• Story: Resistance (Update Part 4)!

    [Grimdark][Sad][Adventure] That right there is how you present an OC pony story!

    Author: The Muffin Man
    Description: A grave threat to the tranquil peace of Equestria has surfaced, many years after the turbulent events surrounding Nightmare Moon. They call themselves "The New State" and they're hell bent upon overthrowing the Royal Diarchy.
    Resistance Prologue
    Resistance Part 1
    Resistance Part 2
    Resistance Part 3
    Resistance Part 4 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Dystopia, parents, government, downfall, tragedy

    37 kommentaari:

    1. I´m reading past sins, i can´t red two things at the same time, what do i do??

    2. That image doesn't look very sad or grimdark

    3. "Diarchy"

      I learned a new word today :D

    4. The author probably needs to suggest a more appropriate picture for a grimdark/sad story.

      But omg d'aaawwww she's so cute!

    5. @Cold in Gardez There's an orignal bit of cover art in the works that'll be submitted soon, either with chapter two or three depending. So I'm not particularly concerned about a misfitting image at the moment. ^^

      Though I would have to agree with you, cute Twi is cute =D

    6. I just began Equestria divided.. I'm gonna be so confused with all stories on halt in head

    7. Is it bad that the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw the title was the game Resistance by Insomniac Games on PS3?

    8. Definitely getting some Fahrenheit 451 vibes from Chapter 1, which considering it is one of my favorite books is a great thing. Despite a brief line to the contrary I'm assuming Luna must have survived or else the story seems mistagged.

    9. @Grif

      Yes. Absolutely terrible. You should be ashamed of yourself.

      Still, same thing popped into my head and I don't even own a PS3.

    10. Got myself some V is for Vendetta vibes

    11. This is going to be hard to remember everything.

      Next thing you know I've merged all the unfinished stories I'm reading and put on hold to create "Memories of Common Duties and Resistance" It will be about a filly named Daylight Sparkle, who is a failed attempt at bringing back nightmare moon. She became separated from her, now alicorn mother, Twilight Sparkle at an early age and is befriended by Princess Luna during a meteor shower, during a revolt against the State (not the 2 princesses)

      Anyways, can't wait for more

    12. diarchy has been added to my vocabulary next to Entropy & Misanthrope

    13. Since nopony said it already, this is a crossover between FiM and George Orwell's 1984. There is a Soylent Green reference too and possibly some Fahrenheit 451 though I haven't read that so I don't know.

    14. @RichiePops
      You're spot on, actually. Nineteen Eighty-four and Fahrenheit 451 are the largest two, and there are many, many more references, both direct and hidden, to various other dystopian works of literature, film, and even music. Though it's not so much a crossover as an homage, as I haven't actually used any characters from outside FiM and I don't focus on any one story in particular. ^^

    15. A story about a horse, whit the word "resistance" as it's title and in 4 days no one has made a worlds worth reference. MLP has officially turned us into mature human beings.

    16. @Freekles1245
      Do what I do: Pin it on an app tab in Chrome or Firefox or bookmark it. That way every time you open your browser, it reminds you to read it. And trust me, you can keep track of multiple fics at the same time. I've been watching about twelve or so for the past few weeks. Just read back a little bit every time you change so you can pick up where you left off.

    17. Feels like there's a little Vendetta thrown in. Liking it so far though.

    18. Hmmm...just finished reading the first three chapters (or two +prologue, if you want to count them that way). I'm interested, but I have some concerns about how this dystopian government operates. Namely, why they're letting ponies like AJ and Twilight's child run free. Presumably it's not out of a sense of pity or a desire not to kill more than is necessary, as the government seems to lack any moral prerogatives along those lines. Surely keeping them alive represents a great risk for an insignificant, if not nonexistent, reward?

      I also wonder why Pinkie Pie is working for the new government and acting in a way that seems so totally at odds with her canon characterization, though I can imagine at least one explanation that wouldn't excessively strain credulity...

      In any case, I'm optimistic that there are perfectly good explanations for both of these perceived issues, and that further chapters will clear these things up. The quality of your writing thus far convinces me that you are not the sort of author who would leave unaddressed such obvious questions.

      That said, please don't prove me wrong :) I look forward to future updates.

    19. @Chris
      Don't worry, I've got everything figured out so that it works (In my mind anyway XD, but most of my ideas are run by at least one other brony before I use them, to make sure that they flow and function like they should), although the explanations you seek probably won't be until later in the story.

      I'm actually quite happy to see someone who thinks enough about what they read to notice and bring something like that up. ^^

    20. This looks promising. Dash as The Dragon for a 1984 state is long overdue considering he's the Element of Loyalty and Loyalty can be FUCKING HORRIBLE when its the loyalty of Heinrich Himmler or Lavrentiy Beria.

    21. There was two kind of ponies. There was the house pony and the field pony. The house pony, they lived in the house, with master. They
      dressed pretty good. They ate good, cause they ate his food.....what he left.

      They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near their master, and they loved their master, more than their master loved
      himself. They would give their life to save their masters house quicker than their master would.

      The house pony, if the master said "We got a
      good house here" the house pony say "Yeah, we got a good house here".

      Whenever the master would said we, he'd say we. That's how you can tell a house pony. If the master's house caught on fire, the house pony
      would fight harder to put the blaze out than the master would. If the master got sick, the house pony would say "What's the matter, boss, we
      sick?" We sick! He identified himself with his master, more than the master identified with himself. And if you came to the house pony and
      said "Let's run away, Let's escape, Let's separate" the house pony would look at you and say "Man, you crazy. What you mean separate? Where is there a better house than this? Where can I wear better clothes than this? Where can I eat better food than this?"

      On that same plantation, there was the field pony. The field pony, those were the masses.

      There was always more ponies in the field as there were ponies in the house. There, the pony in the field caught hell. He ate leftovers. In the house, they ate fresh apples. The pony in the field didn't get nothin' but apple cores.

      He lived in a shack, in a hut.

      He hated his master. I say, he hated his master. He was intelligent. That house pony loved his master. But that field pony, remember, they were in the majority, and they hated their master. When the house caught on fire, he didn't try to put it out, that field pony prayed for a wind. For a breeze. When the master got sick, the field pony prayed that he died. If someone come to the field pony and said "Let's separate, let's run." He didn't say "Where we going?" he said "Any place is better than here".


    23. @mycutiemarkisagun Whoah... that was weird. But the good kind of weird, and an interesting start to my day to say the least. :XD:

      So, Malcom X... perhaps the last thing I expected to be crossed with ponies, but somehow, bizarrely, it seems to work. Quite well actually. ^^

    24. @The Muffin Man

      Good to see I was on target with my 451 feel. Dinky very much seemed like your homage to Clarisse in said story. This story has made me start reading 1984 again as I haven't read that book since my sophomore year of high school and I would like to pick up a few more of the references.

    25. Y I NO KNOW ABOUT THIS? NOW MY FANFIC IS USELESS. -.- I guess I took too long working on it.

    26. YES!!!!!

      its here, it took some time but its finally here

      I look forward to reading this, if only it wasnt 2 in the morning right now

    27. This is... incredible, to say the least. For two reasons.

      The first is the writing. It is fluent, fluid and impeccable. If there's one thing that irks me with fanfiction, it's that invariably, there will be some habit of the author, or a little slip-up, or some other reason, that causes writing errors (spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and so forth).

      Not here. This looks like it came straight out of a book, which gives it a whole new level of immersion.

      The second is that, somehow, you've woven your own design of the characters (both OC and shipping) and yet still managed to make me (and I hope other readers) emotionally attached to them. I almost teared up in chapter 3 when Daylight dreamed about Twilight's last words, and again in chapter 4 when she received the Reference Guide (although I quickly got Harry Potter pangs, which sort of diminished the emotion of the scene, but I swiftly dismissed those).

      I eagerly await future chapters.

    28. @Scherzando

      Ack, point two sounded like an attack on OC characters. I meant to say "emotionally attached to them *in only four chapters*". Derp XP

    29. Great story so far, hurts to know twilight is gone (maybe not? ;)) but man the way you've mixed in the main characters like pinky and dash was awesome

      2 thumbs up... oh and the state demands you make more

    30. You SON OF A MARE! How dare you get my hopes up for this story again! *weeps* either write the damn thing or don't but don't screw with me like this.....*reads*

    31. and The Muffin Man was never heard from again...

    32. Still checking in, just to pay my respects. This story was the first fan fiction I ever read. It forever changed the way I enjoy pony and this fandom.

      Thanks a bunch. Perhaps someday you can post a comment on how you were planning to end this story. I would love to know.

    33. Still checking in, just to pay my respects. This story was the first fan fiction I ever read. It forever changed the way I enjoy pony and this fandom.

      Thanks a bunch. Perhaps someday you can post a comment on how you were planning to end this story. I would love to know.
