Author: Thanqol
Description: There are stories which define us. Stories that inspire us. And there are stories that damn us.
The Old Stories
Additional Tags: Six halves and one whole
Description: There are stories which define us. Stories that inspire us. And there are stories that damn us.
84 kommentaari:
VastaKustutaIt would be nice if the title and description actually told me anything other than vague crytpic Egyptian heirogylyphs because now there's no way to tell if I want to read it or not.
VastaKustuta...might as well read it anyway.
VastaKustutaWhere's Rarity?
VastaKustutaCute image.
VastaKustutaSO VAGUE
VastaKustuta@anon - This is a screengrab from Suited For Success. She's elsewhere in the same room.
>dat image
...what the **** are you all doing in my bedroom, and why are you all asking for hugs?!?
@Ekevoo D'oh, this is something I should've known. XP
VastaKustutaSo vague.
VastaKustutai dont want hugs...or do i?
VastaKustutaThey're soo cute and I would like to hug all of them but they're not real D:
okay, I read it now and it is probably one of the best stories on this site.
VastaKustutaseriously. 6/5.
You ever notice that the fanfiction for FiM always does something extensive on the Elements of Harmony, while the series mentions them for 2 episodes, and never brings them back?
VastaKustutaEvery time that there is something referring to the elements of harmony, it always involves something epic.
Alright, I read it. Great story. Pony mythology basically, and I loved the ending.
VastaKustutaAnd that, my friends, is why you pick out an image for your story and not let Cereal pick for you.
VastaKustutaI pick the one WAAY on the right.
VastaKustutaI... I CANT MAKE UP MY MIND!
Oh screw it *hugs Pinkie*
Fantastic. Best story I've read on the ED in a while!
VastaKustutaWell, ponies, to answer your questions: yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
VastaKustutaAnyways, This story was amazing. The vague description and title was kind of off-putting, but once I read it, I was glad I did. The fact that everypony had a different narrative style was very novel, and worked out quite well; everypony seemed very much in-character. The stories themselves had a very genuine feel to them; I could very easily see this being Equestria's mythology. They actually kind of reminded me of the Sermons of Vivec from TES: Morrowind, and that's definitely a compliment in my eyes.
I give you five stars and a salute. Well done.
Also, because the description is a little, uh, vague, here's a more straightforward synopsis:
VastaKustutaIt's six Princess Celestia legends, as told by the Mane Six.
It's good. Go read it.
I have to say the image was....confusing and in a sense misleading at first but out of curiosity I decided to read.
VastaKustutaI have to say that I have ran into one of the biggest surprises on this site I have ever seen. This is a wonderful little collection of pony mythology and was a really good read from start to finish. I especially loved the ending, that warmed my heart a little and shocked the hell out of me at the same time.
I am, by far, amazed at how simple yet deep each story is and how it all comes together at the end. For you, good sir, 5 stars definitely.
VastaKustutaI totally picked out a picture and they totally ignored it! :(
Thanks for the responses everyone, sorry about the vagueness of the description ;)
Read it, loved it. Simple in concept, brilliant in execution.
VastaKustutaHugs all round :)
"Six halves and one whole"
VastaKustutaThat makes four.
Fluttershy wants a hug? Can do will do!
VastaKustutaStory was... pretty cool. You seemed to catch each of the Mane 6 pretty well in the narrations, and I really liked the Celestia clarification at the end.
luna gets no love :(
VastaKustutagood story 5/5
VastaKustutaYou did? The email Seth sent me didn't contain it.
Link me one and I'll replace the hugs.
VastaKustutaLuna is SO ovverrated. She spoke 2 LINES in the WHOLE SEASON! It's uncanny how many fans she has! Luna doesn't deserve all the attention she gets.
VastaKustutaIt probably means six half-truths and one full
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutahttp://img839.imageshack.us/img839/6980/34896artistanadukunecel.jpg This one; but it was in a followup email :)
Not that I don't like hugs, sir!
Done. Sorry!
VastaKustutaSoarin's last name is now canonically "von Richthofen."
VastaKustutaThat. That's just too awesome.
No more hugs? :(
VastaKustutaI will say that the new picture fits though.
I was extremely surprised. This fic is a collection of beautiful well thought out fables that touch the heart. I'm in a much better mood from reading them. I wholeheartedly recommend reading this fic. Now someone draw a better cover.
VastaKustutaThat's a straight up 6/5 from me. I love 'old stories' from any culture - even entirely fictional cartoon pony cultures - and these felt 'real'.
VastaKustutaVery cool.
This could be an episode.
VastaKustutaI mean, imagine. There could be a way to make it fit 22 minutes, and it seems like the kind of thing.
It could be done by narration by somepony who is interested in history, or another student of Celestia sent by her decree to ask the elements of harmony about stories of history and whatnot!
Worth noting that Pinkie Pie is spot on. First few sentences, smile on my face, and giggling.
I love Pinkie Pie.
@Cereal Velocity
VastaKustutaThis is officially a 6 star story. Quick Cereal update it, before its too late!
Nice work here, Thanqol! You've done a splendid job of taking the building blocks of myth and spinning them to fit Equestria here, and the characters are spot on.
VastaKustutaYour Pinkie, in particular, had me grinning from her first sentence, and Dash was great as well.
Keep up the good work!
Very well written story. You were able to capture the six ponies' characteristics perfectly, and all the stories had very nice and well thought out messages. I love myth and legend, so this spoke to me quite a bit.
VastaKustutaI give this all five stars that I can. Great story.
Wow, that was fantastic. Poor Luna.
VastaKustutaThis... this is a masterpiece. All my stars, monies, etc... Seriously, this story is truly just... beautiful. There is nothing more I could say that would not take away from the brilliance of this fic.
VastaKustutaThank you for writing it.
Any story that stars me as a vulpine avatar of mischief automatically gets six stars. It's a law of nature or something.
VastaKustutaTo echo what has been said before, I was very glad I read it despite the vague description and alternate tags. Only the title hinted at mythology, but mythology fics are usually boring and this one IS CERTAINLY NOT. The stories are told a bit too quickly, but, much to my surprise, that only helped bring attention on the amusing way the stories were told, and made the ending a lot better.
VastaKustutaThat was great work. And absolutely, spot-on, the VERY RIGHT LENGTH. I've read it two hours ago and it's still echoing in my head, in a good way. Great work indeed!!!
My only regret is that I can only give it 5 stars.
VastaKustutaThis story is a great example of how to make use of original content in a fanfic. The stories don't take place in the current MLP timeline, but they do make use of the world established by the show and attempt to better explain it. There's several OC ponies, but they're interesting characters, it's clear how their stories relate to themes established by the show, and ultimately they help to better characterize Celestia within the fic. It also helps that the mane six are narrating the stories. The original content isn't there to replace the show; it's there to expand on the show. I think this is something worth keeping in mind for anyone who decides to go the OC route.
VastaKustutaOC lecture aside, this fic is also good just as a standalone story. The bedtime-story style is cute, the morals are good, and just when you think you've figured out the pattern in the chapters, the twist in chapter seven states what the fic is actually about, and paints the other six stories in an entirely new light. Recommended reading, definitely.
I would give this ten stars if I could. The ending easily blew me away, you ended it off with the perfect line.
VastaKustutaLet's all bring our hooves together and have a round of applause for my sister, our hero, Princess Luna.
"The old gods fade, the new god arises."
VastaKustuta-- Merlin, Excalibur (from memory)
VastaKustutaI clapped for Luna.
The absence of Luna from the old legends and the Mane Six's not noticing why it matters tells us a lot about them. They mean well but it sort of bothers their Princess that her sister gets shafted by History just because of an instinctive dread of darkness.
VastaKustutaDamn. This story was riding a perfect 5.0 for a while. Ah well, it shall still receive a 6-star rating, I am sure.
VastaKustutaHeh. Not bad, not bad at all. As someone else said, this could easily be done as an episode, I imagine that it would have different art styles for each of the stories too depending on who's telling them.
VastaKustutaThis was fantastic. I laughed out loud at both the line "In one transcript I read, Celestia shouted at Starry Notions 'You're not my dad!'" and the magma kraken's defeat at the hands of a mustache. The characterizations were excellent, particularly Twilight Sparkle's, and the writing was wonderful. 5/5 and that's mostly only because I can't give more than that.
VastaKustutaAlso, I liked the references to Fair Feather Friend and Always Sunny in Fillydelphia, two of my favorite fics.
VastaKustutaIf only all the fics on this site were so good...but then, I'd never have time to do anything but read. Ah, well.
VastaKustutaThis story really does deserve a six-star rating. The legends, though a little short, were beautiful little stories in their own right that weaved together to form a much wider mythology. There was really only one problem with them - where was Luna?
And then came chapter seven, which was absolutely perfect. Where was Luna? With her big sister every step of the way. Helping her, supporting her...only to be forgotten by history.
5 stars from me, damn it. 5 stars!
VastaKustutaGod, if I had the time, and the author's approval, I'd love to take a pen to paper and see if I could flesh out these stories. Beautiful work, despite the occasional error.
I was impressed by this one. I just got finished reading the update for Past Sins, and I honestly thought that the next story I read would never measure up. I decided to read a short story because of that. Little did I know that this was actually a really good story.
VastaKustutaThe concept for the story was really good. I have a soft spot for stories that have a mythic feel to them, and this story exploited that weakness really well. The stories that were told all seemed for the most part original, although it could just be that I'm unfamiliar with what inspired them. Regardless, they had that simple greater-than-reality feel that most good legends have, and I really enjoyed that.
I really enjoyed the dialogue of the mane 6. Even though they were just narrating stories that really had nothing to do with themselves, I could still feel their presences. The way that they narrated really kept their individual voices, and that was impressive.
I feel like I must give the final chapter a special mention. I found myself desiring just a story that mentioned the royal pony sisters, not just Celestia. Lo and behold, chapter 7 remedied that splendidly.
I almost begrudgingly am forced to award this a 5 out of 5 star rating. I usually hate doing so because it kind of cheapens the rating if you give out perfect scores all the time. In all honesty though, I could find nothing truly wrong with it. It was able to accomplish all that it set out to do, and it executed those objectives perfectly.
Thanqol: my hat's off to you sir. Congratulations on writing a truly fantastic fanfic.
VastaKustutaYou have my approval for what it's worth.
And thank you everypony, thank you so much. I've been sitting on this story for months now because I was petrified of what the community would think of it. I only wound up submitting it because a friend pressured me to do so. I'm very glad he did. Thank you all.
VastaKustutaLol and you got a story with a perfect rating. An impressive feat. means not a single person out of 147 could find anything to complain about. Btw you should email Sethisto and get him to add the 6 star tag. And someone needs to send this to Hasbro to get this declared as official canon. On a personal note, this story really touched me. I hope you continue writing cause you have a gift my friend.
VastaKustuta5.0 stars
I didn't even know that was possible on this site
VastaKustutaSeth, I propose you add a [Flawless Victory] tag for fics that go beyond 6-star to a perfect 5.0 rating. That kind of achievement is just too awesome to not be recognized.
VastaKustutaThat's how you do mythos there. Not only is this a six star story, but it's probably the best piece of fiction I've read in a very long time.
Thanqol you rock, woohoo
VastaKustutaTAKE ALL MY STARS!!!
VastaKustutaSeriously, this is a wonderful, wonderful, creative work. I love the mythology you've built,the way it expands the world. I love how each story is told by each character, and how they, as a whole, show how the ponies view their royals. Excellent work!
I really loved this story! I actually consider this to be a part of the poniverse as it seems to fit so well. :D
VastaKustutaThis is nice! And look at that, 180 votes and still a 5.0 star average! If there's any other story with that rating with so many votes, tell me.
VastaKustutaSomething is clearly wrong on my end, because I see this story as having NO ratings and as a consequence no score instead of infinity ratings and 10/5 score as it no doubt should be. I've added my rating in the hopes of contributing toward setting things right.
VastaKustutai wonder if fluttershy got pranked by fox at the gala
VastaKustutaVery well done indeed.
VastaKustutaVery well done indeed.
VastaKustutaSomething is clearly wrong on my end, because I see this story as having NO ratings and as a consequence no score instead of infinity ratings and 10/5 score as it no doubt should be. I've added my rating in the hopes of contributing toward setting things right.
VastaKustutaI don't know what to say. Most of the above comments basically says it all. Hmmm... I guess I'll just give the summary:
Vague discription
Amazing story
This could be an episode!
And yet the one thing that hasn't been said yet is...
Will you please make more? :D
I don't know what to say. Most of the above comments basically says it all. Hmmm... I guess I'll just give the summary:
Vague discription
Amazing story
This could be an episode!
And yet the one thing that hasn't been said yet is...
Will you please make more? :D
I am SO GLAD I gave this a chance despite the incredibly vague and uninteresting description. My favorite parts were Twilight's story of how the sun was made, and Celestia's story about how all the previously told stories about her are wrong and she regrets every one of them, then makes the corrections. Celestia's story hit me hard.
VastaKustutaThank you for writing this.
And here was me thinking Tangled Up In Blues was hands-down the best fic on the site.
VastaKustutaThe strength of this for me is the mythologising of Celestia, her trials in godhood. Brilliant, recalled real creation myths.
One minor point- during Dash's story Celestia impresses with a sunrise- hadn't the sun already been put in the sky at that point? I may be confused.
Also although Pinkie demolishing the fourth wall is fun, it felt like a smidge too much for me; maybe that's just because I got enough of her references so she went from 'random' to 'exclusively referencing ED.' Good subtle Phoe reference though, I have to admit :p
5/5, no question.
I loved this story. i can't believe I never caught it earlier! Must have been during one of my busy periods. Celestia's chapter pulled it all together for me. It made the whole thing coalesce into a perfect emotional point, and put a tear in my eye. Celestia, oh poor Celly... You can feel the regrets and the feeling she let Luna down. You can feel that she cares though.
VastaKustutaThanqol, you have created a piece of true art. Thanks!
...4.9 stars?
Exalted? In My Little Pony?
VastaKustutaIt's more likely than you'd think!
Seriously, great mythbuilding there.
Amazing story. I think it holds up quite well even after the season two opener - it quite capably shows Discord's world, with the elements corrupted and ponies suffering, and brings to life the princess' quest to reclaim the elements and bring about harmony.
VastaKustutaI just love mythology like this; amazing story (or stories, as it were)!
VastaKustutaAbsolutely amazing. Beautiful. The voices are perfect, the mythology taste is just right, and the ending pushes it from brilliant to masterpiece.
VastaKustutaWow, I am amazed and I think this can find room in my head-canon.
VastaKustutaWow... It's been six months and people are still discovering this spectacular piece of fanfiction.
VastaKustutaAnyway, I really like the style put into the characters as they told the old stories. They were able to give out their tales in-character and also provided well-thought out lessons concerning the elements of harmony. Furthermore, the clarification in the end was very well done and gave a nice twist that made Luna an important aspect in the stories.
I like to point out how this had not only expanded on the history of the MLP universe, but also avoided contradictions from current canon events. For that, you deserve great approval!
6/5. This could definitely be an episode, given a few minor cuts due to time restraints.
This has just became one of my favourite fanfictions, it was an amazing story, and I especially liked the Luna twist. During the first 6 chapters I really felt they are forgetting Luna, where was she? And there comes the 7 chapter to round it all.