• Story: Slander


    Author: Foxmane
    Description: When Princess Luna is hounded by the paparazzi and Equestria begins to doubt her fitness to rule, the Moon Goddess tries to withdraw from the world she helped create. A certain pegasus, however, shows her what it is to be a friend.

    Additional Tags: Light comedy, Artist Luna, Versus the Media

    20 kommentaari:

    1. *See´s picture*
      She is all sad :/
      Description seems to promise happy Luna ending though!

    2. @Drazla

      And it delivers; it also has hints that Ditzy is more than a set of wonky eyes and a muffin fixation. (We could, for instance, be dealing with life just after the end of "Ditzy Doo: Muffins.")

    3. As I said in the Happy Luna megapost, this one wins the prize for Best Use Of A Background Character. Luna foalsitting Dinky is the Most Adorable Thing.

      (Also, this Dinky matches with my headcanon for her like 90%. It's kind of scary.)

    4. Oh, most excellent! Genius!Ditzy, and adorable Dinky, and some subversion of fandom cliches, and Rainbow Dash just where I expected her. I wasn't quite clear on what was up with Glimmerhorn, but it was quite enjoyable nevertheless.

    5. I really enjoyed this! The twist of Sudden Flash and Glimmerhorn was well done. Celestia would be the type to go to such extremes. I also loved the interaction between Ditzy, Dinky and Luna. The foalsitting and Ditzy teaching Luna about Muffins were great moments. I think you've done a lovely job with these characters and I'd love to read more should you write it.

    6. This was a fun, fun read! Especially as a journalism major! And the twist was very well done, and positive, too!

    7. It was okay I guess. Honestly, the whole manipulator!Celestia is beginning to tire me, especially because the newspaper still printed tons of libel and slander about Luna. Kind of makes Celestia an @$$hole. Not devious in a cute way, devious in a "I'm gonna screw with your life" way.
      But other than the ending the rest was good, although I'm lost with Ditzy's character . . .

    8. I GOT to gripe about this... .canonically, Celestia controls the sun, and Luna controls the moon. *Nothing is said about the stars or planets.* And for a darn good reason, as this would make Luna a few billion times more powerful than Celestia.... cripes. Controlling half a geocentric planet's diurnal cycle by sheer force of will just isn't ENOUGH for some people, it seems....

    9. And btw: it's canonical. They're sisters. It's what they were called, and called each other, in the pilot!

    10. Really good read. Enjoyable. And it had a couple d'awww moments with humor!

    11. Oh god that ending, got me tearing up with laughter, is there any chance for a side story?

    12. Foxmane here. This story has been cleaned up quite a bit since its original submission in the Happy Luna fanfiction competition, but I really must confess that nothing was planned in this story very deeply at the first. I didn't have time; I just wrote. The present version attempts to tie everything together with a few more dropped hints here and there, but I still don't consider it my best work. Still, many seem to like it well enough; perhaps I am too critical of my own work.

      I will briefly address a few points brought forward in the comments. Personally, I see no reason to hold to a physically realistic cosmos in the My Little Pony universe. We are already dealing with a setting in which the entire cosmological order and cycle of the known world is controlled by magical pegasi and unicorns; why drag something so mundane as Planck's constant into the matter? For the purposes of this story and any others I am likely to write, any features of the night sky may well be considered as functional aesthetics only.

      As for the future, I think there is more to be done with Sudden Flash and Glimmerhorn. Most of the pony fandom already has a fairly solid idea of Ditzy and Dinky's characters, and I do not think that I can introduce anything quite new by a story in that vein. So, yes, there will be a side story or a sequel of sorts, but Ditzy and likely not even Ponyville will enter into it. Now that I have ample time to think and write, I shall take my time and try to make something a bit unique.

      To everyone that read over this, thank you. It means a great deal.

    13. @Foxmane
      I look forward to seeing what the brothers will be doing in future stories.

    14. [Spoilers]

      Ech. I'm sorry, scheming Celestia, especially when it comes to her little sister... I'm just starting to get really tired of it. So yeah, ending was a bit of a "Not this again" moment. And it kinda ruined a story I had been otherwise enjoying.

      Well, personal taste I guess.

    15. >Want to make your sister feel better.

      >Get your minions to write shes a whore in the local paper.


    16. Comments on the ending are duly noted. I've always had something of a problem in wrapping up stories to a deadline, and I'm sad to say that creating endings that incense people is something of a habit of mine when I do.

    17. This was pretty darn good. I don't have a lot of specifics, so I'll just leave it at that.

    18. Some of the best characterization I've seen. Also, I love the progress reference.
