• YTPMV: Dash Over The Rainbow / WTF are these Ponies doing in Termina Field

    I actually tried starting up Majora's Mask the other day. For some reason it wouldn't click with me. I think these ponies have officially killed my will to do anything other than pony all day.

    1.) WTF are these Ponies doing in Termina Field
    2.) Dash Over The Rainbow
    3.) Fluttershy Plays Hooky

    34 kommentaari:

    1. I...have no idea what I just watched.

    2. I love these kinds of videos

    3. #1 is the best, but I like all three.

    4. Please...just shout to them all that we're sick of the same video again and again, AND AGAIN

      Where are the trailers? where are the Spoofs? Where are the music vids which matched like double rainbow?
      They ran out of ideas on how to use the current material?
      SEASON 2 GET Over Here ALready!

    5. Majora's Mask - most underrated Zelda game of all time. I can honestly say I liked MM better than OOT. (blasphemy I know)

      Give it a try - once you get past the time travel mechanic (which can be somewhat annoying at first) I think it's the most emotionally moving Zelda game of them all.

      Just don't ask why the banker keeps your money when time resets. That doesn't make any damn sense

    6. @InfinityDash

      Majora's Mask has been my favorite of the series ever since I played it back when it came out.

      It's the only Zelda game where I actually felt attached to any of the characters that aren't Link, as most of the time it's just "Oh no, citizen number 3 needs to find a lost glove, better do it to get the Heart Piece", where as in Majora's Mask, you really learn in depth about each character and how they interact with each other in the 3 day span.

      I will be really sad if it doesn't get the 3DS treatment Ocarina got.

    7. To think, there's a growing fan movement in the Zelda community to get a Majora's Mask remake for 3DS like Ocarina of Time.

      I can't escape ponies, and now I can't escape Zelda. Madness! Sparta! EQUESTRIA!

    8. @Mr.Brony Not sure if trolling...

      This style of video actually takes a lot of work, when done properly! You're seeing common blips of animation because they're representing where the sound files come from-- They're literally taking the sounds of speech and, usually without morphing them, simply cut them to make musical notes.

      If you still don't like it, that's fine. But saying it's not creative because of its style seems unnecessarily harsh-- It's like saying a songwriter isn't being creative because the song is meant to be played on a guitar, or an artist lost all creativity because they switched to sculptures.

    9. #2 is such a brilliant idea, but they got the worst version ever of over the rainbow! =[

    10. It's okay to not like things.

    11. I can only play WoW because I have a character named Applejack. Couldn't get any variation on Twilight Sparkle sadly. Somepony beat me to it.

    12. Is that...Rarity as an adorable sexy pirate???

      I'm pretty sure that in real life I don't have those kind of fantasies, so why is that picture so awesome?? Damn internet. Damn ponies.

    13. @InfinityDash

      "Majora's Mask - most underrated Zelda game of all time"


      that's like the second most cited LoZ game of all time you doof.

      Phantom Hourglass, Oracle of Ages, Four Swords Adventures... now THAT'S underrated.

      Back on topic, these videos are awesome, especially the 1000 Subs Special.

    14. "Somewhere close to my Rainbow, way up high,
      there's a pony I dream of, singing a Lullaby"

    15. Also, your zelda footage is distracting me from watching the flashing ponies.

    16. I will never be able to walk through termina field again without hearing fluttershy yay off key for me in the background.

    17. @Seth
      There are things other than ponies!? BLASPHEMOUS!

    18. Also, #1 - Where's the pony? Unless it's behind the horrible polygonal human-ish... thing, I don't see it.

    19. #2 - Makes me actually slightly interested in Wizard of Oz, and not because I'm involved in the new Oz.

    20. I missed the seizure inducing goodness ^.^

    21. Wow, it's awesome to see other people who also prefer Majora to OoT! That game will always be one of the best games ever to me because of how beautifully dark and emotionally draining it was. Nothing else like it.

      #1 made me grin uncontrollably, #2 was pretty nice, and #3 was stupid.

    22. As the creator of #3, I think it deserves to be said that the intended focus is less the visuals and more the audio. Granted, the video itself was pretty lazily-done...

    23. It took me a while to get into Majora's Mask also, but once I really figured out what I was doing, it became a great game.

      And hey, it *does* have a pony in it! You need her to beat the game!

    24. talk about it. ponies have killed my video gaming interest too. except team fortress 2...but i play on a brony server so it barely counts

    25. @InfinityDash He puts a stamp on your hand to say how much money you have! Its the honor system...

    26. Yes, Majora's Mask is indeed the best Zelda game. Anyone who claims otherwise has no idea what they're talking about.

    27. @frostedWarlock

      You're right it's not so much underrated, but I'd say it gets more undeserved negative comments than other LoZ games. Seems a lot of conversations go like "What's your favorite Zelda game?" "Ocarina of Time, duh" "Oh, what about Majora's Mask?" "What? The one with the moon? I thought that one sucked" I dunno that's what I've experienced at least.
