• Story: The Mane Cast-Offs

    [Comedy] [Random]

    Author: Blueshift
    Description: Is a pony more than just the sum of their parts? How would Twilight Sparkle cope without her magic? What would Rarity do if her horn fell off? What if Rainbow Dash's wings fell off? Or Fluttershy's? What if Applejack's... legs fell off? Read lest your brain falls off!

    The Mane Cast-Offs

    Additional Tags: Horn-Rot, Wing-Rot, Bits Falling Off, Spoof

    96 kommentaari:

    1. I loved this one. It's one of those ones that seems to start off serious, but it's a rapid spiral into "What the hell just happened here?!"

    2. My hands fell off as I read this. I'm now typing with my tongue. :D

    3. ity uis remaqrabkly yhard to t5ype with mytongfyue, just so you know.
      Also Fluttershy is best pony.

    4. I agree with the picture of Twilight on this one. NO.

    5. Wait... wasn't this posted on /fic/?

      Confound you author, now I have to read this... *smile*

    6. Liked the story and all but What did i just read?.......arm falls off from typing.....Darn

    7. That was one of the silliest and most amazing things I've ever read.

    8. I enjoyed reading this, although I do think that something rather important might have fallen off.

    9. Somehow it made perfect sense that Fluttershy didn't care at all.

      Anyway, that was hilarious. Instant 5-star.

    10. That was weird...
      FlutterShy one was rather realistic. :D

    11. Oh Celestia, I laughed far more than what could be healthy here.
      *his ass falls off on the floor*... Oh consarnit!

    12. Another reason why Fluttershy is the most calm and reserved of all of them.

    13. Cereal used my version of that pic. *squee*
      I love you guys!

    14. My feet fell off from laughing too hard.

    15. What?

      Ok, this got real stupid real fast... But I think that was the point, so...

    16. :|

      I can't think of anything else to put.

    17. This is by far the most stupid fanfic I have ever read and I can't belive I'm still laughing XD

    18. Kinda funny idea...

      But not enough actual story for me. There IS such a thing as TOO random.

    19. If I have one complaint, we never saw Chimera Pony of all of them duct taped together.

    20. @moocow1452
      You'll just have to wait for the inevitable Voltron crossover.

    21. (Comment has been deleted by Princess Celestia for not being funny enough)

    22. At first I was like ...

      but then I lol'd HARD. Sweetiehat was hilarious.

    23. Darn, I thought this was going to be a Gilligan's Island fic.

    24. This is what spiderses should of been, but wasn't.

    25. I... what... how...
      will the joker who spiked my drink please step forward?
      I need more of that.
      whatever it is, it is one HECK of a trip!

    26. This was honestly a little disturbing. Okay, Fluttershy's and Applejack's parts were pretty funny just due to how ridiculous they were, but Twilight's and Rainbow Dash's were kinda sad.

      Rarity's part was a little disturbing due to the Sweetabuse. Seriously, why do people enjoy making Sweetie Belle an idiot/severely mentally retarded?

      And Pinkie's part was incredibly disturbing. I don't want to think about how she's scooping out bits of her own head.

    27. The ending was perfect, I love this.

    28. A little bit weird, yet funny, to say the least. I am glad you came full circle with the expaination.

    29. Safe Hex. Remember to always have Safe Hex.

    30. I read too much and I got eye rot.

      Can someone help?

    31. Okay, I had to stop reading somewhere in rainbows part.
      It is just too much.

    32. What in the name of the American Gladiators did I read?! That was funny as hell!

    33. ...

      I must be the only person here who found this not funny even in the slightest. In fact, I found it really creepy and disturbing... especially Pinkie's part. I mean JEEZUS.

      The Random tag excuses a lot but HOLY SHIT man...

    34. That was pretty silly. Needed more Fluttershy not giving a damn. XD

      Also, drunk goddess ponies are amusing.

    35. You know, I can appreciate local parlance and whatnot, but it's very jarring when the cast starts using British idioms and phrases. 's like, I live in the southeastern US, and I've got a bit of a folksy dialect, but I wouldn't have Spike or Twilight saying y'all.

      Just saying.

    36. I don't know why, But reading this made me feel Empty, I just felt sorry for everyone losing their parts (Exept fluttershy, She don't give a damn).

    37. inb4 somepony bitches about "horn rot" being taken from "Dangerous Buisiness"

    38. There was something wonderfully terrible about the mental image of Sweetie Belle taped to Rarity's head. Rainbow Dash's part really worked too, and glad you avoided any kind of Scootabuse joke. AJ's and Pinkie's parts kind of dragged, though.

    39. That was the most rediculously wonderful thing I have ever read, and I absolutely lost it at Pinkie Pie's party

    40. I very much agree with Twilight in the image. This is a great big NO.

      Call me humorless or taking things too seriously, but really, for me, this was saddening at best and outright disturbing at worst... and I'm inclined to lean more towards the latter.

      With Twilight and Rainbow Dash it really felt more sad than anything else. Didn't even crack a smile there and to be honest, I really felt depressed and sorry for them more than anything else. They became especially depressing when Twilight got the letter and when Rainbow was confronted by Spitfire. I mean... could someone please explain to me what's funny here?

      With Rarity's, I started off feeling sad for her, and then became slowly horrified as it devolved into Sweetabuse. Seriously. Why does nobody like Sweetie? I like Sweetie. She's cute and nice and all, and I really don't think I've ever seen her act any more "stupid than any of the other crusaders."

      Applejack's MIGHT have been funny by sheer absurdity alone had I not already been set up to be disgusted and nearly horrified by everything else. As it was it simply came across as something more to be depressed about. Order is everything mind you. You start off with something sad (like this did with Twilight's part) and it's going to color the rest of the fic. This MIGHT have been funny if it was a standalone thing in like a 300 word event or something, but as it was it was just... unpleasant. And adding Applebloom to the body count or whatever didn't help.

      Fluttershy's was the only one I NEARLY cracked a smile at... mostly because for all intents and purposes it actually seemed a little in character. She never really uses her wings for much anyway and seems so close to the earth and its creatures.

      But with Pinkie Pie's part... Oh my F*cking GOD that was downright horrifying! Seriously! Her freaking head came off! And then she shoves food down her neck hole and talks out of her disembodied windpipe and crap and... for Christ's sake! The imagery is horrifying! And to do that to poor Pinkie Pie! I mean... Good lord! Just WHY?!

      And the ending... at least one other guy said it was perfect, but frankly I didn't even understand it. Is Celestia using like... lego figurines of her citizens and popping them apart, thereby making them pop apart in real life? Is that what's going on? That's really... sick. There's a line between Trollestia and creepy-freakish-sadistlestia. and this crossed WAY over into the latter.

      You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of that scene in "My Favorite Martian" when Christopher Lloyd literally falls apart when he falls into a depression. Except being lighthearted and funny with a quick remedy this got seriously creepish and horrifying with an overall depressing feel, a mean spirited execution, and INCREDIBLY disturbing imagery (Pinkie Pie Dear Lord... I MIGHT have accepted Disembodied talking Pinkie head as creepy as that is but the talking neck stump...).

      This reminds me of a comic actually... Mightily Murdered Power Ringers. You don't know what that is Check out Linkara's second-to-latest comic review on Atop the Fourth Wall. It thinks it's funny when there's no decent humor to be found, it's incredibly mean spirited, and, I say again, disturbing as hell!

      Look... I'm probably seriously overreacting to what was just meant to be a silly, loopy, ten-minute-get-high fic... but this was just so poorly executed that it really felt like it sucked all the joy straight out of my body. The random tag can let a lot by but gracious...

    41. Duct tape is gonna be a new thing in the brony community.

    42. I can see that it was intended as a spoof of those old wives' tales that people keep putting on kids... "keep making that face it will stick that way," etc. But there was just too much "what" followed by an increasing spiral of fridge horror and nightmare fuel. Barely pulls out of complete nightmare fuel territory at the end with a last minute "the gods are jerks" reveal, but it still fails to really be amusing. (maybe that's something future parents should take to heart when telling their children such horrible fables IRL.)

    43. I'm sorry... I usually ascribe to the "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all" school of thought, but this needs to be said.

      This is sick. This is incredibly goddamn sick and I feel sullied for having read it. It feels like all of my happiness is gone and it will never return. And I don’t think I’ve ever been so utterly FURIOUS at a fanfic writer in my life.

      Why... Why why why why WHY would you write this?! When you had the idea "What about a fanfic where the ponies lose their body parts" why, instead of going and writing it, did you not punch yourself unconscious for even thinking such things?!

      There was NOTHING funny about this! There was nothing funny at all! The story gravitated between only two points: Depressing and Horrifying.

      There was nothing funny about Twilight or Rainbow Dash's part at all. In fact, those parts were incredibly depressing, especially when we got around to the parts with the letter that said they were expelling her and that they were going to cart Spike away, and where Spitfire talked to Rainbow and practically waved Wonderbolts fame in her face then zipped off laughing. We're watching practically everything these ponies have worked for crumble to dust and you guys are LAUGHING?! What the hell?! And Rarity's part was even worse. At first it really only seemed to be gravitating towards sad as well, but then we start falling into Sweetie-Abuse! Why? Just why?!

      Fluttershy's part would have been funny, had you not already set up such a depressing and horrifying story. That part was at least less offensive than the previous parts. But then you fell right back into it with Applejack's part! Aside from the sheer stupidity of the situation given, it was just so mean spirited! And Apple Bloom... I just don't understand why anyone would want to write these things!

      But then we get to Pinkie Pie... Oh my god, what the HELL is WRONG with you?! Her freaking HEAD falls off?!! And she's still alive talking out of her freaking NECK STUMP?! Shoving things down her exposed esophagus and talking out of her disconnected windpipe?! What kind of sick, twisted shit is this?! And if we hadn't already descended far enough into the seriously freakish, horrifying, disturbing, mentally scarring stuff yet, then Pinkie Pie STARTS SPOONING OUT HER OWN BRAINS OUT OF HER SHRIVELED, DECAPITATED, DECAYING, GLASSY EYED, BLACKENED, ROTTING CORPSE HEAD AND EATING THEM!! Yeah, take in THAT imagery and see if you’re still laughing!

      This is perhaps the most disgusting, horrifying, Grimdark thing I've ever read in a fanfic, and I've read the likes of “Cupcakes” and “Sweet Apple Massacre!” I feel like I want to vomit after reading this story. I really do. This is the absolute most puke inducing thing I've ever read on the internet! And this from the guy that gave us such great stuff as "School Reunion" and "Twilight's Best Friend."

      And you call this a comedy?! What are you thinking?! This is grimdark through and through! The most mean spirited, disturbing, rage-inducing, and absolutely depraved thing I've ever seen pertaining to the pony fandom... and people LIKE it!

      ...How?! How did this story land itself with nearly five stars?!

      People… Really… Please… Am I wrong? Am I seriously so wrong here to find this so utterly disgusting and horrifying? What is there here that anyone could possibly find enjoyable? What am I missing? Why… Why is this fic so ungodly popular for something so utterly terrifying?

    44. It's weird, I found this funny as hell, but I can't stand Happy Tree Friends which is sort of in the same ballpark. I guess the humor comes from how ridiculous the situation and the characters' reactions are. If their appendages got torn off instead of just popping off for no reason, it would be entirely different. If you can't distance yourself from it enough to revel in the absurdity, then you're just going to find it morbid and disgusting.

      Derp-eyed Rarity with Sweetie Belle duct taped to her forehead is the funniest mental image I've had all week. Someone please draw it.

    45. Dude. Do we need a warning tag like 'Apparently not for the faint of heart' or something?

      This is a blasting parody on all of the Twilight Loses her Magic or Rainbow Loses her Wings (seriously, you could give this one its own darn category tag) fics and that's where a lot of its entertainment comes from. It is a little bit gruesome but more in a Tom and Jerry way than Cupcakes. Seriously? Pegasi are DUCT-TAPING THEIR WINGS ON and you're calling cupcakes.

      You could argue that some ponies are really out of character but that probably fits in with the parody model, too. Admittedly maybe there are... points where the author could have benefited from cutting down on the... realism? Graphicness? But IMHO you couldn't get less horrifying if you tagged 'And then John was a zombie' to the end.

    46. @ PopeHatSkeleton
      You want Derp-eyes with that? Give me a few days.

      AJ, confound your honesty, it drives Twilight to cry.
      The Fluttershy bit is oddly in character.

    47. @Aurora

      I'm sorry. I don't buy it.

      As Sumo Unicorn described, it's too mean spirited to really be considered a parody in any sense of the word, and it wavers too far between silly reactions and depressing outcomes. It's just too... mean to be a parody. And even then, that still doesn't explain Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applebloom's fate in the fic unles it was just "lol to have everypony join in"

      If you want to make a parody of the "Twilight screws up a spell" cliche, or the "Rainbow Dash breaks her Wings" rut a lot of writers seem to fall into, then that's fine. But it needs to be more consistent. You can't bounce back and forth between wacky fun and depressing reality. It's very jarring and the Depressing parts will resonate much more strongly.

      On that note, I'm not saying someone can't write a solid story about the ponies losing parts of their bodies in some horrible accident or something. A story where Twilight or Rarity lose their horns, or where Applejack is caught under a tractor and loses her legs, or where Rainbow Dash has to have her wings amputated can be an excellent story. It could make for an excellent character piece about how they would deal with tragedy and might try to overcome their newfound limitations.

      This story is neither. It flounders back and forth between the two and expects us to yuk it up as some kind of parody. In the end it just comes across as vulgar, repulsive, and depraved.

      and on a final note... and this is ACTUALLY the part that really made me the most furious about the fic and what made me compare it to cupcakes... I don't see you defending any of the stuff with Pinkie Pie. Seriously. I wouldn't have called Cupcakes or Sweet Apple Massacre on this if it weren't for the seriously f*cked up shit with her. I don't see how anyone could possibly enjoy that part. Can you think of any reason that that had to go in such a disturbing, sickening way?

      I could think of a ton of things Pinkie could lose that wouldn't be so horrifying. Her tongue so she can't talk? Her hooves so she can't bounce? Her teeth so she can't eat sweets? Why did we have to see her lose her head to a shriveling, decaying "head rot" and then watch her spoon out her own brains and deal with neck stumps and stuff?

      And on top of all that, I still don't understand why people are laughing at it, I still am angry that it's not being honest about its nature by lacking a Grimdark tag (seriously, at least cupcakes was honest about that), and I stll don't know how it got such a high score.

    48. @Lurks-no-More
      I just realized something. the colon needs to be shifted in order to get one. Did you use your eyeballs too?

    49. @Aurora

      It's way darker than Tom and Jerry - closer to Itchy and Scratchy. It's still no Cupcakes. I probably could have done without the balloon blowing and the melon baller, but by that point the story's gotten so ridiculous that it fits.

      I think the polarization in the comments is entertaining me more than the story itself :)

    50. Fiiiine. I don't think I was being sarcastic when I recommended a tag, anyway. I'm not +favorite-ing this story or anything.

      And the Pinkie parts squicked me a little but I guess it suits her just to always be a little more... extreme than anyone else.

      It's okay. All of our ponies are going to be okay. I hate to see people really knocked off kilter by a fic, anyway.

    51. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    52. @Aurora

      Alright... after taking stock of my emotions and critically rethinking the story, I've written a calmer, more collected review while still holding my opinions...

      That is, you know, if you care at all. Sorry I was such an emotional doof.

      (be warned. It's really rather long)

    53. I actually enjoyed this a bit! The part with Pinkie serving her head by accident was a little squicky, but overall this was waaaay too absurd to bother me and was well worth the chuckle xD

      Besides, you get the impression that Celestia will fix everything again once she stops horsing around. Hopefully. :p

    54. pppffffhhhhh hehehehehe... What the.... Bwhahahaahha.... WHAT!? WHAT DID I JUST REA-bwhahahahwheheheheheh- Seriously WHAT!? XD

    55. Oh and chill everybody, I'm sure Celestia will put everything back the way it was. Or else this story would have a [Grim-Dark] tag for sure.

    56. To all the people filled with moral outrage, this is obviously a jab at the plethora of terrible, terrible fanfiction out there. It's got twilight screwing up spells, Rainbow failing miserably at Wonderboltdom, Celestia trolling everypony, Pinkie involved in serious body horror, Sweetiebuse, you name it.

      Obviously a terrible fic, but it's intended to be one. Lighten up.

    57. Okay! Jeez I said I was sorry. I even linked to a whole explanation about what went into the fic and WHY I felt it deserved a freak out. People can stop indirectly badgering me now, okay?!

      Yeah, I shouldn't have rage-commented, but you have to admit, it was really squicky, and at the very VERY least deserves the [Dark Comedy] or [Grimlight] tag or something. >_<

    58. I can't see why there's any rage about this.

      It's right there in the description. Every character looses something for stupid reasons.

    59. Okay wow. I don't think I've ever WTFed at a fanfic as much as I did on this one. XDDD

    60. If you read this comment after you read the story you get Brain Rot!

    61. Oh jeeze, these comments have reminded me of why I dislike this fandom.

      Rainbow Dash forgot to use tape to keep her wings on, and tried to do a Sonic Rainboom off of a meter-high cliff using leaves. How is that "supur meen and grimdark and tottally uncaled forr!!1!1".

      And that one guy complaining about British idioms. How many fanfics of non-American media have I read that over-Americanized the dialogue or plot points? Give the author a break.

      Awesome story, I loved Fluttershy and approve of the use of duct tape and little sisters to solve problems. Too bad half the comments are retarded, there are too many people who take things too seriously in this fandom. :(


    62. Ever since I read this story, I can't help but have a hilariously terrifying mental image of an extremely hung-over Celestia attempting to put everything back. So now you can get even more Body Horror as Twilight's horn is replaced with one of Applejack's legs, or Rainbow Dash's wings sticking out of Pinkie Pie's shoulders.

    63. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    64. Alright I get what you were doing. I understand what you were spoofing and I understand how people may find it funny. It invokes the same sort of twisted humor as South Park or Itchy and Scratchy. I get that a lot of people like those sorts of things.

      Personally I don't. I didn't like the story myself, but I understand. And, actually, to be entirely honest, it wasn't even that bad until we got to Pinkie Pie's part.

      I think a lot of the commenters are overreacting, but they're right about one thing. This should have a grim-dark tab, or at the absolute least make a great deal more mention of Pinkie Pie's part. Because I'm sorry, no matter what way you cut the brisket that's some sick and disgusting imagery. Comedy and Random are usually the safest tags on the site, and people are obviously getting the wrong idea about what they're going into, even despite the description and tags. And it's likely going to keep happening unless this is fixed.

    65. Okay. The story's humour might not have been in any way universal, but to have any chance of at least appreciating it, you cannot take the story seriously. The whole suspension of disbelief thing will completely ruin the basis of the story, because it is supposed to be so utterly ridiculous a premise alone that you are able to distance yourself from situation.

      That being said, the emotions presented in the story can belie this idea of aloofness. I felt pretty bad for Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy's part was great, and Rarity and AJ were just silly.

      I will not argue against the imagery presented in the Pinkie Pie parts, but the basis of her malady. The fact that her head falls off it okay, but what you do with her afterward could use some reinterpretation, which would help the continuity of expression in the story.

      Rather than having her head fall off, leaving her as a headless body, why not have her as a disembodied, floating head? It would be so much more becoming of her character. She could eat the same candy over and over again.

      Or, you could have her neck fall off (as in her head is merely separated from her body), because her head is so up in the clouds as it is, and have the classic disembodied head trying to direct around a mindless body.

      Either of those would work well, and would provide the opportunity for humour that actually fits with the rest of the story.

    66. My exact reaction after I read this:

      ... Haha, what! XD

    67. It's interesting to read the comments for this one, I must say. And I can see where people are coming from when they say it's disturbing, too! But, personally, I just thought it was funny in a really dumb way. This story clearly wasn't meant to be taken seriously at all, and it makes that abundantly clear. But if someone chooses to take it seriously anyway, it is definitely a mean, mean fanfic.

      ...but you shouldn't take it seriously. It's like... Katamari Damacy. It's incredibly horrifying if you take it at face value, but you're not supposed to do that. At all. :P

    68. Well, the 'Random' tag CERTAINLY didn't lie on that one, that's for sure.

      Fluttershy part is one of the funniest, and shortest too by some coincidence ?

      Also... drunk Princesses.
      They surely undo everything after a day or 2, and a painful hangover.

    69. @Pants-on-Head Man
      I believe this person is a troll...

      That, or he's blind and didn't read the DRUNK Princesses part at the End, AND the [Comedy] tag, AND the... wait for it... [RANDOM] Tag !

    70. @Nova25

      Hi. Hello.

      Yes, in regards to your comment? I'm certainly not trying to be. In fact, after that initial outburst, I was genuinely trying to be apologetic. I should have waited before the initial rage settled down before commenting.

      And no. I didn't miss the Drunk Princess part. I didn't miss the comedy part. And I didn't miss the random part. What I missed was the part where that made a difference, the part where it was meant to be funny, and the part where it was made so that the random tag would just let anything, no matter how twisted, pass by.

      Like I've said, I understand how it can be funny for people that enjoy the sort of sick, twisted, gory humor, but I am not one of those people. I was not brought up to be one of those people. I don't want to be one of those people. If that means missing out on this kind of humor I'll take that.

      I also try not to freak out at people who enjoy this humor. I had an initial outburst because I had never seen it before in a pony fanfic and quite honestly, I felt like something that I had come to love had been soiled. Am I a drama queen? Yes. Doesn't change the fact that emotions are a strange thing and I still felt that way.

      All these excuses aside, I stand by MOST of what I said. This needs a grimdark tag. There's too much graphic stuff around Pinkie Pie (my favorite Pony btw to add extra hurt to me) to have it NOT be there, and it really feels like the guy is being dishonest by not having it there.

      It still comes across as mean spirited. Factoring in the emotional parts behind Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack/bloom's parts it comes across as either schizophrenic or we're supposed to laugh not at the characters' ridiculous situations but at their misery. To me it came across as the latter.

      What's more, there were a ton of better ways to go about Pinkie's part that WOULD have been funny and random. rather than the body horror we got, he couuld have simply made her a bouncing, peppy disembodied head that bounces around like the characters on veggietales, or perhaps floats around in the air or something. But the graphic, horrifying thing we got was incredibly grimdark in nature no matter what the story was supposed to be, and honestly? to me? It was kinda scarring. I've quite honestly been having trouble looking at anything Pinkie related since I read this.

      Yes I know I'm a featherweight. No you don't need to bring it up.

      But I'm not trying to troll. This is honestly how I feel. I feel lied to and like I was lured in something without proper warning. Quite honestly, I feel like the one trolled here by this fic. But I know he's a good writer. He wrote Twilight's Best Friend which I would probably rate among the top 20 fanfics I've read.

      So that's just me explaining myself.

    71. >sick, twisted, gory humor
      -Where exactly ?

      Do you mean when Twilight finds her horn, simply on her pillow ?

      When Spike has to be re-packaged in his egg ?

      When Rarity just 'tap' on her horn, and it falls ?

      When Rainbow Dash's wings simply detach themselves on the ground ?
      Or when Fluttershy LITTERALLY just go : ' "Oh well" Fluttershy shrugged '.

      Maybe when Applejack's legs just 'popped off' on the ground ?

      Or when Pinky Pie finds her head on the pillow after awakening, and says : ' "Oh come on!" ' with a squeaky voice ?

      Maybe possibly when Celestia's head transforms into a GOOSEBERRY !! ...while obviously DRUNK !

      My gods, bees... You're right.

      You can just see the blood and horror and pain, literally dripping from this story.

      I'm flabbergasted that this could be taking seriously, at any level.

    72. Ahahahah. The ending is the icing on the cake.

    73. @Nova25

      Okay now I actually have to ask you ...Did you even read the story?

      In terms of what actually fell off. You know how it was talking about things like horn ROT and wing ROT and head ROT?

      Keyword? Rot.

      It was described in Twilight's section, how her horn was shrivelled and black. How it was essentially ROTTING. If these afflicions are due to flesh rotting, decaying, and falling off, then yes. This is disgusting, gory, and sick.

      I'm sorry, but Rotting flesh, hae you ever seen it? I have. Not on a human mind you but when I had to scoop a dead raccoon from under my porch. It's really quite sickening. Red and black and green and mushy and shrivelly and filled with maggots and stinks like abslutely nothing you've ever smelled before. According to the author, this is what's going on here.

      And even if. EVEN IF we decide to completely ignore the word rot. Even if we completely ignore the words "shrivelled and black" that firmly indicate that this is what is happening... there's still the instance of Pinkie Pie scooping her own brains out of her decapitated head with a melon baller and shoving them down her disconnected esophagus. I'm sorry, this is sick imagery no matter what way you cut it.

      And yeah, they are in pain. Did you not see Twilight's reaction to losing her horn? How her "face was etched in misery?" Did you not see Rainbow Dash's total meltdown after losing her wings? Did you not see Rarity practically descend into madness after losing her horn? The way Applejack reacted with fear and depression to losing her legs? This is written in such away that it comes across as sad and painful, at least to me.

      The way it is written wavers back and forth far too much between emotional, sad, and horrifying description and the random, quirky stuff. THAT'S why it can be taken seriously. The random and quirky obviously is what stood out to you so you can hardly see the sad and horrific. The sad and horrific is what stood out to me, which is why I can hardly see the random and quirky.

      It's why personally I'm flabbergasted that it could be funny on any level. It's obvious we just can't understand each others' views. So either we can agree to disagree and say that we both are right or we can keep bitching about it.

    74. @FamusJamus
      About the person(s) going all nuts-crazy, and litterally seeking and EXPONENTIALLY AMPLIFYING 'random' elements of the story, and putting them EXTREMELY out-of-proportion...

      You are quite right on that point.

      Some people in this room are... suspiciously... trying to find troubles with/in this story, to a point where it makes me ask myself some questions about this person...


      @Pants-on-Head Man
      Have you read your OWN words ? Them alone contain more disgusting imagery, blood, gore, horror and whatever you are talking about, than in this whole story.

      I see two options :
      1) You in fact like what you are saying, and are simply hypocritical.
      Or, 2) You aren't conscious of the content of your own words ?

      You even DARE to go as FAR as to compare this story with the infamous ''story-that-shall-not-be-named'' !
      If there's something wrong here, let's just say that the story shouldn't be the main concern... but the one that seem to actively invest time and energy, and to go to GREAT lengths, in order to push some elements of this story *Absolutely Out-of-Proportion*.

      I'm one of the first to not particularly appreciate 'grimdark-like' stories, but I manage to keep my mind in one place (most of the time anyway), to properly filter and categorize the individual elements of what I'm reading (so I don't end up putting the WHOLE story in one convenient bag) and to judge as objectively as I'm able to (which vary a bit sometimes). Also you don't see me going on some weird campaign to blow everything to ungodly proportions.

      So please, sit down and calm yourself a bit.
      I don't know... Go read 'Past Sins', it's really great.

    75. @Nova25

      At this point I don't know what you want me to say anymore. Yeah, I know that my words were more disgusting than anything in the actual story. The thing is, there's a level of interpretation to reading. in any story, no matter how random, there's a level of interpretation to what's going on.

      If you went to the doctor because of a rash and your doctor said to you, "I'm sorry, sir. You appear to be suffering from skin rot." What would your first mental picture be? Mine would be "Oh fuck, my skin is going to start literally rotting off my body."

      Now logically what do I think of when I hear about horn rot and leg rot and wing rot? Well something along the same lines of course. Whether he said it or not, that's how I managed to interpret it, and I don't understand why nobody seems to understand why I defend the point of view that at best this imagery is confused and at worst utterly depraved.

      It's because of this interpreted imagery that yes, I did dare interpret it to the "story that must not be named." The imagery of a rotting, dead, glassy eyed Pinkie Pie head on the ground with the neckless body scooping ichor covered rotting brains out and shoving it down an exposed esophagus I felt was just about as grimdark as "that story." To me of course. Obviously not to anyone else. It appears I just have a natural inclination to make certain logical leaps that others don't.

      And no, I don't like typing those words out every time. Because every time I do I see that imagery burned into the back of my eyelids and it hurts. But if it's what it takes to have my point of view understood and let me be accepted for having this stance, then by golly I'll keep doing it.

      I'm not trying to go on some weird campaign. I'm just trying to be understood. I'm trying to get my point across and have my point of view accepted as an alternative, and a reason why some stories should perhaps be more careful about word, tone, and tag choice. These aren't active attempts to blow the story out of proportion. This is quite frankly what I saw in my head the first time I read the story. But nobody seems to understand this and when I try to complain people keep beating me up.

    76. @Pants-on-Head Man
      The thing is... YOU, and you alone are seeing this scene, and other scene, like this :
      >a rotting, dead, glassy eyed Pinkie Pie head on the ground with the neckless body scooping ichor covered rotting brains out and shoving it down an exposed esophagus

      Those words, none of them are there (except for 'Pinky Pie' and 'head', of course)...
      I really don't know what's up with you, or your imagination for what it matters, but you seem to have a very strange tendency to apply ''blood&guts'' EVERYWHERE (as if it was ''paint'' that you can apply anywhere at will) and at places where it was never said and/or intended to be saw that way.

      'THAT' is part of your problem.

    77. @Nova25

      You know what? You may have a point. Perhaps I do have a tendency to make certain leaps in logic or wild, nasty interpretations. Perhaps I am too soft or too panicky when posed with these ideas.

      But somehow I don't think I can be the only guy in the world who does this.

      The only point that I'm really trying to make at this point is that there are some things that different people will interpret in different ways. Ways that you might never suspect. And when dealing with potentially sensitive subject matter, it's a good idea to exercise caution.

      If this story had a Grimdark tag... hell, even a Grim-Light tag, I would have known the sort of thing I would be dealing with ahead of time. I would have known to take things differently and I would have been able to prepare myself for certain things I might see. As it was I was caught off guard and, well, just look back at all the previous comments we've made in this written game of ring-around-the-rosy. It's pretty obvious what ended up happening.

      I can even give an example of this. Have you read "Fluttershy goes to Hell?" It's got a Grimdark and Sad tag on it but in actuality? I really found it quite hilarious once you got past the Funeral scene. There was some downright disturbing imagery in it, but there was also some really damn good dark comedy in it. But if it had simply tried to give itself the Comedy tag? I probably would have been taken off guard in a similar way and freaked out again.

      Caution and thought to your choices. That's all I'm saying. Because different people will interpret different things differently. And if you're not cautious...

    78. @Pants-on-Head Man
      Resorting to use other stories now ?

      Also, the "Fluttershy goes to Hell?" (she doesn't really goes to Hell. The title is misleading.) story had a [DARK] and [Sad] tag... not grimdark (you see that everywhere don't you ?).

      ...(sigh) If ''attrition'' was your method, it is not working well, or maybe it does... At this point, all those comments (which take about half this page) are starting to smell like rambling, and I believe it should stop soon. I mean, repeating the same thing 10 times on TWO WEBSITES should be enough for you now, no ? ...

      All I can add is... don't try TOO HARD to see grimdark everywhere ? And also, if I cut my finger, it doesn't equal to a severed arm with crushed bones and blood on the walls...

    79. @YetAnotherBrony

      Oh god. I hope the author reads this and writes a sequel.

    80. @PopeHatSkeleton
      Hopefully, it would STILL remain within acceptable level of ''good taste''...

      Here, it was limit, but ''ok''... since the ''graphic'' part wasn't pushed into bad-grimdark.

    81. I wish I read this when it was posted, but somehow I missed it...

      If anyone actually reads this....wanna know why I didn't find this so horrifying and all that? Well first off the "random + comedy" already put me in a state of mind to not take it seriously. It it didn't have those, and was instead "sad + dark", and I still decided for some inexplicable reason to read it, I might agree.
      But come on. Twilight loses her horn and gets a message about having to leave immediately, it's pretty rediculous. Rarity tapes her sister to her head. Then DUCT TAPE WINGS. It's all just plain over the top. I think one of things is that the source material is a cartoon, so it's very easy to just imagining these body parts "pop"ing off. That episode of The Simpsons where Homer gets attacked by a badger is far worse than this.
      And really, FiM is already in the realm of cartoon physics. Twilight gets a damn piano dropped on her head.
      I might be inclined to agree about the Pinkie melon thing but by that point in the fic everything was just so ridiculous anyway.

      I guess what it comes down to is how one is visualizing it. I see don't see flesh and blood horses, I see pastel ponies who can get smacked into a tree and look fine 10 seconds later.

    82. This was a rare kind of humour that I rarely find. It goes so over the top that even when it does something horrible, it's still funny. You have to read it with that in mind. "Oh no, my horn fell off. Sweetie, let me duct-tape you to my head!" "I can't fly ever again? Because nopony told me to use duct tape? And I was just about to get into the Wonderbolts? WTF, mares?!!"

      The thing is that it goes from realistic to cartoony. The realism's only there to contrast with the cartoony and get a laugh through how out of place it is. A real treasure.

    83. This made no sense. I can't rightfully say it was good, but it's hilarious enough to cover for any faults it may have.

      Fluttershy's section was absolutely the best, though.

    84. Wow, I've seen a lot of fics where Dashie gets all bummed out because she loses her wings and/or gets rejected by the Wonder Bolts, but this is the first one I liked!
