• Big Mac Papercraft

    Been a while since we've done a Papercraft post. And Seth went and scheduled the entire stinking day except for this slot right here, so I'm stuck with what I got. He also scheduled an absurd amount for Saturday and Sunday before he jetted off for BroNYcon. It's like he doesn't want us to work, the big sweetheart.

    Anyway, this sure is a workhorse of a paper cutout. Needs two whole patterns and everything. One pony plus one plow mount equals too much Big Macintosh for one pony to handle. How's that for fancy mathematics? Eeyup. (Oh my god I am so lame, why am I allowed to work here?)

    Big Mac Pattern 1
    Big Mac Pattern 2
    Really Cool Group Where They Make Paper Cutouts of Ponies

    11 kommentaari:

    1. challenge accepted

    2. I might make this after I finish my sitting Lyra.

    3. you're not lame, Phoe. You're f'nuckin awesome. also, that's the first papercraft that i actually want to make... weird

    4. Neat.

      I've got it printed out, now if only I could figure out how to put it together....

    5. the first one that actualy makes me want a printer worthy of printing this!!!!!

    6. I find it amusing how much Seth is posting / has apparently scheduled over his three day vacation.

      And if you decide to use his vacancy to incite a coup against his iron hoofed rule then we'll stand behind you! Don't let anypony keep you down!

    7. Phoe, you work here because we love you, and we love you because you post awesome papercrafts and make dorky references.

    8. When I finish my current papercraft project (66 hours and counting...) I'm going to pick something SO much easier... like these ponies.

    9. It's all because you're so gosh darned adorkable when you start talking about Lyra. Then you start rambling and the adorkability goes up to eleven.
