• Adventures of the Lunarbolts Video Demonstration/Update

    The JRPG Style pony game "Adventures of the Lunarbolts" is making some impressive progress.  It looks like a good amount of the ponies have been fully sprited, along with some other upgrades over the last one that popped up.  Hopefully one of these games will release soon!

    Check out the video after the break!

    28 kommentaari:

    1. So many pony games I want to play that aren't out yet, so very many. This looks good.

    2. Ahaha I actually got a first. But yeah.

      That looks pretty cool :3 Can't wait til it's done!

    3. curse you notch for making showing off alpha versions cool

    4. wait... is that a human I see? What are humans doing in my MLP? D:

    5. I don't mind waiting a little longer for all these pony games if it means they're going to be made to be even better. :)

      This looks to be another game shaping up to be a fun play.

    6. Looks nice, can't wait.
      Also, LUNA!!

    7. So..many..references. lol
      It's looking pretty good. But i'm with Celestia here, so many games that aren't finished yet that I want to play.

    8. Anypony know what Engine they're using to make this project?

      I'm seeing most VX stuff, but also see some XP objects in there...

    9. looks good, the buildings have a lot of nice detailing.

    10. @Elijah Bigsby

      The gimmick of these videos is that they are "behind the scenes" videos, where the characters are really actors following a script.

      The final product has no humans in it.

    11. Well, this is looking interesting. I haven't played a old school RPG in a long time. I got Chrono Trigger about two years ago but i'm not sure that counts. I'm a bit disappointed that you aren't keeping the "movie set" idea for the rest of the game. It would have been a nice way to mess with the story and world, Paper Mario style.

    12. I'm actually kind'a hoping the plot of the game DOES take place in this movie-set setting. This setting is just plain interesting.

      The only thing I saw that didn't have me jumping around in awesomeness were the Carousel Boutique and that other building that looked hand-drawn. They look out of place with all the pixel art, both because they're in different styles and because they're 'viewed' at a different angle from all the other buildings. It's a minor thing though, and I'm sure I'll completely forget about it in the face of actually PLAYING this game, lol.

      Cannot wait hnnnng.

    13. lol, I couldn't help cracking up at the "progress" references and the part with the toy Celestia.

    14. Do Want... Now I need this and MLP Online and my life is complete.

    15. @Leon

      We are using VX with lots of edited and customized sprites and tile-sets.

    16. @Cedric Bale

      Hey, I know where you're coming from and hear you loud and clear. We had to go with that look because otherwise it would be impossible to recreate those buildings using VX's default tiles. Better than nothing, don't you think?

      Thanks for your comments, everyone. It's very encouraging to hear what you think. We'll get back to work with 20% more energy.

    17. Battle axe? I am sure those are two knives.

    18. I can't wait to see some battle system previews or something.

    19. Going to have to keep an eye on this. A MLP RPG would be SO AWESOME!

    20. Ziggy Startdust eh? Nice. I only know that name because of OTHER references, but that was sly.

      The only thing that stuck in my craw was how much bigger than Twilight's Tree Carousel Boutique seemed to be. I mean, I'm sure it could be bigger than Twilight's place, but not that much.

      You already addressed the buildings not matching bit, so I'll just say "I gotcha." in that regard.

      Reeeeeally looking forward to this!

      D8 why are there so many good looking pony games in progress? And why isn't at least one out noooooooow?

    21. @Xel Unknown

      The battle system has some unique touches to set it apart.

      So yes. Look forward to it.

    22. Oh my gods, this looks SO EXCITING! :) I want to play this very badly!

    23. Looking forward to playing this! And darn that catchy music, too!
