Author: Habanc
Description: Princess Luna is sent to learn about the changes that took place in her absence. But with the help of another pony, she ends up learning far more about herself than she imagined.
Renaissance of the Moon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Epilogue
Additional Tags: Romance, Heartwarming, Emotional, Friendship, Trust
43 kommentaari:
Looks interesting, I shall give it a read
VastaKustutaFlutterLuna? LunaShy? Well I'll give it a go.
VastaKustutaHooray LunaShy!
VastaKustutaI read this on fimfiction awhile ago.
VastaKustutaI'd recommend it, to whoever looks through some of the comments before they read...
Anyone has a nice summary for this? spoilers too? It's frankly annoying as heck to not know if the story is worth it or not, due to 2000+ fanfics
VastaKustutaLuna, getting kissed by Fluttershy, while wearing Applejack's hat. Definitely giving this one a shot.
VastaKustutaWhy is luna wearing AppleJack's hat?
VastaKustutaBecause PONY
that was really well written, im glad to see authors thinking outside of the box. great job !
VastaKustutaHeartwarming really fits. It is a nice shipping story with a very good characterization of Fluttershy and Luna. No unnecessary drama and very enjoyable. The only thing that felt a bit off was Celestia in the end, there could have been more of a reaction from her than just "So, is it true? Oh ok, guess I'll have to raise the moon, kthxbye"
VastaKustutaThe song should have been called scary maticores and nice ponies not manticores n stuff
VastaKustutaThere are a few instances of Camelot instead of Canterlot, you might want to fix that.
VastaKustutaLol 3 stars.
VastaKustutaoh god, they're shipping the two cutest ponies now... =X
VastaKustutaMy favorite two ponies shipped together!? THERE IS A GOD!!
VastaKustuta@Anonymous The pic is the result of a three-way ship between Luna, Fluttershy, and Applejack's hat... you kinda had to be there for it to make sense.
VastaKustutaHmph, this is a MUST for me.
A shipping fic? Beetween mares!? On EqD?!? *sarcasm*
VastaKustutaI'll read this one later, indeed.
That was absolutely adorable, and I enjoyed it greatly, but... if Luna's immortal and Fluttershy isn't... well...
VastaKustutaRead it and loved it. They're so adorable together! :D :D :D
VastaKustutaI don't think anything will dampen my good mood for a long while.
Relatively enjoyable and passable writing.
VastaKustutaNothing too spectacular, but worth a look if you need a cute pony fix.
Because Lunashy combines two of the cutest ponies in all of Equestria.
the best thing i EVER READ on my entire LIFE!!!
VastaKustutai loved it!
Luna and Fluttershy are such a nice couple!!! *-*
What's with the bad rating? Thiis is awesome.
VastaKustutaThis was one of the best stories ever.
VastaKustutaHmm. Its rather generic. There are some grammar issues as well. And to me it reads as if you kind of forcefully want to convince the reader that you take the time for the relationship to develop. Yet it does feel a little rushed. Does that make sense?
VastaKustutaAll in all, ok story.
more of this nazi equestria shit
VastaKustutaanother one of my favorite characters ruined by the filly reich
VastaKustutatheese stupid Nazis shipping same-gender ponies
Brilliant. I loved it, i don't usually read fic's which are over 5 parts, but this is 100% worth it. Couldn't fault it at all.
VastaKustutaThis was very cute. A couple of things stood out, however. There were some awkward turns of phrase on the first few chapters. In particular, "I just saw you collapse and I couldn't resist but to help you." doesn't feel like something Fluttershy would say. It might have been a bit better like so: "I saw you fall, and I just couldn't resist helping you."
VastaKustutaThe build up to the relationship was paced nicely, but I agree that Celestia's reaction was a bit subdued. I would have expected a bit more teasing, but its not a huge problem. The reactions of rest of the mane cast were well handled, except for Twilight. She seemed a bit too clinical in her reaction.
That was freaking adorable! I wish you could write more of it!!
VastaKustutaWell, in the end, I died enjoy the story, but I can't help to feel that the firsr few chapters felt rushed somehow, and every dialogue and event felt forced. I didn't follow the story and neither did I get into the actual characters. It wasn't until after half the story I became engrossed into it, and it was at that time that it began to shine.
VastaKustutaPerhaps the writer felt the same way, that you grew into the story as you wrote it. I do feel satisfied after reading it, and my complaints are only minor as the overall story is good, although a tad cliché. But considering this is your first (?) story, I'll still give you a 5/5, despite the flaws, just for the effort and the second half of the story.
Just spent a sunny Saturday afternoon sitting in a dark room reading from a computer monitor...
VastaKustutaAnd I couldn't be happier, that story was fantastic!! 5/5
Yes, this was my first Fanfic.
VastaKustutaThis story was indeed built to I guess "grow" more than some other shipping stories. Still cliche, I know, but that was a necessary evil.
Thanks for the criticism and the replies, mates!
Lunashy is awesome.
VastaKustutaLunashy=Win :D this was a really great fic, the only sad part is that Luna is immortal and Fluttershy isnt :(
VastaKustutaUhum, anyone ELSE noticed the massively long neck that Fluttershy has in that pic?
VastaKustutaScrew it. Imma read it. I've been putting it off, cause it seems kinda long and I don't really see how Luna and 'Shy could work, but hey.
Aight. Let's do dis.
D'awwww I can't get hardly enough of stories where Fluttershy is involved <3
VastaKustutaIt seems that the majority of the feedback is about my picture choice xD
VastaKustutaI may have cried at the end... Come on Z! Man up!
VastaKustutaUndoubtedly one of my favorite stories involving Fluttershy. My favorite involving Luna... just too cute.
VastaKustutaFinished reading this amazing piece of writing. It really brought out the feelings of love and was very heart warming. Loved every bit of it.
VastaKustutaI can't actually find words to describe this beautiful piece. I...I didn't used to be able to think that anything could be so amazingly written. I just want to say that you get a level up. And while that sounds like the words compliment ever...it means a lot :)