• BroNYCon September Writeup/Images/Sethisto Embarassing Himself

    As many of you already know, I was gone for a few days to take part in the massive convention held up in good old New York City known as BroNYCon.  Three hundred of us absorbed ourselves in all things pony for what was essentially a 15+ hour colorful equine filled marathon.  

    After the break, you will find the full, sweat covered, fun filled writeup of the events, as well as several images and videos going into detail about it. 

    As with all meetup posts, keep the comments tame!  

    Now before we begin, I'd like to thank Purple Tinker and all of the Staff/Security working on at the venue for their hard work.  Having arrived early, it was clear how taxing setting up something so massive was on all of them.  Technology has never been more difficult! They pulled through though, and really gave us all a good time. My Great and Powerful hat is off to them!

    I don't think I was expecting such a huge turnout.  We did estimate about 250 people would show up, but the number of walk-ins was definitely nothing to scoff at.  Bronies from pretty much every corner of the USA, as well as a few from overseas, all congregated into the convention center.  Luckily there was plenty of room.  The viewing area in particular was surprising.  When setting up early in the morning, I actually had doubts that we would fill so many seats up.  I sure did eat those thoughts early on though, when the entire section was overflowing.

    But let's start a tour of the hall.  First off, we had the Artists' Alley / Signing area up in the front.  Various pony artists, including Egophiliac, had tables set up taking requests and selling prints of some of the most enjoyed art in the fandom.  Next to them, Jayson Theissen and I had a booth for autograph signing.  I have to admit, before the con I didn't expect anyone to actually want me to deface their  BroNYCon posters with my crazy Internet name, but I guess I was wrong.  I'm still flattered! After talking with Jayson, I think he was too. 

    One thing to note about most of these images for those inexperienced with conventions of this scale: Packing 300 people into a room with 80% Humidity means a lot of us were sweating bullets.  Luckily the AC unit on the far side of the the center constantly blew 50 degree air into the room, and my Dry heat Arizonan ass spent a good amount of time over there.  I used to laugh at people on Skype/Ventrilo when they complained about 80 degree weather in the east, when I could walk outside into the beautiful 110 degree Arizona sunshine... but humidity was definitely a rude awakening!

    One of the things most of us were really looking forward to was episode two of season two.  I don't think a better one could have been picked for the situation.  Normally when you watch the show alone, you might chuckle a bit at the jokes, but for most of us, there isn't a whole lot of uproarious laughter. When you take three hundred people and toss them in a room to watch Flutterbitch make everypony else miserable,  be prepared for the most amazing twenty-two minute display of pony comedy yet.  I'm surprised we weren't shattering sound barriers and dropping sonic rainbooms with how loud it was, and the nature of the episode had us exploding every... 10... seconds.... It was awesome.  The Discord arc couldn't have been better.

    After the showing, Jayson did a Q&A for the audience.  He really seemed happy about our reaction to the episode, and I'm glad.  Their team does an amazing job, and deserves all the credit given to them.

    Cereal actually tossed this up a few days ago for those that missed it.  He gives out some really great responses, its definitely worth the read. I unfortunately chickened out on asking about Trixie's GREAT and POWERFUL return, but I didn't feel like dodging water bottles.

    Before I continue on with the rest, I'd like to thank all the bronies that gave me stuff! I love free stuff, and I now have competition with Erika, who runs a Rarity Shrine at Purple Tinker's lab, so the more Trixie the better! Above is a cape and hat from Amanda-Su and Nanashi Tanaka.  She literally sewed it onto me right there at the con. 

    I'll list the rest below with some sources! Call this the "Custom (Trixie) Merch Section". Feel free to jump past the horizontal lines if you are tired of Trixie!

    First off, is the Great and Powerful Scarf.  Coming in at well over 10 feet long, this fine example of insulating technology will not only keep the person wearing it warm, but also everyone within arms distance.  Seriously this thing is epic in length.  They are also selling them, though the shop still seems to be under contruction.  (Updtate: They set up a tumblr instead!)

    Next up we have not one, but two Great and Powerful posters, straight from Maximillian Veers on Deviant Art.  I figured linking the actual images would be better than my terribad cellphone camera, but these are definitely going up on my wall as soon as I find frames that match their sizes.    

    And third, we have a Great and Powerful Dash Drive from the guys over at... Dash Drives! My tiny little 1gb stick has been shelved for life, replaced by this far superior piece of Great and Powerful innovation. 

    And last, but certainly not least....

    Great and Powerful boxers.   Yes... boxers.  When Sparklepeep busted these out, I honesty sat there in shock for a few seconds.  You guys really do care!

    I think there is some sort of hidden message on this site broadcasting that I have a weird obsession with Trixie. 

    Anyway back to con stuff!

    BroNYCon was host to an assortment of panels and various events, everything from costume shows to a Q&A with the EQD Pre-readers about writing in general.

    I could toss out a whole bunch of stuff about all of that, but I'm pretty sure you all prefer videos, so without further adieu, have a ten minute montage of all things BroNYCon filmed by Erika, where you get to see everyone generally having a good time while you were bored at home waiting until Episode three on October 15. 

    There is also a cameo of me dripping in sweat and grinning like an idiot while I try to figure out why people at the con would want to interview me and how I should respond to a question I've answered for pretty much every paper/TV station out there already.

    Not my best appearance ever, but my excuse is that I was on the way to the glorious air conditioning unit and pulled to the side unexpectedly!

    There was also a brony band going by the name of "Neighslayer", with members such as Dethonator and Hoity Toity himself (Who stayed in character for the entire con).  Their entire performance can be found on their Youtube Page dedicated to the band.

    I'm going to fast forward to the end of the con now, where another insane thing happened.  There was an auction for various custom ponies/posters/Egophiliac calendars (Which are awesome btw, and you should totally go print one).  We were pretty surprised when things would break the 100 dollar mark.  The croud would go nuts every single time.  Imagine our amazement when this happened:

    Just watch it.  If you guys ever wanted to make money out of ponies, I think The Wonderbolts are the way to go!

    As the night came to a close, we celebrated the after party and did a final re-watch of the season two pilot arc.  (Along with Discord dancing)

    All in all, I'd say it was a huge success.  There were some lessons learned, but packing 300 people into a room for an entire day, and coming out with nothing but laughter and memories, is something most of these events strive for, and BroNYCon definitely pulled it off.  They are doing it again in December, so for those looking for experience it yourself, keep an eye on the website for updates!

    Have some more pictures too!

    BroNYCon Photo Album
    BroNYCon After Part Photo Album (lol drunk people)

    And a quick blurb from Purple Tinker for those that attended.  Apparently Hasbro is giving out a whole bunch of MLP Apps to those of you with iOS at the con.  Info below!

    For those who don't know, Hasbro has launched an official My Little Pony app for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch). This is big news and shows just how seriously The Powers That Be take the adult fandom (as, presumably, the official target audience doesn't include too many iPhone owners). The app is entitled 'Twilight Sparkle: Teacher for a Day'.

    In cooperation with Hasbro, Purple Tinker is distributing 30 copies of this app (half donated by Hasbro, half by BroNYCon) to the first 30 BroNYCon September attendees who respond (6 slots have already been claimed, so act fast!). So, if you attended the con, email prpltnkr (AT) gmail (DOT) com with the subject 'BRONYCON SEPTEMBER IOS APP' and your name as you registered at the con.

    98 kommentaari:

    1. How I wish I lived somewhere near any of these awesome meetups...

    2. <__< This is a big writeup, I'll have to read it.

    3. If you think that was bad, I invite you to come down here to SE OK in July :p

    4. Those are some sexy outfits :D

    5. Damn you NYC!! Why must you always get the good stuff?!

    6. Sweet.
      Yeah Seth, you think that 80% humidity is bad?
      It's been 100% here in Michigan for three days flat. Better than 110 degrees, however.

    7. A ten foot long Trixie scarf? That is damn impressive. I don't think you'd even need a coat after you wound that around yourself enough times.

    8. those look like they were fun times. :( *sniff*

    9. I had a blast at the con and cant wait for the next one, also seth how did you like mojo's "gift" to you? I swear I had no idea what it was either so I was just as surprised as you were when you opened that bag.

    10. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    11. It would be cool to be at a meet up, but I don't really have any way of getting to one unless its on my college campus, which I highly doubt.

    12. Definitely was a fun time and I'm really excited for the next major one! :) (All of the meetups are exciting though haha)

    13. >I think there is some sort of hidden message on this site broadcasting that I have a weird obsession with Trixie.

      Really? I had no idea. :D

    14. @Gummy

      I still don't really understand it, but after getting to know Mojo, I think a bath curtain and goo gone were probably perfectly normal in his world. That dude is crazy, in a good way.

    15. From the overwhelming amount of pictures containing a man with scaled down hipster frames, I have deduced that said man is you, Seth. Good...*evil smile* Goood...

      @ Flutterfan
      That heat wave midway through summer while it was 90% humidity was not 'good stuff'. Especially when it cooled down, started to rain, and a certain 6 foot tall man would get hit repeatedly in the face by anyone who was carrying an umbrella. (anyone = everyone)

    16. They are every 3 months... What day in december? I want to go!

    17. Needs more Arizona*

    18. Maaaaaan, I wish I could've been there. Sounds like an epic time all around! :)

    19. Even though I did fine when being interviewed, I still don't like to see myself in video or picture form. :p

      For my first con, it was a learning experience. I was absolutely exhausted at the end but will be prepared for the next time. My personal highlight was my battle with SilkAMV for the Rainbow Dash arcade stick. I definitely needed that thrill to keep me going through the final hours. Can't wait to do it again.

    20. >humidity was definitely a rude awakening

      Welcome to the East Coast, Seth. XD

    21. You people are crazy. That auction looked crazier. Wish I could of gone.

    22. for someone who didn't want to be on camera, Sethisto sure likes to post pictures of him and his very lacking Trixie shrine, hehe

    23. Hey, the con Scootaloo and one of the scarf sellers here. We're working on the shop and now have a tumlr http://cmcscarfmakers.tumblr.com/ so contact us and get a scarf for winter and wrap up!
      That was horrible....

    24. @Sethisto

      you flatter me Seth <3.

      I am crazy, and goddamn proud of it, it be fun.

    25. Next PoNYcon is December 17. Mark your calanders, everypony!

    26. Lolz, at 26 seconds I'm the guy in the RD shirt scratchy my ear in the "Live from Bronycon" video.
      This was my first convention, and I have to say, I had really great time.

    27. o and as a gift for your compliment you get the greatest video iv seen in a few days


    28. Did anyone see Sethisto's credit as "ED. of Equestriar Daily"?

    29. i helped with the setup and break down of a few local anime's(portland oregon)...so i TOTALY undertand the sheer chaos

      id LOVE to have been there even as a fly on the wall

    30. I work for several conventions that have a regular yearly attendance of 4000+ people. If you think it's taxing now, just wait until if you get a bit larger. :P Then again, that's once a year, not every three months. lol

      I can't believe that custom Wonderbolt RD toy went for $600. Wow! I've seen them go for $100 and such on Ebay, but nothing near that. All the ponies in this community are CRAZY! lol

      Looks like this was a ton of fun! I would have loved to go if things didn't limit such a trip. Perhaps I'll be able to make one a little down the line though. Would be awesome. :D

    31. ...Never thought I'd see the day where I was jealous of a grown man showing off his poster depicting a cartoon unicorn. This show has shattered my perceptions of reality.

    32. @Mojo

      That is amazing.

      I am now starting a blog based on this revamp of looney tunes.

    33. @Vendix

      Currently in debate. Its close to testing for some. Stop by the Polls and make yourself heard. <3

    34. @Sethisto

      sadly most of the Looney Toons show isn't that awesome :(.

      they should just do METAL BADASS DAFFY show instead.

    35. @Octavia

      All the auction proceeds go to the Con, so everyone was feeling especially generous. <3 We thank that Brony who won her and the Brony who made her. That money is gone to good use.

    36. @Sethisto

      I'm waiting for your Avatar: Legend of Korra one still!

    37. @Steves_Minty

      im eagerly awaiting to see how flooded with Avatar threads /co/ will get when that show premere's

    38. Sweet Celestia, 80% humidity. What's the humidity in Arizona where you can withstand 110 degrees?

      Easterners, be grateful for your water. Us down South have humidity in the 20s, and suffering flora and wildfires to go with it. It makes it very pleasant outside up to about 105, at least.

    39. If anypony only has a few hundred dollars and can't afford flying to the December con, I've researched and found trains are a more feasible option for some US regions. You'll have to find a station near where you live, but, some stations are a lot cheaper than others, too.


    40. I love this fandom. I am apart of something beautiful XD

      I hope in a few years I can take the 8(?) hour drive up to NY for this. Though it'd be cool to change venues yearly. A DC one would be great for me. But that's just me so XD

    41. Hopefully by the time I'm able to go to one of these I can carpool with other university Bronies I find and split gas/motel fare. And by then I'd have a job XD so I could at least say I bid on something.

    42. @Jace Arveduin
      I second Jace. SE OK in July/August gives you a pretty good chance of 105-110 degree weather *and* the humidity. Or a nasty thunderstorm with 70-80+ mph straight line winds... yeah, on second thought, you should probably avoid Oklahoma.

    43. That's a very well done video recap. I can see myself rewatching that in 10, 15 years for epic nostalgia.

    44. Aww, constructive comments only? That's no fun.

      Anywho, I've been wary of conventions because I'm not what you would call a people pony. Reading this makes me reconsider, because it looks like a great time. Now, I just need to pull some money together....

    45. I'm not a super fanatic like other bronies and wouldn't be willing to fly to NY for Bronycon or buy tons of pony merch, but I now have a strange urge to buy a pair of Rainbow Dash boxers...

    46. That Rainbow Dash went for $600? Pretty sure that's every customizer's wet dream right there.

    47. The Dash Drives website keeps blurring everything on the site together when I scroll up or down. Is anyone else having this problem?


      Another two years and I may be able to join ya (please last another two years fandom, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOeZUs03kPA )

      Also, wow, that's a lot of Trixie... Not complaining, there can never be enough Trixie!
      The lack of Luna is unsettling though...

    49. Hehe, I can sypathise with the humididty thing. I recently moved from Iowa to Las Vegas, and it floors me how hot it can get without it actually being uncomfortable. I can walk around in 100+ degree weather out here, where back at home I wouldn't step foot outside if it were over 80.

      Looks like you guys had a lot of fun though, dunno if I would ever attend. I don't really like crowds.

    50. Those are actually some damn good boxers >:3

      Ah crud...now Mojo's link got me back into looneytoons =='

    51. Have some wonderful signed ponies~


    52. lol i see mee

      I really want to go to the next one...

    53. Wish I could of been there, maybe next year lol.

    54. *watching, watching watching...*


      *watching watching watching...*


      *Video over*

    55. @NinesTempest

      "always on top"

      ooooo mmyyyyyy........

      fun fun fun.

    56. Hoping to go in Decemeber! It will be a nice birthday present to myself.

      I know the crazy brony who ponied up $600. She was afraid I'd think she was crazy (I already knew this) when she got home to tell me, but I told her if it was going to help support the cost of the con, then she could consider herself an investor! What better way to say thank you, ne?

      Great job putting the post together, Seth!

    57. Hmph. Why can't I live near any of these things? I am so jelly right now.

    58. Nice to have met you in person, Sethisto. I hope you enjoy your Trixie drive and posters. :)

    59. Remember when all 300 of us sang Winter Wrap Up...and all 300 of us completely blanked when it came to Fluttershy's verse? Haha, that was epic. All 300 of us groaned and felt like foals...and then started up again. :) Man that was a great weekend.

    60. $600 for a wonderbolt rainbow dash??!?!?!?! ._. well than. Wish I could have gone! ):

    61. And now I shall forever be known as the crazy brony who gave Sethisto pony underwear...
      I actually made another pair (with a Rainbow Dash cutie mark) during the con and will prolly list it on Etsy once I find my credit card.

    62. Would love to come to the next one, but NY is too far away for me. Atlanta's pretty much the biggest city I could get to.

    63. Haha, I cracked up all throughout the Daffy Duck rock video. I especially found it highly amusing that the "light/sun goddess" that Wizard!Daffy was going to save/make out with was named Celestia. A subtle nod to Pinkie Pie's antics and homage to them, perhaps? One can dream (and Wild Mass Guess).

      Also: Daffy has his priorities straight. Sexy, cute elf chicks everywhere. Me gusta.

      Too bad this was in NY. No way I could make it out there from Texas. Perhaps I should take the time to look into some of these Dallas/Fort Worth brony meetups sometime. It's been too long since my last convention (A-Kon 12; for those who know how long that one's been going on, that should give you some clue as to how long I haven't been to one). I do so terribly miss cons. They're very fun!

    64. Whoa, I'm surprised at how many times I got on camera without noticing..

      Anyway, was lots of fun, hopefully I can get to the next one!!!

    65. Haha, sounds like fun. And all that Trixie swag is great. I swear I'm going to have to break down, buy a machine, learn to sew and make my own cool stuff ;_;

    66. Guess I'll never hear the results of the PMV contest. Oh well.

    67. @Jace Arveduin @Shinmizu

      If you guys think that's bad, try the Southeast, but especially New Orleans. Your humidity in the summer? 10% - 30%. At 105F, you're talking about a heat index of 112. And that's being generous.
      New Orleans? Maybe not as hot of an air temperature, but humidity gets up to 70%... in the middle of the day. Easily. At 100F, your heat index soars to 143.

      Still, in any case, it's just TOO HOT in the summertime pretty much everywhere between the mountains.

    68. @SgtGarand

      That's what I did. Not a huge jump from hand sewing to machine sewing, nicely enough.

    69. @Pimps McGee The PMV contest was won by entrant #3, 'Cutie Mark Chronicles Theatrical Trailer'.

    70. It was perfect, I can't complain about anything.

    71. Sewing?! Pshaw! Sewing's for girls!!!



      Oh wait...

      Sewing machine- here I come!
      Now, er, how do you turn this thing on again? O.o

    72. Fantastic writeup, the video was an incredibly fun watch, but more than anything;

      Pink-hot envy laced with burning affection for all you bronies who got together at this con. Looks like you had oodles of fun!

    73. I'm officially famous now. There's a picture of my right elbow on Equestria Daily.

      BroNY Con was a blast and a half. Unfortunately, I had to leave early because I had family plans in the evening, but the screening, the PMV contest and the fanfic panel were all awesome. Gauging from the pictures of booze on the NYC meetup group, I'm pretty upset that I missed the afterparty, and I'm kinda surprised anypony made it out without liver or kidney damage. I'll definitely be showing my face at more NYC meet up events, that's for sure.

      Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to enjoy my remaining 13 minutes and 25 seconds of Internet stardom.

    74. And Now I am sad, because I live on an Island....

    75. brb, going to make a Rainbow Dash Wonderbolt....

    76. @RyGuy84

      We'll be running afterparties like this again, fret not my dear colt!

      Also, no one had damage because ponies have bigger livers than humans. Naturally!

    77. So far away... I don't think I'll ever be able to go. ;_; (maybe if it were in Vancouver, I'd make it >_>)

    78. That meet up looked like it was a ton of fun.

      If only I lived in the USA ;_; Hopefully, we will be able to bring some meet ups to Europe. It would be great to attend one!

    79. We need a European pony con. Somebrony make it happen, because I don't have any money!

    80. Sketchiest day of my life! I wandered down there from Grand central, met many homeless people, and even saw a transvestite (all of that was actually at grand central, go figure...)

      Then I got down there, and a fellow brony came out of nowhere and asked me 'do you know how to get to Eldrige street from here?'
      We met up with yet more bronies, and It felt I was in The wizard of Oz, only surrounded by durians and other strange fruits, creepy old people, etc.

      Then we actually got there, and there was just this small, sketchy, empty white room just two meters wide with an elevator and two buttons. I took that elevator half expecting to intrude on a meth lab and get shot or something, but when I got out, there was Bronycon!

      I had to leave early to catch the Union Square farmer's market, see the crazy rambler dude, and purchase some ostrich jerky, but I caught S2E2, and Thiessen's Q&A, and purchased ponies.

      ...somehow I didn't see Sethisto, even though he was supposedly wearing that Trixie outfit. Oh well.

      ...I love sketchy things...

    81. @Mike
      Also, the 'purrito shirt' made things interesting.

    82. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    83. This was easily the most fun I've ever had, I can't wait till the next one.

      Unfortunately I think I'm too broke to push Rainbow Dash to $600 again. =P

    84. I'm glad you had an excellent time Seth! It was fun hanging out with you and the small group at Tinker's before and after the con too, along with the crazy trip to midtown on Sunday

      The venue didn't seem hot to me, but then I realized, I'm from South Florida. I never figured Arizona was that dry! It really is all about what you're used to.

      Good times, good times.

    85. 'Twas a fantastic event. I had a great time, despite my rampant shyness. You all are a glorious group of individuals and I'm glad I managed to utter a few words to some of you.

      I think my heart caught in my throat when everyone sung the opening song during S2E2 together and then when everyone gave Jayson a standing ovation at the end.

      And now I can say I actually SAW Seth updating ED...when he was dead tired. So many props to you for being so dedicated.

      Ah, my worthy adversary. Good show, man, good show. I honestly didn't even think there would be someone else there as insane over Dash as me. You proved me wrong and apparently helped make for some good entertainment for the onlookers. It was glorious.

      And to the pony that played the Final Fantasy victory theme to me with the ocarina after the auction...you win, sir. You win.

    86. @Sethisto

      want to laugh hard? seek out the 3 episodes with Lola XD cant remember off the top my head but I think it was called "Club Members Only" her starting appearance and "Eligible Bachelors"

      I could be wrong but I thought there was a third... she sounds like Jennifer Anniston from friends! lol and just as crazy! >XD

    87. I'm sad that I missed this convention. Next year I'll do whatever it takes to get to New York. God damn it britain, why are you such a boring country T_T

    88. Man, putting this convention on was a lot of work, and we definitely had a few hardships along the way (and out of the way too) but it was SO worth it. I had a lot of fun bronying it up with Seth and Jayson and everypony else who showed up. You ponies are best ponies.

      The days afterwards were pretty great too, myself and a few others got the squee-filled honor of taking Seth on his first NYC Subway ride AND bus ride (with the added bonus of helping him buy his first Metrocard AKA MANCARD)plus herding the herd through Times Square and stuffing 20+ bronies into Olive Garden XD

      I've still got a lot of catching up to do with everypony, hope to see all of you and more of you at the next one!

    89. No mention of the epic dance party? B)
      Two hours of non-stop crazy tunes all taken from this spectacular community? Yeah, that kicked ass.

    90. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    91. If I went to this, I'm sure everyone would immediately recognize the work I've done for this fandom. (/sarcasm)

      "Oh, I made an AMV, a few dumb videos, LPs of both of herooftime's rom hacks, wrote some awful fanfic, posted SD episodes of season 2 episodes 1 and 2, and lurk in the IRC channels. Eeeyup."
