[Comedy] [Crossover]
Author: Sir Ginger
Description: More popular than the "Celestia's Homecare" omnibus, better selling than "Fifty-Three More Things to do When Trapped on the Moon", and more controversial than the infamous "Cupcakes", how does the story of this remarkable book differ in a universe full of... pony?All Links below the break!
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 1
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 2
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 3
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 4
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 5
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 6
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 7
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 8
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 9
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 10
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 11
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 12
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 13
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 14
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 15
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 15.5
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 16
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 17
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 18
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 19
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 20
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies: Part 21 (New!)
So Long And Thanks For All The Ponies Alternate
Youtube Live Readings
Additional Tags: Hitchhiker's guide, sci-fi, life, universe, everything.
230 kommentaari:
Hitchhiker's Guide! This is going to be insane. (1st?)
VastaKustutaOh boy, HERE WE GO.
VastaKustutaThis promises to be amusing.
damn it, i was planning on doing this...
VastaKustuta@Psudopod YES! I don't remember seeing this between that New Dawn of an Old Night fic and the Octavia's Power Hour one, did New Dawn just stay on top? Weird... I'd think Hitchhiker's Guide would have a ton of traffic, otherwise.
VastaKustutaSo, I didn't see "Story:" and had a minor heart attack. I thought EqD was going away. I was about to cry. Not even manly tears, just tears. >>
VastaKustutaI'm reading the Restraunt at the end of the universe right now, and I'm loving it. THIS will be just amazing, I'm hoping XD
VastaKustutafreaken love that rarity pic soooo much :D
VastaKustutaThis is the best thing ever. I hope there are 42 updates.
VastaKustutaThis is going to be insane. I can't wait for the Hitchhiker's. We already have Discworld pony, so this completes my list of amazing comic story crossovers.
VastaKustutaSpeaking of which, has anypony read And Another Thing? How is it?
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Equestria has surpassed the Encyclopedia Celestia in most pony settlements as the standard repository for all knowledge for two reasons: first; it is slightly cheaper, and second; it has the words 'Don't panic' written in large friendly letters on its cover.
VastaKustutaIt is 01:20 and I will read this in the morning
VastaKustutaYou forgot to tag 42 there :P
VastaKustutaMe too Anon, me too D:
*stares at last part of chapter 3* This will end well.
VastaKustuta"The others were all fighting internal battles on the twin fronts of Not Letting Your Face Show Amusement and Following What The Hell Pinkie Just Said, with varying degrees of success. Dash was fighting yet another battle, the hard front of Not Giving Up On The Entire Concept Of Living."
VastaKustutaYou good Sir. Stop making me snort my cola up my nose in laughter.
Also, have a +1 internets. Best. Crossover. Ever.
I Fangasmed
VastaKustutaA very amusing read so far. I shall be eagerly awaiting further updates. My only complain is one that I am sure many others readers currently share with me; currently too short, we need more of this story ASAP. Please. =)
VastaKustutaI feel that you have captured the flavor of the Hitchhikers part of the crossover superbly. The Pony part seems good too, but there hasn't been enough room yet for it to get its fair share in. Which is understandable, given where the story is headed. (I'm trying to avoid spoiling anything for anyone who is reading these comments before reading the story, hence my vagueness.) Still, if what I have read is any sort of indication, I'm certain we'll get to see how the Ponies leave their mark on the universe at large soon enough.
Keep up the great work! This story has joined my list of tales to follow.
I only read the restaurant at the end of the universe and snippets of the other books, but this is the first crossover I have even considered reading...
VastaKustutaAnd I'm loving every word of it. The writing is top-notch.
This is fated for 6-star rating. no way around it.
Ah, a Red Dwarf nod. I tip my hat to you, sir!
VastaKustutaDEAR CELESTIA YES. A fanfic I like so much I actually managed to read it, based on a book series I love so much I actually managed to read!
VastaKustuta@sotha said... "And another Thing" is sorta meh. I didn't really finish it, it's okay but doesn't live up to the H2G2 name.
VastaKustutaAnd Zaphod's cutiemark is a picture of himself.
VastaKustutaThen again, considering him, it really couldn't be anything else.
aaaannnnd... time! 3:15am and I've finished chapter 3. Sure I have a shit-ton of things to do in the morning, but this? this is worth it.
VastaKustutaI don't want to say anything to rate the story, because that would ruin the wonderful surprises and down right amusingness of everything in this brilliant little story.
6-stars, here you come.
Now, being that Zaphod's Cutie Mark is a picture of himself, does that picture include his Cutie Mark? If so, we may have a bit of a xzibit situation on our hands...
VastaKustutaThis is beautiful. I raise my Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster in toast to you in your awesomeness.
VastaKustutaHm. Not bad at all. Nice channelling of Douglas Adams (may he rest in peace). I love the H2G2 series so it was a no-brainer for me to read this. It'll probably be a 6-star story even with some problems that I'll go into below...
VastaKustutaThere are some minor grammatical errors in the chapters (mostly the "it's" vs "its" thing; normally I'm not a grammar nazi but this one drives me nuts), and one misspelled word in I think chapter 2: "phased" should be "fazed".
Also, I know the author is trying his best to follow the events of the H2G2 books, but a few times it seems like he's just jumping from scene to scene, almost like there's a checklist. I feel there needs to be a bit more bridging narration in order to help the flow of the story.
Even with these criticisms, I'm liking this story and can't wait to read more.
A H2G2 crossover with My little pony! This has good story written all over it. My life is complete now. Time to sit back enjoy my not entirely unlike tea, beverage and read this.
VastaKustutaIf I may make a suggestion I think this image would suit the story much better.
VastaKustutaI agree, that one would fit rather nicely.
I own all the stories in on big book. I hope this'll match up to my word-for-word memory of it =D
VastaKustutaYES. I love this so hard. XD
VastaKustutaHeh, good to see this here.
VastaKustutaNeeds more Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster yes?
I'm most impressed with this. It could be closer to the original, though, with some of the jokes.
Such as when Fluttershy turned into a tree, she should have been worried about how she was going to take care of the animals then, like in the book where he says, "Hell, how am I supposed to operate my digital watch now?"
VastaKustutaAh, hell, where? I loved red dwarf, but i was too busy looking for it to be a copy of THHGTTG, given how i know parts of it word for word.
VastaKustuta2) Yes we have a backup
3) No I am not telling you where it is
4) Vorgons suck
5) Pinkie knows this
6) The Winslow is VERY Important
7) There is a copy of the HHGG in the royal library, in a locked cabinet, behind a brick wall, cemented over, behind a bookcase featuring a history of tax laws the unabridged series.
>6) The Winslow is VERY Important
VastaKustutaI see what you did thar.
"more controversial than the infamous 'Cupcakes'"
VastaKustutaI'm scared...
Oh God, Vogon fanfiction. o_O
VastaKustutaHilarious work; I want to see more!
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!
This is awesome. And the new entries are excellent. Please more!
VastaKustutaYes! I've been waiting for this so long!
VastaKustutaIt's hilarious! And of course Zapfod... His special talent is his own ego... I should have known...
Six stars from me!
VastaKustutaThis is great! If you haven't read the original series, please do. It's one of the funniest pieces of literature ever.
VastaKustutaThat being said, the one thing keeping me from rating this a full 6 stars is the fact that I can't bring myself to accept bringing terrible human concepts into Equestria, a large one being alcohol.
So: 5/5
God, I LOVE this fic. Pinkie is an alien. This totally explains why Pinkie is the way she is. So awesome.
VastaKustutaPinkie as Ford Prefect is a perfect choice.
VastaKustutaThat is all.
This is a really weird story...
VastaKustutaBefore reading the story, but with a knowledge of the actual Hitchhiker's Guide, should this have a random tag?
VastaKustutaInhabitants: Mostly Harmless.
Inhabitants: SO! AWESOME! /)^3^(\
The Pony takeover of all media is clearly just a matter of time.
OMIGOSH! I'mexcited, areyouexcitedbecauseI'MexictedandI'veneverBEENsoexcited, well, exceptforthatonetimethatPinkiewent *GAAAAAAAASP*, andIwasalllike, there'snoWAYthatanythingcouldtopTHAT, butthenIsawTHIS, andit'slike, thebestthingEVER!!!! 8D
VastaKustutaTo anyone who actually took the time to understand that... Lawlz. Seriously, you just made my day... Heck, you just made my week! XD
Wait, if the mayor of Warsaw is mentioned, does this mean Earth is somewhere in the galaxy?
VastaKustutaokay, I read all 5 hitchhiker's guide books so this I gotta see.
VastaKustutaHooray, H2G2 is my favorite book of all time, and ponies just makes it...less awesome, but still awesome. My only problem is that it seems too close to the original story. They even got a fact wrong (Vogon fanfiction should have been third worst in the galaxy, rather than second). I wonder who could be playing Trillian.
VastaKustutaNow I'm wondering what the previous pic was.
Well, finally a Hitchhiker's Cross-over shows up! It's looking good so far, so don't stop.
VastaKustutaThe concept of Vogon Fanfiction & the IID effects were both wonderfully amusing and meta. Bravo
VastaKustutafucking loved these books
VastaKustutaMhhh... She has 3 forelegs?
VastaKustutaMind = Blown. Take all my money, please, because I don't need it anymore as my life is now committing itself to enjoying this story.
VastaKustutaOkay, the jokes were pretty good-- they manage to keep the feel of the original, without just being straight copies. The plot, though- not so much.
VastaKustutaIt was just a simple picture of Rarity wearing Golden armor.
Two words;
I'm just another pony along for this fantastic ride.
VastaKustutaNow that I see the picture, I am suddenly struck by just how long this crossover must have been waiting to happen.
VastaKustuta>Indeed, there remains only one politician in the entire galaxy with no influence from Vogons, and he has been locked in a stasis field for many centuries and as such is in no position to do anything positive.
VastaKustutaAm I the only one to spot Warhammer 40,000 reference?
@Anonymous at 1:20
VastaKustutaThe fish rain and the spontaneous combustion of the Mayor of Warsaw are from the "Confidence and Paranoia" ep of RD
VastaKustutaYou, sir, are brilliant.
This, This! It's like my head had been smashed in with a lemon warped around a large gold brick! I LOVE it!
VastaKustutaHoly hell! Can't believed I missed that!
VastaKustutaI'm not sure it is actually a WH40K ref... or not solely at any rate. If you've got a copy of HHGTTG at hand go to chapter 4 and you'll find a footnote on Zaphod's title starting with
"Full title President of the Imperial Galactic Government....": turns out the Emperor is near dead and locked in a stasis field and "power" has migrated down the food chain.
HHGTTG dates from 1979 and WH40K from 1987.
I'm not always a fan of crossovers, BUT WHEN I AM, it's a crossover between My Little Pony and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
VastaKustutaSo is Spiderses Vogon fanfic?
VastaKustutaStep 1: See post.
VastaKustutaStep 2: Shit bricks.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit.
All I can say is:
AH ! I knew it ! I knew a 'Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy' crossover story would one day appear !
VastaKustuta...I must say I'm surprised it took so long, though. After all, Twilight and her number '42' reference were well known, no ?
Anyway... reading tomorrow.
(N.B. : *Boot to the Head* for the ''story-that-shall-not-be-named'' reference.)
After Reading this, I have this to say. If Douglas Adams were alive today and a brony and decided to Write a H2G2/MLPFim Fanfic, it would be almost, but not quite, entirely unlike this Fic.
VastaKustutaThe reference had to be made. :D I actuallt quite like it. Lookinbg foward to more
Part 1 :
VastaKustuta>positioned all over the lonely planet with it's own orbiting sun and moon, which now flew away into space as the planet they had served ceased to exist.
-Hummm... What happened to Celestia and Luna ? You know... the Princesses-Goddesses, 'avatars' of god-like powers ?
Surely, they are gonna go and place an official complain at the 'Complain Department' of the nearest solar system ?
Also... Nooooes ! Ditzy and Dinky ! D:
>Ponies frozen in the act of peering upwards were magicked back into existence, an orbiting sun and moon formed above spinning gently. Backup restored.
-HAH ! Hurray for that FMV ! :D ...wait ? Does that mean that they basicly just cloned the Main 6 ?
As Pinky said : 'Awkward' ;)
But this kinda create the question : Huh... How does the story will end, so it matches the 'Hitchhiker's Guide's End' ?
Part 2 :
>a small sentient pudding named Charles
-I don't get this one reference ? Where is it from ?
Part 3 :
... Improbability-drive ship, or what would happen to be if Pinky Pie was a spaceship ...
Nearly shat myself when I saw this. Hooray!
VastaKustutaThat pic...
VastaKustutaI think my brain just poped.
VastaKustutaI just came back from a long weekend with less results than I wanted. I have '42' on my arm and I can't tell you how much better my life just became by finding this.
VastaKustutaI shat brix when I looked closer at the picture...
VastaKustutaI must say, this is incredibly well-written. It emulates Adams' style very well. I will be keeping up on this for sure.
VastaKustutaBADA BUMMM!
BAH BAH, Bada bada da dahm,
BAH BAH, Bada buuummmm~
BAH BAH, Bada bada da dahm,
Aka, Journey of the Sorcerer.
Oh wow, I suddenly had the urge to take this fic and create a radio show version pulling together voice talent and even throwing in appropriate background music. Provided the writer doesn't mind of course
VastaKustutaAnypony interested in the idea? Throw my an Email
[email protected]
why have I never noticed the fifth leg pinkie has in this picture?
VastaKustutathis needs 6 stars so HARD!!!
VastaKustutaProbably because just eyeballing it, you see the clothes of Ford, instead of Zaphod.
As far as the story? I can see the take on Zaphod, and Pinkie does make a good Ford. (And now to write a fanfic about how she invents Detroit.) About the only thing I worry about is the sheer number of Equestrians; the original had two (Arthur and Trillian), and this one has to cope with six (the main ponies minus Pinkie but plus Spike). Splitting does help, of course.
I never read fanfiction, but Hitchhiker's Guide is hard to resist. It needs a lot more jokes, being more reminiscent of the later books than the original radio/TV series scripts. But enjoyable; couldn't help but read aloud in my Peter Jones voice ...
VastaKustutaMind boggling!
VastaKustutaLol! Futurerama reference!
VastaKustutaWhen i saw this i felt like my brain had been smashed out by a lemon covered gold brick!
VastaKustutaWell, Zaphod and Ford are supposed to be related somehow (semicousins or something).
Otherwise, it's about time the Guide and Babel fish showed up!
All I can say is, chapter 42 had better be AWESOME! But it's already awesome, so I think you're good! XD
VastaKustutaOh my god this is the best crossover ever.
VastaKustutaPinkie as alien: amazing. Rarity as hacker: amazing. Zaphod's cutie mark: amazing. Vogon fanfiction: amazing. Fluttertree: amazing.
My life: now amazing.
Commenting as openid: less amazing.
VastaKustutaWhy does Pinkie have 5 legs...?
VastaKustutait's finally been done... i am so happy, and i am going to take my hat off to this author for making a pony version of my favorite book, thank you... it's going to be chaos
VastaKustutaIts brilliant but you forgot one major thing.
VastaKustutaThe humble bable fish. How can they understand vogon if they have not got one of these?
Fucking spellchecker how does it work
VastaKustutaOther than that, though, this is pretty great.
Did anyone else read this in the narrator's voice from the H2G2 movie?
VastaKustutaNicely done, author!
I'm in heaven.
VastaKustutaI totally read that in Peter Jones' voice.
VastaKustuta>Pinkie Pie is an alien
Started reading this on the ride to work this morning (yay smartphone) and loving it so far. Could use another proof read, though (I saw some it's vs. its problems, missing punctuation, and one "Rainbow dash"). Pinkie Pie as an alien makes a ton of sense.
VastaKustutaIt was under B!
VastaKustutaDarn, I kinda feel like this latest chapter just stops, rather than ending. That said, I'm still enjoying this! (May need an editor, I noticed numerous simple errors!)
Hey there guys, really flattered by the positive reception here. Anyone wanting to become proofreader, just fire off an email to me at [email protected], first in first served. I write very stream of consciousness style, and so a few errors do crop up embarrassingly often.
VastaKustutaA couple of questions I couldn't think of a way to naturally explain in-story;
The ponies understand Jeltz because Vogons speak Equine (they did just deliver an address to the planet), as does Zaphod. Vogon fanfiction is the second worst in the galaxy because it is just a mite worse than their poetry. Earth does exist in this universe, it's just that the guide never bothered sending a roving reporter there, and so it blew up unnoticed by all just after the fleet moved on from Equestria.
42 chapters, oh Celestia help me, but that sounds like a challenge.
M. Bison said it best.
VastaKustuta"YES. YES."
VastaKustuta*dies in ecstasy*
VastaKustutaThe paragraph with fluttershy the tree the shellfish and the turtle!! Sooo well written! Laughed my ass off!
So awesoooomeee....
VastaKustutaThis now has to be the most epic fanfic ever made second to none.
VastaKustutaDid anyone else hear Stephen Fry doing the narration?
VastaKustuta... In their minds?
@Anonymous Not just in my mind. In MY SOUL.
VastaKustutaReally awesome work so far :D:D
VastaKustutaHow in the seven rings of Saturn did you make this funnier than the original?!
VastaKustutaVogon fanfic. Oh, Belgium.
VastaKustutaThis made me laugh a lot; Pinkie Pie cast as the Ford Prefect stand-in is perfect.
Two points, though:
1) The chapters are way too short.
2) The story feels like it's trying to be a copy/paste of the original. I'm not sure if I like that or not. I mean, I can understand using the H2G2 universe as a backdrop, but Vogons destroying the planet? The Heart of Gold? I dunno. Will definitely continue to read this, though.
Also, what the heck is up with that picture? At first, I was all "Oh, hey, it's Pinkie Pie as Ford Prefect," but then I noticed she has five limbs. Huh?
VastaKustutaNo, I heard that as well.
I just noticed she has a third front leg...
VastaKustutaMoar! Curse your eyes MOAR!
VastaKustutaLonger updates man.
VastaKustutaBeautifully done! 5 stars.
VastaKustuta@sotha I found it rather good. He tells you about things in the guide notes that are seemingly only there for a good laugh, but then he brings it up again later on in the actual story and you laugh harder! It's a strategy used by comedians all over and it's awesome!
VastaKustutaI need moar of this!
VastaKustutaEh, I could only read the first two volumes of this series. At the third the series became just gibberish.
I love this sooooo much. I love this British cold-hard cynism.
Oh God, this is great. I love how you portrayed Pinkie as Ford and Zaphod as, well, Zaphod. I too just now noticed that Pinkie has 5 legs on the picture... How could I miss that before?
VastaKustuta*Huuuuge Grin*
VastaKustutaoh shit i forgot the the bloq mayus!!
there better!
oh good god this is just wonderful in every sense of the word... having only read in parts one hitchhikers book, this has inspired me to read the rest.
VastaKustutaPlease god tell me that Zaphod's coloration and choice in glasses are coincidental, and that a certain DJ was not raised by a single mother.
VastaKustutaI know I'm not supposed to panic, but I'm starting to panic!
your storys reminds me of my childhood
VastaKustutaI would be more than happy to proofread this for you, but you haven't posted your e-mail address, you zarkin' frood. I'll hit up [email protected], but if that's not it, let me know here.
VastaKustutaSorry, buddy, I have already found someone, I left my email address in an earlier comment and they responded.
Thanks for the offer.
Love how Celestia and Luna are just like (in my mind), "Screw you guys" and remade the planet.
VastaKustutaFirst off, I have to say that the only way this could be any better is if Douglas Adams himself had written about ponies. You are channeling him very nicely.
VastaKustutaSecond, I will vehemently argue against anyone who says that this fic is trying to be a copy/paste of the HHGU. Read the actual story, then compare. The two are really only loosely based on each other. Fused together, the two universes are even wackier and more entertaining.
Third, these characters are, for the most part, NOT trying to be doppelgängers of the Douglas Adams characters. I, for one, think that Zaphod Beeblebrox interpreted as a pony is absolute brilliance. And Pinkie Pie being placed as the stand -in for Ford Prefect just makes good sense, as well as being hilarious. The rest of the cast are just being the same ponies we know and love from the show.
Fourth, MOOAARRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
A Hitch Hikers guide Fic, how could I not read it my only complaint is I much prefer the original line for dealing with Eddy, reprogramming with a magnetised axe.
VastaKustutaNeed.. more.. this is way too epic but you need to throw out about 42 more pages all at once.
VastaKustutaCan't breathe
VastaKustutaIf I breathe I'll start laughing at vogon fanfic
Can't break down laughing at work
Can't breathe
Can't breathe
VastaKustutaIf I breathe I'll start laughing at vogon fanfic
Can't break down laughing at work
Can't breathe
Fact: this is the best fanfic ever made.
VastaKustutaOkay, cool, this "having an account" thing seems to be working.
VastaKustutaSo! I do have a little criticism. Especially in ch5, you're doing it wrong in terms of quotes.
You do not automatically linebreak on each open quote. You linebreak when the active character changes. For example, this is wrong:
"Are you gettin' any of this, sugarcube?" Spike shook his head.
That would mean spike is speaking with an accent, and we don't know who said "nope".
The correct way would be this:
"Are you gettin' any of this, sugarcube?"
Spike shook his head. "Nope."
You may occasionally see a combined action, in which case you would do what you've been doing:
"Are you gettin' any of this, sugarcube?" Applejack twisted to glance over her shoulder at Spike, but he just shook his head.
I don't normally read other people's fanfiction, but when I feel motivated to do so, they always seem better than my fanfiction.
VastaKustutaRolling onto the second chapter, this is going on my watch list.
>mfw I just realised Pinkie has 5 legs in the picture.
I was a bit dubious that this could work, but it's fantastic after all. Very well done, you've really captured Douglas Adams's style.
VastaKustutaTruly captured Adams' Style, whoever you are, you are my new hero.
VastaKustutaGod I love reading this. I haven't read the books (just seen the movie), so I can't say if it follows the book's style closely, but from what I've heard it seems pretty dang close. The comedy is great and the self references (convenient plot devices and the like) are awesome.
VastaKustutaGAGRIFLEX! Dammit, you nearly killed me laughing on the first freaking sentence!
VastaKustuta--and are its inhabitants supposed to be those creepy Bratz ponies? Oh god.
A speaker in his teeth to go "ting". I love this. So much. This guy is more Zaphod than Zaphod.
"and ready to act as a convenient plot device for the next part of the narrative."
A little too much, there. The bit about narrative causality was funny, but only once.
Hey, Ginger?
VastaKustutaIf the planet is Gagriflex, wouldn't things relating to the planet be called "gagriflexial" rather than "gargiflexial"?
But, y'know... whatever you want to do is fine...
i just noticed that the picture of pinkie has an extra leg
VastaKustutaRarity will never cease being a marshmallow.
VastaKustutaXD Awesome line! It may have been a short chapter, but Trevor enjoyed it nevertheless! Trevor greatly looks forward to part VIII! 8D
VastaKustutaHOLY BUCK! How did I not notice that before?!
But she will never cease from being a marshmallow :?
VastaKustutaAre there 5 legs in that picture?
VastaKustutaThis is...epic. There is simply no other word.
VastaKustutaIt's almost like Douglas Adams himself wrote it. This is without a doubt the best pony fanfiction I have ever read (which is quite a bit. More, in fact than I ever would have thought possible). More, please!
Dang it, now you have me wondering how far beyond the visible spectrum a rainboom goes. Does it have a hard gamma fringe somewhere beyond the violet edge? Does it produce massive radio interference?
VastaKustutaWoo! FINALLY!
VastaKustuta"She needed to get her old composer back, this writer simply couldn’t write a song to save his life. And his chapter updates were getting sloppy, not to mention how desperate all those fourth wall breaks and self references made his writing style sound. If only..."
You just meta'd my mind, man. Friggin' EPIC.
Nope. Not funny anymore. I'm sorry, but this can only be classified as "hilarious" from now on.
VastaKustutaOkay, now I have to know how many PGGBs it took for Rainbow Dash to have sex with a stallion, and how many more it took to fornicate with Zaphod.
VastaKustutaThis is THE BEST crossover fic EVVVVEEEER.
VastaKustutaNo really. I was nearly dieing of laughter on several occasions. Most occasions, really. I can't even think straight it is so incredibly awesome!
That last paragraph had me worried for a second... This is easily the best crossover in the fandom. Screw fallout equestria, this makes me laugh.
VastaKustutaIf we had fanfic awards, I'd nominate this for Comedy.
VastaKustuta"I love this ship. She may have a heart if gold, but she's got feathers of steel!"
VastaKustutaTHANK YOU.
Just read the first page... No words...
VastaKustutaThis fic is like H2G2 as written by Terry Pratchett as narrated by Stephen Fry. I love it so much.
VastaKustutaSomebody grab the shame-dissolving shampoo for Dash, please...
Haha I love this.
VastaKustutaI am enjoying this far too much.
VastaKustutaThis is a fantastic tribute to a fantastic author :)
I wonder what Dirk Gently's cutie mark would be...
It's an important and popular fact that things are not always what they seem. For instance: on the planet Equestria, ponies had always assumed they were the most intelligent species occupying the planet, instead of the third most intelligent. The second most intelligent creatures were of course sea ponies, who curiously enough had long known of the impending destruction of the planet Equestria. They had made many attempts to alert ponykind to the danger, but most of their communications were misinterpreted as amusing attempts to sing songs or rescue drowning ponies. So they eventually decided they would leave Equestria by their own means. The last ever sea pony message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to perform an elaborate musical number, but in fact the message was this: "So long, and thanks for all the ponies."
You ignored the sea ponies, now you're sitting ducks
Soon there will not be ponies, cuz the world is out of luck!
It's not that you aren't nice, we think you're really great
Sorry, but the sea ponies leave you to your fate!
Now it's time to go
Please don't get us wrong
We all liked you very much, and so we wrote this song!
So we wrote this song!
Farewell from the sea ponies, we will not forget
Tried to make you see, ponies, but we really have to jet
Just sit back and watch the world explode beneath your feet
"So long," say the sea ponies, so glad we could meet!
Sea ponies, sea ponies
Really glad that we could meet (Really glad that we could meet)
Sea ponies, sea ponies
Really glad that we could meet (Really glad that we could meet)
A treat!
VastaKustutaThe world may never know, because it didn't happen, remember? "Luckily, none of the above actions are in any way forthcoming."
I'm holding out hope for drunken Dash coming down to see AJ.
Possibly I just obsessed over the originals for far too long, but every time I read this, I just hear it screamed at me: "He's not Adams!" Of course, that doesn't stop this from being a good story, but I think it says something that it's only just now really beginning to diverge here at chapter 8.
VastaKustuta:blinks and sits down to comment. Thinks a moment, looks down at the keys back at the screen,and sits back reflectively considering. Starts again to comment, stops, frowns, washes his hands of it and goes off to play Skyrim again until the next chapter comes out having no real words to express the story he just read.::
VastaKustutaHey, this fic's not dead! Huzzah!
VastaKustutaI think you've done a great job of capturing Adams' sense of humor. Please keep it up!
"That way. I gotta go, THeta Eta Gamma Alpha Mu Eta house are having a thing..."
VastaKustutaYou BASTARD.
Wondering what happened to this fic,
VastaKustutagood to know it's still going strong!
This is so much fun XD
VastaKustutaAlso, *brohoof* congrats on becoming a member of the Equestrian Guard ;)
huh so this is where the pan equestrian gargle blaster came from
VastaKustutaI'm starting to Really love being in this Fandom, every day a new thing that mixes Ponies with something that I love, whether it's from my childhood, or something that I like now.
VastaKustutaNow I must go find a towel to properly read this Fic
wow... you've combined two of my favorite things. thank you for this. /reads
VastaKustutaθηγαμη ahhh you jerk. one day i hope you get run over by cancer... that was a good one.
VastaKustutaMy favorite line so far:
VastaKustutaScrew the rules, I have a degree!
Well, I can just picture what Fluttershy will do once she discovers just what Marvin is like. I can see the conversation now...
VastaKustuta"Um, mister Marvin? I'm just here to check on you, and see if you're alright or if you need anything."
"You... of your own free will, are checking on my well being? ... What a novel concept. I do believe a program I have never used before has just started up. I feel... happy."
"Oh, um... good?"
"I'm not sure I like it."
"Huh? Is something wrong."
"Oh yes, the fact that I do not know without a shadow of a doubt that I do not like it is cause for a bit of concern."
Incidentally, a quote from a tumblr acount would fit very well in here if Pinkie Pie is ever asked a certain question.
VastaKustuta"The answer? It's 41! Mister Douglas Adams was a tiensy bit of an optimist, and accidentally gave the universe too much credit."
So are you the white pegasus kind, the black unicorn kind, or did you get the awesome bat-wing armor?
VastaKustutaHa! Parasprites! AND IT MAKES SENSE!!!
VastaKustutaOh, I have indeed noticed! This is one of my favorite fics. Chapter 9 has been recorded and rendered for a few days, it goes up Tuesday. :D
VastaKustutaReading this fic reminds me that I haven't read Hitchhiker's Guide in over a decade. Which really bites, because I have about 20 other books that need to be read for the first time, so re-reads are going to have to wait. Fantastic job!
VastaKustutaEddie's in the dust? Did he ever catch his couch?
VastaKustutaWait: leaking choclate milk, crazy stuff happening every time you turn it on...
The IIP is powered by Discord!!
*IID I meant
VastaKustutaRelax, the original Zaphod was incompatible with humans so I doubt this one would be able to knock up a pony.
Just browsing EQD today, came across this for the first time, and then all of a sudden.... SO MUCH WANT.
VastaKustutaTwilights little breakdown is quite possibly the funniest thing I have read in weeks xD
VastaKustutaWhen I read Twilight's tirade and replaced all the censored words with variations of "buck", it worked quite well.
VastaKustutaI'm liking this. You've captured the feel of a Douglas Adams book without directly copying it, and you've gone and made something wonderful.
VastaKustutaI look forward to future updates.
I think Adams would have loved this.
VastaKustutaI love the description of the planet Medius. It's funny how we often talk about averages, but if someone were actually to fit all the averages that are out there it would be pretty freaky.
VastaKustutaAlso love Twilight's breakdown! Good thing you had that censor ready, that looked like quite the rant.
Woo I got a shoutout in the Author's Notes! I am never going to wash this comment.
VastaKustutaTwilight's swear at the end there sort of reminded me of the infamously creative cursing of Littlepip. It usually revolved around Celestia and Luna doing unspeakable things to Littlepip. Was FO:E what Twilight "wouldn't have read"?
VastaKustuta@Sigma Silver
VastaKustutaThat's what I'd assumed...