BronyState is having a movie night tomorrow in honor of season two, and they sent along an informational banner for your reading pleasure. Technically it's not really a banner- it's more like a poster. Or a flyer. Or a notice. Banners are usually horizontally oriented, not vertical.
Unless I'm being picky. It's always a possibility. Have a banner!
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52 kommentaari:
Yay Bronystate! /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaDammit, I wish I was a) free that time and b) American.
VastaKustutaWoooooooooo!! I Mean... yay...
VastaKustutaBlade Runner? OH NOES, GRIMDARK!!!1
VastaKustuta(2007 Final Cut version only or its trash)
PreFiM? I'll pass.
VastaKustutaare both parts of the return of harmony going to air this saturday? because i looked on my tv guide and it showed two episodes.
VastaKustutaBlade Runner and MLP:The Movie... I just... wow.
VastaKustutaAnd I'll be at work for a chunk of that. Which means I will not be able to accuse random ponies of being replicants through the B movie.
@colt classic
VastaKustutaI think they're airing part 1 back to back. Second episode is a Repeat.
I need to go to bed early tonight. two nights of 4 hours of sleep wouldn't bode well. <.<
VastaKustutaTwo things:
VastaKustuta1. What time Saturday morning is the Season 2 premire again?
2. ...Can anyone actually explain Blade Runner for me? I've seen it and beside the basic idea was completely lost.
I can fit this in to my schedule. Right after my school football game, and before my pony induced euphoria.
VastaKustutaLol. Even if Notre Dame loses on Saturday (my team) the sting of defeat will be eased by ponies.
VastaKustutaYou ponies over at Bronystate are awesome! I won't be able to marathon season 1 with you guys though.
VastaKustutaI need to catch the streaming somehow. I'll be glued to the PC the entire day, since I wake up until I go to sleep. Goddamn suspense X3
VastaKustutaI just want to point out that the times are wrong atm. It should be 7pm EDT(11pm GMT+0) and 2pm EDT(6pm GMT+0).
VastaKustutaAlso, season2 premiere begins at 9am EDT(13pm GMT+0)
Just so you guys get the time right :D
I forgot who it was that picked Blade Runner as the A-movie, but whoever it was: I love you.
VastaKustutaUnfortunately, I'll be missing this one out since I'm going to a meetup with Apple Cider (got a little surprise for him!)
oh dear celestia,
VastaKustutait's going to start at 4pm were i'm at
AND it's longer then the bronyville live stream?
it's going to be a fun weekend
Welp, so much for getting any kind of real sleep after work tomorrow...
VastaKustutaLivestream of the new episode? Count me in!
VastaKustutaYES! YAY FOR BRONYSTATE! And here i thought i was going to miss the season premier because i live in canada
VastaKustutaThis is the first time in a looooooong while I've actually looked forward to a new TV show.
VastaKustutaPonies are making me get up at 5am but it will be righteous and filled with much glory.
i'm doing an all-nighter for the premiere on xbox. just thought i'd let you all know.
VastaKustutaIt's interesting how Hub will only get the statistics for one extra viewer when that one is streaming for hundreds of other viewers :P
VastaKustutaThe Original MLP Movie and FiM? In the same night? With a NEW season opener in the morning!?
VastaKustutaDear sweet cupcakes, I HAVE A JOY!
Blade Runner is one of my favorite movies of all time. Damn you competitive drumline...
VastaKustutawelp...ponies just destroyed all the decent sleep i was gonna get. I DON"T GIVE A BUCK
VastaKustutaSEASON 2!
Just to be sure, for my time zone, U.S. Mountain Time, that's 7:00 A.M. Right?
VastaKustutaWHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE TOMORROW STARTING AT 1 CENTRAL? That's the exact time I leave Houston for Dallas for the weekend. :'(
VastaKustutaNo. It's 2 Eastern, which would make it noon Mountain.
I wonder if Magneto will be dropping by again... :p
VastaKustutaOk, so what time would the season premier be streaming for Eastern Standard Time?
VastaKustutaBlade Runner and the MLP movie?.... I love this fan base!
VastaKustutaWell, if I'm not quite sure when it is, I don't know if I want to get up at 6 AM... oh, who am I kidding.
VastaKustutaMy computer is broken, how do watch on phone?
VastaKustutaWhat time would it be starting by british standard time? I'm not gonna let myself miss this. (comment posted @ 9:07 bst if anyone is feeling like being so kind to help me out in my conundrum.)
VastaKustuta@HeroInferno ... forgot about the date thingys with the comments, (herp derp) never mind then.
VastaKustutaREJOICE COMRADES! The dark times of off season are behind us! onward, TO PONIES! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
VastaKustutaIt's ok Hat, Streamer is part of a "Nealson Family" and counts for 500k viewers.
GAH! I CAN'T GET TO THE *ING STREAM!!! Can anypony help me?!
VastaKustutaNow there are these rooms in the theater section on the site.
VastaKustutaI can't get into any of them.
What's going on?
@Sebiale & The great and Powerful Trevor
VastaKustutacan you give a little more information?
We currently have 520 bronies in.
3 channels are available to join (green traffic light)
Are you getting any errors?
Please let us know!
VastaKustutaSorry for the long wait to reply.
Seems to be working now.
No idea what's changed.
VastaKustutaYeah, I was just trying too early, and I had the wrong link... ^^; Thanks though! Everything's going great!
Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap Up!
VastaKustutaI had something weird happen to me on the chat there. It gave my user name the color yellow rather than green like it does for everyone else and I ended up getting kicked because only mods were allowed to use a different colored name. But I don't know how to change the color for user name.
VastaKustutaIf someone does know how, please let me know, so I don't get kicked from future Bronestate movie nights I may go to.
I missed Bladerunner. :c
VastaKustuta@Shadow Dragon
VastaKustutaUm. . . I'm pretty sure the user name colours are automatic. Everypony's username appears as green to themself. If you changed the colour of anything, it would be your text colour, which is reserved for mods, and you get you kicked. I would advise not altering anything, but if you still get kicked, and you don't understand why, you can always appeal to be let back in, or something.