[Random] [Comedy]
Author: John Perry
Description: Banded together from the remote regions of Equestria, the Legion of Gloom seeks to do grave harm to the Mane 6! How they will do this without killing each other first is beyond me.
Legion of Gloom: Chapter I
Legion of Gloom: Chapter II
Legion of Gloom: Chapter III
Additional Tags: Silly, nonsense, insane, supervillain team
Story Two/Three after the break!
Description: The Legion of Gloom has returned, this time aligning themselves with a new, shadowy villain as they prepare to use the power of the Elements of Harmony against the Mane Six. But our heroes find aid in six mysterious ponies who seem to have all the answers…Enter the League of Fanons
Enter the League of Fanons Part 2
Enter the League of Fanons Part 3
Enter the League of Fanons Part 4
Enter the League of Fanons Part 5
Additional Tags: Fourth wall? What fourth wall?
Description: In the final installment of the not-so-epic series, the League of Fanons discover that the Mane Six have been taken over by crazed fanon versions of themselves! As the League struggles to restore normalcy to Equestria, the Legion of Gloom works from the shadows to enact their revenge on our heroes. Will Equestria fall to the madness? And what role does a certain boulder play in all of this?Between a Rock and a Hard Place (All Links) (New Part 6!)
Additional Tags: insanity, lots of inanimate objects
105 kommentaari:
Oh this looks like it's gonna be hilarious XD
VastaKustutalol at the rocks
VastaKustutaI've been waiting for this kind of story for a long time now. My prayers have been answered (I hope)!
VastaKustutaOH HELL YES.
VastaKustutaYou have no idea how long I've waited for something like this! :D
Seriously hope it turns out to be good! *clicks link*
I feel the need to read this simply because Pinkamena's not-at-all-animate objects are in the picture, and I need to know how that works.
VastaKustutaOh my gosh. xD This is amusing so far!
Crap I just started Past Sins AND Fallout: Equestria. Now I have to read this too. Good thing my school's roof collapsed. I got plenty of time.
VastaKustutaOkay, for what it's worth, this story was really, really good. Although if somepony doesn't mind, I'm still personally hoping for a mildly serious version of the Group of Baddies thing.
VastaKustutaStill. Five stars.
Bahahaha, this was great. I especially loved the descriptions of the Bizarro-Elements, despite the fact that they do not affect the plot.
VastaKustutaBest cliched angry ditzy doo ever!
VastaKustuta*finishes reading Fluttershy goes to hell and is about to go to sleep*
VastaKustuta*sees this story*
Son of a Gun. This sounds too good to pass up till morning.
That was pretty funny, but I felt the ending was pretty cheap. Calling yourself out on a rushed ending doesn't make it no longer a rushed ending.
VastaKustutaHa! This was a little too short for my tastes, but a hilarious read the whole way though.
VastaKustutaGood job author, I would like to see more of this style!
@Autumn Wind
VastaKustutaIt's lampshade hanging, it's completely legitimate in a comedy setting
I do believe Kool-Aid man has just burst through the fourth wall.
VastaKustutaThe premise alone reminds me of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode "The Last One".
VastaKustutaWell, that was the biggest waste of 40 minutes of my life. Then again, I'll admit it was a rather brilliantly performed waste of 40 minutes now wasn't it?
VastaKustutaI so wanted to burst out laughing when Ditzy Doo made a little guest appearance there at the end. She pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.
Great, six villains with five brain cells between them. This ought to be fun.
VastaKustutaI'm aware of what it was, and I hold to my opinion. I felt that the ending detracted from the story's quality.
Just because it's legitimate doesn't necessarily make it excellent.
I thought the story was very interesting, but I felt it appropriate to give some critique of a point I found could have used some improvement. Isn't that why we have comments in the first place?
LOVING IT. Read Chapter one, enjoyed it. My only issue is...
Dang! I was working on a similar fanfic with a slightly more serious tone.
VastaKustutaAh, well.
Back to the drawing board.
I don't know about the rest of you, but this is one of the disappointingly few stories I've read in this archive that's made me laugh out loud more than once. That's enough for five stars in my book.
VastaKustutaBoth of them? Seriously? Wow, dude, I do not envy you. Well, actually I do, given that you're getting to experience the wonder of those two stories for the first time. Anyway, I'd recommend you read Past Sins first, simply because it's shorter, not to mention complete. Fallout: Equestria is nearing the 440,000-word mark, which is well into "doorstopper" range. Seriously, if you printed it up and bound it, it'd be about three inches thick.
Why do I feel like the ending will be even more hilarious after the end of Season Two after it's revealed that Ditzy/Derpy/Whatever Hasbro feels like naming her is the Bearer of the Element of Meta.
VastaKustutaTongue-in-cheek story with a crackfic ending. I like!
VastaKustuta*spoiler alert*
VastaKustutaBrian: So, what you're saying is that what you experienced in the simulation didn't really happen, or even matter?
Stewie: Yes, that's correct.
Brian: So, it was sorta like a dream?
Stewie: No, it was a simulation.
Brian: Yes, but, theoretically, if someone watched the events of that simulation from start to finish, only to find out that none of it really happened, I mean... you don't think, that would, j— be just like a giant middle finger to them?
Stewie: Well, hopefully, they would have enjoyed the ride.
Brian: I don't know, man. I think you'd piss a lot of people off that way.
This is what i had in mind when reading the final scene, Derpy didn't seemed so pleased her self. Anyways it was still a fun fanfic to read, grate job!
*reads fanfic*
VastaKustuta[Photo Finish]Vat...has jus heppened?[/Photo Finish]
I think Derpy is neck-to-neck with Pinkie in terms of Fourth Wall Demolition.
VastaKustutaUtterly confusing in a good way. Derpy as brilliant.
VastaKustutaThanks for all the comments, everyone! I had a lot of fun writing this, even if the ending was a tad uninspired. :P
VastaKustuta@ Fawfulcopter:
Oh... Um... Hmm. I guess I just didn't think about it, since the "shipping" (if one could call it that) isn't very serious.
@ wulfmon13:
Actually, I would love to see a serious version of a supervillian team story, so I think you should keep working on what you've got! (frankly, I'm amazed that this idea hasn't been exploited to death already...)
Wow... that was one of the funniest stories I have the pleasure to read. huh...
VastaKustutaThis has to be one of the strangest, hammiest and downright hilarious fics I've ever read. I think the fourth wall was abused slightly too much with Derpy, but it was still great.
VastaKustutaToo bad you could not use all the potential but it was alrught, I'd like to see more fics like this. That pic was excellent and pretty much only reason why this caught my attention.
VastaKustutaReferences to "Super Friends" within the first paragraph?
And that, everypony, is how one does a parody.
VastaKustutaGood job, author, good job.
>involves Trixie
VastaKustuta>also other bad characters that are better than Trixie
Not sure if want...
Ah, that was just perfect. Was giggling and laughing the entire time reading this. So laughably cheesy but not in a "boring, seen it already" kind of way. Well done
VastaKustutaThis has just made my night!~
VastaKustutaAt least the Legion of Gloom accomplished more than Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.
VastaKustutaThis story earns one flat what and about five minutes of laughter. I regret not finding the time to read this when it was first posted, but at least I've remedied it now.
VastaKustutaIt's funny how half of these villains relate to Rarity.
VastaKustutaDerpy: Whaddaya mean, 'I said I wanted to talk to your supervisor' and stormed off in a huf....Oh, wait. I haven't done that yet. [smiles] Wibbly-wobbly......
VastaKustutaThe fourth wall appears to be in pieces at this point.
VastaKustutaI'm OK with this.
Doctor, Derpy, Lyra, Bon-Bon, PON-3, and Octavia. In league with the Mane Six. Pitted against the Legion of Doom, now led by Discord.
VastaKustuta...More please. If you don't mind.
I like where this second story is going.
VastaKustutaCan't wait to read more.
*tapping hooves together in applause*
VastaKustutaLegion of Gloom vs The League of Fanons.
VastaKustutaIt's about to get crazy!
League of Fanon indeed.
VastaKustutaBut it didn't have Pinkie ponyglomping Ovtavia...
>Spaceballs reference
>the ending being exactly I expected and hoped it would be
Have I mentioned how much I love this story?
Yeesh, how it is so much crap gets tons of comments but this one barely gets notice? ONE comment since this was posted? yeesh.
VastaKustutaAdmittedly, that last chapter wasn't all that, but still.
VastaKustutaDon't worry, it'll pick up in the next chapter. This chapter was kinda the "get introductions out of the way" part of the story; in the next one things really heat up.
Did you just self-insert? Shaaaammmmmeeeeeee
VastaKustuta>an overly egotistic showmare with a severe inferiority complex
>comically half-witted, scratchy-voiced dogs
>a pile of rocks and a bag of flour
If it's possible for this sort of thing to be serious in any way, I want to see it happen as well.
VastaKustuta"SO!" said Charles the Awesomest Pony in every universe. "A self-insert villain, eh? I know how to defeat you with... a CRITIC!!"
Comic Book Guy waddles out, "Worst... fan-fic.... everrrr!!"
"Ha ha! Your ego is melting! And soon... your world will become MINE!!! And my self-insert shall rule FORRREVERRRR!! And ship with Twlight.... mrowr!" ;3
gah no time to read..... *bookmark*
VastaKustutaDear god... the ball of lint bucket of turnips pile of rocks and sack of flour are some version of the weeping angels!?
VastaKustutaOH SHIT.
(Spolier)Derpy makes the forth wall her bitch(Spoiler)
VastaKustutaThis story was exactly as I hoped it would be. Outrageously hammy and nonsensical
@Display Name
VastaKustutaIf you're interested, there's a story here called Elements of Anarchy that's basically a serious version of this concept, although it doesn't have the Diamond Dogs or Pinkie's imaginary friends.
This story doesn't need a critic...it's got Derpy. ;)
Is this John Perry is diffrent than John Perry that got Ig Nobel award? (btw. Ig Nobel award is diffrent than "normal" Nobel award)
VastaKustutaYeah, different guy. But I love that dude's essays on procrastination!
@ElChrisman99: Oh Shit indeed.
VastaKustutaBut that does explain a lot...
Wait, so if the self insert is in league with the villain, doesn't that technically mean that the game is lost so long as the league of fanon and mane six play along, or doesn't it also mean that because the author is writing everything that is happening, is in control of the author and self insert, including who lives or dies, wins or loses, suddenly this looks to be unfair... in every way I can think of, Cant wait to see how it ends!
VastaKustutaI really wonder if the lack of comments on this and other stories is because they are being regulated to the story updates instead of getting front page time.
VastaKustutaI continue to enjoy this (even without Dr. Who knowledge, which the author so cleverly lampshades), and it makes me sad to think this story may get ignored because the blog has gone mad...
VastaKustutaAw, thanks for the compliment!
I wouldn't worry about this story getting ignored - the viewcount for the document is far more impressive than the lack of comments here would suggest. A lot of readers look and leave without commenting, it's just how the internet works (and it makes those comments I do get that much more meaningful!).
And the update queue for EqD is so ridiculously huge I don't think there's another way they could logically report on all these updates without burying actual news. Besides, this website gets millions of views - even if any stories are getting less views under the new system, we're still being given the opportunity to tap into a pretty sizable audience, so I can't complain.
GENIUS! Ditzy was fantastic.
VastaKustutaLooking forward to (another) Sequel to this, Possibly one of the more LOL stories that are out there!
Absolutely loved it! I was laughing most of the way through the final chapter, and the end of chapter 4 was great and suited the music. Can't wait to see what you do with Tom!
:D :D :D
Amazingly, the music actually synced up brilliantly with my reading pace.
VastaKustutaA GOOD READ!
Cant wait for the third story, all great trilogies come in threes after all.
VastaKustutaTom comes. And with him comes the end of all things!
VastaKustutaAll i have to say is... GENIOUS!!!!!! AMAZING. I WANT MORE.
VastaKustutaHere comes Tom.
VastaKustutaHe sounded like he probably put on a pair of shades when he said it too.
As soon as the Doctor said there's two things you never put in a fanfic, I knew EXACTLY what he was going to say. And the music made it more than 20% cooler.
VastaKustutaThis had me laughing the whole way through!
VastaKustutaTrixie and Blueblood's....um, interactions were just PRICELESS.
And the return of Sir Lintsalot...that was just crazy.
Sadly Rainbow Dash loses her wings in a tragic accident before she reaches Sweet Apple Acres. However, her grief doesn’t last long because now she doesn’t have to make a decision between her friends and the Wonderbolts. And then she adopts Scootaloo who’s lost her parents and they become a happy little family.
VastaKustutaMeanwhile Pinkie’s different personalities fight against each other in the mind of the pink pony until she becomes whole a good again, while Rarity realizes that her one and only love is Applejack. However Applejack isn’t at home because she has to save her sister from zombie ponies in the Everfree Forest. And just in that moment Twilight decision to try out a name spell to impress Twilight and everything goes downhill….
What a great start for a third chapter, especially the Fluttershy scene. I didn’t notice it until now but it becomes a common theme in fan fics that Fluttershy “adopts” all kind of creepy creatures. So far I counted a zombie bunny, a Xenomorph and a vampire.
But are there really no other Fandom clinches for Rarity than Tom? Come on Brony fandom, we can do better than that.
Cliche for Rarity -- losing it all because she's too generous, or just bad luck, or whatever. There's probably three or four fics like that.
VastaKustutaMY GOD I love The Leigon of Gloom stories! I have to say, this latest arc is the best yet...
VastaKustuta@The Commander I know! These are about the best, most insane and hilarious parodies ever!
VastaKustutaAnd now they must face Princess Trollestia...
Well, at least it's not Princess Molestia! Then they'd really be in a sticky situation! Emphasis on the 'sticky' part... XP
Nooo....not Dinky~
VastaKustutaI haven't given much thought to this story so far, just something silly to read in the train. But the end with Derpy here was very nice. Finally some emotion. I will be curious to see where you take it.
VastaKustutaUm... wow. That's a huge whiplash.
VastaKustutaIt's great how you make these stories both utterly ridiculous yet at the same time realisticly serious. Dinky showing up is going to end in tears, I just know it.
It's great that you manage to both celebrate and mock the fandom in one story! Keep it up!
Oh wow, a shoutout!
VastaKustutaOh wait, Octy wants to kill me...
VastaKustutaWait...CoffeeGrunt is reading MY story?
*squee!* ohmygoshohmygoshOhMyGoshOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!!
VastaKustutaDaz Nasty....
VastaKustutaMoar Nyx Pleeeez
also, you rock. Like, seriously dude. You rock.
Your creativity is over 9000!
VastaKustutaI asked for MOAR NYX!
Your the bestest most awesomest fourth wall breaker that isn't a bouncy pink pony named pie!
I approve of this so hard >.>
VastaKustutaThis story gets better every time! Now the Lunar Republic is quoting the Occupy Movement! WHERES MAH
VastaKustutaYou know what's really funny about having a dozen characters in a room at once? There go long stretches of time where somepony does absolutely nothing at all, and when she does it's like "Oh yeah, she's there. What has she been doing all this time?"
VastaKustutaJust so you know, that wasn't actually sarcasm, and this is one of the funniest things I've ever read. I love how each consecutive episode causes the series to become a further parody of itself.
@The Commander
VastaKustutaIT SHALL NOT END!!!
For I shall invade it! A self-insert, you say? NAY!! A complete hijacking of the story!
I shall become... TEH ULTIMATE HAXX0RZ TROLL!!! >:D
And then insanity will last FOREVERRRRRR!!!
@Alondro Doubtfully plausible in an inexplicable way.
VastaKustutaYay, its complete now!
VastaKustutaOnce I have invaded the story, I shall assume the persona of Discord, as his disco version! "You can't spell Discord without 'disco', my fine fillies! Ohhhhh yeaaahhhh! Time to get down and boogie!"
VastaKustutaAnd Disco Discord won instantly, for no one could beat his funky town.
Is it possible to break the fourth wall in text form? I always figured that the fourth wall literally referred to the invisible wall on a stage where the audience is. Is there an equivalent for stories? Breaking the cover? But what about internet stories? Breaking the screen?
VastaKustutaThe author should have made a whole paragraph debating that. I, at least, would have found it hilarious.
VastaKustutaIs it wrong that I'm VERY pissed off about the way he ended "Between a Rock and a Hard Place"?
VastaKustutaSeriously, this fanfic needs more publicity.