[Grimdark][Shipping][Comedy] I'm trying to decide if the normal tags or the additional ones break my head more. Jury's still out.
Author: Hadles
Description: A horrible accident lands a pony on the crossroads between life and death. Can she bargain with the pony of Death to get her life back?Near Death Experience (All Links)(New Chapter 26+Epiliogue!)
Neat Death Experience (Alternate)
Additional Tags: Death, OC, romance, dramedy, mood-whiplash
ReplyDeleteRead it few days ago.
ReplyDeleteGood to see it here.
OCxDEATH ship.
Wait what, now we even ship death itself?
ReplyDeleteWhat comes next?
Death ship......MUST READ! Well it sure beats having another unimaginative Dash is gay ship.
ReplyDeleteWe ship...with THE SUN!
Wait a minute... Somebody ship Death with Rainbow Dash! We've found a gap in her record!
ReplyDeleteYou know in one of my stories I have Fluttershy's mom ( an 80s pony) dance with death before moving on into pony heaven but it wasn't a ship Her name was Dancing Butterflys, it was her thing.
ReplyDelete...Did we just ship with the Grim-Bucking-Reaper? WHAT WON'T YOU PONIES DO?!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it wrong to ship with Death? I mean, in the End you must definitely pay with your life...
ReplyDeleteWouldn't shipping with the sun be kind of like shipping with Celestia? I mean she controls the sun, and I'd be suprised if there isn't a CelestiaxLuna/Twilight fanfic.
ReplyDelete@Toon Ninja:
ReplyDeleteThat...actually makes a surprising amount of sense. She's probably brushing by death all the time with her crazier stunts, anyhow.
Wait, there was no shipping in it! I liked it but the only shipping in it was an off hand comment about somepony getting flowers for a mare.
ReplyDeleteStill it was a fun story
Where's the shipping and comedy in this? I'm... not really seeing it. Also, those three tests? I'm sorry, but those were anticlimactic as f*ck.
ReplyDeleteI can just see it now:
Death's cloak swirled as he circled around the rainbow pegasus. "For every stunt you attempt, every time you risk your life, I wait for you. And yet... you have always eluded me. I've begun to find myself... rather fascinated with you, Miss Dash."
ReplyDeleteBut it would be a female Death with this fandom lol
Not bad, not bad at all =D
ReplyDeleteI had "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" stuck in my head the whole time, even if it was death vs. ponies XD
ReplyDeleteThere actually are a few...
> [Grimdark] [Shipping] [Comedy]
ReplyDelete> shipping involves an OC pony and... Death?
Now I have to read it.
Probably one of my favorite stories so far.
ReplyDeleteNo shipping that I saw, well of you count Death shipping souls (Yes he had the BOL's to do it) to the afterlife so be it.
ReplyDeleteYou know there's seven chapters, right?
Anyway, when I saw this, I... I had to read it. I was... absolutely compelled, and... and I love it. And you, Hadles. I love you. Thank you so much for doing this, you crazy bastard.
now let's hope death is a brony so we never die
ReplyDeleteAn excellent story here, but I can't help but think that Death isn't quite thinking this "romantic date" thing all the way through, you know?
ReplyDeletelessee here...
ReplyDeletewell written? check
decent length on first post? Check
interesting topic and story? Check
ees good!
ReplyDeleteFUND IT
really, really good. some shipping fics suffer becasue they feel forced. this just feels so natural. the author has real talent.
ReplyDeleteNot going to lie, when I first read the premise, I thought that it was going to be pretty stupid. Glad to say that I was wrong
ReplyDeletenice; though i couldn't see the shipping, or the comedy, or the grimdark tbh.
ReplyDeleteI thought when she woke up her pinwheel cutie-mark would be gone, as the price; and she'd have to earn/find another one.
That was one rough kiss! Guess that black forked tongue got itself caught up on some esophagus there. Goodness... If that was what happens with just a kiss... What would... OH GOD!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah it's probbably best to not think about it..
This is rather awesome!!! I can't wait for more to be released, I can't wait to see how Pinwheel and Dea- ahem, Pale Hoof's relationship expands :3
ReplyDeleteSeriously, 5 stars and a bookmark on my 3DS so I can check for updates when I'm on the go. NEVER would have though a date with death could be so entertaining.
ReplyDeleteI am also quite glad that Philomel and Thunderhead are doing OK in the afterlife and are happy enough about it. It's a nice turn to let those ponies not be forgotten. Haha! temporary stand-in reapers... I'd have used "Substitute Soul Reapers" instead, for the lulz! That is what they are.
To anyone on the fence about this... It's genuinely good! I 5 stared it. I haven't laughed so hard at a story since the Happy Luna stuff... and thenI went all O_o at an esophagus being "rent asunder" by death gettin' all smoochie smoochie! Oops... ANd then smiling again afterwards...
Poor AJ's tree too...
What a trip!
You should totally read this superific, totally awesomtastic story! DO IT!!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWeirdest ship so far.
ReplyDeleteChapter 7 is shocking, yet funny at the same time. I mean c'mon! That second-to-last part was... Oh you know what I mean and I don't want to spoil anything.
Keep it up Hadles. I would like to see some nice conclusion for this story.
i have to say ive never read anything like this before :D keep up the good work
ReplyDeleteActually, this is really rather good. Well written and compelling enough to hold my interest, and holy moly, dat kiss.
ReplyDeleteBut I wonder, do I really want to know what happens when the Reaper takes a mare's still-juicy corpse out for a night of steamy fun?
Also, poor Dizzy.
Now that we all know that Death is a necrophiliac, we have a whole new reason to fear dying!
ReplyDeleteLolol. I love this story so much. The best date ever, I felt so sorry for Death at that part.
ReplyDeleteConfound Fanfiction.net and its confusing chapter thingies. Now that I've read the rest of this, I must admit that I am now seeing the shipping. Not much comedy to be labelled a comedy, in my opinion, but whatever.
ReplyDeleteGood read regardless.
This is both twisted and awesome and I think I love it. Well done!
ReplyDeleteNeat idea well executed, but the tests would have been better if there'd been more build up and such. Still pretty cool, though.
ReplyDelete"That tree was totally like that when we found it."
Also, super-mega-creepy at the end of chapter 7. Yeeek.
Nice story, the 3rd test was too easy.
ReplyDeleteThis suppose to be a ponified version of "Meet Joe Black?"
ReplyDeletepersonaly i thought death gave up at the third test for no color can stand the test of time even the brightest of colors fades into darkness with time
ReplyDeleteThe buck have i just read...not a great thing to read close to bedtime
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ReplyDeleteI lol'd then I read then I lol'd some more then I read some more lol'd at ambassador of for death thing read some more went 0.o at the kiss then lol'd several more times, in summary very dry feeling humor with it being most from Pinwheel panicking but I must say I enjoyed it greatly more please my good pony.
ReplyDeleteTwiLunEstia? Yes please!
Very good story so far.
ReplyDeleteHo... So need that next chapter!!
ReplyDeleteI went in expecting something ridiculous and lulzy. What I didn't expect was how charming and genuinely fun it was! I'm the type that always roots for the unlikely couple, so I hope we see more of PinwheelxPale Hoof.
ReplyDeleteIt went through phases of charming, funny, sad, and that last bit was just sick. Not good sick, either, sick as in gross and disturbing. It is only out of morbid curiosity that I shall continue reading through the next chapter
ReplyDeleteBTW, guys, there are SEVEN chapters so far. If you can't find the shipping part of the story, try scrolling to the bottom and clicking NEXT.
I bet Pale Hoof makes her into an undead or something. Probably a lich.
ReplyDeletefell from 100ft
ReplyDeleteevery bone in her body destroyed
no pulse
a couple hours later
Nurse Redheart: OMGWTFBBQ
*end of chapter 7*
ReplyDeleteI wonder what "pale hoof" has planned...
Argh! you must write more! This ship is just too fun to sail ;)
ReplyDeleteoh Death... you are so in the doghouse now :D
Dark humor, lol!
ReplyDeleteCelestia to the rescue!
Chapter 8 is up! You can find it on the chapter navigation tab on FF.net.
ReplyDeleteNice job, Hadles. I really like were this story is going. It was one of those things you first see and more or less convinced yourself that you wouldn't read it, but then you feel the temptation of wanting to know what it's about and you read it anyway and you're hooked for good. lol
It does update, just check the link regularly and look for the next chapter. I hope he updates soon, I really like this.
ReplyDeletethis is the funnest story ive ever read, and ive read aloooot of fanfic
Just read it all in one go, and it was incredible.
ReplyDeleteDeath's innocent nature from being detached was horribly, horribly funny; I could just picture the scene from the mortified spectators' viewpoint, all the while Pale Hoof might as well have been whistling a pop-song as he happily skipped down the road.
Looks like I'm bookmarking another fic. Keep up the great work.
I was so excited when I woke up after a wonderful sleep after a 27 hour all nighter the days before when I saw the Equestria Daily post saying Near Death Experience had been updated...
ReplyDeleteOnly to realize that poor Seth is half a week behind and it was only him catching up to the chapter I already read half a week ago when I realized an update at FFnet had occured.
I can't begin to say how much I LOVE this story. I think it might be outlawed in some states, cause I think it qualifies as a narcotic at this point. It's ADDICTING, and I need my fix!!!
Ah wan'nit NAOW!!! :D
Keep up the good work, and don't leave us all worried about poor Pinwheel in limbo for too long now, you hear!
Good Lord... that was really something, and I've all but ran out of words to describe this.
ReplyDeleteThere's something oddly entertaining about this, but words fail me just as much as, well, something.
TL;DR whut.
Alright, this fic got to me. I read all 8 chapters in one sitting and now I'm craving the hell out of the next chapters.
ReplyDeletemm i read all chapters, it as suck me in.
ReplyDeleteThis is pretty cool! I love it so far, although death talking in capitals is pretty distracting, I constantly think he is yelling.
ReplyDeleteNew Updated! Chapters 9 and 10 are out!
ReplyDeleteIndeed it did, and it's AWESOME! It makes me smile to see how nice and sweet Pinwheel is being considering all that happened, (though she might not be fully aware of EVERYTHING that actually happened.)
ReplyDeleteHehe. That was a fun read. I got to bed 2 hours late because of it!
ReplyDeleteChapters 9 and 10 made me lol. I want more! Now!
ReplyDelete"-End Part 1-"
ReplyDeleteSqueeeeeeeeee! More more more more more more more more more more more more more more more. More.
D'aww fucking B'aww
ReplyDeleteLike a BAWSSS
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely love this.
It's a mix of cute and horrifically gruesome, in a strangely awesome way.
ReplyDeletefirst time i've looked at this fic since the first chapter... read it all in bed this morning and loved it :)
ReplyDeleteSo, Spike and Pinkie Pie were right to be concerned about the possibility of zombie ponies back in Bridle Gossip? :)
ReplyDelete2 new chapter, i wonder if it will continue its a good story.
ReplyDeletenicely written ....
ReplyDeletebut my reaction is still:
Part 2. NOW.
I was kinda hoping Zombie Pinwheel would be considered already dead, and could touch Pale Hoof... Like she could, as a spirit leave and enter her body, but he could only take or grant life, or restore it, only if she was out of the body in it's dead state...
ReplyDeleteAlas... They will have to resort to body condoms, kinda like the TV show Pushing Daisies. Hey look, a clear plastic tarp, lets totally smooch! I miss that show.
part 2 now!!!! i feel empty
ReplyDeleteLaughed so hard at Pale Hoof dragging Pinwheel's body around Ponyville. So hard. OMC.
ReplyDeleteMOAR please!
ReplyDeleteI went from vaguely nauseated to Aww in about 10 seconds flat. I love this.
ReplyDeletePart 11 is up!
ReplyDeleteAaaaaah update! This is why I check this story every day!
ReplyDeletelulz cutting off heads like a badass
ReplyDeleteNothing like a good story about death incarnate and tonight there was two of them!
ReplyDeleteI fell a few chapters behind on this story. Its good to be all caught up and wanting more.
Wow, Pale Hoof is the definition of overdoing it.
ReplyDeleteI'm really hesitant about this one having a "grimdark" tag. Yes, it has the graphic/disturbing imagery one usually associates with grimdark, but it's not used to really shock or horrify, it's more ironic. A black comedy tag would be more appropriate.
ReplyDeletekeep going. Lovin this stuff XD
ReplyDeleteHoly shit @ Chapter 13. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon got served.
ReplyDeleteI'm dying here! XD
Scootabuse! D:
ReplyDeletePoor Cherilee; it's hard being a teacher.
"THE DEATH IS A SIDE AFEECT" oh gawd what pure liquid gold i died laughing when i read that
ReplyDeleteStraight up 5.
ReplyDeleteCurrently my absolute favorite story for comedy.
Where is chapter 14?! Please hurry! Btw, this story is what got me into fanfics. I don't know if I should be happy or mad as hell.
ReplyDeleteA long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
ReplyDeleteThis story updated.
@Party Favors
ReplyDeleteGrrr.... I saw the word "updated" dropped everything, loaded the fic on my 3DS... and was disappointed that it was NOT updated.
Careful throwing around such powerful words for a joke... I really am missing this story. I hope it gets updated soon. I just love Pinwheel and Pale Hoof.
Hijinks ensue... or they would if this story would ever update!
Please... I hope this updates soon. It's such a fun, and cute, and creepy, and interesting, and disturbing, and lovely story.
I love this story.
ReplyDeleteI truly love it from the bottom of my heart.
It got updated let me look at my last comment September 10, better late than never.
ReplyDeleteThis story has got a great plot so far. but i think more elaboration, especially on the character's emotions, would be good. I've only read chapter 1 though.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of if not the best fic I have ever read.
ReplyDeleteCanterlot snobs + The Grim Reaper.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be a train wreck.
"Very well formed skeleton." Good Lord. I love this story so much it hurts, sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI don't really like the story's interpretation of a sentient Death, but I don't think I've read something as hilarious as-
ReplyDelete"There was no doubt – she was stone dead. An idea formed in Pale Hoof's mind. His touch wouldn't hurt her if she was already deceased. They could have their romantic date after all!
I felt like I was reading a story on 4chan.
Chapter 16 was great. But excruciatingly short X'(
ReplyDeleteMOAR chapter please XD
A brilliant story can't wait for more!
ReplyDeletewhat a lovely chapter! I loved the curse reveal, and seeing two of our favorite dead ponies (wow, that sounds morbid) made it even better. I only wish the chapter was longer - it was gone in the blink of an eye!
ReplyDeleteChapter 19...
ReplyDeleteDamn, just damn.
So is this the end? Someone make alternative ending now!
ReplyDeleteSo is this the end? Someone make alternative ending now!
ReplyDeletePretty sure this story isn't done yet.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure it just meant the end of part 2... Recall, there WAS a part 1.
ReplyDeleteThat said, that was a pretty major event, and I have a feeling Pale Hoof still has some development. He has yet to be able to tie the significance with the mortal Pinwheel with the fact that EVERY mortal has a place in life. Just as he places a value in Pinwheel, each mortal places a value in the mortals around them, and just because he does not see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, as his narrow viewpoint still holds to.
I have a feeling that the Elements of Harmony are truly the masters of their universe. I certainly noticed Pale Hoof stand at attention when they were mentioned.
I think this story is only about to get interesting!
Also... random hug to the author... --hug-- There... That's for being AWESOME!!!
⎝⫎ ⎠
This is my second favorite fan fic ever. (First is the Silent Ponyvile series)
ReplyDeleteWoah, best chapter yet in my opinion!
ReplyDeleteSomething is wrong here, cause there isn't a Chapter 21 yet.
ReplyDeleteOh, Pale Hoof.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you doing.
ReplyDeleteTook the names out to reduce the spoiler, but sweet crap man, I love you XD
Best line ever!
Dunno if someone has pointed it out before, but methinks someone is a Pratchett fan.
Absolutely loving this, 5 hooves up!
(What? I dont even...)
Hooray! Good story. Good ending. What's next?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you MEAN it's over?!
ReplyDeleteWhoah, this is pretty awesome.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhy are horse skulls creepier than human skulls?
Awwww....now I have to find something else to read....
*sigh* Well, I guess all good things have to come to an end...
I absolutely loved this story.
Its brilliant.
Please write more
Nooooooooooooo! *flail* It cant be over OnO
ReplyDeleteThanks for this wonderful story! Hilarious and heartwarming. :3
ReplyDeleteBeen waiting for this :D
And here we are four-five hours later at 3:55(am), having read the entire thing from start to finish. What a wonderful love story.
ReplyDeleteUsed as I am to other depictions of Death, I found the notions presented here appealing in an Equestrian context. I, in general, reject the notion of Heaven or Hell (be in conventional fiction, so-called 'holy' texts, or religious traditions), but happily, this work neither dwells on the topic nor actually requires either places to exist (though they make for a darling prediction to two certain upper class school fillies).
The execution was very good, and the plot meshed well with canon occurrences, and what is known about canon history. It says something for the author's skill that Death comes across as a more likeable character than Celestia herself, without the work being unfair to the Day Princess.
It is a sweet romance between Death and a (hoofed) maiden, with the occasional dashes of hilarity (the scenes with CMC were absolutely killer) and tragedy (as you would expect).
Highly, highly recommended. Most of the action revolves around OCs, but the Mane 6 are there in the background, and they are handled well, especially Rarity.
Seen this fic around for a while now and it's stood out to me as something to read. Just started and am a few chapters in, and this is going to be an all nighter, no doubts about that.
ReplyDeleteThouroughly enjoying it so far, especially the potrayal of Pale Hoof. He reminds me of a younger, (if there can be such a thing) less experienced and more whimsical Discworld Death. Considering that T.P is my most favourite, all my hearts author, I am greatly pleased.
yay. you rock. woohoo.
I am now on chapter eight. - Half my brain is screaming, and the other half is gibbering. Occasionally they swap for a change of pace, but both halves are laughing and loving this story.
ReplyDeleteto anyone scrolling the comments, deciding to give this a swing or a miss... swing. definetly swing.
personally I feel it dropped off just a little in the last few chapters, though there's no accounting for my taste. The resolution is not what I expected and wanted, but is satisfying nonetheless.
ReplyDeletetwenty seven chapters in one overnight reading? Challange acc-- complete, actually xD
Very enjoyable concept and execution
Mother of god. They had children?! ME GUSTA. They did it without touching eachother? Maybe PALE HOOF agreed to IVF, whatev's.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed how little I've posted here.
ReplyDeleteI kinda feel bad for that.
I usually post a lot for such AWESOME stories!
I am sad to see it end.
Quite frankly, I would have loved to see a few more chapters between the princesses and the book signing. I'd love to see a second "life of" series that focuses on Pale Hoof's development and interactions amongst mortals. I'd like to see Pale Hoof respond to Pinwheel's aging, and eventual death... I'd betcha a million bits she acts as a reaper at his side when that time comes, just like Philomel and Thunderhead did while he was away in the mortal realm.
And for those who have not noticed... how /)-_- ... When Pale Hoof regenerates his skin, he is not deadly to the touch. Only his bare bones carry that effect. The skin masks his powers though, and the skin sloughs off if he uses his powers.
Regarding my last comment...
ReplyDeleteWhat I mean, is Pale Hoof hasn't yet fully developed as a character. He is still in his own little world. He still doesn't "get" mortals. I would hope if you ever continue this in a second story, or an extension, that you explore Pale Hoof's developing view on the significance of life, and the meaning of mortality and friendship.
If there was a single disappointment in the story, it's only that it ended before getting to explore this. I think I speak for most of the fans here, that we kinda expected the story to go there, so yeah... The story feels like it ended abruptly.
Take that as a compliment... It only means we're sad there isn't more!
Too bad it ends. Pretty good through. (wish there was more)