• Story: Ponyville Blvd

    [Crossover] Sunset Blvd. meets poniesI don't think I have seen a story with both Trixie and Colgate taking leading rolls.

    Author: Gozer the Equestrian
    Description: In this Sunset Blvd. parody, Colgate is down on her luck and out of bits, but when she takes a job working as Trixie's personal assistant, she may have bitten off more than she can chew.
    Ponyville Blvd

    Additional Tags: Sunset Blvd. , Delusion, Existential Crises, Economic Hardship, Jealousy

    19 kommentaari:


    2. Oh? This one looks interesting. I might as wel give this a read after my main jobs for the day are done.

      Also, again with the "First, second, third, ect." posts. I feel sorry for those who have nothing to do with their spare time but that.

    3. Trixie this! Trixie that! seth, why u maek so many ponies like trixie?

    4. @Archina

      I think it's done ironically.

      Still... you see a virgin post, just lying there. Waiting for you, seductively grinning...

    5. @Anonymous

      It still doesn't seem very entertaining to it. Maybe that's why they are always as "Anonymous". To hide their shame when they post.

    6. Unfortunately Sunset Bvld. isn't one of my favorite movies...

      Now, on the other hoof, if someone had ponified Casablanca, then we'd have something.

    7. @Archina
      "[Posting 'first'] is a lot like making love to a woman. It's usually done on a table, and you always feel deep shame afterwards. Also, the older you get, the less fun it is. So remember, always wear a condom when [posting 'first']".

      ...I couldn't resist the reference.

    8. @ToonNinja
      I'll keep that advice in mind.

      Oh wow. That feels comfortable! How is this possible?

    9. Now I have the musical number stuck in my head.

    10. I'm a sucker for a Trixie story, so I had to read it.

      But the ending left me a bit confused. I'm assuming the fainting was, ultimately, a result of the constant 'Cupcakes' references...

      I think I just don't know enough about Sunset Boulevard to understand it completely.

    11. What I'd like to see is a fanfic about the Town Square Incident. Seeing the reasoning behind the Cutie Mark Crusader Demolition Team's masterpiece of kablam should be almost as much fun as watching the Derped One wonder why in Celestia's name she and her family look as if they were born on Kamino.

    12. I liked it, except for the Cupcake references.

    13. This is the best fanfic ever. Seriously. It probably helps that I love Sunset Blvd, but there's so many great jokes in there as well. And a lot of them are even kind of Wilder-esque. They're in the proper voice for both MLP AND Sunset Blvd, which is kind of weird and amazing. You wouldn't think those would have that much in common.

      And I thought the Cupcakes jokes/references slipped right in with the tone -- that sort of sarcasticy/noiry feel. It'd have been out of the ordinary if she HAD been actually acting out Cupcakes but just an ugly rumor spread with no basis in truth totally worked.

      @Silverspot: Trixie put a sleep spell on Colgate, but due to her greatly increased magic and/or carelesness on Trixie's part, it killed her. Or at least damn near.

    14. celeztiadaamit!!
      i dont get the final!!!
      i havnt see that movie....

      what happen whit trixie and all the other ponys??

    15. I would like to apologize for all of the Cupcakes references. What you saw was an earlier version of this which got posted by accident (last time i'm making 2 versions of the same google doc :p) this earlier version contained 3 references because i wanted to see which one worked est and only intended to keep one. Anyhow, i fear it's too late now, but i've fixed it, so if you read this now, that should be less of a problem.

    16. This was brilliant. Loved how well the cupcake reference managed to fit in so well. but that isn't why I liked this story at all. This more socially awkward and deranged Trixie was a nice change.

      I beamed at her level of arrogance when she detailed her defeat of the evil Zebra King and all ponies wanting her attention, I hate spoiling scenes so I won't quote it, but when she got to the "I met a Sailor" when she was still a Filly and did the 7 veiled dance for him and how she dealt with her rejection I just couldn't control my laughter as I read Colgate's reaction thoughts, Trixie tells the best stories! lol

      Poor Colgate at the end though, happy for Trixie but sure hope she wakes up soon :P

    17. P.S. it's a shame this fic got such a low score, I honestly think people don't appreciate the Greatness behind this fanfic. Yes the ending can confuse some and there are a lot of anti-Trixie and anti-Cupcakes readers but come on 3.5 stars? needs at least an extra-full star rating imo

    18. @Cátsy
      Thanks! I'll probably try to write something with broader appeal next time, but I'm glad that at least a few people had fun reading it.
