Yes, you read that title right... 100 pages of analysis for every single aspect of pony. I'm pretty sure every single aspect of equestrian society is covered in some way shape or form here. Check out the link to it below.
100 Page Pony Analysis
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79 kommentaari:
OMG SOOOO AWSOME!!! still NEED more...^.^
VastaKustutaWhat is this sorcery?
VastaKustutaDear sweet Celestia
VastaKustuta100 pages?
VastaKustutaOh. my. god.
100 pages is a bit overkill, don't you think?
VastaKustuta100 pages? Good lord.
VastaKustutaoooh this looks delicious.
VastaKustutaI spent like 5 minutes skimming.
VastaKustutaTalks too much about bronies and too little about ponies.
VastaKustutaSweet mother o' mercy.
VastaKustutaAlso, I'd like to propose the term "ponalysis", because it amuses me.
VastaKustutaThe entire evolution of everything Pony happened cause of Bronies.
well, not everything... but you get my point
VastaKustutaI know what I'm doing at work tonight.
VastaKustutaThank you so much to whoever did this, I love these!
The book kind of bugs after 50 pages, but it makes points I've already figured out myself. Nothing new for me here then.
VastaKustutaI think my reaction's pretty much the same as Twilight Sparkle's, yes...
VastaKustutaThere are grammar issues that make it a bit difficult to read; it will need a bit of TLC from a good editor before I'll be able to read it cover to cover.
VastaKustutaI admire the effort, there's a lot of content here.
I can't get the download to work right. It keeps downloading without the proper file extension... Or any extension at all for that matter. I have an .epub to .mobi converter for my Kindle, but I can't get any of my programs to recognize the .epub file. Anyone else having a problem like this?
VastaKustuta@ChaosLord9, i tried to download just for downloading sakes, and it does the same thing. It loads with no file extension. I gave it an RTF format, for shits and giggles, and opened into directly into WordPad and it gave me a bunch of nonsense alt-characters.
VastaKustutaI don't know why it is downloading without a file type.
Yeah, I'm not going to read that.
VastaKustutaDefinitely not going to read that.
Oh Luna, I'm going to read that, aren't I?
@wackyteen, thanks for confirming that, guess I'm not the only one. Looks like I'll have to find some time to sit down and read this at ye olde desktop.
VastaKustutaI'm 10.5% through and some of this is really old material. A passage i just read was typed up before Party of One even aired.
VastaKustutaThis needs a good editor, titles, and warnings.
VastaKustuta@Kasper Oh, come on. It's Ponies, how can it be TL;DR? :P
At this point in time i think that's your only option, unless you copy and paste everything into something like Word and convert from there.
I wish I knew more about this stuff. D=
I read this aaannndd... TL:DR
VastaKustutaI simply say this. "For pete sake, it's a cartoon."
:P No offense there. Still you make it sound it's not a great show anymore somehow.
I really need to be sleeping right now.. but too late to go to sleep. darn it.
VastaKustutaCommence Reading
100 pages seems a bit overkill, and skimming through...yeah, it's just a cartoon. Jebus.
VastaKustutaThis needs to be converted to wiki format to easily navigate through specific points and topics.
VastaKustutaAlso, wow, I can't believe LOGOS actually finished it after all this time. Props to you, you intellectually gifted of a brony you. Keep up the good work! :)
I remember seeing a thread on ponychan about this. Glad to see it got finished, and I'm looking forward to skimming it. Thanks to the guy who edited it all; despite the complaints about formatting and grammar, it is FAR more readable now than it originally was.
VastaKustutaLet's try this again:
First, the section on Bronies comes first because the sections are in alphabetical order.
Two, magicscroll is giving me loading problems right now (so I can't check on it) but if you download the epub, and it doesn't have an extension, the epub file extension is epub. So the complete file name would be BOOKTITLE.epub .
And lastly, this is a collection of message board posts. I cleaned up the spelling for readability, but I'm not messing with the grammar. It's not just a collection of over-analyzation posts, it's also a historical document.
Addendum: One of the icons on the left opens up the TOC. From there, you can select an individual chapter, then a specific article. Also, there is a thread on /pony/ about this. I've included the link to a direct download of the epub if all else fails (or if that's your preference.)
100 pages!? Wtf, seriously 2-3 pages would be more than enough.
VastaKustutaAll this for a cartoon xD?
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaStopped reading somewhere around the psychological analysis of Pinkie Pie. Now, a proper psychological analysis of Pinkie, done by an educated professional would be over-analysis. It would be awesome, but it would be an overkill, since MLP IS a goddam' cartoon, and Pinkie is a cartoon character (thus - inconsistent in her responses to various stimuli, thus - impossible to properly analyse)
VastaKustutaWhat this guy does is not an over-analysis, it's a simple waste of time.
VastaKustutaThere have been novels of fanfiction written about FiM. To imply it is simply a cartoon is a vast understatement.
Now, you may just enjoy it as a cartoon, but there is far more to FiM than the show itself.
Why is it that Caramel was at the head of the homosexuality section? Why not Dash?
VastaKustutaThere's no evidence for Caramel being gay, it's just that the slash shippers needed someone to pick. He messed up once. I don't see any other reason.
I feel sorry that Caramel is becoming the fanon's token gay.
The heck is this? The first section states how magical over-analysis is. how it's what makes any fandom great.
VastaKustutaThen you go and crap all over that ideal. Over-analysis can only be done in two ways. By yourself staring off into space, or in a free-flowing discussion.
I just finished reading some of Plato's works and i see exactly where this document wanted to go and it is unarguably well put together.
However the exact reason you state cupcakes damaged the fandom is why this shouldn't be out here.
If you read it, if you watch it, if you sit down and study anything, it sticks a little wedge in your mind that effects all further input. If you think cupcakes was bad for the fandom what do you think stripping the fun out of every element of the show will do right before season two?
You shouldn't be taking away the magic, you should be adding to it with fiction that explores your themes and ideas.
Eclipse -- There's also that whole bit about Caramel first appearing as a stallion, then later his muzzle is smaller and more rounded, then later STILL there is a mare with his cutie mark and color palette and mane style. That may have a bit to do with it too.
VastaKustutaYou know you've been exposed to ponies for too long, when you find yourself reading essays that talk about "PP" as a matter of course and no longer find it necessary to mention the name "Pinkie Pie" at all.
VastaKustutaAnd you realize they were right, because you only noticed it after you already where two chapters in.
This book is awesome.
VastaKustutaI don't think he was trying to rip out the magic.
Although, over analysis reduces ANYTHING to rubble. Just look at RedLetterMedia's review of The Phantom Menace. He scrutinized it to a point where nothing would be enjoyable, regardless of what subject he would be scrutinizing.
It should be on Google documents or something else. This Magicscroll thing I hate.
VastaKustutaI read the beginning but it was about something other than ponies. I clicked and clicked then gave up.
You know the first thing they teach you in writing class, hook the reader with the first part or you'll lose 'em.
Good freaking god...
VastaKustutaNot sure if I have the time or attention span...
But... so much pony...
VastaKustutaIt originally was in a google doc, but it is far cleaner and more readable in this current format. Here's a link to an original section which I've re-uploaded after being given permission by the original author of the journal.
9000x20% cooler than anything else I've seen today.
VastaKustutaOh yeah, I suppose that's one reason. But still, basing a character's sexuality on a perceived sex change is silly.
I hate the fact people are tagging him as gay simply for being 'beta'.
It's a cartoon.
VastaKustutaOver-ponalysis is making this show sound not fun at all.
I mean really. Too much Twilight Sparkle attitude here.
If you don't want to spoil the fun then don't read.
You're not gonna benefit anything from here. Just a complete waste of time.
I heard over-ponalysis of things makes things worse. I saw a lot of great show but after reading a over-ponalysis makes it bleh.
Say TL:DR and enjoy Season 2. Reading this will remove your anticipation for Season 2. Trust me.
Additional Responses:
VastaKustuta*Why is this on magicscroll and not Google Docs?
Google Docs does not display .epub . EQD only accepts submissions that are readable directly in the browser. Our first submission of the Journal was a direct download, which was rejected. I wasn't going to spend the time to find the best epub reading and sharing site online when I meant for this to be read with proper software or dedicated hardware. Which was stated in my introduction. The direct epub link is available in the thread on ponychan.
If you really want to read the Journal on Google Docs, I'm sure somepony has the links to the four parts this was created from.
As a side note: This isn't a bloody storybook, it's a collection of (primarily) discussions from ponychan.
*Who in Celestia's name wrote 100 pages of Over-analysis?!
A whole slew of posters. This isn't the work of one pony, but of an entire herd. LOGOS was merely the archiver who was active in these discussions who also added in his personal thoughts.
Oh. Hell. Yes!
VastaKustutaHopefully this will answer my dozens of questions, including but not limited to:
1) What's the currency of Equestria? Does Twilight get paid to library work? How does Fluttershy get paid? Does she had a real job, or does somepony pay her to take care of their animals?
2) What is the degree of hoof flexibility? What can they grab with their hooves, and what must they grab with their mouth? Does the size of the item matter? Do their hooves wrap like pinchers for grip?
3) Has there ever been discord between the different species? Have the Earth Ponies ever had a rivalry with Unicorns? Winter Wrap Up was traditionally Earth Pony Only, so when did Unicorns decide to show up in Ponyville? Did this cause a problem at the time?
4) Do ponies for a matriarchal or patriarchal society? Does the overwhelming population of females affect this? Have there ever been inter-species marriages, such as an Earth-Pony marrying a unicorn? How would that affect the foal? How would they be viewed in the society?
5) Is there an election system for the Ponyville executive aspect of their government? How did the mayor get into power? When will the next mayor assume the position? When? How? Are there additional ponies that aid the mayor's decisions?
6) If Celestia and Luna created everything in Equestria for the ponies, what purpose does the Everfree Forest serve? How do the creatures benefit the society? Is there a balance of nature they fit into somehow?
7) Cloudsdale is an all-pegasus community. Are there all-unicorn societies as well? Is Canterlot one of them?
8) What is the energy system of Equestria? For example, how is the oven for baking cookies in Sugar Cube Corner powered? Do they use electricity? Or is it powered by magic? If electrical, are there electrical stations somewhere? If magical, do unicorns contribute somehow? How many other modern tools to they have? Do they have vacuum cleaners? TVs? Computers?
9) There are stars, a sun, a moon, and a sky. Does this mean Equestria is a planet revolving around Celestia's sun? Or is it perhaps a flat world...resting on the back of a turtle? Or perhaps on a pink pony's back? Ponies have technology and science. Have they ever considered exploring space? Could unicorns use their magic to explore beyond the Equestrian atmosphere?
10) What benefit is there to requiring pegasus involvement in the weather? Why not make it an automated process magical process? Why don't the unicorns make rain when it's needed, or make it windy when the air is not clean?
These have been thinks sitting in the back of my head, and I'm very anxious to see if this article will FINALLY answer my questions!
@Heolix I don't think reading it should take out the anticipation for Season 2, where a lot of the stuff it talks about, in the 10% i read at least, was fan speculation or opinion at best.
VastaKustutaNow, what would take the speculation out is if a lot of topics covered were set in stone canonically, like Dashie being lesbian, and people tore into why.
anticipation, not speculation. *facehoof* *Dash groan*
VastaKustutaOh mai gad! I should find some time to read this!
VastaKustutaI support the section on magic. I feel a little more could be said about the overall nature of magic but it would be sheer speculation. Here's to season 2 shedding some more light on the nature of magic.
VastaKustutaumm.... tl;dr ... sorry
VastaKustutaI still remember when this was being compiled. It's basically "Pony Analysis: The Anthology",made by a bunch of us, compiled by one guy.
VastaKustutathe cupcakes thing make sense why can this fandom not get over it
VastaKustuta@Phantomsniper because people made such a big deal about it.
VastaKustutaI haven't read it, don't care to. It's true, though, that Cupcakes had an irreversible effect on the fandom.
VastaKustutaThe file format is epub; basically a compressed html or something. It will be read by most ereaders. There are software tools to convert it (I'm using Calibre Portable for all pony fanfic; very good and doesn't need an install).
I wish I could write my history paper on Ponies... ;_;
VastaKustutaThis fella says this- "But then comes the most important part, why I posted to begin with, you guys. As my pleas
VastaKustutafor a new board in /meta/ will attest to, I have always found /oat/ and /pony/ to be too fast
and/or random for people to actually sit down and overanalyze properly. Yet, on both places
people actually came and listen, which is a far cry for what happens in most communities,
you actually took the time to listen to an old guy who see too much into cartoons and took
the time to read what he had to say rather than dismissing it immediately (a couple instances
of anons aside). This proved to me that the community does have and interest for this sort
of stuff and the sudden explosion of analysis threads in both /oat/ and /pony/ seem to point
in this direction. I ask you then to continue what you are doing, to continue to behave as the
nice and educated people you all are and to continue being that one fan that asks questions
because he feels it makes the world more real to him. This spirit is what kept me writing,
this curiosity to know what are the rules of the world, even as I approached collapse due to
sleep or exhaustion. I thank you for permitting me this opportunity and I hope you continue to
provide to those that will come after me."
Awww! It's sorta Twilight squared or somethin'. I say, we love you, just remember that you're one of the weirder ponies and you don't get to be the fundamental truth of Equestria any more than the cupcakey ponies do. You are adorable in your peculiar scholarly way and I din't git through more than a page or two before I had to git back to my duties. (which is true, the things I'm tryin' to do for the fandom are whuppin' my plot a mite)
I say we love and tolerate this pony's overanalyzin' just as if he was writin' peculiarly strange fanfiction. He does NOT get to be the final authority on all things pony, but he does get to be the more-twilighty-than-twilight scholarly pony: not an authority, but a very special citizen of Equestria with the rest of us, and his cutie mark is a recursive cutie mark of a cutie mark that goes on forever so you can't ever be done with readin' it XD
I've been following this project for a while and I will say this: Major props for finishing this!
VastaKustutaI'm yet to read all of it, but I will definitely do so in the near future.
I do have to say that it does feel like somewhat of an overkill for a Cartoon show. Yes, we have fanfics that span dozens of pages, dozens of comics, music and pictures. But to overanalyze a show based on 26 episodes is, as incredible and commendable as it is, still feels like you're trying to go too deep into territories that you shouldn't really go to and just enjoy what we've been given.
I have to say that I still feel compelled to read the whole thing, just to see what ideas from the fandom and the fanon have made it.
I'm not reading all that! Somepony sum it up for me in two words or less!
VastaKustutaCupcakes is the kind of thing that is VERY hard for a fandom to get over, sort of like the what Agony in Pink is to the Power Rangers fandom.
VastaKustuta"....What The...."
Plus, I can't git it to load, only got to see the google bit XD
VastaKustutaI love how they got this done just in time for season 2. I want to see how their theories hold up against what we are soon going to learn...
VastaKustutaBoo-urns @ that Anti-Cupcakes propaganda. Where do I begin...
VastaKustuta#1 - The Pinkie/Joker comparisons were always going to be inevitable, Cupcakes or no Cupcakes. Why? LAUGHTER, silly filly. Fact is, any character that is supposed to be some kind of literal embodiment of laughter is going to be juxtaposed with The Clown Prince of Crime at some point.
#2 - Fuck your broken heart, "Van Horsing". How dare motherfuckers speak ill of Grimdark as a genre when KKat is dropping 60 page jewels every 10 days like it ain't shit. Don't like, don't look at it. Nobody's forcing you to read the Ask Pinkamena Diane Pie tumblr.
#3 - Josef!!N1BQyzAJV5's analysis is much more down to Earth, but I'd still quibble with his description of The Joker. Its important to note that after the Seduction of Innocent moral panic of the 50s, The Joker spent two decades as a annoying-but-relatively-harmless goofy prankster that's really a hop, skip, and jump away from canon Pinkie Pie. He finally got his murder chops back in the mid 70s, but IMHO the character didn't evolve into his modern form until Alan Moore rebooted him in The Killing Joke. This Joker was a man shattered by absurdly cruel circumstances. This Joker lives under the assumption that everyone else is just "one bad day away" from becoming a monster like him. This is the guy Heath Ledger showed us. Booker T. Washington famously said that "Character, not circumstances, makes the man". Modern Joker believes the polar opposite with a vengeance. Ergo, he makes a hobby out of trying to break heroic spirits. With Batman and Gordon, he never succeeds - but he comes perilously close at times. With Jason Todd and Harvey Dent, he succeeds beyond his wildest dreams. So when you keep all that in mind, Pinkie is almost like an inversion of Modern Joker's philosophy. She had the cruel luck of being born into a crappy life of ROCK FARMING, until that was shattered by the rainboom. That day, she learned that bad circumstances can be changed and one sure way to do that is to introduce something happy and fun into the a party. So just like Joker believes that every good, happy person is One Tragedy Away from psychosis, Pinkie believes that every mean, unhappy pony is just One Party Away from smiles.
Why Celestia's Rule Works:
VastaKustutaShe's IMMORTAL. The End.
The biggest flaw with Autocracy is that no matter wise or brilliant the Autocrat is, eventually they die after a few decades. THEN, the choices are usually A) incompetent dumbass blood heir who never had to work for anything in their life (Edward II of England, Caesar Commodus, Kim Jong Il, George W Bush LOL), B) sniveling backstabbing asswipe who "earned" the successor role by being the best asskiss & political backroom dealer (Hermann Göring, Josef Stalin, Hosni Mubarak), C) Civil War....
But if that Autocrat can live for thousands of years? sheeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiit Genghis Khan would still be kicking Chinese and Muslim ass TODAY if he had Celestia's lifespan. Bet that.
It's not loading for me. I is sad pony.
VastaKustutaIt fails to load on Chrome, Opera and Firefox. IT just sits at "Loading Book: stage 3 of 3" forever. FOREVER....
VastaKustutaIt won't load :(
VastaKustutaNot loading for me either, but even the author posted that he was having trouble. So i guess i'll just bookmark it for now.
VastaKustutaAlso he mentioned something about a download. An epub or something? I'm not seeing any download link so i'll guess i'll wait.
Needs to load...and have a download link.
VastaKustuta*gets to page 76* Oh god! Need a break! But... can't... stop... reading!
VastaKustutaNot loading for me neither~
VastaKustutaIt loads... and loads... and loads... and loads... I'd read it if the entirety of the text wasn't,
Loading Book. Stage 3 of 3"
Anyone got a different source for this thing?
Anyway. It's not as big. But I like to think my analysis is pretty good.
VastaKustutaI have pretty much read every article and analysis that was ever published on EqD.
VastaKustutaI guess this is the point where I quit.
Too much. Simply too much XD
Also, could the author, or anyone, upload it in PDF or any other more user friendly format?
He missed the fact that Rarity had a modern-style military helmet in Dragonshy. This implies that they either possess a modern military, or are in contact with someone who does (and their military is capable of competing with them, possibly because of God-Princess Celestia).
VastaKustutaIs anyone having trouble loading the book? I left the page open for 3 hours and it still wouldn't load q.q