• Story: That You Might Live


    Author: Aelibia
    Description: A magical experiment in memory tests the limits of sisterhood and forgiveness between Celestia and Luna. And this time, there are no Elements of Harmony to save them. This time, they have only one another, and the terrible guilt that binds them together.
    That You Might Live

    Additional Tags: Guilt, Coverup, Spells, Sisterhood, Imprisoned

    21 kommentaari:

    1. Hmm..that sounds interesting! I may read later...

    2. I remember seeing this earlier, far too sad for my tastes but its well written.

    3. I´ve read too many sad stories lately. I can´t even dare to read this one.

    4. I'm not even going to pretend I'm not too excited about Past Sins to read this.

      Darn it, PMV makers! Make me fanboy over Past Sins too much to care, will you?

    5. Another story to put on the list, might read later :3

    6. I can already tell that its gonna be a bad idea to read this one, but hell: I haven't read a straight-up SadFic in a while, so I'll take the plunge anyways.

    7. Wow, that was great. One of the better sad stories I read.

    8. Eh. Kinda "meh," actually. I can certainly see why it would work, and its certainly structured in a way that should cause MAXIMUM SAD, but it didn't really click with me.

      I suppose it didn't help that I sorta guessed what had happened (the result, if not the reasoning) quite a while before the reveal, so when it actually came up there was no gut-punch like I think was intended.

    9. uhm, that was nice and sad but i did not cry. i think i should have, what with one in that role and another passed redemption. but it didn't cause me that much sadness. at least the duty will be fulfilled.

      uhm, thank you for sharing it.

    10. WHY would you post this?!

      That said, I enjoyed it. No tears, but sad.

    11. I didn't cry either but it really hurt while reading it

    12. This is one of those stories that I take relief in knowing that it is not canon. Very well done.

    13. It was interesting. It hurt to read it. A few parts confused me, and I do hate seeing unresolved pain with my ponies... at least I prefer happy endings... This was painfully rough, realizing what was happening to Celestia. I can't imagine the fallout if her illusion were to ever falter either...

      Ugh... My brain hurts... I like sad stories, when they end nicely. Celestia doesn't deserve that fate. Not after getting her sister back.

      5 stars though...

      I so wish there was a follow up chapter that gave this a happy ending. I feel so sad having read this story... The concept is amazing... Just so depressing.

    14. Clever concept... but you held out on the plot too long. It hurt to read because it didn't make much sense until later... I like it, it's sad. My biggest concern being that the plot won't last season 2 (for obvious reasons). Sorry bro but you did a good job, not a great one. :\

    15. Could anypony explain to me... well I hate to sound like a foal, but what exactly happened? Most are saying that it is very well written and has a great ending, but I was really confused and I didn't understand how it ended. I have a few ideas, but I can't piece it together. I don't want to make anypony post the ENDING in the comments, but I'm just so confused. Help?

      Really well written though! :)

    16. @Scootaloo789
      I'm trying to work this out a bit myself, so talking it out a bit might help me a bit too.

      As best as I can make out, after Luna returned to Equestria, Celestia wanted to make getting re-acclimated easier for her, and created a spell that would give Luna access to her memories of the time. It failed spectacularly, making Celestia slowly lose her own memories, magic, and self. Luna was forced to magically create/become a doppelganger to take the more respected princess' place. Celestia eventually succumbed to the illness, and Luna was forced to continue the charade, pretending to be her sister for the good of Equestria, even though it pained her.


      Seriously, this story was well-done. It was incredibly trippy and confusing, and incredibly sad. Very good work, but it certainly requires a lot more thought to figure out the meaning than your average story. Not a good story to read casually. Regardless, 5/5.

    17. @A Terrible Person
      Thanks so much bro! That really helped! I had a feeling it was going to be something like that, so it was nice to get a good explanation. Thanks!

      And awesome job, to the writer! Very well done, great great work! I agree with what "A Terrible Person" said, its pretty confusing, but it had such deep meaning and was so well written! Great work! 5/5!

    18. So THAT'S why Luna didn't show up in all of season 1.

    19. I really enjoyed this story. The thought of Luna being in season one the entire time without being seen doing the things described is wonderful. That ending had me wondering up until the second to last line.

      My Rating: I wanted a Sad fic and got one, 5/5 stars.

    20. The whole plot of the story...it hurts me so much inside. 5/5 it was a interesting read and I teared up a bit.
