• Writer Training Ground Week 3

    Week three of the Writer Training Ground has come to a close!  The topic:  Write about a pet stuck in a tree.

    33 People submitted stories for the event!  You can find them here!

    This weeks rules can be found on the Deviant Art page!  All are welcome to join at any time.

    9 kommentaari:

    1. I really should give this a shot sometime...

    2. No firsts this time? Thank Celestia for that.

    3. @Anonymous 9:20

      I thought about it. Then I remembered I wasn't a twat.

    4. I keep forgetting that these Training Grounds exist, been meaning to participate for a while :\
      Maybe it's because I keep expecting Phoe to bring back a Training Grounds event, the last EqD one was so much fun. Well I better get to making a DA account then, I'm off!

    5. @Basharoonskis

      According to PhoeKun's comment in the ATG, THAT is the real training grounds. So we're pretty happy about that being 'official' XD

    6. @Kits
      Say whaaaaaaaaaat?

      Well I suppose that's even more incentive to get going then, it's a shame EqD isn't hosting these anymore but I guess it all works out.

    7. Someone really needs to color that picture
