Well, the grass was from a Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Bean, but if that's any indication, it's not that bad. The paper? I had my reasons...
That second comic's been up here for over an hour without even being hidden behind a link?
As for the off-subject comment, Discord's been turned to stone before, so it stands to reason that he could return again. How the writers would pull that off, I don't know, but it's possible.
@Plot complainers Really, you all look into things a little too much. It's not blatently obvious unless you really REALLY look. Kinda sad actually. I worked with horses for 12+years, four of them was grooming and cleaning. So I guess something like that doesn't really phase me... or something, I don't know, but really peeps be a little mature.
@Everypony else
I did not really get the first one till I really thought about it. THEN I LOL'ed
I have seen the second one before and LOL'ED HARD THEN. Now that it's in color I had to LOL even HARDER! I think thats going on my phone background tonight!
@Doc Steedly It doesn't bother me, really; it's not porny, it doesn't arouse or offend me, and I don't think any 12-year-olds will be scarred or corrupted by it or anything. It just seems a tad more... direct than some saucy images that have been hidden behind links. (And while I vehemently dislike the Trollestia meme, it is an amusing comic, and I can almost see Celestia doing something like that to get Twilight Sparkle to lighten up.)
Oh, and Epicplatypus, if we're going to get specific, the word you're looking for is 'labia'.
@jodym13 The most 'infamous'('famous'?) fanfic of all time is "Repercussion of Evil" about Doom 3. It ends like this "But i have to kill the demons" "No, John, you are demons" "And then John was a zombie".
@Unknown Well, going strictly by that logic, we shouldn't complain even if it was, say, Sweetie Belle being drawn that exposed. I doubt that's what you really meant, but still...
Anyway, there's some fans who are bothered by graphic pony nudity, and some who rather like it. I'm not going to judge either group, but putting risqué artwork behind a link accommodates the first group without really inconveniencing the latter. (There's also the matter of what non-bronies would think about such artwork being featured on this site.)
Thnk you for that, you win 2 internets for typing what I was thinking! This is the purest essence of Celestia's chaotic side. Mollestia and Trollestia all rollololololed into one! Epic win!
Since I haven't seen JohnJoseco himself comment on his comic.
I've seen three non-colored versions of this comic: One that was general audience level, one that was "mature content" in that Celestia had the ahem, suspicious lines between her cleft, and another "mature content" one that had the "my wings are so pretty quote" from the toy.
I can't tell if whoever colored this comic used the general audience version or the mature-content version. The colorist appeared to obscure Celestia's nether regions by drawing her with a really thick outline.
90 kommentaari:
Nom nom nom, PAPER!
VastaKustutaOmg #2 he colored it!!! :D
VastaKustutaDAT PLOT!
VastaKustutaOh man, #2 is totally something Trollestia would do.
VastaKustutaThe embarrassment! It must BURN!
VastaKustutaPoor Twilight...
VastaKustutaTrollestia at her finest.
VastaKustutaCelestia's wings are so pretty.
VastaKustutaWho needs Discord when Twilight has Celestia?
VastaKustutaOh dear...
VastaKustutaBoth of these are awesome. XD
Lol wut?
VastaKustutaSo pointless, but so funny!
DAMMIT TROLLESTIA! Why must her flank on the 3rd panel look like a pillow!?
VastaKustutaDamnit Trollestia! Leave Twilight alone!!!
VastaKustutaLol at both of them. NO DERPY, YOU ARE THE WORDS!
VastaKustutahah! these are great!
VastaKustutaDat Plot! Indeed.
VastaKustutaI think there actually is a Celestia cutie mark pillow out there now that I think about it.
1. And then Derpy was letter.
VastaKustuta2. Twilight you are interested in touching your teachers bottom after all.
Yah, well those were, uh, something. I love something. No, really, I do. It's… nice.
VastaKustuta1. Derpy - Repercussion of Discord
VastaKustuta2. Touch my Cutie Mark ... TO THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!
is it just me or that comic shows "mature" content? (1st and 2nd panel)
VastaKustuta#2 -put on my poker face- "Well you got me Celestia... That is so embarrassing and not enjoyable at all..."
VastaKustuta1.) Nom! Nom! Nom!
VastaKustuta2.) You are a horrible teacher, Trollestia. Tricking your own student into doing such a thing and making her feel terrible. For shame...
Got it bad. Got it bad. Got it bad. I'm hot for teacher.
VastaKustutaI... I...! I can't lie, I-
VastaKustutaShe shoves her hooves down her throat.
Mrph mifle fwafle splik rakk!
Uhm, yeah, I pointed that out on ponibooru, but they coloured the nsfw version there. Single line changes content completely.
VastaKustutaOr like I suggested we could pretend it's a wrinkle in her coat, if you want.
VastaKustutaMIND = BLOWN
If someone says to touch him in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, THAT'S NO GOOD. (Yah, i know ya'll know what i did there)
VastaKustutaso what do you do?
FIRST you say NO!
@T-God If you're looking that hard in that specific vicinity in the first place, then i guess that's your fault isn't it.
VastaKustutaTHEN you say YOU MUST DIE
Wow, panel really does look like it can be a pillow . . . holy crap! There's an idea for my fanfiction progression!
VastaKustuta*panel three
VastaKustutaThen you say MAMA LUIGI?!
VastaKustutaOh God, I NEED the name of this poop!
VastaKustutaAnd then you go:
Hated today's episode. They killed the best character on the show. RIP Discord.
VastaKustutaDear diary: Today I spent a good 15 seconds zooming in on, and then studying the nether regions of a horse to see if T-God was correct in his accusations. Thanks a lot T-God.
VastaKustutaIt does. I'm glad i wasn't the one to say it ether.
DAT…..well you get the point.
VastaKustutaAlso, Scratch 'n' Sniff?
Yikes, that second comic was posted here? I'm fairly certain that line isn't accidental.
VastaKustuta2: "I'm a Princess! Are you a princess too?"
"Well that's never happened before."
Dat plot
VastaKustutaI've since come to realize, after MLP, that I've eaten grass and paper. Well, the grass was from a Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Bean, but if that's any indication, it's not that bad.
The paper? I had my reasons...
That second comic's been up here for over an hour without even being hidden behind a link?
VastaKustutaAs for the off-subject comment, Discord's been turned to stone before, so it stands to reason that he could return again. How the writers would pull that off, I don't know, but it's possible.
lol the second one.
VastaKustutaOh, Princess Celestia! I found you!
I have a very special letter, just for you. That I want to read to you. Privately. In your room. Now.
I'm pretty sure that Luna is feeling left out...
VastaKustutaSo cold, it sizzles!
@P. Pony Ponyson
VastaKustutaNo, actually.
I'm fine.
I didn't want her to touch my flank, any way.
I'll be in the library.
And if you hear any noise, don't worry.
That's just me.
Reading really loudly.
Not crying.
At all.
Molestia strikes again
VastaKustutaSometimes I ate paper too...
VastaKustutaDo You like touching your Teacher`s flank, cause i know where you can touch it some moar...ON THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
VastaKustuta@ Luna
VastaKustutaOkay, you pulled the wrong string there.
That's two people I couldn't help...
I saw that trollestia comic in another website and it was mature content. Oh well.....I got a wing boner lol
VastaKustutaAnd ya her pretty flank is soft as a pillow LOL
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustuta"dat flank" has never, ever been more appropriate than at this moment, right now.
VastaKustuta@Plot complainers
VastaKustutaReally, you all look into things a little too much. It's not blatently obvious unless you really REALLY look. Kinda sad actually. I worked with horses for 12+years, four of them was grooming and cleaning. So I guess something like that doesn't really phase me... or something, I don't know, but really peeps be a little mature.
@Everypony else
I did not really get the first one till I really thought about it. THEN I LOL'ed
I have seen the second one before and LOL'ED HARD THEN. Now that it's in color I had to LOL even HARDER! I think thats going on my phone background tonight!
I want a pillow with Tia's cutie mark on it O.O
There needs to be a entire set of cutie mark pillows!
VastaKustutahahaha, oh derpy..
Flank is between the butt and ribs.
Cutie Mark is on the butt.
VastaKustutaThe celestia comic has ass and vag in it....
I don't find the second comic to be hot at all. Nope. Not one bit. <_< >_>
VastaKustuta"Epicplatypus said...
The celestia comic has ass and vag in it...."
@Doc Steedly
VastaKustutaIt doesn't bother me, really; it's not porny, it doesn't arouse or offend me, and I don't think any 12-year-olds will be scarred or corrupted by it or anything. It just seems a tad more... direct than some saucy images that have been hidden behind links. (And while I vehemently dislike the Trollestia meme, it is an amusing comic, and I can almost see Celestia doing something like that to get Twilight Sparkle to lighten up.)
Oh, and Epicplatypus, if we're going to get specific, the word you're looking for is 'labia'.
VastaKustutaSpoilsport. "Flank" is such a fun word...
@Doc Steedly: "I did not really get the first one till I really thought about it. THEN I LOL'ed"
VastaKustutaI'm afraid I still don't get the first one. Could someone enlighten me?
VastaKustutaThe most 'infamous'('famous'?) fanfic of all time is "Repercussion of Evil" about Doom 3. It ends like this "But i have to kill the demons" "No, John, you are demons" "And then John was a zombie".
In case anyone's interested:
VastaKustutaThe original b&w version of the second comic, back when it was still merely PG-rated: http://tinyurl.com/3wqyll3
VastaKustutaThanks for the explanation! Now if I just knew why Derpy and Carrot Top are so often paired together...
You people really need to get laid.
VastaKustutaWho the fuck cares about nudity in a comic about ponies? THEY ARE NAKED ALL THE TIME ANYWAY.
Meh... Didn't get the first one, didn't like the second one.
VastaKustutaThat is ONE tiny url.
VastaKustutaSeeing the difference does make that line placement... Suspicious.
#2: Welp... guess EqD has turned into one of *those* kinds of sites, where SFW is ecchi and ecchi is mild34 and the people actually get off.
VastaKustutaWell, going strictly by that logic, we shouldn't complain even if it was, say, Sweetie Belle being drawn that exposed. I doubt that's what you really meant, but still...
Anyway, there's some fans who are bothered by graphic pony nudity, and some who rather like it. I'm not going to judge either group, but putting risqué artwork behind a link accommodates the first group without really inconveniencing the latter. (There's also the matter of what non-bronies would think about such artwork being featured on this site.)
I'm glad I viewed the second comic before reading the comments. Damn you people and your ability to notice... things.
VastaKustutaThnk you for that, you win 2 internets for typing what I was thinking! This is the purest essence of Celestia's chaotic side. Mollestia and Trollestia all rollololololed into one! Epic win!
All the ponies in S2 now have 'suspicious lines.'
VastaKustutaEven the boys.
(My Little Parthenogenesis)
Since I haven't seen JohnJoseco himself comment on his comic.
VastaKustutaI've seen three non-colored versions of this comic: One that was general audience level, one that was "mature content" in that Celestia had the ahem, suspicious lines between her cleft, and another "mature content" one that had the "my wings are so pretty quote" from the toy.
I can't tell if whoever colored this comic used the general audience version or the mature-content version. The colorist appeared to obscure Celestia's nether regions by drawing her with a really thick outline.
VastaKustutaAlternate version of #2.
VastaKustuta*presses* "my wings are so pretty!"
I am quite surprised that #2 was posted so openly without a warning tag with the extra detail between those flanks. smooth :P
VastaKustutaThe second comment made me LOL xD
VastaKustutaBoth were pretty good, #2 was especially funny xD
VastaKustuta#1 wait wat.
VastaKustuta#2 It looks really nice colored. Oh Trollestia, you are the one that is so naughty X3c
Repurcussions of Evil is good meme. Thank you for making my day fabulous. =D
VastaKustutaSooo, no one noticed that number 2 is an edited version with a visible vagina?