• Story: The Midnight Chapter (Update Part 5!)

    [Crossover][Adventure] Persona 4 time?! Madness!

    Author: RdMarquis
    Description: A retelling of Persona 4. Studious, introverted Twilight Sparkle has been transferred from Canterlot to continue her studies at Ponyville High. But in the following year, she will experience so much more than classes. A sinister presence threatens to change Equestria as we know it, and Twilight and her friends may be the only ones who stand in its way.
    The Midnight Chapter Links Below (New Part 5!)

    | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

    Additional Tags: Long, Persona 4, Mythology, Books, Tarot

    37 kommentaari:

    1. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    2. This has my interest :) but I haven't even played 4 and I haven't beaten 3 yet

    3. I was always curious if there was even an education system for Pony's above the grade school level. (besides the school for gifted unicorns of course)

    4. Sigh.. I meant 'ponies' not 'Pony's'

    5. Rainbow Dash = closeted gay character. Obviously.

    6. Persona 4 and ponies? Well, now you've sold me.

    7. The question is: How can this be made into an Endurance Run?



    9. I'm tempted to break out singing "Reach out to the Truth"... And so, I'm away!

    10. @Oscilous

      I'm already listening to whole OST.


    11. FUUUUUUUUCK I was planning a story like this for a month. I really wanna read it, because Persona! But on the other hand, that fic was my baby...oh, listen to me whining on the internet. Attachment creates suffering. :P Good luck! I'll be following this.

      @Razputin the Ponynaut No way, her dark secret is obviously that she's straight.

    12. Hmmm....it seems to just be Persona 4 with all the names swapped as opposed to something with similar themes.

      Oh well.

    13. My Little Pony: Social Links is Magic

    14. Hmm... you need to italicize thoughts, rather than just placing them in quotes.

      Seems pretty solid, and I like Celestia and Luna standing in for the Dojimas. Unless you re-write Persona 4's story a fair bit, though, I'm not sure how you'll make the kidknapping and hospitalization bits toward the latter part of the game work.

      The other character substitutions work really well (particularly Fluttershy).

      Also, where was the completely unimportant chariot station attendant?

    15. > was too slow

      I've had a Persona fic in mind for a while now. I've just been swamped with work.

      Haven't read this yet given it's late, but I'll definitely give it one when I'm more sane of mind. XD

    16. All I can say is this scene, ponified, would be awesome.


    17. Oh. The GREAT and POWERFUL Trevor missed the crossover tag... No WONDER this wasn't making complete sense, but still, Trevor tips his hat to you! One was able to follow along MOSTLY, which is fairly good, considering that one has never heard of this 'PERSONA', or whatever this is based off of! XD

    18. @Vimbert the Unimpressive

      Hey, this is the author. I do plan to deviate from the plot of the game, actually (judging by some of the feedback, that can't happen soon enough). Not to give too much away, but the main villain of the fic is trying to cause an entirely different cataclysm than the one from the game.

      Which is the reason why some of the characters from the game are absent, and some new ones who aren't stand ins for the cast of Persona 4 will be appearing.

      Thanks for commenting, everypony.

    19. @The GREAT and POWERFUL Trevor

      Persona is JRPG franchise by Atlus. Persona 4, being the last entry on Ps2. (although Persona 1, 2, and 3 have seen remastered releases on the psp) They are usually based in a small town in Japan around a silent protagonist in their 2nd year of high school. The protagonist makes a contract early on in the game with a strange man named Igor, who is the master of a realm between dreams and reality called the Velvet room. He reveals that the protagonist will soon face a daunting task over the coming year and offers to aid in the struggle by acting as consort and providing basic assistance(which is soon expanded upon heavily later in the game) by helping the protagonist draw out the mysterious beings known as "Persona" from the Sea of his soul as it normally goes.

      As you level up, you are able to fuse and obtain more powerful Persona, but through forging strong bonds with those around you (friendships/love interests) called social links you can see an even bigger increase in power. Each social link effect a certain type of persona and the stronger your bond with that person the more bonus experience points Persona of that archetype will get.

      The story, while usually based around saving the world, took a change of direction with P4 by instead of saving the world, you're solving a murder mystery. The events and story are at times the cliche anime scenarios(referring to others with honorifics the most dominant), but the overall storytelling is very strong, if even dark at times.

      The combat in the game is very solid and is one of it's finest points, you're constantly thinking when you've engaged a new enemy, trying to find if it has a weak element or is susceptible to critical strikes.

      (Wow...honestly had no intention of droning on like that, my apologies.)

      I'll close with this video of it's second opening. Enjoy, I hope if you're interested you'll be able to find it and give it a try. Those who enjoy JRPGs can easily find themselves wrapped up in the SMT:Persona series.


    20. I have practically zero knowledge of the Persona series. That said, this is quite an enjoyable read, and I'm looking forward to more!

    21. O. M. G.

      RdMarquis, where have you been all my life? <3

      okay, seriously . . . considering how closely the plot's following the game so far, I'm expecting few surprises. This probably won't sit up there with FO:E on my 'amazing original stories' list. BUT it is a really well done blending of two of my favorite obsessions - err . . fandoms - and I'm really really enjoying it a lot so far. Thank you for sharing it, brony!

      *goes back to ear-piercing squeeing*

    22. I have to say, I really enjoyed reading this. I never thought I would see any Ponysona fics and I'm glad my friend gave me the link to this. I tried writing my own based on my OC and his Shadow, but its nothing compared to yours. I can't wait to read more.

    23. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    24. I know very little about Persona 4 besides what has been explained in other comments, but this is a fun read regardless! Please keep going!

    25. I'm loving this, please keep writing!

    26. Yesss, I've been waiting for this!

    27. In fanfic pic:
      Twilight Sparkle: Yu
      Rarity: Rise
      Rainbow Dash: Kanji
      Fluttershy: Yukiko

    28. You know, there needs to be a proper SMT/Pony crossover. Complete with hero/ine eventually having to murder her only friends in cold blood like in every mainline SMT.

      I might just write it...
