• Story: Head In The Clouds

    [Shipping] Straight Dash shipping? Is that even allowed?

    Author: DJnickbeta
    Description: Hoops is plagued by a recurring nightmare of losing the mare that he loves, Rainbow Dash. Now that he's determined to act on his feelings, will his admission strike a chord with the tomboyish Pegasus, or will he just end up alienating her further?

    Head In The Clouds

    Additional Tags: Dreams, Extended Metaphors, Hoofball, Conflict, Resolution

    40 kommentaari:

    1. Wow, a straight Dashie ship! I will read later.

    2. rainbow dash shipped with one of the bullies? that's different.

    3. A non-lesbian pony fic? I haven't read (or seen) one of them in over 2 months!!!

      Just for that, I will read it tonight. So that's 3 fics planned for reading tonight...

    4. excellent story i liked the incorporation of gilda in there

    5. Lololol :D
      My reaction was exactly the same.
      Non-lesbian?? RLY???? Impossible :)
      3 x 5 stars so far... tempting.

    6. I always preferred straight dash not that I'm prejudiced it just seemed that all of the mane 6 would be straight

    7. Straight shipping > gay shipping, IMHFO.

      It's always way more cute when the couples are, you know, natural. <3

    8. Is the male an OC pony?

    9. Straight Dash?? YUSH!!

      Reading this as soon as I can!

    10. @ Freekles1245
      No, Hoops is one of the male pegasi that taunts Rainbow 'Crash' in the episode 'Sonic Rainbow'.
      Not only is Dash straight, but with a moron like Hoops? I hope this works for you, but for me, ugh, no thanks.

    11. @Pony In Chief Oh, ok. I didn´t know their names, so he was an OC to me. Thaks for the info.

    12. I gotta say, there's slash, and then there's SLASH. And no, I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed.

      But hey, love and tolerance for everybody. But I think I'll go reread "Thunder and Lighting" instead. Enjoy. :)

    13. I've read 90% of all Dash ship fics. This is an interesting, if unappealing, concept to me. =|

    14. "Is that even allowed?"

      No it is not! *Refuses to read*

      I like my fanon Dash as a fillyfooler. :D

    15. Hmm. I don't quite get what the point of Gilda was there... I hope not just to make her suffer.


    17. I read it just because it was straight shipping, for once. The story wasn't that bad, but I find it that this is star-3 at best. Also the tidbit with Gilda could have been fleshed out more to give the story some more depth. Right now her role doesn't do much, except making RD feel worse and kinda encourage Hoops. Also I felt that it was a little too short, the ending coming a tad too soon, but oh well.

      Maybe the story could have played out better if Hoops had gone to RD's house when Gilda was still there? It could've helped Hoops stand out more in RD's eyes and so forth, but that may be just me.

      It was a nice fic, but not really that special outside of actually being straight.

    18. Just curious; How long does it take for a story to go from submission to getting posted?

      Also straight Dash is best Dash. :D

    19. @GaruuSpike

      "It's always way more cute when the couples are, you know, natural. <3"


    20. Finally, a shipping fanfic I can work with, straight ponies seem better and less awkward. Plus it's a Rainbow Dash, STRAIGHT, shipfic. I shall read this.

    21. I liked it. I just wish there had been more to the end. Reminds me of my attempts at fanfic. Decent beginning, great ending, but I can never figure out a good middle. XD

    22. Is there going to be a sequel, because it should.

    23. Is it even allowed?
      What part of "Rainbow Dash is shipped with everything" don't you understand;)

    24. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    25. Just finished reading, it's a cute story that I can "daaaw" at. I give it 5 stars for quality and slightly for the fact that it's a straight fanfic. I hope there will be a sequel to this. And yes, I'm pretty sure straight fanfics ARE allowed, especially with RD.

    26. It's cute but I don't care for the couple. Also @GarruSpike: You sicken me...and looking at a lot of these comments I see this community is more homophobic then I once thought...though I'm going to assume that these homophobes are a minority.

    27. Straight Dash? Must..not...read..must...resist...HNNGGH!

    28. Hey everyone! Thank you for all of your feedback, it's been pretty cool hearing your thoughts about my writing. Now to cover a few concerns.

      For anyone who doesn't like the fic solely because of the ship, I understand. What really inspired me to include Hoops was a statement that I believe Cereal made in the most recent Q and Neigh referring to the antagonists in "Sonic Rainboom" as a "spot of bad dialogue." I actually started the story after listening to that audio. I personally thought that, with the right scenario, Hoops' personality could be developed into one that is actually likeable. On the topic of RD, she's always been my favorite pony, and I've always pictured her as being straight, even if that's not the norm for the fanon. That being said, I have nothing against lesbian fanfiction. I could see myself writing some, but only if the pairing actually inspired me.

      Also, for those of you who mentioned that there should be a sequel, I haven't made a decision as to what course of action I should take. I said to myself when I submitted the fic that if it was popular, I would write more to it. I'll most likely stick to that, but there's no guarantee what my next story will be. I promise you this, if you like the story, watch for anything else that I write. I'm a fan of one-shot completed stories, so that's mostly what I'm going to be producing.

      If you have any other comments or anything like that, I'll be sure to check back in later.

    29. @DJnickbeta:It was nice to see some well written Hoops stuff and I look forward to what you may do with him in a different story....or in a continuation of this either one.

    30. I liked it, but I thought that Dash saying that she wanted Gilda out of her life was really out of character. Especially when you consider the fact that Hoops has been an ass to Dash all her life, and Gilda has been Dash's friend for most of it.
      And the one she gives the chance to is HOOPS?

    31. Yes straight Dash shipping because she could be bisexual for all we know.

    32. @Erroneous
      I started to write out a huge explanation, but then I realized that in reality, reading all of it confused me. I'll put what I was thinking in basic terms.

      Losing a long-term friend is extremely traumatic, especially when Gilda leaves in the manner that she does. Losing her left a lot of bitterness in Dash's heart.

      It's common to see people who are long-term rivals eventually become friends, and Rainbow Dash would definitely need an equally strong personality opposing hers in a relationship. Remember the way Dash's apology was structured, too. She really wasn't expecting Hoops' confession, but the idea that he was a colt that accepted her for who she is gelled with her enough to give him a chance.

      Maybe it's a stretch, but that's my rationale.

    33. I lieked the story very much, especially since it was straight. Nothing wrong with fillyfooler Dash, I just think she'd be bi if anything.

      The one line that got me though was the whole, "It's really hard for me to find a colt that isn't immediately put off by the way I act." Srsly? The way she acts is the reason why she is best pony. If everyone was ponies, I'd had such a wingboner for her. That kind of attitude in a girl is way hot, but I digress.

    34. @DJ
      Thats fair. I'm just being an overzealous Gilda fan. (Also known as a regular Gilda fan, also known as non-existent) XD

    35. 3 stars for story, 1.5 for the ship. And only that much because, fuck, I'm really tired of OCs in fanfics.
