• Story: The Pony Poetry Series (Update Story 2!)


    Author: Aquarian Poet
    Description: Fluttershy stumbles across a poem she wrote as a filly, a poem she wrote the day after she receives her cutie mark!
    What happened to the little filly after she dropped out of the sky?
    The Pony Poetry Series: Fluttershy's Poem (All Links)

    Additional Tags: Fluttershy, Humor/Terror, Ponyville, Poetry

    Description: Pinkie Pie pays her Granny Pie a visit to learn a new recipe for Sugarcube Corner...
    but learns something about herself in the end, and about the magic of laughter.
    The Pony Poetry Series: Pinkie Pie's Lullaby (New!)

    Additional Tags: Pinkie Pie, Granny Pie, Heartwarming, Backstory, Humor


    1. Sounds cute, and I need me some cute right now.

    2. Aww, I love this author! Teenage Cheerilee is perfect in this story!

    3. I'm reading this...... And all I can think of is how awesome it is that Cherilee, Vinyl, and Big Mac all were delinquents.

      I want to read more of this.

    4. Wow guys... thanks for reading this. And a BIG thanks to Equestria Daily for posting this story!

    5. I wholeheartedly support this work of cute and sweet and NOT grimdark. The anonymous masses demand moar.

    6. That was actually quite an interesting read, looking forward to more. :)

    7. Heh heh... all of these spoilers...

    8. Good read, definitely worth the time to click!

      Also, Strobe Light Spell. God, I died at that!

    9. ATTEN-HUT!

      This is one disgustingly cute story.

      AT EASE!

    10. What a story! Hey Aquarian, when Are you going to update this? I gotta see how it ends!!!

    11. I'm planning on finishing it by the end of the month. I'm trying to finish my other stories first, though. =)

      >implying you should read my other stories

    12. (Blushes) Oh my.... you're wriiting a clopfic too.

    13. This starts off as such as cute Fluttershy fic... and then I totally didn't see that coming. Interested to see where this goes.

    14. Sooooooooooo cuuuuuuuutttte!!!!

    15. Well, this is a bit NOT a poem.

      Still good though.

    16. Even in the first two paragraphs, you've got Tolkein levels of detail. Now, normally, I'd be afraid if I saw that, but it's just so beautifully woven in. Unlike him, you've actually managed to figure out just how much detail you can squeeze in without it being too much. Very, very impressive. I can't wait to finish it.

    17. Sweet, needs an update!

    18. This was a truly beautiful story. I loved how it provided insight on how Fluttershy and Rarity met and became friends, the side story of how Cheerilee became a teacher, and especially Fluttershy's beautiful poem.

      This was an amazing story, and I definitely can't wait to read more pony poetry fics!

    19. Thanks JoeyH! Ponies like you are what make writing worthwhile.

    20. You're very welcome, Aquarian Poet. This really is one of my favorite fanfics. The writing, dialog, details, and mental imagery are all quite exquisite!

    21. Pointing out that Cheerilee's cutie mark is the same color scheme as Fluttershy... absolutely brilliant.

    22. wheres part 2? it sais "updated! new chapter out, go see it!" and also "fluttershys poem (complete)" but its not complete

    23. @jimmythehoboeater It just means that Part 3 is out, and that the story is complete. Sorry for any confusion that may have caused.

      And thanks a ton, Spikely and Sketch!

    24. @Aquarian Poet Wow! This was the first fic that I've read; and well, thank you! :D I never thought that I would find myself reading fics! But this was cute and touching, and it fit so well into the actual show. And praise God my first fic wasn't a shipping one, I love my non-sexual pony cuteness the way it was made to be; fun, sweet, cute, and full of Fluttershy squeaks. The fic was amazing and added some depth to Cheerilee's character. i sincerely look forward to reading your other work. Thanks again! ^_^

    25. This story was downright perfect until the end. The attention to detail, and the INGENIOUS little backstories (sx. the manticore in the forest, Fluttershy's resemblance to Cheerilee's cutie mark, and Cheerilee's development into a teacher) made this story the perfect read. And the lack of Grimdark was refreshing, to say the least.

      A review on the site, and 5-stars all around! Please finish the rest!

    26. Thank you so much, jacobroe37 and Dr.Soil.Enrricher, that really means a lot.

      This story... is so close to reaching 6-stars. Just a few more votes and it'll get there.

      All you wonderful ponies who loved this story... please, oh please, click on that fifth star right below the title.

    27. @Aquarian Poet I made a blogger just so i can vote for you. You deserve six stars!

    28. A very wonderful and heartfelt story. And it gets the honor of going into my collection of favorite pony stories.

      I hope it gets that six star tag it deserves as well! :D

    29. Wow guys... six stars. You guys are amazing.

      Thank you all so much!

    30. The first one was nice but the second...I went from laughing myself silly to nearly bawling at the end.

      There needs to be a thing such as a 7-star story. This would be one.

    31. This series is amazing! Funny and heart-wrenching all at once!

      Quilton said it all!

    32. Seriously, this was amazing. I hadn't seen these before (I came to be a Brony rather late) but reading both these stories warmed my heart and salted my cheeks. So not fair. I wasn't expecting the level of emotion I got from these. I'll be keeping an eye out for more from you Aquarian.

    33. @Quilton

      =) If only. But comments like these are worth much more.

      @The Bookwyrm

      You've put such a stupid grin on my face. Thanks!
