• Story: Choosing Fate (Update Part 8!)

    [Normal] I totally thought that was Nyx when I first opened the email. Confound you Past Sins!

    Author: Livi-Love
    Description: After being tricked into thinking she has earned her cutie mark, Applebloom questions whether it has set in stone the path in life she must now take. Is she destined for evil, or does she have a choice in what she does?
    Choosing Fate
    Choosing Fate Part 2
    Choosing Fate Part 3
    Choosing Fate Part 4
    Choosing Fate Part 5
    Choosing Fate Part 6
    Choosing Fate Part 7
    Choosing Fate Part 8 (New!)

    Additional Tags: Friendship, choices, later evil!Applebloom, acceptance

    31 kommentaari:

    1. Faust is totally awesome... (better than First anyway.

    2. Seems...awesome I think I might give it a read

    3. Holy mother of Celestia! @_@ When I saw that image, I thought this was based on an alternate ending to Story of the Blanks!

    4. Interesting read. The two bullies seem right in character. Make this story go somewhere very interesting and I'll bump you up a star! I really want to know how other ponies interpret the "odd" cutie mark. I'm curious how AB will handle it, and what the repercussions will be once everypony realizes it was all a mean spirited prank.

    5. Hmm, this will be an interesting read. The premise is quite interesting indeed...


      Bless me with eternal night, that game almost made me cry it scared me so bad.

    6. @MidnightTraceur

      What is it with people that say Story of the Blanks was terrifying? It was creepy, yes, and it did give me a slight chill, but it was hardly anything to get worked up about.

      Gonna read this story now

    7. Dem tags: Watch out, 'cuz this shit's about to get heavy.

      Hopefully Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon will get some form of come-uppance after the inevitable conflict within the CMCs.

    8. So what IS the mark then?
      I always find it interesting to read a story that one works as text, where a more visual media would reveal the 'secret' (though in this case angles could potentially hide it)
      Interesting, though the summary seems to point to more than there's been so far. Hope this gets updated regularly.

    9. This looks very promising. -waits eagerly for updates-

    10. Post before reading: So this is about that Evil Blank Town of Nightmares?

      *gets to reading*

    11. Wow. I like the premise of it. It has a lot of potential for delving into aspects of characters we wouldn't normally get to see.

    12. It's difficult to say where the story is headed from just this first installment, but this is a promising start. I'll keep an eye out for future updates.

    13. I think that apple boom will see her cutie mark as some kinda Butterfly nice or Bail song if you will..........

      which will lead to one of 2 things

      1. she begins to suspect her special talent is Backstabbing

      2. She becomes a mercenary For RAD (Reliable Apple Demolitions) Specializing in espionage against BLU (Buckers League United)

    14. *after reading*
      Wow... And I thought I couldn't hate the two bullies any more!

      I was happy I was totally wrong about what the Pic was making think though.

      Also very nice to see Twist as a stora ex-friend of applebloom. Boy that reminds me of my childhood friend who I drifted apart from in middle school.

    15. This looks good. I can't wait for the next chapter.

    16. Can't wait to see how this outfolds...

    17. @Rocket to Insanity

      And that comment made my day XD

      As for this story, very strong and good first chapter, can't wait to see where it goes....

    18. I hope you have not abandoned this story author........

      It may not be healthy for you..........XD

    19. There's really only one thing to saw about that...


    20. I REALLY want more of this. This is AWESOME. *stares at author* more more moremoremoremoremoremroe I WANT IT NOW!

      This is awesome, and you do a nice job of blending the characters together and telling a story. Pinkie fit beautifully with my head canon of what Pinkie should be, and Applebloom's worrying struck home perfectly. This is a Good Story and I dearly want to see what comes next :)

    21. Besides the Odd interlude with Celestia and the OC

      I'm liking this

      Glad to see this story t'aint dead yet

      I won't bother you anymore author XD

    22. Glad to see this story is going on now.
      But the only thing that I am trying to figure out, is how come nopony can tell its just marker?

    23. Oh shit...

      That's my reaction after reading the first 3 parts lol.

    24. @Melodia
      What you said. Ditto. My thoughts exactly.

      How is this not labeled grimdark?

    25. Uh... Author here.

      I expected a few people to be confused, but I'll try and sort things out.

      1. Why isn't it grimdark? Because I don't plan on it getting much darker than the darker bits in the show. I considered labelling it so, but figured that it would put people off when it doesn't get extremely dark (it will get slightly creepier later though).

      2. Why hasn't anyone noticed that it's a crudely drawn cutie mark? Totally understandable. These are my attempts at justifications depending on the pony.

      Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon: They obviously know it's fake.
      Twist: She's sort of only half there, and she doesn't get a close up of it. She thinks it looks weird, but not much more of it. There are some weird cutie marks.
      Applebloom: Seeing how desperate she was for a cutie mark, I think she'd accept any. Coupled with her conversation with Diamond Tiara and Twist, she's not exactly eager to look at it for too long.
      Pinkie Pie: Probably looks fine to her.
      Jokey: Whether she knows it's fake or not is irrelevant.
      Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo: Also didn't get a good look and aren't eager to stick around. They're too upset that Applebloom didn't tell them.

      I am playing on that most of the ponies that have seen it are young.

      I am happy that people are enjoying it. I'll try to update it more regularly. Thanks. :)

    26. Yes this has become a very enjoyable story, I can't wait to see were you take it.

    27. I'm gonna hurt somepony if Applebloom turns into 'Nightmare Bloom'

    28. hooray updates and they are awesome can't wait to see more.
