• Story: A Familiar Shape, A Different Taste

    [Shipping m/m]

    Author: Doctor Dapples
    Description: After weeks of anticipation, Soarin' finally gets a night to himself. Naturally, he decides to go out for pie.

    But when he gets to Sweet Apple Acres, things turn out a little different.
    A Familiar Shape, A Different Taste

    Additional Tags: pie, dancing, cooking, romantic, coltcuddling

    24 kommentaari:

    1. I think this is the first m/m I've seen. We don't exactly have a surplus of males in this fandom.

    2. YAY A M/M STOR- wait I already read this one. :<

    3. Heh. Male to male shipping with the title "A Familiar Shape, A Different Taste." My guttermind is working.

    4. Already read this one, it's pretty good though.

    5. Hello, what do we have here? Never thought I'd see this on ED, it's been almost two months! Two very critically-acclaimed months if I'm reading the feedback right.

    6. ACCEPT'D!!
      I'm not sure if I'll read it, but I tolerate it

    7. Not my thing but great to see the community diversifying.

    8. Why is it always Caramel who's the fanonical gay guy in the cast?

    9. Is Caramel one of the background ponies?

    10. @DJ Kat

      For the same reason there's plenty of female-female shipping: metric ton of characters, 90% of whom are female and very, very few Male cast members, all of whom get very little screen time or character development...except for maybe Spike. Not that I would consider that a failing of the show itself considering its purpose and intended audience, though it means fandom has to do that much more leg work in terms of filling in the gender gaps and predictably male/male pairings (and even straight pairings) seem to fall by the wayside.

    11. @Haz

      Yeah, I did too and I spit my drink on my keyboard when I saw this.

    12. Very sweet story! Easy and refreshing read. Caramel is one of my favorite background ponies, so it is so nice to see him getting some attention. This is a pairing I wouldn't have thought of, but it's adorable.

    13. @R10t Pol1ce

      Caramel helps out at Sweet Apple Acres in Winter Wrap Up, and is one of the two ponies who pulls the carriage to the gala in The Best Night Ever. He's named onscreen and has one spoken line, so he's perhaps a little bit more of a character than your average background pony.

    14. Very well written, one of the few times I've had no complaints in regards to the technical aspect of the writing. I feel like as well done as this piece was, something was holding it back from its true potential; in all honesty, it felt a little like a clopfic that had been trimmed for publication. :V

      That said, I did really enjoy it; while not substantial enough to be a story I'll remember forever, certainly a great read for a bit of light entertainment. We definitely need to see more m/m shipping in this fandom, and avoiding the use of both Caramel and Braeburn was impressive.

    15. I have no idea who Caramel is, but I am open to the whole M/M fan fics. I'll check it out.

    16. Yay! Congrats on making EqD Dapples! :D

    17. Equestria needs more M/M goodness. It's the best kind of shipping there is!

    18. Hey, about time this got posted, it's good stuff.

    19. Hooray! Another M/M shipfic. Very well written. The story may not be an epic, but I enjoyed it.

    20. Ha, this was so cute! A more assertive Caramel than I'm used to seeing. (Not saying that's better or worse than shy Caramel--I actually like both versions, they're just different.)

      When I first saw Caramel in the show I figured he must belong to the Apple family somehow, so that fits well IMO.

      I think the one true pairing is still Soarin' + apple pie, though. Maybe there will be a followup where Caramel helps Soarin' go to a Pastry Lovers Anonymous meeting?

    21. >the chef poured a small amount of brown liquid into the mixing bowl.
      >Coconut is the one who gets it for me
      -...wait ? :)
      *Coconut* + what happens to sound like *Rum* ? Whould you happen to know this pony here, by any chance ? ;) : http://beh-bear.deviantart.com/art/Little-Coconut-215667189

      ... Well, it's a short but 'ok' story, I would say ...

    22. A homosexual relationship in the pony universe...

      This guy is breaking some ground!

    23. Yay for this, yay for this on so many damn levels.

      Have hoof-fuls of stars. I insist.

      No seriously though; For its length, it does exactly what I had hoped it would do. It makes me smile happily, and gives me a severe case of the cutebumps.
