• Story: Endless Gifts

    [Normal]  "This was cute... extremely cute... teeth rottingly cute"- Pre Reader with bad teeth

    Author: JenovaII
    Description: One of the Cutie Mark Crusaders gets her Mark. Will jealousy break up the Crusaders forever?
    Endless Gifts

    Additional Tags: Growing up is hard!

    49 kommentaari:

    1. I've been waiting for this story forever!

      Glad somebody finally decided to take this topic on.

    2. Hmm. Never read a CMC story before. Maybe this will be the first.

    3. Is this... is this about Sweetie Belle?!


      I can now die happy. Thank you Jenovall!

    4. Very Intriguing,
      Definitely bookmarked to read for later

    5. Wow. Just... wow. Tugs a bit on the heartstrings (no pun intended), not hard enough to cry manly tears but enough to moisten the eyes a bit.

    6. the most charming, "normal" fanfic as of late!

    7. A very cute and very nice story. Go Applebloom!

    8. Downloading to take a look at later tonight. Sounds pretty good from the description.

    9. Ending with Applebloom kinda reminded me of Care Bears...

    10. this put a smile on my face. good work.

    11. Girly tears were shed, man. Girly tears were shed.


    12. I was looking through it again the other day, just to re-re-re-edit it, and i totally lost it on Apple Bloom's line to Twilight: "If it means all mah friends are gonna [spoiler]." I started crying.


      The person who wrote the story.

      Who knew what was going to happen.


    13. @jenovaii

      Don't worry, I do that all the time. It just means you put all your emotion into writing it. If you've got enough of a connection to the character to feel their sorrow or elation, it makes for a more powerful story. ^_^

      Interesting ideas involving the cutie marks -- that was incredibly unique. Seriously hoping to see some beautiful fanart for this story.

    14. I loved Big Mac's reaction to the big heart.

    15. Wow. That was cute.

    16. my blood, it's becoming caramel

    17. short and awesome story

      i believe i now have diabetes...

    18. Lol at Big Macintosh being an over-protective brother :P
      I liked it. Very much. 5 stars!

    19. My teeth! My teeeeeth!
      Love it <3

    20. I really like this story except for one thing -- the cutie marks. Seriously, Apple Blooms is disturbing, and the other two aren't much better (based on toy ponies or not). I guess the story wouldn't work if AB's wasn't like it was but still...

    21. This was a touching fic. Solid characterization, and nice job keeping the foals from seeming too mature - kids will be kids!

      I was more distracted by picturing their tattooed-punk-like looks in later years - especially AB. It's like a Ponified Jack from Mass Effect 2... :P

    22. Loved the story, gave it 5 stars!
      But the line "Your friendship is in critical condition" was cringe-inducing.

    23. @Colegate55 yeeeeeaah, Flutts isn't a character i write too well. that line bugs me, too, but i can't really think of how to say want i wanted to say.

    24. "Twilight watched her, a little worried. She was glad the filly had come to her for advice, but frankly, Cutie Marks had never been that big of a deal to her."


      Uh-huh. Whatever you say, Twilight...

    25. My instinctive recoiling from the ending was a result of years of never buying into the sappy happily-ever-afters slapped onto the ends of some stories. If there's anything I take issue with, it's the ultra-sugary, clean-cut ending. Otherwise, a cute story.


    27. @Shannon i think you mean MANLY TEARS

    28. no shanon i think you mean MANLY TEARS

    29. Too Short; Didn't Read.



      I kid, I kid. I gave it a quick skim. It is now on my Bookmark list of To Read stories. Now I just have to figure out how to keep dA from refreshing every 30 seconds, eating up my Virtual Memory, and causing Firefox to crash.

    30. I read this story over at FF.net and I just had to read it again when I saw it was posted here! Won't give anything away, but this story was sweet, a bit sad, but it all came together in the end!! 5/5 stars!

    31. Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

      Yeah, Big Mac's line was the best. ;)

    32. "Not an apple cutie mark? I ONLY HAVE ONE GRAND DAUGHTER!"-Granny Smith.

      I kid, I kid...that was cute.

    33. Apple Bloom's cutie mark is the most ridiculously overkill thing I have ever heard of.

      And somehow manages to pull of being that in a good way.

      Congratulations, author. I am amaze.

    34. Dammit. Now I'm going to have to go back to the dentist.

    35. Don't let Apple Bloom wield the Elements of Harmony. I don't think Equestria could take it.

      (BTW, she could totally wield-all six-at-once Celestia style but better)


      Too much magic....

    37. Concratulation Mrs... I mean Ms Apple, it's a Cutie Mark!

      Really cute, but the cutie mark scene reminded me in some sick way of giving birth xD

    38. I was a little weirded out by their cutie marks to be honest. I mean, what's so special about the CMC that they get such intricate and enormous cutie marks when quite literally everypony else in the world only gets a small one on the bum. And Applebloom's threw me off the most. Reckon she looks like the pony equivalent of those guys that tattoo their whole bodies now, and the mental imagery of her mark is just... weird.

      Still, despite this, it was a very well made and very touching story. I actually almost teared up at the fountain scene and it's hard to get me to do that.

    39. I am having a cuteness overload!

      Oh, and this story gave me diabetes.

    40. >It was a cute, fat blue bird, its mouth open in song
      -Well, everyone already knew, but anyway : Yay ! :D

      >Scootaloo hissed, and she pushed Sweetie backwards.
      -Even considering Scootaloo, it's seem a bit big and sudden for a reaction ?
      Maybe if she had *grumbled* first, then got progressively angry... Just thinking.

      >I thought you guys would be really close friends
      -Wouldn't ''girls'' work better, since they are all fillys, you know ?

      >"I got it!" Scootaloo's voice could have shattered glass.
      -*windows shatter* ''The windows ! Now ah got to repair them again...'' *Cutie mark appears*
      (that would have been quite funny, if it had happened) ;)

      >Scootaloo passively waved a hoof.
      -Not sure I like how Scootaloo is portrayed as so insensible, especially toward her friends, in this story...

      >"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!" Then, as an afterthought: "Yay!"
      -Hurray :)

      ... Applebloom got a Mega-Cutie mark or something ? It's all good, but still strange. This must be a 'century-rare' occasion ...

      >Plus, if it wasn't for her, the Cutie Mark Crusaders would never have been friends in the first place."
      -Huh ? *Re-watch the episode* Not at all ?
      Zecora has nothing to do with the CMC, as a whole... just Applebloom in this one episode. In fact, Applebloom is the only CMC that Zecora ever see in the series.

      >"Her special talent is...friendship?" Applejack repeated.
      -Mmh, odd but nice, I suppose. :)
      Twilight will SURELY talk about this in her next 'Friendship Report'
      Such a rare mark might even interest the Princesses, who knows ?

      ... It was a good story ...

    41. Applebloom is a Twice as Fancy pony! Awesome!

    42. @Nova25

      "... It was a good story ..."

      You forgot to mention the huge smile on your face. :D

    43. I loved it! The one thing I kept thinking was "What?! The ponies are evolving!"

    44. I wonder if the relative sizes in cutie marks is due to their ages when they got them?

    45. Did anypony else think of this story when they watched the 6th episode of season two?
