• Story: CRISIS: Equestria (Update Sequel Complete!)

    [Adventure] [Dark]

    Author: GanonFLCL / Assisted by The Living Couch / Bee Are / Devnator
    Description: Twilight Sparkle and her friends find themselves in another universe, and their very being there threatens to tear their own world apart. They must find their way home, with the help of some new-found friends. But their quest is not without its obstacles, and this new world is ready to test their courage and their strength to their fullest...

    Crisis: Equestria
    Crisis: New World Order (New Sequel Part 23)

    Additional Tags: Action, Fantasy, Discord, Harmony, Epic

    (Potential spoilers in images!)

    Fan Art by Starlightspark

    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 1
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 2
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 3
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 4
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 5
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 6
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 7
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 8
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 9
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 10
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 11
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 12
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 13
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 14
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 15
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 16
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 17
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 18
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 19
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 20
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 21
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 22
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 23
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 24
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 25
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 26
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 27
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 28
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 29
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 30
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 31
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 32
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 33
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 34
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 35
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 36
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 37
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 38
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 39
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 40
    CRISIS: Equestria: Chapter 41

    399 kommentaari:

    1. Oh dear... another alternate universe? PINKAMINA DIANE PIE?

      I should read this...

    2. Holy Celestia that picture is awesome

    3. Hey lookie someone finally learned from Pen Stroke's Past Sins on how to get people to actually read

    4. That picture makes an enticing point...

    5. That's a lot of OCs...

    6. Picture...too...epic... must, read.

    7. Oh look, someone else decided to go the fancy-commisioned picture route of Past Sins.
      Well, let's hope that this story manages to get it right the first time around...

    8. That picture makes me want to read this more than the description does.

    9. If the story is half as awesome as that artwork I will die f***ing happy.

      This pic is in the dictionary between Badass and Badasser.

    10. Is the pic related? If so, I'm readin' my first GrimDark.

    11. I think I'll hold off on this one until its complete.

    12. That picture...
      If the story is anywhere as good as it we have a new winner here

    13. For those who are wondering this is an Alternate Universe Fic

    14. Soon every single long story novel will include this kinda image

    15. Past Sins, what have you done? Now all the authors are going to include epic article images, forcing me to read them despite not having the time to do so!

    16. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    17. Dat pic... god damn Starlight you beast. Take note fanfic writers, it's called a "hook" - teaming up with artists pays off. Well off to read now.

    18. Was just sitting here thinking, I know GanonFLCL has recently finished writing a long sotry but I can't remember what. Turns out it was "Of Mares and Magic" so definitely one to keep an eye on.

      And yeah, cool picture = want to read. If it works, why not go for it.

    19. Holy shit, that is one hell of an art work.

    20. Transition from light-hearted comedy/shipping to alternate universe grimdark. HHNNGGGHH!!!

      I might leave this 'til it gets some story reviews. On a side note, might start whipping some artists for a custom cover of my own OCs. XD

      Nice to see Ganon didn't let the Mares and Magic ending-based shitstorm faze him. Let's hope he kept the standard he set with that.

    21. what the worst thing, is that i daydreamed this :P but kinda different, it was like a 5 evil group of ponies trying to take over equestria XD

    22. The ponies battling evil versions of themselves? I'm sold.

    23. So far so good, Ganon. Can't wait to read more! My only request is that your physically space out the paragraphs a little. Makes it easier on the eyes. Somepony was complaining about it in the google docs chat, and I have to somewhat agree.

    24. epic image... elements of discord... im sold. will read.

    25. Aw. Mah. Gawd.

      That image.

      Bibliophilia activate!

    26. Here we go, another Fic on my reading schedule.

    27. What's this? An Adventure Fic that ISN'T a Crossover?
      I will definitely have to read this later.

    28. Oh my Celestia so many OCs. D:

    29. So much awesome in the picture. I love all the details that are put into it, especially Pinkamena Diane Pie's cutie mark.

    30. ♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

    31. Damn, that's a badass picture. Times like this I wish I could draw.

    32. I went the other route and just wrote my stories to art so I already had custom pictures hehehe. I am so reading this! I hope it's good

    33. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    34. I need to know who did this image. I must commission things from them, whoever they are.

    35. Not reading any other posts, I would say that if the picture explains the story, I think we might have another epic story like "Past Sins"

    36. i'm solely reading this because of the picture

      pic is too epic
      but Grimdark evil...
      but the picture...

      "Read, Don't Read,Read, Don't Read,Read, Don't Read,Read, Don't Read,Read, Don't Read,Read, Don't Read,Read, Don't Read"

      Please help me
      (Explodes twice)

    38. I'm actually starting to consider getting a commission like this for A Crack of Thunder. It seems to draw to much attention and adds to the mythos of a fiction.

      Though, tbh I don't think I'm far enough to justify it. I'll consider commissioning a splash image once I'm at least halfway finished.

    39. Wow, consider me hooked! I really need to get awesome custom pics like this for my stories...if I can make 'em epic enough.

    40. Well, at least we know where the pinkie in Cupcakes came from


    41. Hmm.. this picture is VERY intriging, I think I may read it, y'know, different dimensions and all.

    42. Now that is some good cover art. Once I finish of Past Sins I'm going to have to give this a read.

    43. Why exactly would they have a nudity taboo if pants are optional anyway?

    44. So far I am hooked....I did want to joke about hating the OCs but I feared people would think I was for real.

    45. Oh God that monogle pony looks awesome. Gonna read story.

    46. Awesome pic? Alternate universe?? Doctor Whoof tag?!? AWESOMENESS OVERLOAD COUNT ME IN!!! XD

    47. @Vyuun
      At your request, I went through both chapters and added space between all the paragraphs except where I intentionally didn't.
      Nobody ever had this 'complaint' about my last fic, so I assumed it was okay - but I'd rather space it out and have everyone find it easier to read than not.
      So thanks for the heads-up!

    48. Awesome picture. Monocle pony reminds me of the Major from Hellsing.


      Damn, that image is quite nice :X
      I'll read it :Y

    50. I'm hooked. Not just by the image, which is pure awesome, but by the world you've built to place this story in. I patiently await your next installment.

    51. Confound these fics, they pull me in with pretty pictures.

    52. Loving the subtle Doctor Who stuff! Interesting story that is so far very well presented! Good work!

    53. So gonna need a PDF version for this.

      the wait begins

    54. An epic alternate universe fic by the author of Of Mares and Magic? And custom art by freakin' Starlight Spark? I am so on board with this that if I were any more so I would physically be part of the ship.

    55. Flutterage in the above art sold me to read this.

    56. Shoot, another Elements of Discord fic? :/ Let's see how this one goes...

      Pinkie's imaginings, wonderful!

      Did the scene just shift from them in Twilight's house to them in the forest, without any kind of break? The Doctor seems an odd choice to just throw out into this. That said, the alternate world is pretty interesting so far.

      Lots of little errors, you should get this proofread.

      I will check out chapter two. "Elicit", not illicit. Guess I'm glad the ponies here aren't all immediately evil. That would be a little cliche. Flathoof's coming off as a good character, at least. There's another scene break without an obvious scene break again. That's very jarring. If they end up being positioned at the end of a page (that's what the problem is), try to put some asterisks or something to denote the scene break, since you're just using whitespace otherwise.

      I think the problem I'm having with the appearance of Doctor(s?) in this is that the mane cast's circumstances are entirely outside their control, and no doubt will not be something resolvable by them either. It's all going to be on the Doctor.

      Okay, so this isn't another dimension, but just the other half of the planet? Now that's interesting... I'm not sure how clever yet. I'm not sure how I feel about Harmonia and Discordia however. And Shadowstep is a little goofy. But I think I'll keep reading this for now.

    57. May I ask how you are going to treat the dichotomy of chaos and discord? You seem to be going in a Chaos=Evil and Harmony=Good direction, would this be correct?

    58. I was about to read this after looking at the picture, but then I noticed the psycho Pinkie with the knife and (bloody?) cupcake cutie mark. I want to know if its safe for me to read this, I don't think I could stomach any extreme gore moments, or her cupcakes. I only read a small excerpt from Cupcakes when trying to learn more about it; it was a gruesome excerpt.

    59. @Present Perfect

      Trust me when I say it IS an alternate universe - I mean...it's...it's even in the fic description. This is just half of the planet that they've found themselves on.
      As for scene breaks, perhaps breaking them apart more readily is in order - again, something that never came up in my last fic that I'm actually a little surprised is coming up now. I guess that's what happens when a fic is so popular so fast!
      I will check for any more spelling or grammatical errors, though I'm surprised there are any more - I must've had like four or five people proofread this, and none of them caught things?

      There's no gorey gore stuff - some blood here and there, but nothing at all at Cupcakes level, believe me.
      She actually just happened to work *really* well together with the Cupcakes imagery - just wait until you see her name.

    60. I know this is gonna end up being the next Fallout: Equestria.
      So being the hipster that I am, I'll support the author untill it becomes mainstream. (i.e. untill I see it on "Popular Posts")

    61. I think Pinkie watched Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter to many times.

    62. @LoLZorZs
      Go elsewhere weak Hater.

      Read if you want, don't if you not.

    63. I just hope THIS "Crisis" fairs better then the DC "Crisis"


      P.S. Ganon....make sure you pace your ending better this time around, k? ;)

    64. Sounds like this story is off to a good start so far, the inclusion of Doctor Whooves looks like it could be quite intriguing; however I'm not too sure on the use of italics as emphasis personally. It seems to me like there are a few instances of words being italicised where I don't feel they need to be, and it just manages to distract me from the story at times.

      Second thing, in chapter two, when Applejack speaks it's "y'all", not "ya'll".

    65. Uh....anyone else notice that Applejack is missing her Cutie Mark in the pic?

    66. I'm really liking this story and the artwork is awesome please tell me that there's gonna be more

    67. Not a bad story. I'm definitely getting a subtle "My Little Dissidia" vibe from a few of the elements here. Almost expected to see a ponified Garland or Mateus in that office.

    68. i think we can all agree at this point that the only reason we are reading this is because of the awesome picture...

    69. I'm getting a Judge Dredd/Mega City One vibe off New Pandemonium City. This is not a bad thing. :-) Regardless, despite the shaky start I will be watching with interest.

      On to the less good. Despite your proofreaders (five? Really?), there's still a few they're missing.

      "...he sounded a might like Rainbow Dash..." - it's "mite".

      "...she chanced a though of happier times..." - "thought".

      And the apostrophe on the possessive "it's" is only used on people,not inanimate objects like portals.

      Never trust spellcheckers.

    70. I'm not sure if I want or don't want.

      It's really well written.
      But they're kind of out of character occasionally. (At least, in my opinion they are.)
      But the premise is REALLY cool.
      But everything is progressing really quickly.

      Ya know, I think I do want. This is interesting enough to keep me wanting to read this, even if it is going by kind of fast. Those two gripes above are really the only problems I have with this so far. Aside from that, it's pretty good. I hope this gets updated soon. :D

    71. I like where this is going =D Happily waiting for more.

    72. I noticed a point in chapter two where "On the other hand" was used. Shouldn't that be "hoof"?

    73. Curious about finding out the background story of this world. Pleeeease? :)

    74. OMG wth is with all the grammar/spelling flack. I've read published novels with more typos than this. Does it detract from the story that much for you?

    75. is anyone else getting, "this document is in violation of our terms and conditions" ?

    76. I avoid Dark or Grimdark tags as if they were covered in anthrax usually, and I'm really not into parallel universe fics.
      But that artwork is just...too...awesome...

    77. First you have a picture that promis us
      (Im assuming) evil versions of the 6 mane characters. Then you throw them into a dark and cool world. And now you are showing Pinkie/Rainbow Dash shipping. You are truly cruel. Waiting for the next chapter is almost as painful as waiting for season 2. This fanfic is far to awesome for it's own good!

    78. This latest chapter was certainly grimdark. Poor Snapshot... :(

    79. I just started reading today, and man oh man, that last chapter (chapter 3) made me go D:

    80. I 'unno... It's definately well written and all, and you really did set up this new world and all very well, but it's just not my thing.

      Still, good work.

    81. @Anonymous

      Glad I'm not the only one who thought that. ;)

    82. There is so much to read these days and everything just keeps getting updated, Panic!

    83. Honestly... I hate to say it. But you kinda lost me with the last chapter. Discord and Harmony works as forces, but Law and Chaos don't. While similar, the two are not the same, especially Harmony/Law.

      I mean... you are honestly, honestly asking reader to buy the premise that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are incarnations of law.

      Just for emphasis. You are asking readers to buy the premise that Pinkie Pie, and the element of laughter, are not merely more 'lawful' than 'chaotic' but are a fundamental incarnation/force of law.

    84. @Clockworkchaos
      Yeah... I gotta agree. None of the elements seem restricted to law and order. In the show, we saw them helping to restore the traditional peaceful rule of law. But they could easily be turned to more chaotic pursuits, shaking up the status quo with anything as small as helping someone get out of a personal rut or as large as taking down an unjust dictatorship.

      Also, this is much more personal and subjective, but I always saw "harmony" as having connotations of "balance" - of disparate elements working together. "Feeling Pinkie Keen" is kind of Twilight as law and Pinkie as chaos, and the message of that episode is that both their talents are useful. They respect each other's positions without changing their own. I guess I see harmony as like a yin yang, that represents how any opposing forces (like order and chaos, or trust and cynicism) can become part of a better whole without favoring any of them, and discord as a Jackson Pollock painting.

      It's not a big enough deal to me to quit reading or anything, though. Just bugs me.

    85. Actually, now that I think about it, the role of the Elements of Harmony in the first episode was less about law and order and more about balance. Celestia used them to keep Nightmare Moon from establishing eternal night. This kept the balance of nature. The new Elements restored Luna - who in the fic is described as chaotic - and restored the balance of leadership.

      Sorry, I hate to post so much disagreement when I'm really enjoying the story! It's just that I haven't thought about this topic before and now I'm finding it interesting.

    86. And my big post got deleted, wonderful.


      Let's try this again.
      First off, this chapter got uploaded in record time from when I sent the submit email - three hours? Wow! I'm used to twelve-plus. So sadly, my expectations end up putting me in a bind, because I was unable to be here to go over your concerns immediately.

      So here's my point:
      GOOD! I am *glad* you guys are questioning my Law/Chaos magic system. I did this completely with the intention that these very specific concerns would arise.
      I did not make up this magic system expecting anyone at all to take it at face value. I *want* you guys to question how the magic system in this world works, because the characters *themselves* will be questioning it as well. To provide a minor spoiler, Twilight Sparkle shares your concerns exactly, and even brings up very specifically, Pinkie Pie. This will actually be happening within the next chapter or two, depending on how well the plot-lines flow length-wise.
      I assure you, the understanding or lack thereof of the magic system in this world is a *crucial* plot point - I did not just make it up willy-nilly and expect you guys to accept it.
      I am *glad* you are questioning it.

      I am, however, disappointed that the only comments about this chapter are about the magic system. Nothing about the characterization for anypony? Really?
      I has a sad =(

    87. Also I'm still at Star-Needed...
      More sads for me

    88. I was really liking it and thinking it might be the second fanfiction on this site that I liked... until you brought in the shipping. I'll be taking my bits somewhere else now if you don't mind...

    89. @GanonFLCL

      Have all my stars! The writing is really good, and even though the magic system hasn't been explained in great detail; I'm expecting that to come up later on in the story.

    90. ♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

    91. @GanonFLCL
      Wouldn't worry that much about the Star issue. as far as I can see, few if any of the new stories posted in the last several weeks have had their star ratings label adjusted.

    92. "Snooping as usual, Lockwood?"

      Curse you Youtube, curse you. It is your fault that I cannot read this single sentence properly.

    93. Ah, yes. The false dichotomy of Order/Law and Chaos. Chaos is a force of pure change. The basic fight against stagnation. Creation... Destruction... These are BOTH aspects of Chaos. I can't think of anything poetic about Order/Law, sadly, beyond it's use to ward of entropy.

      Chaos motivates Order/Law. Order/Law shapes Chaos. Without Chaos, life cannot exist. Without Order/Law, life has no framework to exist IN!

    94. @bronydash

      If a little shipping is going to drive you off, then my explanation that follows is not likely to persuade you to change your mind.
      But I'm going to do it anyway.

      Now, I don't assume you are referring to the minor DashiePie stuff - if you are, well, whatever. It's not really shipping when you're making it out to be a casual relationship anyway.

      So I assume you are referring to the AJ/Flathoof stuff?
      If you are, I have a couple of things to point out:
      1) This is a very long story about a group of ponies making a world-wide adventure that they expect will span three-four weeks of in-story time. If you spend three weeks, 24/7, in the company of an individual, you would develop *some* sort of relationship with that individual, be it romantic, friendship, or even antagonistic, unless you are so beyond anti-social that you literally just ignore them the entire time - does AJ seem the kind of pony to do that? No. *All* of the members of the Mane Six form bonds of some kind with the OC cast and even strengthen and change the ones between one another, and expecting otherwise would be rather silly. No, they're not all ships. And the ones that *are* are not even traditional ships.
      Are you expecting me to skip a few chapters ahead and having AJ/Flathoof holding hooves or making out? Because...
      2) You have no idea where I'm even going with the 'shipping' idea between them anyway. I am sorry that even the slightest hint that AJ might be attracted to Flathoof - who I remind you is clearly *not* looking at AJ in that sense at all - is going to drive you off. It's a shame because you don't even get to see how it ends up working out and actually forms a part of the story itself as a psychological issue and plays a pretty crucial role in how her Discord counterpart plans to defeat her, far beyond in a traditional sense either.

      So, again, I apologize for introducing a little bit of romantic tension in a long story and making it so far past the critical central point of the plot that I did not feel including the Shipping tag was worth wasting everyone's time.

    95. I am really enjoying your story so far, the way you introduce /explain characters is really good and i hope your story continues to be this epic :3

    96. Don't know why, but the pony in the middle reminds me of the Major from the anime/manga Hellsing (I haven't read the fanfic yet so for all I know it could be a parody of him, but probably not.) :)

    97. I know it's not going to be much but I loved the little DashiePie bit you threw in there not just because of the pairing but just the way she said it about just the two of them having a party.

      And you foreshadow things very nicely I must say, the thing with Tick Tock's door not closing properly when you know shadowstep is hunting her was a brilliant way to build anticipation for his attack.

      I am really liking this so far and I can't wait to see what the Harmony side of this world is like.

      Oh and the minor AJ liking flathoof thing makes complete sense to me, I thought it would for everyone but apparently it doesn't.

    98. I like where this is going. But given the image we have, I assume we are going to see dark counterparts of all the characters? Not just Rainbow Dash? I am intrigued.

    99. @BlackWidower

      Yes, all six of the Elements of Harmony will be getting a dark counterpart.

    100. Oh ffs, why has the elements of Selfishness, Deceitfulness, Cruelty, Treachery and Madness come out yet?

      Heads up: I don't know the polar opposite of Magic.

    101. Although seeing Flathoof, Tick Tock and (presumably)Lockwood on the picture, I hope they will not get killed. Silvertounge looks badass though, like some mastermind.

    102. Mirror Universe Evil Goatee Action!

    103. "Mirror Universe Evil Goatee Action!"

      Exactly what I've been looking for. An Equestrian Mirror Mirror based story.

    104. LOL Pinkie namechecks LOTR, Harry Potter, and Jason & The Argonauts in her first sentence. This fic is the shit, b.

    105. Author said Fuck the Police. GanonFoolyCooly is real, yo.

    106. Courtroom scene validates my theory that Rainbow Dash is the Blackest pony in ponyville. My body is ready.

    107. Seems to me whether order and chaos are in balance in the ponyverse depends on just how big the Everfree forest really is versus Celestia's realm. Although frankly I have trouble buying Pinkie as force of pure Order.

    108. Committee Investigation Agency

      OH FUCK O_O

    109. The was quite the romantic love scene in Chapter 3. What's the difference between "Dark and "Grimdark" again? ;)

    110. Ah, yah. The Anti-Mane Six are born. Three embodyments of Law turned to oppression, and three embodyments of Chaos turned to destruction. I wonder if THEIR combined attack is a Rainbow of Darkness? (G1 FTW!) LiveJournal

    111. Ack! Forgot to deleat that last word at the end of the last post. Also forgot to mention my theory that Twilight strikes me as one of the three Chaos embodyments. When she first got her powers awakened by the Sonic Rainboom, her power went on a wild creation/transformation spree. Sounds like Chaos to me.

      Also, when we hear from Dr. Whoves again, it would be nice to learn about pools of opressive Law magic to go with the pools of Chaos magic. You know, areas of dead air where noone can fly and stuff like that.

    112. As a note to any and all readers, there have been some minor changes made to the fic's continuity due to the events of Season Two thus far. Check out the notes at the end of Chapter Seven, and you can read the changes yourself if you so wish. The note will be removed after Chapter 8 is posted.

    113. Let's see...tree, tree, tree, rabbit, tree, tree, badger, mushroom, snake, tree, rock, tree, rock, rock, tree, yadda yadda yadda.

      Oh, ha ha, I see what you did there.

    114. Thought I'd give everyone a little status update, and to apologize for the delay between chapters 7 and 8.
      I've had a LOT of personal issues pop up in rather unfortunate rapid succession this past month, so work on the story is maybe fifth or sixth in my priority queue most of the time, so work is going slow but mostly steady.

      Once I can get past this little slump, hopefully things will pick up and I can get back to a more consistent schedule.
      I appreciate all the patience, everyone.

      In the meantime, check out a few pieces of fanart:

    115. Seeing this cover art again and again, I'm even more tempted to start reading this, even in the midst of college.

      Now I'm wondering if I should start reading this...

    116. 1.) Y U NO UPDATE ( ╯°Д°) ╯︵ ┻━┻

      ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) I'm kidding. I can wait. :3

      2.) @GanonFLCL Is the Pinkamena lookalike's name Diana or something? :P

    117. You sure know how to write an action sequence, GanonFLCL / The Living Couch!

    118. Love. This. Fic. Multiversal travel is always a great idea to do, the question is if it can be pulled off, and you have.
      I'd just like to say, I have an OC who is creepily similar to the evil ninja Shadowstep in this fic.

      His name is Murky Depths, and his personality can be summed up as "Shadowstep with a heart". The scary thing is, if you threaten any of Murky's family or friends, he pretty much becomes Shadowstep, exclusively towards you. They even share their fighting style, though Murky uses bladed wing-armor in place of the dagger until he's truly pissed off, then he ninjas a sword out of nowhere and uses it in his mouth.

      Otherwise, it's a job and he feels remorse for killing the target, and deals with it by shifting the blame off himself to Celestia using his philosophy that "swords are tools, the swordsmare is the killer" himself the sword to Celestia's swordsmare.

      ...or at least, he's similar to how Shadowstep reads out on my end.

      http://pony.celestialmechanics.net/?id=1936 <- Pony Prospectus page for Murky

    119. @wulfmon13Don't give me too much credit there Wulfmon. I am merely the faithful editor. Everything there was written by Ganon. Very glad you're enjoying the new chapter though.

    120. awesome chapter, can't wait for the next one

    121. I like Flathoof. He's genre savvy. I picture him going on to be like Sam Vimes.

    122. Great story, can't wait for next chapter.

    123. The Monkey Island 2 reference is genius, so funny and chilling.

      Evil Pinkie is the stuff of nightmares


    125. ...dear God. There is nothing i can say. Red Velvet... she's... it's... Lord in heaven, this mare's messed up.

    126. This story has me hook,line,and sinker.

    127. One page in.
      Harry Potter reference.
      Lord of the Rings reference.

    128. "This feels more like a Welcome Everypony Welcome Party, but depending on the area of the room and the dimensions I have to work with I might be able to fit in a Totally Amazing Radical Blast Party, assuming that the room is a perfect square and that we have enough pi."

      You are a genius. Bad puns are amazing.

    129. Silly Velvet. The spinal chord is kind of important!

      (Other things to watch out for include the heart, the lungs, the brain, and the neck, although that is still technically the spinal chord...)

      My Cupcakes Pinkie fic also had her accidentally kill one of her victims while she was singing too. You gotta mind those electric knobs!

    130. Red Velvet is pure nightmare fuel, man. D:

      I have a feeling Curacao is a reference to the Spy in TF2, since she can perfectly change her appearance and voice to anything she wants.

      And man, Starlight Shadow has some epic power behind her.

      How the heck are the main 6 gonna be able to compete with these monsters?! D:

    131. @supervanman64 That's what I wanna know!

      I entertained the notion that they were equally matched with their counterparts as they entered...my excuses became ever and ever more flimsy.

      Grayscale Force- Okay...able to suppress the robots with some magic, could possibly be wind. But probably gravity. Surprising, but if anypony can escape its pull, the one who can do a Sonic Rainboom can.

      Havocwing-Okay, charging in like the incredible Hulk. Psychoshy can fake anger management issues too, I don't see OH SWEET CELESTIA SHE HAS FIRE POWERS! ....But, I'm sure she's no match for the Stare...

      Insipid-Okay...a Mimicker. That's...hard to calculate. Fortunately, Rarity's own lack of higher level magic might be a boon here.

      Red Velvet-Oh dear. Its the Cupcakes Killer. Still, she's all on her own and she can't drug the robots. Also, they aren't giving her a chance and taking her down at a range so OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?

      ....What have you done, Gannon? Like Giving Freiza 1-Ups...you have taken an ultimate evil...and given it even more power.

      Okay, its official. They are all stronger than the mane six, beyond just their propensity for violence.

    132. Well, just read chapter nine. It was awesome. It has also definitively earned the Grimdark tag, and as I was reading it lying in bed in the pitch black silence using my iPod, Red Velvet in that ending with her apparently Scarecrow (from batman)-like abilities along with blood manipulation has now thoroughly creeped me out.
      So if you'll excuse me, I need to cry myself to sleep...

    133. Its sort of confusing at times, but it actually is interesting, I'm doing something similar but opposite. Still good

    134. Oh, gosh, those anti-elements of harmony are awesome! I love how they're characterized, and I enjoy all of their interactions and how they view each other. I can't wait to see more of 'em. And oh, gosh, that ending to Chapter 9...yikes! All in all, keep up the excellent work!

    135. Alright! I was HYPE AS FUCK (like, 10 y/o @ WrestleMania VI hype) for the Elements of Discord FINALLY showing up for the MIRROR MIRROR EVIL GOATEE ACTION the badass awesome cover drawing had us all drooling for.


      - Chronomancers are fucking canon far as I'm concerned. A constant in the Equestrian Multiverse.

      - Slivertongue is awesome because he's a joyless anal-retentive bureaucrat of a Big Bad.

      - ...AND, he will Vader choke a muhfucka.

      - Weapons testing in THE DANGER ROOM. Oh God Yes.

      - Evil Dash has crazy Izuru Kira gravity powers. Yeah....good luck w/ that Dash.


      - ...she can fire Hadoukens? Motherfuck. Good. Luck. WitdatFluttershy.

      - Evil Rares is a hot mess slob XD

      - WTF are her powers again? *confused*

      - STOP WITH THE SHAKIN, ITS TIME TO GET BAKIN! *heart rate goes absolutely apeshit*

      - oh christ Pinkamena w/ Blood Mage powers AND Wolverine healing factor?!? RUN FOR YOUR FUCKING LIVES EVERYPONY, ABANDON SHIP- *grabs hat & portal gun, flees to Fallout: Equestria universe*

      - Well you KNEW Evil Twi was gonna get all Red Cape Tetsuo up in this bitch...

      - Oh my, she did the "Dr. Manhattan pwning a tank" trick. Twilight is a gonna get a helluva workout during her Mirror Match.


      - And you're siccing these ponies on The Mane Six GanonFLCL? Holy Smokes. Because based on this chapter, I'm PRETTY SURE that these 6 ponies could throw The Fucking X-Men a fair one. And I'm talking about THE X-Men, the REAL X-Men, not one of those shitty B-teams full of teenagers that'll die after 20 issues. Seriously.

      - Okay, I'm lost. WHAT kind of accent is that supposed to be? Someone plz help a brotha out here.

      - Even the other Evil Spocks don't want it w/ Pinkamena. Holla.


    136. @mycutiemarkisagun
      I do believe Evil!applejack's accent is french

    137. Oh my, the anti-harmony ponies are so ridiculously scary. I lost it when anti-pinkie started singing.
      I'm glad we've finally gotten to that artwork at the beginning of the story though. I was wondering when it would show up. The alternate ponies seem a little strong though. They aren't just an even match with their counterparts, but they seem to be significantly stronger than them. Even Twilight, who you've pointed out several times in this fic that she's incredibly amazingly super powerful, will have a difficult time dealing with her counterpart. I think the mane 6 are a little screwed right now.

    138. Oh wow. Can imagine a lot of people were drawn in with the awesome cover art and now we get to see the evil six in action, words can't describe the awesome. Especially Red Velvet. And the fanfic was already my favourite.

      So many ideas for fanart now. As such, while checking how Red Velvet's mane actually looked, I noticed something else... that's no cherry on that cupcake!

    139. Do I sence a TF2 reference in Evil AJ?
      She sounds, acts and looks ALOT like the Spy x)

    140. hi everyone, i'm one of the editors, BeeAre. I have just fixed Curaçao's name in both chapters. That's Evil AJ, Mystique Tf2 Spy pony.

      Her name is pronounced: "Cure-as-ow". Stress on the first syllable.

    141. Crisis: Equestria is best Pony fic.

    142. Well, not too much happened in this chapter. It basically sets up the scene for the next chapter.
      I love the way you write for Pinkie. The way she and Dashie interact is adorable, and you give her the ability to remain Pinkie, even when she's being serious. Fluttrershy may be my favorite show character, but Pinkie is by far my favorite fanfic character. It must be a lot of fun to write for her.
      Well, it looks like the mane 6 are safe for now. The volcanoes, no matter how dangerous they are, are nowhere near as dangerous as these super-powerful evil ponies that are after them. The ponies and creatures in the wasteland aren't though. I'm guessing Red Velvet will get a new source of food soon.
      Hmm, so I think Twilight could take on any 1 of the 6 evil ponies save herself and come out victorious, and the elements of harmony together might just be enough to beat evil-Twilight. While the evil ponies are so confident and so badly organized, the mane 6 could get lucky and end up fighting them one at a time, but the evil ponies aren't stupid, and this theory sounds like a stretch and extremely predictable.

    143. The anti-main six are more like psychotic stooges than real villains. I can't wait for them to get their asses handed to them.

    144. I wouldn't be surprised if that is how the story goes. For all the anti-six's power, their overconfidence, their inability to work as a team (they may follow directions, but each is only looking out for herself), and their superiority complex will be their downfall.

    145. Individually, I think the elements of dis-Harmony are more powerful then the elements of Harmony, but there is a catch. The elements of Harmony are more powerful as a group then dis-Harmony, which as a group is made of forces and ponies that actively clash if not work against one-another and thus are weaker when trying to work together.

      The elements of dis-Harmony would be best off trying to seperate and attack the elements of Harmony individually...

      I don't think they can though because of one specific reason, Pride.

    146. @IronlennyQuite Possible, but I think I was typing when you posted so I didn't see it before I posted myself.

    147. It annoys me each time I reach the end of a chapter. There's just never enough!

    148. I have to say I'm being pleasantly surprised by this story. I started reading this cuz I just started doctor who and caught up with it and it was I'm the doctor whooves tag and Ive seen it in the updates a couple times and it looked like it would be pretty good but it's turning out to be really good :D. It starts off a little slow but now I can't wait for the next chapter! Who ever the author is your doing a great job keep it up :D

    149. Still waiting on chapter 11, is it going to be a christmas update? the people demand MOAR!

    150. Random Question:
      Does Tick Tock have a sonic screwdriver, or was it left in her clock/TARDIS?

      Hmm if Curacao gets inside the group, and she is pretty much the spy, does that mean infiltration of the group? Wait, they're already going in the wrong direction. Hopefully this gives them enough of a heads start.

      Something that's been bugging me: Why can't any of the Twilights use teleport?

    151. Crisis: Equestria! Y u no update?

    152. I've read this series and just finished Chapter 10 and I'm glad to say that CRISIS is awesome and intriguing. The development of the characters and their persona, and the tone of each chapter: like the attempted murder scenes to mystery or just random silliness. I'm not much of an advanced reader but I do give mad props for the excellent word choice. Keeps the story fresh and rids of repetition.

      Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to later chapters. My advice for your work? Take your time, no need to rush things. Quality over quantity FTW. :)

    153. I have been reading for quite a while now, but only just commented. This is an amazing fanfic and I can't wait for the next chapter. To any new readers, just dive in with an open mind.

    154. >Applejack is American
      >Her opposite is French
      >Bandit Keith: "There's a voice in my head! And it's French! The exact opposite of American!"

    155. Hmm, looks interesting. I'll probably read after I'm finished with Fallout Equestria.

    156. You'd better not take a bloody fucking month to update again, not with that cliffhanger

    157. A good read as always.

      Also, and I feel kind of foolish for taking this long, I just realized that Rarity's adeptness at boosting other unicorn's spell potency is clearly an expression of the Element of Generosity. This certainly helps ease my anxiety over the invertible encounter between the mane 6 and their freakishly powerful counterparts, as it would seem our heroes probably each poses equally potent though more subtle and less full realized abilities.

      I still kind of expect the mane 6 and company to get thoroughly trounced in the first encounter, but I can now see the seeds of turnabout down the road.

    158. @62835fdc-3fb1-11e1-9fc6-000bcdcb2996

      I suspect the Mane 6's potential for victory lies in their ability to work together. I have a feeling it's going to play out in a way where they encounter each of the evil 6 one at a time, and have to work together to overcome them each.

      I could be wrong, of course. Wouldn't be the first time :P

    159. @AlexReffand
      I don't see a series of 6-on-1 encounters being the solution. That might work in a video game, but would get rather tedious for a fanfic. Besides, tough as they are I don't think any of the Anti-6 stand a chance in such a scenario, not even Starlight Shadow. No, I think the final solution lies more in the nature of the opposing elements.

      The Anti-6 individually posees greater power than any of the Mane-6, but the strength of the Elements of Harmony lay not in the individual but in the group. Each element strengthens and reinforces the others uniting to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Conversely the counter elements strive for independence. They might try and work together, but in the long run they will only get in each others way.

    160. And then they all died. The end. :P

    161. FINALLY! I just got to chapter 7, and now the 'Elements of Discord' are coming in. I looooove 'dark version' stories/games. This is part of the reason I loved Link Zelda: Link to the Past(dark world), and I still love Sliders for the Alternate Dimension stuff it brings in. Call me a nerd if you want(I consider it a compliment), but I love Sci-Fi.

    162. I really want to read this, but at the same time I don't because i was working on a dark, humorous fanfiction to submit to this site already called "Crisis on Infinite Equestrias"... Now i don't know if I should submit it...

    163. Why must i learn about these things as i formulate ideas?!

    164. We'll be fine... Yeah, that's the universe's way of saying ohmygod we're doomed... Also, that cliffhanger... Augh! I want to keep reading!

    165. god, evil cliffhanger is evil. Awesome chapter so keep up the good work

    166. Awesome. The only problem is when I'm reading it- there's no brightness change option, so my eyes hurt over time. At this point, I've only got to Chapter 2 and it's great so far!
      Keep it up!

    167. Just started reading pony fan fic, this is actually my very first one and I LOVE IT! I could not put it down! I love all the little nuances and details, it's obvious to me that a lot of thought went into the story. I am really looking forward to the next chapter.

      I'll admit, the picture drew me in to start with and the story has DELIVERED! The anti-6 are so creepy!

      Okay, one kinda silly question, since I'm a total noob, what is "shipping"? Like a "ships in the night" reference?

    168. @Amccordford

      "Shipping: Stories that involve romantic relationships between one or more Ponies"

      -Taken from the FAQ section of EqD

      On another note, it doesn't always have to be romantic, and thus the author may dub it 'friendshipping' or light-shipping if it barely counts for romance.

    169. Well that just isn't fair. :P I just finished chapter 11 and there's no more to read. Please finish this story, it's great!

    170. This story definitely needs it's own tropes page

    171. Autor on selle kommentaari eemaldanud.

    172. I got 4 paragraphs in, and was like (tire screeching) stop right there, Heartstrings, SRSLY!? that broke the flow of this otherwise flawless story opening...and I was just looking forward to pinkie's inevitable innuendo. The life of a Fashion Photographer.

    173. WHAT?! This updated AGAIN?! So soon?!!!!


    174. Anti-Magic, Illusion, Dismay, Bloodlust, Malice and Hunger... best Elements of Dicord EVER!!!

    175. In chapter 8, I think I've just seen the weirdest line of dialogue in a while. The best lines for me last time were from Wheatley in Portal 2.

    176. Ooh, good chapter. I like the kind of breaks where the charters get fleshed out, and the anti-6 are shaping up to be far more interesting than I thought they'd be going into this story. Too bad with Fluttershy down we couldn't get any interaction between her and Havocwing.

      Still not sure what Silvertounge's game is though. The anti-6 seem to be working a psychological corruption angle, but to what end I can't rightly see just yet, and I'm not sure how much of that is their papa's orders vs. Starlight's improvisation in the face of the mane-6 not being what they were led to expect.

    177. Oh and one more thing. Pinkie and Velvet's conversation about pie was one of the most hilariously creepy examples of easily misconstrued conversation ever. You sir are a master wordsmith and deserve so much praise.

      Also, Pinke getting ideas for next Nightmare Night, just wow. Nothing relating to Cupcakes should be this funny and yet you make it so, bravo.

    178. This seriously needs it's own tropes page

    179. Seriously JUST noticed that every chapter name begins with the letter "I." Feel like an idiot now.

    180. You know I like this in general, but why the lesbian innuendo? Is it really necessary, and why suggest that it's even plausible? Granted, there's nothing wrong with homosexuality, but just because a girl is tomboyish doesn't mean they swing one way or another.

      Anyway, I like how the series is going. It's making me really wonder how it will progress. I've already got several guessed scenarios in my head, and I'm dying to find out if any of them are right. Keep it up!

    181. @62835fdc-3fb1-11e1-9fc6-000bcdcb2996 Oh for me it's obvious now to tell what they are doing. Starlight is following the example of Foundation and Empire. She is trying to become the Mule.

    182. @OtakuPatriot Because RainbowPie. Problem?

      I mean, really, why does it bother you if you don't see anything wrong with homosexuality? Is it the fact that it's RD? Would you be complaining about it if it were Fluttershy and Rarity for example? Your reasoning is sort of self-defeating when used as an argument against RD being gay. After all, we can't assume she's STRAIGHT, either, can we?

      My point is that if homosexuality truly doesn't bother you (as it shouldn't, if you're a part of this fandom) then why complain when someone simply hints at it in a fanfic? Especially when it's done for comedic effect (way to ruin the joke there, btw. Don't be like the people that got all offended by derpy)

    183. Oh my, Rarity has some nerve. She comes running in soaking wet and naked, then has the nerve to get upset at poor Lockwood. It's quite amusing how her tendency towards social decorum has her taking to this worlds taboos.

      Though this also reminds me of something I'd meant to bring up a chapter or two ago. I've been finding it rather difficult to remind myself that the mane-6 are going about clothed in this fic, and for a couple chapters here and there I've outright forgotten until the subject is mentioned. It might help if I had a piece of reference art, like the title image helps me visualize Lockwood, Flat Hoof, Tick Tock, and the anti-6; but more so I kinda blame the author.

      It pains me to disparage his writing, as I am truly enjoying this story, but it would certainly help me to better visualize the story if the outfits were referenced a bit more frequently and even occasionally re-described. I shouldn't have to go back to which ever chapter it was they first got them to remind myself what they look like, especially not in a long running story like this.

      Now with that out of the way, good chapter as always. A little dull to some extent, but that only helps the reader wind down from all the recent excitement and get some rest in the same way the characters themselves are doing.

    184. Hang on a second...

      Curacao is a blue pony with red hair, and can shape-shift.

      ... is that an X-men reference?

    185. Heh, I got most of the way through the "Rarity" and AJ scene, and said to myself "WTF is Rarity doi- oh. Right. Curacao. Dammit."

      That... WAS Curacao, right?

    186. @Sonar009
      Could be, pondered as much myself. On my first read I dismissed the notion because she obviously possessed too much insider info, but having just reread that part I now notice that all the details are in fact provided by Applejack and that 'Rarity' seems to constantly pause in a manner so as to goad Applejack into filling in those details.

      Combined with the fact that we know from Tick Tock that Rarity took a bath immediately after dinner and that she was still doing so when informed that Flutershy was awake, yeah it would seem that it was indeed Curacao playing on Applejack's insecurities.

      Shapeshifters can be such a pain. Bad enough when they go around fooling the characters, but it becomes down right paranoia inducing when they are trying to fool the reader as well. I love it.

    187. by celestia. just got done with chapter 9, and i dont know if i can read this and look at this show the same way now.

    188. Yay! I'm not the only one Curaçao is making paranoid. Not only is she a shapeshifter, she's also an expert con artist with her skill at getting other ponies to supply the missing bits to her story. I at first thought Rarity had just been uncharacteristically mean to Twi because her conversation with Insipid had warped her somewhat, but then I remembered that Rarity seemed the most incredulous at her anti-double out of anypony. And then I remembered we had a malevolent shapeshifter on the loose. D:

      A bit of a side-note: we now have no way to tell whether a character is being poorly written out of character accidentally (perish the thought), or if it's the author subtly hinting to us that it's really Curaçao in disguise...well played sir, well played.

    189. And now for something completely different:

      I love how the author is revealing the superpowers granted to the bearers of the elements. From what I've noticed so far there's:

      Twi's OP magic

      Rarity's ability to generous channel magic to boost others (I'm guessing it does more than just provide tons of extra reserves to other unicorns...maybe she can boost the strength of earth ponies and make pegasi fly faster?)

      I think we've seen Fluttershy's inability to be disliked by anything with a soul. That one counts, since it's been elaborated on how unusual it is for anything to actually strike her, right?

      Now for some wild speculation! I'm guessing AJ has a bit of a truthsense (which might be cancelled out by Curaçao). Pinkie Pie and the laws of physics have come to an understanding that they can see other people (Pinky's been hanging out more with the Rule of Funny). I don't rightly know what RD's elemental power is going to be, but I'm guessing it turns out to be something defensive that helps the group stand together.

    190. This story is beyond amazing. spent all day reading it and now im looking forward to the next one more than rainbow looks forward to daring-do. this story is down right amazing. if dr. who is anything like this i may start watching that as well.

    191. @Bugsydor indeed! this character is sure to make the rest of this sotry interesting. though if i may offer a speculation at the conflict resolve in true MLP fashion. albiet this is a Dark listed story, i see it as a possiblity the conflict is resolved by actually playing agaisnt the "elements of discord" and then actually learning what friendship is and the true power it holds (Starlight Shadow not withstanding, i see the other 5 likley turning on her much like Azula's "friends" in the avatar cartoon once they got to know the avatar and his friends more closley).

    192. @Bugsydor indeed! this character is sure to make the rest of this sotry interesting. though if i may offer a speculation at the conflict resolve in true MLP fashion. albiet this is a Dark listed story, i see it as a possiblity the conflict is resolved by actually playing agaisnt the "elements of discord" and then actually learning what friendship is and the true power it holds (Starlight Shadow not withstanding, i see the other 5 likley turning on her much like Azula's "friends" in the avatar cartoon once they got to know the avatar and his friends more closley).

    193. The amount of comedy and references is amazing too. im truly an egghead for this story now!

    194. I also can only read Curacao's lines in the voice of the TF2 Spy. i know shes a mare but its the only voice i can form in my head.

    195. @AlexReffand Sigh. It's not that it's Rainbow or even that it's Pinkie. I'm saying, WHY is it there? Other than comedic effect, is there a reason for it? Did the author just think to himself "hey, it would be funny if these two are gay," or was it to add a layer of depth to the story? Or does the author just think that because Rainbow is a tomboy that she's a lesbian (a stereotype)? Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls was a tomboy but we see hints that she likes boys during the series. I would feel the same way if someone arbitrarily made her into a lesbian just because of the tomboyishness.

      I have nothing against having someone write lesbian overtones into a story if there's a reason for it. That's all I'm saying.

    196. Will Rarity ever stop Babying Fluttershy? I can kind of sense that she is getting at bit uncomfortable with Rarity's attention in the last chapter.

    197. @Ariathina
      You mean you can actually read those lines in the first place? I have no trouble reading them in an AJ-like voice, nor doing the same with the rest of the anti-6 in regards to their respective counterparts, but Curacao's accent is just so thick and full of so much gratuitous 'fancy' talk that making heads or tails of it can often take me two or three passes. Not that I'm complaining, she makes an all the better Element of Deception when I can hardly follow more than the most basic gist of what she's saying

      I think you're taking it far to seriously. This fandom is full of shipping pairs within the mane-6. Specifically calling out the ones that just happen to involve RD just because she's a tomboy would seem to speak more of your own biases than others.

      There's no stereotyping or political agenda here. The author has gone on record that Rainbow/Pie just happens to be his personal favorite. Furthermore, it's not like he's beating us over the head with it. This isn't a ship-fic. It's just thrown as something of an off the wall gag to create some awkward comedy, and because the author thinks they make a cute couple.
