This was supposed to be a Discord banner, but we kind of hit the threshold a bit earlier than I thought. I figured the season one villains needed some love anyway. They did a damn good job of shaking up the mane cast, and I'm really looking forward to the new ones throwing our favorite little ponies even further into insanity.
Onward to season two!
Celabratory images/Comics after the break. (I'm seeing a lot of Trixie here!)
I honestly didn't even know this was possible in Minecraft, holy crap! Thanks to Flashback for this one.
EQD Cast end up in Silent Ponyville
Source / Click for Full Comic |
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Source : Squirrel |
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Source : Cedar |
129 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaOnwards to 50!
VastaKustutaHoly Faust, Seth-Man!
VastaKustutaWoke up just in time to see it tick to 40 million. Congratulations on the success, and the anticipation of season 2 grows only stronger.
VastaKustutaI was thar.
VastaKustutayay. :D * is tired*
VastaKustutaYou know what this calls for? A PARTY!
VastaKustutaBadass banner.
VastaKustutaHAPPY 40'000'000!
VastaKustutaEpic... and now I know when S2 goes up down under
VastaKustuta40M hits before season 2, who would have guessed half a year ago?
VastaKustutaAnd with Season 2 sure to bring in even more fans, who knows where we'll end up by the end of the year! I'm guessing 100 million before 2012.
VastaKustutaYou know what... this...
*ahem* Then I'll settle for doing a Twilight Sparkle Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!
VastaKustuta@Flashback, at current rates, that'll happen sometime around October 10.
VastaKustutaHave a chart depicting the milestones over time.
"For the love of Celestia... SOMEPONY TIE ME UP ALREADY!"
VastaKustutaOh, that comic was pure gold.
I'll tie you up, Phoe. Don't worry.
Wow 40,000,000 views! How long till we hit 100,000,000? I say before the end of season 2.
VastaKustutaThat is one heck of a curve! O.O
Think what it's going to do when S2 hits...
Thank you, Seth, for not putting Discord in the banner. I refuse to look at any spoilers until Season Two, the hype just makes it a whole lot better.
VastaKustutaYeah! Congrats EqD for hitting such a massive milestone. We've come so far and we're still rocking on, I love this community to death and I hope to see us get to 50 mil, and then 100 mil, and who knows how much more after that. Let's keep this crazy pony train going guys, you all kick ass X3
VastaKustutaUm, am I missing a pun, or is villain misspelled in the banner and news post?
VastaKustutaAnyways, grats on the 40m! You're officially over one million proverbial hills!
I had a feeling it'd get to 40 mil just in time for the new season.
VastaKustuta@Roman500, Assuming the rate stays around 2.5 days per million pageviews, that would be (100M - 40M) * (2.5 days/M) = 150 days until 100M. That would put it around February 12th.
VastaKustutaFor comparison's sake, it took EqD 149 days from founding to reach 12 million pageviews.
Wow 40 million. I thought seth would be a pony by now.
VastaKustutaHoly crap, it was pageviews!? I thought that was lying and was just counting seconds!
VastaKustutaI'm setting a goal for you all. 100 million by season 2s end. you think you all are up for the task?
VastaKustutaCongratulations darling.
VastaKustutaCongradulations on reaching 40,000,000!!
VastaKustutaHeck by the way the counter is going we might reach 41 million right before the airing of Season2.(currently at 40,012,560)
And holycrap on that Minecraft!!
Boogles the mind on how long it took to make that.
Villains is spelt villAIns! Otherwise, good work!
VastaKustutaHoly horseapples, Flashback! That was AWESOME! -:D
VastaKustutaDont forget about Nightly Roundup #100, Should be going up just hours before S2 premier. Seth must have known the S2 debut date all along.
VastaKustutaThese points of data make a beautiful line when plotted in a log-log graph.
VastaKustutaAsuming that Equestria daily's page views per day stays constant (which it will not, it will most likely accelerate) we would be able to do that easily.
Awesome,You hit 40 million before season 2. Thats impressive. For 50 million, You guys have to go to Silent Ponyville for real. It doesn't have to be very serious trama, just something that you could make a messed up zombie pony out of.
VastaKustutaDamn, now that is impressive.
VastaKustutaThat seems to me to be at the very most an upper bound on how long it'd take, really - the rate at which pageviews come in seems to be accelerating at a pretty constant pace, and I imagine that will only continue into season 2, meaning that this site will very likely hit 100 million pageviews significantly sooner than February.
Second a suggestion, appear in 40 million comic LIKE A BAWSS
VastaKustutaWe Done Broke The Internet...Again!
VastaKustuta40 million hits, for Great Justice!
VastaKustuta@GabuEx: Oh, I know that it's a conservative estimate. It's easier than trying to estimate the calculus of increasing pageview rates.
VastaKustutaGiven Teilzeitbernd's comment about the data forming a nice line on a log-log graph, the pageview rates will keep increasing, but each increase will take longer... assuming that the rate of rate increases remains the same.
Of course, we could wind up with a massive influx of new bronies, causing all rates to dramatically increase.
Based on the Data so far, using fancy mathematics and science, you can estimate the number of pageviews as
VastaKustutaHits = 45 * Days^2.5
Minecraft animation how does it work?
VastaKustutaPretty cool stuff 40 mil.
I remember when it was under 10 mil
VastaKustutaCongratulations. Equestria Daily deserves all this hits and more. You guys rock! ^^
VastaKustutawoops fixed!
VastaKustutaIt's kind of sad since this is the last time we may see Nightmare Moon.
That minecraft animation was incredible, some hard work was put into that.
VastaKustutaCongrats to EQD on 40,000,000! At this time of posting we've already gotten another 23,000 views.
VastaKustutaNo, what this calls for is cupcakes! Everypony form a line! I got enough tables for all of you!
Congratulations, this website will go far!!! :D Well done Sethisto and team you really are the higher class bronies! :)
VastaKustutahooray for 40M veiws!
VastaKustutaWow... Looks like I should start something insanely big for 50,000,000.
VastaKustutaNo, wait. It would never be done in time.
*adds a few zeros*
I still don't get how the counter really works. It's going up waaaay too quick unless there really are tons of site views then I'm really impressed we're this influential. o_o
VastaKustuta@Pinkie Pie
VastaKustutaAnd you...
Cupcakes will NEVER, EVER, EEEEVVVVEEEERRRRRR be taken lightly again.
Good going, sprinkles.
Anyone remember when we were celebrating every million we got? We sure have come a long way.
VastaKustutaWith my lack of sleep, this must suffice.
But really, I love this, 50 mil will be a cinch once season 2 starts
I give it until October 1. According to my math, it should be closer to the fourth, but who knows how fast Season 2 will accelerate traffic.
VastaKustutaha figured it would be right before season 2
VastaKustutacongrats EqD :D
Horseapples, already 40m? It just hit 30m, too. Congratulations!
If it does hit on the first, my birthday would be made about 20% cooler.
This is getting almost ridiculous!! In a good way though. Congrats.
VastaKustutaI seem to remember us wondering if we would get to 20 mil before season 2, and here we are with twice that. I'm am very proud to be part of this fandom. Onward, to season 2 and 50 million page views!
VastaKustutaThough... I must say there really was only one villain in the first season, Nightmare Moon, wile the rest were just stuck up jerks. Then again Gilda did make Fluttershy cry, which is an offense punishable by forced apology or death.
VastaKustutaWhen I went to bed last light, I never thought I'd wake up to this. It's awesome!
VastaKustutaWay to go!
I was gonna have something to commemorate the moment, I had it set up to record the page count on the screen, and it was a thousand hits away, so I reloaded it to see if any new things popped up, and BAM The 40 million mark was surpassed by 400 already, SO... No vid to record the moment, and no video to commemorate... Im sad.
VastaKustutaCongratulations! 10 million was a big deal only a while ago and now we've got four times as much as that. This site is growing fast.
VastaKustutaThat or Hasbro did the math.
Hm... a power law regression of that milestone chart yields the equation V=(3.68e-5)*t^2.53, and it's actually an incredibly nice fit.
VastaKustutaExtrapolating from that formula, 100M should be in ~110 days, approximately January 3rd.
Though of course the start of season 2 is probably going to change those numbers significantly.
>This was supposed to be a Discord banner
VastaKustuta>Discord banner
kk, I think I need to find a way to ban EQD from my browser to prevent me from coming here within the final 2 or so days left since not even the banner plastered all over the site is going to be safe from spoilers.
If I need to go to the EQD page of a fanfic I'll just use a CLI browser lololol Hello 1995.
Although on topic of 40million -- I knew you could do it! /Celestia
Well considering I come here multiple times a day, I should hope it get 50 million before the end of next month. Seriously, I think the site gets like 10 million hits a month anymore.
VastaKustutaCongrats, EqD! 40,000,000 is a lot!
VastaKustutaME GUSTA...
VastaKustutaWe have come so far, we can't stop now! Onwards and upwards ponies!
VastaKustuta40,000,000, congrats!
VastaKustutadang I was following it when it was around 5k shy and got distracted by Touhou pvd2 >< owell congrats on 40mil page views!
VastaKustutaThat's why it is NMM and not Discord.
It's not like you don't know who Discord is, even if you didnt see the spoilers >_>"
Seth's otherworld should have been about his one fateful night when he and cereal touched horns. Feeling guilty over the amorous activities he was a part of he ran away and wandered into silent ponyville. Once their his frustrated sexual feelings for Cereal and Trixie take shape in the form of: mutilated hermaphroditic ponies, lots of horn imagery, pyramid malestia, and Trixy.
VastaKustutaBest banner ever!... Of all time!
VastaKustuta40 million? Already? Didn't see that coming. I remember when each 100 thousand view milestone was a celebration. Amazing.
VastaKustutaCongrats on 40M EQD!
VastaKustutaPonies, I am proud.
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaIt's WAY OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAND!!! <333 Yeah... this is very good news to hear, and makes me feel yet again that we are strong :)
VastaKustutaAutor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaEquestria Daily: more shipping than a FedEx store since Spring 2011
VastaKustutaCongrats on 40M views! Yay bronies!
VastaKustutaCongrats. Yesterday I saw the counter and it was 60k veiws away, did not think was guba get that many overnight O.o and that mc vid was so awsome! And that comic was hilarious to! XD
VastaKustutaSomebody involved in the new banner is a fan of Spinal Tap...
VastaKustutaWe had 30 million 2 weeks ago, 20 million just over 1.5 months ago, and 10 million soon time in early
Let v represent total page views.
v(x) = 1.637^x
VastaKustutaLet v(x) represent total page views.
Let x represent months since blog opened.
v(x) = 1.637^(x - 3)
No bondage? Oh dear, I can feel Phoe's pain... Especially with Lyra there, I mean, who wouldn't want to be tied up by Lyra?
VastaKustutaWell then, I guess once we hit 50,000,000 there's going to be a contest again?
VastaKustutaGet working on those celebratory 50M pics and vids everypony!
Congratulations Equestria Daily!
VastaKustutaI'm responsible for at least 4.000.000 of those views.
VastaKustutaAccording to the trend, we should be at 50 000 000 in 2 weeks.
Magnificient ! 40.000.000 !
VastaKustutaAnd you guys deserve this huge number.
I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree
Villain theme? Neat, I just finished making my Nightmare Moon kart on ModNation Racers, so that's pretty neat timing.
VastaKustutaAs far as I can tell its page clicks rather than site views, so clicking on a page then going back to the home page would in total by 3 views (first to load up EqD, second to load up the article page and a third to return to the homepage (after the first load up of EqD it only counts as 2 though).
Of course, it could be site views, the unique IP addresses accessing the site value into the thousands (it was 12 last time I checked, but that was a little while ago, and I'm not too sure on the reliability of some of these stat sites.
Damn, this really snuck up on me, I had an amazing comic planned, I thought I had a few more days, oh well, 50 million pageviews will probably happen next week or something so I guess I could do it then.
VastaKustutaOh, did we hit 40 million views? *bored yawn*
VastaKustutaI suppose we'll need to start working on a 50 million view celebration for next week. How tedious~
I think what I'm more interested in is *people*, rather than simply views. 1 person can visit a site 50 times every day and bring the views into the thousands within a few months.
VastaKustutaand then everyone forgets about the 30,000 page view contest...
VastaKustutaPhoe... >_>
VastaKustutaSO AWESOME /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaA big congratulation to this community! Way to keep the numbers going.
Wow, that 10 million went by fast!
I'm proud to say that at least 100 of those page views are mine.
It's awesome...
VastaKustutaIt came faster than I expected.
Looking at the banner I can't help but wonder, are the villains going to start a heavy metal band?
VastaKustutaBecause that looks like it could be their debut album.
@Profesor Rod
VastaKustutaWhat? What did I do? D=
VastaKustutaHappy 40 mil!
What I want to know is how the hell that guy did that Minecraft video... Mods?
VastaKustutaOh, happy 40 million! Here's to millions more!
Yay!! happy 40m views sooo awesome!!! /)^3^(\
VastaKustutaVery nice, I knew it would pass 40 mil before S2. =D
VastaKustutaI guess that means I need to get working on another Pony Jazz song soon.
I love how we hit this many before season 2.
VastaKustutaJust imagine if there was a season 3. And how many hits we would have by then.
40 million views?! Villains banner?! Overuse of umlauts?!
VastaKustutaSeriously, EqD crew, you guys kickflank.
Happy 40 mil and long live the ponies!
Yay for the 40 million mark! Congratulations! I suppose we will eventually start celebrating these on a 25 million view basis once we hit 50 million or something like that. I was on yesterday and noticed that it only took about 6 hours to get 100 thousand views, our fandom is certainly gaining members or everypony here is just freakishly pressing F5 waiting for more ponies/season 2 information.
VastaKustutasigh and i fell asleep just shy of the 40 mark
VastaKustutaseason 2 will make the counter explode thats a given
VastaKustutaI agree! 100M before the end of season two.
VastaKustutaAnd just a while ago, this reached 30,000,000 mark. You know what this calls for!
VastaKustutaA PARTY!!! :D
Now, onward to the 50 millionth! :D
Sigh, couldn't stay up to watch 40mil roll in. Was only 50,000 away.
VastaKustutaCongrats on the 40mil!
Happy 40,000,000 EqD, free Gummy classy cola for all!
VastaKustutaJust remeber seth, stay classy my friend.
Congrats on 40 million.
VastaKustutaSo you should tell him your traumas so he can base his monsters off of them.
VastaKustutaI said October 1st, but now I think it's more likely to be October 3-5. I'm going with my math. I said 1st, then I became afraid of overcompensating. Oh well, if I'm going too late now I can say I didn't expect that, if I'm on time I can say WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!
VastaKustutaSuggestion: When we inevitably reach 100 million views at the totally uniform rate our counter goes up, can the EQD staff PLEASE explain how it really works?
VastaKustutaI tried examining the code and I still don't get it. It looks legit but it doesn't behave legit. How can the number increase in such a uniform fashion? I can count out every increment in my head and be right every time. Doesn't make sense to me, man.
I literally spent an hour trying to figure this out yesterday. Didn't get much of anywhere.
Don't fret, you can always make 42 Million hits the Discord edition. Everyone will have surely seen Discord by this Monday at roughly Noon Eastern Standard Time.
VastaKustutaHoly smokes. We just hit 40 mil, on the 15th. Its trending north of 41 mil now and its not even the 17th yet.