After doing a bit of research on the subject, it does sound like this was simply the work of youtube trolls flagging random popular pony channels. (Again)
Hasbro can't legally say they didn't do it. It is their copyright. The Facebook response didn't actually confirm anything, and simply gave people an alternate location to get their episode fix from.
If the end of the world does come, I'll report it. But for now, it seems like we are safe.
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
256 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaAnd yay!
I hate trolls.
VastaKustutaYay, ponyocalpyse averted!
VastaKustutaAh, perfect.
VastaKustutaOh thank Celestia.
VastaKustutaPraise Celestia!
VastaKustutaIn the words of Twilight Sparkle:
VastaKustutaTrue, no reason to panic :)
VastaKustutaChill out...
Good. How would Hasbro reel in new bronies if it were not for YouTube. Many of us have jobs and college stopping us from watching it on the HUB.
VastaKustutaeveryone who can needs to just start posting the episodes. THEY SHALL NEVER CONQUER INTERNET PIRACY! YAAARG!
VastaKustutaand anypony's surprised?
VastaKustutaOkay, are we done raging now?
VastaKustutaAre we done biting the hand that feeds us?
Because we just fell for another parasprite attack (the SAME ONE THEY'VE USED THREE TIMES), and given them one of the biggest meals in a long time.
Well, cool. Makes the angry e-mail I just sent to Hasbro seem wrong...
VastaKustutaShould have got it right the first time Seth, you really need to be aware of how people are gonna react to your posts. I'm just sick of people claiming it's the end of the world when something happens to ponies or something happens with in the fandom. It's ludicrous
VastaKustutaOur videos are safe... for now
VastaKustutathanks for stopping all those idiots from flipping out at an obvious troll attack
VastaKustutadang trolls, well we already know what were gonna do. Brony's, lets love and tolerate the trolls
VastaKustutapeople can stop freaking out now
VastaKustutaPony War III its 4chan all over again
VastaKustutaCode green folks, code green.
VastaKustutaBut seriously, the way some bronies lashed out at Hasbro was pretty...uncool.
yeah, hasbro didn't phrase it to sound like they did it in the facebook thingy. If anything, it seems like they were trying to get across that it *wasnt* them.
VastaKustutaI kind of feel like how i do when the power goes out ... time to light some candles and tell campfire stories until the electricity gets restored!
VastaKustutaPraise Celestia and Luna
VastaKustutakeel dem paraspritez!
VastaKustutaSeriously, Whatever idiot did that should burn in a pit
Good to know that, at least, it probably wasn't Hasbro.
VastaKustutaThat troll is probably done flagging
VastaKustutaIm going to re-upload them all I will post youtube name after I create it
Sad really that the Parasprites don't have anything better to do.
VastaKustutaAlso, YouTube, fix your copyright system for crying out loud.
Took you long enough to realize this...
VastaKustutaSnagged a pic of this comment before it was deleted. Reliable or not, only Celestia knows (so somepony ask her, if it wouldn't be a bother).
That's a relief... I first became a brony thanks to YouTube, and I've brought quite a few friends into the herd the same way. I hope Hasbro keeps being awesome and letting us have that outlet.
VastaKustuta> Everypony: Do a motherfucking pirouette of the handle.
VastaKustutaIf 4chan Troll comes back, please dont respond to him. He just wants a reaction.
VastaKustutaThought so. Relax.
VastaKustutaYou know, I was just thinking. Couldn't hasbro just set up their own YT account, and post the episodes of its shows on THERE? Just become a YT partner and they would still get revenue from it, and there's probably more people who would watch it on YT then the Hub's site. Then there'd always be a free place for fans and new folks to watch the show.
VastaKustuta...Why haven't they done that yet?
And with that everything was lovely again. fantastic.
VastaKustutaSo the end isn't neigh?
VastaKustutaThanks for making peolpe freak out in the first place. 6_9
VastaKustutathat was entertaining.
VastaKustutaits really stupid, im a brony and yet i took part in flagging the vids.
Despite how awesome RD is, i cant help it but to troll my own peers.
wooohoooo! :D:D:D:D
VastaKustutaWhy are they called trolls? and what about the parasprites? Sorry, Im at that xD
You see? Nothing to worry about, bronies.
VastaKustutaThe fact that we even suspected Hasbro of such a thing is very disappointing. ;D
Let's try to keep it a little cooler next time, eh everypony?
VastaKustutayeah, let's try *NOT* to do stupid things like that, guys. they have treated us VERY well, and that would still be true even if they did decide to take down all the youtube vids. all the brony shoutouts and behind the scene stuff was all from them.
let's not be dicks.
And thus sanity was restored to the bronynet.
VastaKustutaAlthough if I can't watch the season two premier at least an hour after it airs I shall go mad.
Can we go back to normal now... please?
VastaKustutaAnd everyone lived happily ever after.
VastaKustutaNot surprising that this was the case, considering the recent trollish behaviour of mods on the 4chan.
VastaKustutaI'm still relieved, though!
*channels inner Fluttershy* Yay!
VastaKustutaAnd the Winning Award for making the newcomers go nuts goes to no one other than Sethisto.
VastaKustutaEveryone give him a good round of applause.
And the second nomination goes to the trolls, but the nomination is taken away for adjectives and picking on newcomers than the original bronies from /CO/ and /B/
And thus i direct you people to this video
INB4 Training grounds for newcomers to be less trolleable :P (btw I'm serious)
A very effective troll, well done, guys.
VastaKustutaThings like this don't help...
VastaKustutaIf you're serious, then they are people who do things just to make others angry.
Few, that's a relief.
VastaKustutaBut the 2 million episode is gone. Well, at least it wasn´t Hasbro.
VastaKustutaI TOLD YOU BRO
VastaKustutaOh look its masterlinkX!
Thank you for having the episodes on the channel.
Back to uploading the missing 1080 episodes!!! :D
VastaKustutaJust as I thought,
VastaKustutageneric response to get people to notice the other outlets
If anyone really did rage out at this, they need another hobby.
VastaKustutaChallenge accepted.
Oh good, man, I was worried it was hasbro. *phew*
VastaKustutaGood move Seth, things were getting crazy out their
VastaKustutaThank Celestia you finally posted this. It felt like EqD, RDN, FB, and Reddit were all about to have a meltdown. Some more careful wording and more emphasis on the "Don't Panic" would be helpful in the future. The past three hours look like a low point for ponies everywhere based on all the whining and flutterrage across the internet.
VastaKustutaWas it bad how some of us reacted? (shrugs) Maybe. No way to tell who was who, after all. Way too easy to make up a name when posting in these comment threads.
VastaKustutaThat said, I don't see any long term damage. Odds are, within 24 hours we'll have forgotten about 90% of what was said and done the last two hours. Sure, the internet lets things get out of hoof very easily, but the converse is also true; once things are done, they blow over and disappear just as fast.
Now, please return me to my usual, wonderful diet of fanfiction, merch updates, youtube pony videos, and other wonderful programming that compels me to check this site dozens of times each day, please good sir!
wow and here i thought i didn't have a life
VastaKustuta"I'm bored."
"Hey, lets go destroy an innocent kids show to prove that we L33T!"
"Fine i had nothing else to do today..."
and yet we cannot hate them for they are not evil, only woefully ignorant of the ways and power of friendship.
we must bring them to the herd.
It's the work of a few newfags and other parasprites. My channel still has every episode of FiM up, which would have been removed by now if it was Hasbro. Nothing to see here, just some angry nerds trollin.
So what is this alternate location?
VastaKustuta...yeah. It wasn't Hasbro. I'm pretty sure anyone who didn't bother breaking out the pitchforks and torches (thus being rational enough to put two and two together) could realize that.
We've proven a few things today. One is that strip away that barrier of "love and tolerance" and we're as easy as shit to troll. Two is that we're gullible as hell. And three is that we are ridiculously entitled.
I've never been more disappointed in the brony fandom than I am today.
VastaKustutaCrisis averted
VastaKustutaThank Luna I was really quite nervous that this was going to evolve into a full on Civil War Between Bronies and Hasbro the Brony army hasn't lost a conflict we have one some hard ones such the 4 Chan Parasprite wars but I don't think we could have won Against Hasbro
All they would have to do is remove all videos and choke us to death suffering from no pony withdrawal
Thank goodness it was all just hot air
I hope...
VastaKustutaFor heaven's sake, it's not Seth's fault that you all fell for the parasprites like a bunch of idiots. You didn't even think about it, it was like an autonomous response. "O NOEZ HASBRO MUST BE GOING ALL EVIL ON US!" How about a little trust next time, hmm?
*Twilight happy she got her cutie mark yes*
I don't think the ones claiming credit really did it, I could easily say I did it when I didn't, they just want attention.
VastaKustutaYEEEEY :D... trolls got pwnt :D
VastaKustutaThank you Seth :D
Long live bronies :D, send the trolls to the moon >:)
@Dean Moore
VastaKustutaYou parasprite, if you're Carl, I swear
Saying something under my name...
if not, then I'm sorry... it just seems like too much of a coincidence.
Praise Luna!
VastaKustutaI'm still a bit apprehensive, but I didn't have any real concern as long as it wasn't confirmed by Hasbro. I do feel that if it WAS Hasbro, more than one channel would have gone down.
"Doing a bit of research."
VastaKustutaAny chance you could share this research with the person whose channel was targeted?
I'd like to be sure enough that this wasn't Hasbro that I can start automatic reinstatement of the videos. And right now I have no hard evidence, just baseless hearsay.
VastaKustutaSomeone should make a "Newcomers Guide to the Brony Fandom: How to Interact With Trolls"
VastaKustutaThe correct thing is Trolls Y U no get a better hobby?!
About darn time you posted this!
VastaKustutaAlso, i can't seem to find all the tolerance and love ya'll ponies mentioned in the first place, maybe some "education" would be nice. Crysises like this can really show who you are truly, and i didn't really like what i just saw.
I really must congratulate everyone on their interesting new take on the phrase "Tolerate and Love." Very well handled, guys.
VastaKustuta*slow clap*
So how do you confirm alert canceled??? NOPES.AVI
VastaKustutaLETS WAIT to a official response from Hasbro. AND its not faggs flagging, on vids SAYS "DUE TO COPYRIGHT CLAM of HASBRO INC" ont just removed vid because it was dennounced or something.
Im there on FB and im the first that reported this situation, so im gonna keep doing research on this matter. WANT real info? ask melonmarseilles or AngryTigerP.
VastaKustutaThat's easy. IN fact, I can sum things up in just one word:
Yay. soon the videos will back up hopefully.
VastaKustutaNo if you would please post something else soon seth. I wish to cleanse my pallet with some real pony. :)
Well this is a relief.
VastaKustutaYoutube really needs to work on there flagging system so things like this are avoided.
VastaKustutaHonestly, the way in which people were so quick to jump on and rage at Hasbro was... disappointing, to say the least. Innocent until proven guilty, people - it's a mantra that people should follow even outside the courtroom.
VastaKustutaGod, now if only the company that owns Pokemon followed Hasbro's example, we will be that much closer to world peace.
VastaKustutaPosting as anon cuz I cant post from my google profile on my phone for some reason...
VastaKustutaBut I smelled trolls the second I saw the takedown.
I have found at least one or more copies of each episode on the youtubes, and it seems no more are vanishing.
So no need to panic at all.
@MenloMarseillesSnagged from Sedaheht's earlier post:
Just a minor thing...
VastaKustutaCan people use a name or something else than "Anonymous"?
I mean talking or quoting something a standard generated name isin't a nice thing.
Put a name there, it's both respect for youreself and the bornies of this comunity :D.
Thank you.
This is why i hate fandoms they get massive butt hurt over nothing. "love and Tolerance"....... lol.
VastaKustuta@Night Star
VastaKustutaBecause when parasprites did it before, they pretended to be hasbro as well.
Rule Number 1 of love and tolerance: Try to assume the best of your fellow Ponies.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaDear Princess Celestia,
VastaKustutaToday I have learned a very valuable lesson. Don't believe what others think if you have your own belief. You will end up hurting others, including yourself. Dont let others convince you except for the ones you love and yourself.
Twilight Sparkle
@Night Star
VastaKustutaStop being a fucking dumbass. Anyone can flag a video and claim they're Hasbro Inc. It hasw happened TWO TIMES IN THE PAST, when it was confirmed that they were just trolls. Stop trying to stir up trouble, it's not wanted here.
@Laurence Brown
VastaKustutaBest. Book. Ever.
VastaKustutaPs please send all the youtube trolls to the moon
Thank you, Sethisto, for doing this.
VastaKustutaThe hysteria was getting out of hand and would only hurt this fandom.
Good to know. Without Youtube I never would have become a brony!
VastaKustutaYeah well it's over. MLP will continue to die out slowly and who knows? Something new may come along in it's place. It's been quite a journey.
VastaKustutaOnce again Pony overcomes trolls attempts to stop the pony takeover, nice try foals.
VastaKustutaWho here votes that updates of this nature should be un-comment-able?
VastaKustutaI agree with Altercation. Even if Hasbro had set their copyright into affect, it's their show. Getting all Pussy and sending angry letters only shows how much of a way we still need to go. You all treated Hasbro like the ponies treated Zecora. Shame on you all.
VastaKustutaTrolling was my first thought as well. Seems odd that they'd leave those up for months and months, then SUDDENLY decide that they had to go
VastaKustuta2 million views, I mean, come on, it's not like they didn't know it was there.
That all the other pony stuff is still on youtube is pretty clear evidence (to me, at least) that Hasbro has nothing to do with it.
My thought on Hasbro is that they're in the midst of a big experiment. They've got a cartoon which, though honestly very good, is nonetheless experiencing a fan reaction FAR exceeding it's intrinsic value, especially for this demographic. It makes financial sense that they'd want to see how far they could take this, and that means NOT messing with the community in a negative way.
Could we all try to remember that next time this happens, and NOT fly off the handle and spew expletives at Hasbro the moment someone starts trolling Youtube again?
So relieved. Thank you, Hasbro. You're a nice guy
VastaKustutaI was later thinking you'd upload all the episodes to a new youtube channel for MLP episodes and get a youtube partnership to ake $ off ad revenue. Seemed like a nice idea to me
are done with all the rage now??
VastaKustutaif this was trolls we got trolled really hard
but it doesn't say that the video was dennounced so i don't think it was flagged
I told you!
VastaKustutaHaha, but really.
It's sad people don't have anything better to do with their time.
Especially since the trolls that were here aparently don't know how to type proper English.
@Crabby EqD was a bit of a mess, but what I saw on Reddit and RDN was much more civil. There were quite a number that held the love and tolerance line, but as EqD is the biggest volume, and allows anons, that kind of stuff can get overlooked when comments fill with parasprites and over-enthused fans. It's a part of human (& pony) nature, it happens, we just have to move on and be better in the future.
VastaKustuta>mfw /co/lts are trolling the rest of the fandom.
VastaKustuta>mfw I have no face.
I hope with all my being that this is true1
VastaKustutahonestly? I just do the same as I do with all my tv shows. Torrent them.
VastaKustutaAlthough I have to admit, if they weren't on youtube I probably would never have started watching MLP.
VastaKustutaThe New Brony's Guide: Top 10 ways too react too Trolls and/or Parasprites
1. Don't
2. Don't
3. Don't
4. Don't
5. Don't
6. Don't
7. Don't
8. Don't
9. Don't
This has been:
The New Brony's Guide: Top 10 ways too react too Trolls and/or Parasprites
Click reply to get an anchor link that leads to the comment you'd like to reply to. Simple. Effective.
- Anonymous
I pray that we don't lose this privelige but some reactions might've been... over-the-top. calm down. ITS OKAY.
I think it's time for Hasbro to finally post up the episodes to YouTube themselves. Their main revenue stream is the toys anyway, and with the Hub not being a standard channel (I don't believe, anyway) YouTube is an obvious way to build interest in the series.
VastaKustuta... What do we need the Hub for anyway? YouTube has 1080p too, you know! YouTube and a season blu-ray release, my friends, YouTube and blu-ray...
@Pony Corp - Ren
VastaKustutaIt's a reasonable idea, but I'm not sure if restrictions like that would be very good. It could very well just cause more problems.
Bronies need places like this to comfort each other and bounce information back and forth.
@Night Star
VastaKustutaTrolls have taken down videos by falsely filing copyright complaints in Hasbro's name before. I've been fairly sure from the beginning that this was just more of the same
VastaKustutaI know, I felt pretty ashamed and uncomfortable.
Hasbro didn't deserve this... Hasbro didn't deserve this..
I figured this was the explanation.
VastaKustutaI never doubted you, Hasbro!
From economical point of view...
VastaKustuta...Thats suicide.
Thats why it cant be true.
Nothing is simpler than rule of money.
VastaKustutaThat's actually a really awesome idea
I might get around to writing
Thanks for that
And continueing on
I am disapoint Bronies
I just went to Reddit and ponychan
Both were In total anarchy
Really guys
H.A.T.E is not how you spell Love and Tolerance
Our love and Tolerance is what makes us untrollable and sperates us from say Anime fans
We lose love and tolerance we lose Brony
If this is Hasbro who cares there are still heaps of channels with the episodes up
Love guys LOVE
That comment was just lucky for the troll. It threw a sucker punch at us.
VastaKustutaOur victory over the trolls shall come in a matter of minutes and us getting trolled usually just converts the trolls in question which means that we could easily see more bronies from this.
VastaKustutaFor now, I shall prepare the victory celebrations over the trolls. Victory is ours comrades.
(for some reason while writing this I read it in my head in Jim Cummings voice)
I reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustuta@Pony Corp - Ren and @Altercation
VastaKustutaYes, some people took it too far. And I definitely don't condone what was said, but I understand that the reaction is something to expect from any normal person in this situation. It doesn't take long for someone to read the headline and immediately burst out a wild emotional response, and it's not really indicative of the community at all.
I don't think being so snarky about this situation is very fair. The impression you took from the comments in the previous section grossly outweighs the actual proportion of overblown reactions. Most people by the end of the comments section had reconciled their opinions on the matter; the amount of "Hasbro hate" comments on the second page was pretty negligible.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI admit, I fell for it for a second too. Even posted my disappointment. It was kinda hard not to realize the truth after seeing the flaggers being all over the place in the comments though.
VastaKustutaThe only thing I actually regret from this is the 2M video being taken down. That was a really low blow, but meh, it's just numbers.
Besides, it's the number of bronies that's the only number that matters, and this one is only gonna increase. Live on, bronies! And try being more trusting in Hasbro next time ^^
I wish all of these trolls would just throw themselves in a woodchipper,feet first...
VastaKustuta@AnonymousI'm not really sure what you mean by "dying out"? if anything the FiM fandom has been growing over the last couple months.
VastaKustutaYou forgot an item:
11. Scootaloo is the best pony.
@eaglehooves Yeah i never really had any interest in reddit (too confusing to me) so i coul refer to the commenters on EqD only, which was more than enough. True it is part of our nature to sometimes go brainless and without considering what we do, i admit sometimes im doing these too, but as some of you have already pointed it out, this had happened not once before, and as far as i can tell nothing changed about the attitude.
VastaKustutaSome of this unfortunately has stemmed from Hasbro, (as well as 95% of the other media companies) failure to embrace a modern distribution method for their product. Matt Stone and Trey Parker figured it out, why can't anyone else?
VastaKustutathis post is the equivalent of seth dodging an entire machine gun clip of bullets.
VastaKustutanice one
I'm glad I got all the episodes local just incase this happened. Maybe we need to throw the trolls a party?
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaWe're safe! ...yay...
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaThe trolls pantsed us, all we can do is pull up our pants and put on a belt so it don't happen again. lol
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaYou need to chill out bro, there was no need to start insulting someone like that.
I for one can understand why some people would be concerned about this issue, and there's no guarantee that Hasbro won't do this at some point in time.
I reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaEven if it's hasbro or not, heck. Give me the blurays/dvds... JUST TAKE MY MONEY!
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaSilly, that's not how you spell Rarity
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustuta@Star Winged Brit
VastaKustutaThat's my favorite part about the troll raids. It's always really funny when we get new converts in the aftermath.
Also, in response to someone else above, I'm pretty sure most of us believed it/flipped the fuck out at first.
I reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaTrue, very true.
Ahh, can't ya just FEEL the tolerance and love?
I reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaI reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaDid... Did I miss something? Cause the more of these comments I read, the more it feels like everypony here played their "Party of One" card. By that I mean, they abandon the whole Love and Tolerence creed and lash out at a group that was actually planning something great for them. All simply the bronies thought that Hasbro suddenly, out of nowhere, stopped caring. Seriously, that's not what's going on, is it?
VastaKustutaHow would I have reacted to this if... Wait, what DID happen anyways? I'm a bit confused. Was it a simple case of "trolls pretend to be Hasbro and sic DMCA on MLP"? If I'm wrong, then please correct me! But if that's what happened, would I have felt the same way about Hasbro? Or would I know better then to just assume in black and white? I'll never truly know now... But I'm scared...
I reported some Channels with MLP Videos too.
VastaKustutaAaaand... in my anon comment in which I said something about people not knowing how to type, I had a typo on 'apparently.' Fudgepops.
VastaKustutaBut, anyway,
1- some of the comments, while I understood the shock in the situation, made me dissapoint.
VERY dissapoint.
2- Couldn't Hasbro do what Funimation does, and post the episodes themselves with a few commercials in there? Wouldn't they make money off of that?
I'm wondering... if Hasbro already stated, that they won't take Pony vids down, then why won't they just tell whoever-has-to-be-told in Youtube about that, so they won't accept any copyright claims towards them? Just an idea...
VastaKustutaActually it IS how I spell Rarity. <_<
meh, in a developing fandom it only takes a couple of things going wrong to cause havoc.
VastaKustutaI was slightly inclined to believe it on the basis that it was on their FB page (inclined enough to set a 1080 RShare dl going), but then with how I woke up an hour or two ago you could've told me my feet were made of marshmallows and i would've believed you.
VastaKustutaI don't think they can do that for legal reasons
VastaKustutaThen how come you spelled Rarity like that if you spell Rarity like Scootaloo?
Figured it was a troll from the start. It's happened many times before.
VastaKustutaHeck, I've seen trolls abuse the system for years now, it isn't ever going to get fixed. I've seen multiple videogame walkthroughs and pro-evolution videos get flag spammed and removed, only to get reinstated later when the flagger was proven to not be who they said they were.
Anyways, there isn't even a good reason for Hasbro to remove them. Youtube is an excellent way for people to try out new shows on their own schedule and for free. If Hasbro wanted, they could upload the vids themselves and become a YT partner, which would give them ad revenue.
VastaKustuta@1 I think we were all a little disappointed. But if you think about it, this just goes to show how much we love the show. The slightest sign of it going away and we flip out.
@2 This is an excellent idea, but I say only if they really have a problem with the YouTube videos.
@Anonymous Cool story bro.
VastaKustutaIt's "natural", but it doesn't make it okay. Reactionary, overemotional responses do not translate well over the internet. They will not endear you to the entity you are trying to convince otherwise and they will feed the trolls their sweet ambrosia of internet hate. Angry letters, bursts of "HASBRO IS STUPID AND I HATE IT" and other likewise statements is just disappointing.
The fact that we come to expect the internet hate machine says a lot more than I could ever type.
VastaKustuta...something more specific? "Legal reasons" can mean prettymuch anything...
VastaKustutaBecause Rarity is how I spell Twilight Sparkle.
VastaKustutaI'm all for #2. My guess is that there might be extra hurdles to clear in getting advertisers to line up, how much they have to pay for the slots, etc. Nothing that can't be worked out, obviously, but it then leads to a lot of extra work in keeping all of the other fan posted videos off of the net. Which then brings in the question, how much will doing THAT cost?
It may simply be that the profit gained from doing so is too small to make the effort. And as past corporate reports have pointed out, Hasbro IS making a lot of money off of MLP merch sales. If all they have to deal with is the very rare troll outburst like this, as opposed to constantly trying to police the net, an effort that is doomed to fail from the get go?
VastaKustutaThis. Seriously, Hasbro:
1: Put all the episodes up streaming on Hubworld.
2: Put adverts for toys and other merch with them.
3: Make paid HD downloads and Blu-ray/DVD purchase links readily available.
4: Profit. So much profit. Seriously. Let me know if you plan on doing this so I can invest prior.
@Those who freaked out...
I'm a little disappoint. I'd almost say the parasprites won this round, especially if a lot of people sent anger towards Hasbro about this. Saddening that such a usually awesome fandom can be brought down by a few out to ruin the fun. There will always be ways to watch ponies. Be glad Hasbro has always been so awesome to us. Sit back and enjoy the ponies.
I'll leave with this thought, in big, friendly letters: DON'T PANIC.
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaI don't know anything about copy right laws but Im sure they can't give a thumbs up to people who break them or others could break it and point at us and go "But you let them do it"
Did anybody notice? Click on the "Comment as:" drop-down box. That's right. No more anon's.
VastaKustutaIm sorry but i cannot see any logic on your post, less insulting me since im just wanting for proofs. And you wonder why trollers rage against you? As ive said im the first one that reported this and i was the one looking for real proofs, in fact most of stuff you said on your posts or whatever are just reposts of my topics on facebook. So i will still look forward to have confirmation that are trolls or Hasbro, but you cannot cancel an alert just cause you hope everything will be ok.
Ill still look into this for The bronies community.
@Pony Corp - Ren
VastaKustutaYeah, there's a post up about it. Probably because of the spammer earlier in the comments.
My heart is back.
VastaKustutaPlease, it's not like the videos won't be back in like 10 seconds flat.
VastaKustutapeople who sent angry letters to HASBRO should send them an apology letter. they deserve that much after all this hate they've received.
VastaKustuta@Altercation I don't know what force would ever stop the hate machine of masses. "A person is smart, people are stupid." Put enough people in a single place and the lowest common denominator will always stick out. I guess accepting this is depressing, but you can't fight human nature. If there was no hate there would be no love, if there was no sadness there would be no joy. If this community wasn't so filled with emotion we'd just be another faceless internet husk.
VastaKustutaAs for the interpretation of the hate, I say it shows how invested some people are into the show. If I saw people reacting like this to something involving my own work I'd be flattered that people care so much about it.
@EonMaster there is a problem they sell this show to pay channels all over europe why should people get this show for free when others who legitimately watch this show have to pay for it
VastaKustutaWhy doesn't youtube verify the identity of complaints? Seriously!
VastaKustutaI don't see what the big deal is... MLP is Hasbro's, they have the right to do whatever they want with it. If they dont' want it up on Youtube, then so be it. If you are going to make a fit about it, then don't like the show anymore. Otherwise you have to learn to deal with it.
VastaKustutaSure it was work of a troll, good for them. Let them have their fun. How long does that good feeling for them last? A day? maybe a week? THen it's back to normal until another troll decides to have a little fun. Just ignore them, all I can say.
And, if I may say, the win with the trolling wasn't the fact of the show being taken down; its the fact of how some of you reacted to the take down. Sure you should feel upset, but acting like the world is going to end? And going so far as to call Hasbro out on it, god damn people has the show taught you anything?
I think the telling thing that trolls did it was there was some fan content that got taken down. Hasbro would NEVER do that, and I still never believe they'd take the episodes down without warning, or without official notice before/during/directly after they did.
VastaKustuta@Blayze Kohime
VastaKustutaBasically because that causes a delay in the takedown. The company issuing it can then claim that the few extra days YouTube left the video up cost them revenue from people watching it there instead of on TV for their ratings/buying DVDs etc, and sue YouTube for damages as a result.
(NOTE - I know nothing about copyright law, I'm just making an educated guess as to why this might be the case)
What a relief!
thank you Seth for putting an end to the madness
VastaKustuta(sits back and waits for someone to make a 300 joke)
Well I have all the pony episodes downloaded, 1080p... so no biggie, even if it were true. I would miss reading Youtube comments, and new episodes though D: